Errors in imported library - android

I want to use this library to crop images, since the crop intent can cause problems on certain devices:
If I import it in Eclipse however, I get some errors in Eclipse.
In the Util class I get an error on this
options.inNativeAlloc = true;
inNativeAlloc cannot be resolved. Also I get another error in the CropImage class:
The MenuHelper class isn't included in the library.
Since if seen these kind of errors on another library I want to know if there is something that I'm missing or doing wrong.
I'm saving the library as a zip file, extract the zipfile and import the library folder in Eclipse by using import > Existing Android Code into Workspace. I think this is ok since I checked the source on Github to comfirm if I'm missing something.

This isn't a new issue for the project as you can see on the issue page. To solve it you could follow the recommendations made in that post or you could download/get the develop(the same way) branch which, at a quick look, doesn't seem to have those problems.

The project that you are using already is an android library. You should just download the entire source folder and use Import existing project (the .project file is already in github).
Then in your own project create a reference to it by going into project properties -> android -> library -> add

About inNativeAlloc - it is a hidden field... To set a "true" value to it you must use this code: setInNativeAllocTrue(opts)


How to share an editable android project with git and sourcetree

I need to share an android project with another pc and still be able to edit it on both sides.
For some reason I can't get this to work. I have tried a lot of different combinations to import it and still be able to edit and push changes.
When I try to import the project into my workspace, there is a lot of errors like this:
the type java.lang.object cannot be resolved. it is indirectly referenced from required .class files
Then I tried importing the JRE System library (JRE 7)
After doing this I still get errors. for example this:
Activity cannot be resolved
Then I imported the Android library to the project (API 18). But after doing this, there is a red cross on the project, but not in any classes, files or like..
Therefore I tried to clean the project, which removed the "" and gave me a bunch more errors.
I don't know exactly what I am doing wrong here so I hope someone can help me out.
What is the "right" way to import eclipse projects and still be able to edit and push/pull?
(Btw. I am using BitBucket and SourceTree and trying to import it into my eclipse workspace. )
Found out what was wrong.
By navigating to "Window > Show view > Problems", I found out that the necessary API wasn't available at that eclipse version. So I downloaded it the software and it worked.

Importing and using a library in android studio

I am using android studio to import this project called However when I import it into android studio the folder under samples, freestyleshowcase doesnt seem to build. The other 2 samples buld correctly. There is a red circle around the java file with a J (error) but there is no error in the file itself. COuld someone please help me out?
You are obviously missing some libraries but it is going to be hard for anyone to tell you which since we do not know the libraries the project needs.You can try Build-->Rebuild Project or Build-->Clean Peoject if it still doesn't work, close and open Android Studio.
If that doesn't work also then you have to go the hard way of identifying the libraries need by the project samples you imported and see if you have them.
When in doubt, you can try the Library Dependency option (using Maven) as demonstrated here:
That way, you won't have to manually edit the build.gradle file.

how can I add the aidl file to Android studio (from the in-app billing example)

I am currently migrating an Eclipse app to Android Studio.
This app was using the in app billing.
My main problem is to compile the project and the aidl file (I guess you all use this file)
I get this error message:
Gradle: error: cannot find symbol class IInAppBillingService
Gradle: error: package IInAppBillingService does not exist
So, following some tutorials, I move this file from com.mypackage.billing to src/main/aidl
(see this reference)
But as soon, as I do that, I get this message:
Gradle: Execution failed for task ':xxxxxxxxxxx:compileDebugAidl'.
Failed to run command:
(...) C:\Users\xxxx\AndroidStudioProjects\xxxxxxProject\xxxxxxx\src\main\aidl\IInAppBillingService.aidl:45
interface IInAppBillingService should be declared in a file called
The message is clearly a contradiction with the post from the Google bug page I linked above.
Anyone suceeded to make this aidl file to work and can help me?
Just to inform, some links I followed:
Adding this as an answer since it seemed to help quite a few people.
Create a new directory named 'aidl' under 'src/main/'. It should look like 'src/main/aidl'.
Add a new package name '' to the directory 'src/main/aidl'
Locate your sdk location and go to "sdk\extras\google\play_billing". Default location for the sdk is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk". If you custom changed it, then you will have to figure out the location through the sdk manager.
Copy 'IInAppBillingService.aidl' into the package created above. In the end, it should look similar to the image below.
Rebuild project and it should be good to go.
Note: Make sure you include the necessary import if your reference isn't working
Edit From Comment
After I did this, the references to IInAppBillingService in my code were still highlighted as errors, but after rebuilding the app, the class was recognized
Just as the error message says, you need to put IInAppBillingService.aidl in the correct directory dictated by it's package (
Within the src/main/aidl/ folder you already have, put the .aidl file in com/android/vending/billing/.
Create new directory under src/main called aidl
Right click on directory aidl, select new->add package
Enter Name of the package
Copy IInAppBillingService.aidl from the directory Android/Sdk/extras/google/play_billing to the directory App_name/app/src/main/aidl/com/android/vending/billing
Now go ahead with InApp billing coding and while defining InApp related services you will get an error can not resolve symbol IInAppBillingXXXXXX
Now goto to Build from android studio menu , click on Rebuild Project. This will generate file inside App_Name/app/build/generated/source/aidl/debug/com/android/vending/billing. This will solve the issue.
The rest of posts here didn't work for me till I created a new folder like shown here.
Add this code in build.gradle
android {
sourceSets {
main {
aidl.srcDirs = ['src']
Rebuild and import aidl class
The above answers concentrate on file location, but it appears you already had that set correctly. I experienced this same issue in Android Studio, but none of the listed answers resolved it, and I banged my head against it for an hour. Eventually, I realized that I was missing an obvious import:
Once I added that it resolved this error message.
This import isn't mentioned in any of the Google Billing docs or included in any of the code examples that I found. While it may be obvious to experienced Java developers, beginners just trying to learn their first project may need it explicitly pointed out.
We need to add
create folder - src/main/aidl/packagename and place aidl file under this.
In the aidl file - mention the package name.
package packagename
Now clean the project, rebuild the project - We can the corresponding java file for the aidl generated in app\build\generated\source\aidl\debug\packagename\
I know it sounds so easy, but I copy paste from google sample all folder
copied into project aidl ( I had set project view in Android Studio)
and next I clean and rebuild project and it found a reference.
I've tried every solutions, but the problem was that Android Studio had compiled, with any apparent reason, in a different build type of the module that contains the AIDL packages than it was specified by the settings.
From debug to release, so the other modules couldn't see the AIDL pkg.
Switching from debug to release and turns back, solved my problem.
restarting Android Studio worked for me
a second silly thing that took me a while. I dropped the code on Android Studio to allow him create the file, but he created a .java (as expected) instead a .aidl Jiji, stupid of me
if you do all the names correct go to Build>rebuild project
it worked for me
I use Android Studio 4.1, just right click mouse -> New -> AIDL -> AIDL File.
A file will be created and placed in the [src/main/aidl] folder automatically. The aidl folder will also be created if it does not exist.
This function only supports min sdk 16+. My old project still can be supported, you can temporarily modify the min sdk to 16, create aidl and build project. After the relative interface and class be generated, recover the min sdk settings, it also works and builds project well then.

ERROR: "._android-support-v4.jar" in project FacebookSDK

Help needed!!!! Stuck for 2 weeks on this and help needed.
I've recently imported the facebook sdk for android and its projects into my workspace. It shows up errors and the problems:
Archive for required library: '/home/Documents/facebook-android-sdk-3.0.2.b/facebook/libs/._android-support-v4.jar' in project 'FacebookSDK' cannot be read or is not a valid ZIP file
And the samples get errors along the line of:
The container 'Android Dependencies' references non existing library '/home/Documents/facebook-android-sdk-3.0.2.b/facebook/bin/facebooksdk.jar'
The things I have done following the other discussions without any success are
cleaned project
set the Facebook SDK as library
looked at the build path section and added external jar consisting of facebook/libs
imported fb sdk like 20 times and into different folders.
made sure my java compiler was 1.6
HELP would be very greatly appreciated!!!!
Take the lastest version of android-support-v4.jar (in your sdk environement : sdk/extras/android/support/v4/android-support-v4.jar) and replace in your project and library project do not create conflict.
The steps to importing a library are:
Download the library
Place the library in the libs folder of the project.
Build the project
Do Not attempt to import the library using some import wizard.
I suspect either your download was corrupted, and you need to do it again, or you put the file into the wrong directly.
I think your problem is that the versions are different, take the one from your project and replace the one in the Facebook sdk lib folder, it should dismiss the clash.
As per your question, I think you are not able to compile once you add the SDK to your project. Do you get an error saying unable to run as library?
If so that means you have included this as library and create your project as a library to be used further. It is a common mistake that I have seen many people do when they try to import a library to use and tick mark the checkbox is Library. This actually means you want this project to be treated as a library for future use. Just try to add the SDK and do not tick mark the checkbox and this project will run fine.
Many forums will just tell you to tick that checkbox and you will be stuck on this error for long time.
For any .jar file related issues you have to make the .jars files compatible as there hashing a problem and the two jars are not compatible with each other (a version issue).

Using Android library in eclipse and jumping to class files instead of source file that is within eclipse workspace

I found this bug that is resolved but it did not fix this exactly, but I see in comments that this is mentioned there as problem. Is there some way in eclipse to setup dependencies in project somehow , that I will be able to normally jump to source when I am in eclipse editor ? I tried numerous ways to solve this.
My setup is:
Android project that has Android Library setup in Android>Library
Android Library project that is within workspace and have dependency on Java library project
Java Library project that is within workspace and is opened as class file instead of source !!!
Including java library project through build path normally (this is causing build to fail)
[2012-03-13 11:07:21 - Taxicar Driver Android] Dx
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: already added: Lrensoft/java/collections/GenericIterator;
[2012-03-13 11:07:21 - Taxicar Driver Android] Dx at
[2012-03-13 11:07:21 - Taxicar Driver Android] Dx at
Not including , project runs ok , but editor is jumping to library class files.
Note that I have to include Android Library project through build path , even though it runs ok without it (it is enough to set is as dependent android library) , but when I remove it I get also those files as class files :) .
So I think that right way is not including projects through build path at all but how then setup project to jump to source ?
I had a similar problem - Open Declaration command would bring up the .class file instead of the .java file. My problem however was occurring when I would use Open Declaration in my Android app project to goto some source in my Android Library project. By following some instructions from a comment on this blog post Eclipse now takes me to the .java file (instead of the .class file) when I use the Open Declaration command.
The instructions are:
Right click on your project, select Properties
Select Java Build Path page
Select Order and Export tab
Select each library project your project depends on, and use Top or Up to move it above the projects outputs. Eg. move all library projects to the top.
That fixed the goto .java instead of .class file issue for me.
(Unfortunately though, after making these changes, this issue appears (at least it did for me): Could not find Library.apk!)
I then setup my workspace as you describe in your question (Android App depends on Android Library project depends on Java Library project) I find that Open Declaration is always taking me to .java files, so it all appears to be working ok in this respect.
I tried to refactor a method which is defined in a class in the Android Library. A popup with a "problem" of
Binary references to a refactored element have been found. They will
not be updated, which may lead to problems if you proceed.
However after pressing Continue the refactoring took place without any issues.
I then tried to refactor a method which is defined in a class in the Java Library. I didn't get any popups this time, and the refactoring worked.
The java library aspect might just work these days because the bugs you guys mentioned have been fixed... (I am using Eclipse 4.2.0 with ADT 20.0.3). I thought I would add this answer however incase it helps someone out with issues of Open Declaration jumping to .class instead of .java file.
I found solution. I have to create Android library from my java library as well and then include it as android library as well as Java library , Then I have to reorder build path export items so Android "Library Projectsā€¯ are last . And well not much work, Now even rename refactoring works , with some warning but works :) , Well I am happy developer again.

