I am fairly new to openCV libraries and I am trying to do real time object detection for a school project on an android app. followed this tutorial (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSeFrPrqZ2A) and I am able to detect object by color on my android phone. Now I am trying to map out the trajectory of the object just like in this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTYSRZD4vyI).
Following is some of the source code provided in the first youtube video.
void searchForMovement(int& x, int& y, Mat& mRgb1, Mat& threshold){
Mat temp;
//these two vectors needed for output of findContours
vector< vector<Point> > contours;
vector<Vec4i> hierarchy;
//find contours of filtered image using openCV findContours function
//In OpenCV, finding contours is like finding white object from black background.
// So remember, object to be found should be white and background should be black.
//CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE to draw 4 points of the contour
findContours(temp,contours,hierarchy,CV_RETR_CCOMP,CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE );
double refArea = 0;
bool objectFound = false;
if (hierarchy.size() > 0) {
int numObjects = hierarchy.size();
//if number of objects greater than MAX_NUM_OBJECTS we have a noisy filter
for (int index = 0; index >= 0; index = hierarchy[index][0]) {
Moments moment = moments((cv::Mat)contours[index]);
double area = moment.m00;
//if the area is less than 20 px by 20px then it is probably just noise
//if the area is the same as the 3/2 of the image size, probably just a bad filter
//we only want the object with the largest area so we safe a reference area each
//iteration and compare it to the area in the next iteration.
if(area>MIN_OBJECT_AREA && area<MAX_OBJECT_AREA && area>refArea){
x = moment.m10/area;
y = moment.m01/area;
objectFound = true;
refArea = area;
}else objectFound = false;
//let user know you found an object
if(objectFound ==true){
putText(mRgb1,"Tracking Object",Point(0,50),2,1,Scalar(0,255,0),2);
//draw object location on screen
}else putText(mRgb1,"TOO MUCH NOISE! ADJUST FILTER",Point(0,50),1,2,Scalar(0,0,255),2);
void drawObject(int x, int y,Mat &frame){
Mat traj;
traj = frame;
//use some of the openCV drawing functions to draw crosshairs
//on your tracked image!
//UPDATE:JUNE 18TH, 2013
//added 'if' and 'else' statements to prevent
//memory errors from writing off the screen (ie. (-25,-25) is not within the window!)
else line(traj,Point(x,y),Point(x,0),Scalar(0,255,0),2);
else line(frame,Point(x,y),Point(x,FRAME_HEIGHT),Scalar(0,255,0),2);
else line(frame,Point(x,y),Point(0,y),Scalar(0,255,0),2);
else line(frame,Point(x,y),Point(FRAME_WIDTH,y),Scalar(0,255,0),2);
// add(traj, frame, frame);
How can I add onto this code to get the trajectory of an object showed in the 2nd video? Any suggestion would be much appreciated. Thank you.
Found it. When doing it in android, need to make sure the lastX and lastY are updating as well.
I am looking for tips and hints on "the best way" to approach something. I want to either import, or create, geometry (initially a cylinder), isolate half of it, and move the vertices around, then export it again as an .obj or .stl. I realise there are libraries that will do this but I need this to work on Android and the libraries (as far as I know) don't. I made these images in 3DMax to explain what I mean. I can handle much of the coding, BUT the geometry mathematics I just cannot get my head around.
I have adapted this method for creating a cylinder from an example in the book: Processing 2: Creative Coding Hotshot...
float[][] vertx;
float[][] verty;
void setup() {
size(800, 600, P3D);
vertx = new float[36][36];//36 triangle strips, 36 vertices
verty = new float[36][36];
void draw() {
translate( width/2, height/2, 200);
scale( 1 );
translate(0, -50, 0);
beginShape(TRIANGLE_STRIP );
for ( int h = 1; h < 36; h++) {
for ( int a = 0; a<37; a++ ) {
int aa = a % 36;
// normal( vertx[h][aa], 0, verty[h][aa]);
vertex( vertx[h][aa], h*5.0, verty[h][aa] );
//normal( vertx[h-1][aa], 0, verty[h-1][aa]);
vertex( vertx[h-1][aa], (h-1)*5.0, verty[h-1][aa] );
beginShape(TRIANGLE_FAN); //bottom
int h = 35;
vertex( 0, h*5, 0 );
for ( int a = 0; a<37; a++ ) {
int aa = a % 36;
vertex( vertx[h][aa], h*5, verty[h][aa] );
float getR( float a, float h ) {
float r = 50;
return r;
void initPoints() {
for ( int h = 0; h < 36; h++) {
for ( int a = 0; a<36; a++) {
float r = getR( a*10.0, h*5.0 ); //a = 10 (360/36)
vertx[h][a] = cos( radians( a*10.0 )) * r;
verty[h][a] = sin( radians( a*10.0 )) * r;
...and I am assuming it is possible to isolate/grab certain vertices from the array?
Any other approaches, or any advice on how to develop this? Is the import > transform method even possible? #Spektre - might there be a better approach than this?
This is a very general question, so I'll give you a general answer.
Your first step is to really digest the code you posted: what do each of the calls to vertex() do? Where is each vertex being placed? You should be able to write your own code that draws a cylinder without copy-pasting anything from this code. You should be able to draw other shapes. Start by only drawing a few vertexes to see where they're showing up, then add a few more, then a few more, until you understand exactly what this code is doing.
There are a ton of tutorials that can help you understand the code. Here is a 2D tutorial to get you started (read (and understand) that one first), and here is a 3D version.
Once you have that working it should be pretty easy to manipulate the vertexes however you want. If you want the user to be able to select a vertex, google something like "3d point picking" for a ton of resources.
Finally, I'm not sure Processing provides an easy way to export a .obj file. But again, google is your friend- try googling something like "Processing export obj file" for a handful of libraries that seem to help with your goal.
If you get stuck on a specific step, post an MCVE and ask a specific question. Good luck!
The dst = signum(src) function set the values of all positive elements in src to 1, and the values of all negative elements to -1.
However, it seems that it is not possible to implement the signum() function by applying the OpenCV function threshold(). I do not want to traverse src neither, because it is inefficient.
I don't know which language you are using, but in OpenCV C++, signum function can be implemented as follows:
Mat signum(Mat src)
Mat dst = (src >= 0) & 1;
dst.convertTo(dst,CV_32F, 2.0, -1.0);
return dst;
Of-course, the returned matrix would have floating point or a signed type to store the value of -1.
The previous implementation returns only 1 or -1 depending on the input values, but according to signum definition, 0 should remain 0 in the output. So getting reference from this answer, the standard signum function can be implemented as follows using OpenCV:
Mat signum(Mat src)
Mat z = Mat::zeros(src.size(), src.type());
Mat a = (z < src) & 1;
Mat b = (src < z) & 1;
Mat dst;
addWeighted(a,1.0,b,-1.0,0.0,dst, CV_32F);
return dst;
I'm writing an image processing app on android, and I'm trying to speed it up using the NDK. I have the following for-loop:
int x, y, c, idx;
const int pitch3 = pitch * 3;
float adj, result;
// px, py, u, u_bar are all float arrays of size nx*ny*3
// theta, tau, denom are float constants
// idx >= pitch3
adj = -px[idx] - py[idx] + px[idx - 3] + py[idx - pitch3];
result = ((u[idx] - tau * adj) + tau * f[idx]) * denom;
u_bar[idx] = result + theta * (result - u[idx]);
u[idx] = result;
I'm wondering if it is possible to speed up this loop?
I'm thinking that using fixed-point arithmetic wouldn't do much, except on really old android phone (which I'm not going to target). Would writing it in assembly give a big improvement?
EDIT: I know I could use SIMD/NEON instructions, but they are not so common I think ...
Since you're accessing the array as a flat structure, the 3 levels of looping is only increasing the value used for idx. You can loop for (idx = pitch3; idx < nx*ny*3; idx++).
Another option is to move to fixed-point math. Do you really need more than 64 bits of dynamic range?
I'am actually working in a project on android in which I want to extract some specific pixel values (according to a condition, using the threshold method , I have set some pixels to a certain values and all the others to zero) I want to extract all these values different from zero in a vector. I will use this vector of the chosen pixels to do some operation ( the mean value for exemple ) , Is there a method in OpenCV that can help me doing this ?
Thank you :)
I don't know such function but actually it's not hard to implement it (c++):
//'in' should be CV_8UC3
vector<int>& getNonZero(const Mat& in)
//get size of result vector
//this is all non-zero pixels:
int count = countNonZero(in);
vector<int>& result(count);
int k = 0;
for (int r = 0; r < in.rows; ++r)
for (int c = 0; c < in.cols; ++c)
if (in.at<int>(r, c))
result[k++] = in.at<int>(r, c);
return result;
And also many OpenCV functions have InputArray mask parameter so use it! For example:
void meanStdDev(InputArray src, OutputArray mean, OutputArray stddev, InputArray mask=noArray())