I have these tables in an Android based application where I'm using OrmLite for the database management.
What I want to have an x number of array list depending on how many of the product type FOLDER I have.
So in this case I want to a list of products where the productId equals parentId.
So I want a list where
if(productType = FOLDER) {
if(productId = parentId){
//add product
Basically what I want to end up with, in this case three lists with each containing a list of products where parentId is the same for every product.
I've tried many things, and some works better than others, but a code I want to run actually throws a nullpointer.
DatabaseHelper dbHelper = getHelper();
List<Product> productsParents = null;
try {
Dao<Product, Integer> dao = dbHelper.getDao();
PreparedQuery<Product> prepQu = dao.queryBuilder().where()
.eq("parentId", dao.queryBuilder().selectColumns("productId").where()
.eq("productType", ProductType.FOLDER).prepare()).prepare();
productsParents = dao.query(prepQu);
} catch (SQLException e) {
This code isn't working because productParents returns null, and it does not do what I want, even though it's a slight hint. If someone know how to do this in code that would be sufficient also, or more likely a mix of java and ormlite.
Have you had a chance to RTFM around building queries? The ORMLite docs are pretty extensive:
Your problem is that a prepared query cannot be an argument to the eq(...) method. Not sure where you saw an example of that form.
So there are a couple ways you can do this. The easiest way is to do a different query for each productType:
Where<Product, Integer> where = dao.queryBuilder().where();
where.eq("parentId", parentId).and().eq("productType", ProductType.FOLDER);
productsParents = where.query();
// then do another similar query again with ProductType.PRODUCT, ...
If you want to do just one query then you can get all products that match the parentId and then separate them using code:
Where<Product, Integer> where = dao.queryBuilder().where();
where.eq("parentId", parentId);
productsParents = where.query();
List<Product> productFolders = new ArrayList<Product>();
List<Product> productProducts = new ArrayList<Product>();
for (Product product : productsParents) {
if (product.getProductType() == ProductType.FOLDER) {
} else if (product.getProductType() == ProductType.PRODUCT) {
} else ...
I'm building an Android app with the Realm database.
I have a RealmObject subclass called Article which has an id field (it's and int and also a #PrimaryKey). I would like to pass to a query a list of ints (a Set, int[], or whatever) of article id's and retrieve only those articles.
In SQL would be like this:
FROM `table`
where ID in (5263, 5625, 5628, 5621)
I've seen it's possible to do this in iOS in this StackOverflow question.
How can I do this in Android? Thanks!
Edit: Just to inform, I also asked this on the GitHub repo here.
Realm 1.2.0 has added RealmQuery.in() for a comparison against multiple values. The documentation details all the available overloads. This one is the method we can use if our ids are Integers:
public RealmQuery<E> in(String fieldName, Integer[] values)
Original answer:
The answer from #ChristianMelchior returns all articles if the list of ids is empty. I want it to return an empty RealmResults<Article>. That's what I've ended up doing:
Set<Integer> articleIds = this.getArticleIds();
RealmQuery<Article> query = realm.where(Article.class);
if (articleIds.size() == 0) {
// We want to return an empty list if the list of ids is empty.
// Just use alwaysFalse
query = query.alwaysFalse();
} else {
int i = 0;
for (int id : articleIds) {
// The or() operator requires left hand and right hand elements.
// If articleIds had only one element then it would crash with
// "Missing right-hand side of OR"
if (i++ > 0) {
query = query.or();
query = query.equalTo("id", id);
return query.findAll();
Now realm v 1.2.0 support RealmQuery.in() for a comparison against multiple values.
The Realm Java API's doesn't support this yet unfortunately. You can follow the feature request here https://github.com/realm/realm-java/issues/841
The current work-around would be to build up the query yourself in a for-loop:
RealmResults<Article> articles = realm.allObjects(Article.class);
RealmQuery q = articles.where();
for (int id : ids) {
q = q.equalTo("id", id);
RealmResults<Article> filteredArticles = q.findAll();
This is the way Realm does it since 1.2.0:
public RealmQuery<E> in(String fieldName, String[] values) {
if (values == null || values.length == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(EMPTY_VALUES);
beginGroup().equalTo(fieldName, values[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < values.length; i++) {
or().equalTo(fieldName, values[i]);
return endGroup();
Previously this is how I did it
I just came across this post and I thought I could throw in my 2 cents on this. As much as I appreciate Christian Melchior and his answers I think in this case his answer is not working (at least in the current version).
I prefer to do it like this - I personally think it's more readable than Albert Vila's answer:
List<String> listOfIds = [..];
RealmQuery<SomeClass> query = realm.where(SomeClass.class);
boolean first = true;
for (String id : listOfIds) {
if (!first) {
} else {
first = false;
query.equalTo("id", id);
RealmResults<SomeClass> results = query.findAll();
I am using Parse.com as my backend, and I want to download data from server. I have tags which filter these data. Unfortunately it works wrong. Lets say I have two tags "city1" and "city2", now I only get data for "city1".
public ArrayList<Dataset> getDatasetFromServer(Context context) {
ParseQuery<ParseObject> query = ParseQuery.getQuery("Dataset");
List<String> cities = DatabaseAdapter.getCityNames(context);
//cities list contains "city1" and "city2"
query.whereContainedIn("cities", Arrays.asList(cities.toArray(new String[cities.size()])));
ArrayList<Dataset> dataset = new ArrayList<>();
try {
List<ParseObject> parseDataset = query.find();
dataset = setDatasetList(parseDataset);
} catch (ParseException e) {
return dataset;
The problem is with this : Arrays.asList(cities.toArray(new String[cities.size()]).
Don't know why, but this convertion works wrong with Parse.
However, if I change above line to this
String[] array = {"city1", "city2"};
query.whereContainedIn("cities", Arrays.asList(array));
Everything works fine and I get data for city1 and city2.
My question is, what's the difference between these two solutions and how to fix this so the first solution works?
This also doesn't work :
query.whereContainedIn("cities", DatabaseAdapter.getCityNames(context));
getCityNames returns List<String>
Instead of converting your list to an array and then back to a list, just do this:
query.whereContainedIn("cities", cities);
The problem was my fault. Both solutions work good.
The reason it didn't worked was that my method
DatabaseAdapter.getCityNames(context) put a whitespace on the beggining of second element which I didn't saw.
I'm tring to make join in two tables and get all columns in both, I did this:
QueryBuilder<A, Integer> aQb = aDao.queryBuilder();
QueryBuilder<B, Integer> bQb = bDao.queryBuilder();
This equates to:
But I want:
Other problem is when taking order by a field of B, like:
aQb.orderBy(B.COLUMN, true);
I get an error saying "no table column B".
When you are using the QueryBuilder, it is expecting to return B objects. They cannot contain all of the fields from A in B. It will not flesh out foreign sub-fields if that is what you mean. That feature has not crossed the lite barrier for ORMLite.
Ordering on join-table is also not supported. You can certainly add the bQb.orderBy(B.COLUMN, true) but I don't think that will do what you want.
You can certainly use raw-queries for this although it is not optimal.
Actually, I managed to do it without writing my whole query as raw query. This way, I didn't need to replace my query builder codes (which is pretty complicated). To achieve that, I followed the following steps:
(Assuming I have two tables, my_table and my_join_table and their daos, I want to order my query on my_table by the column order_column_1 of the my_join_table)
1- Joined two query builders & used QueryBuilder.selectRaw(String... columns) method to include the original table's + the columns I want to use in foreign sort. Example:
QueryBuilder<MyJoinTable, MyJoinPK> myJoinQueryBuilder = myJoinDao.queryBuilder();
QueryBuilder<MyTable, MyPK> myQueryBuilder = myDao.queryBuilder().join(myJoinQueryBuilder).selectRaw("`my_table`.*", "`my_join_table`.`order_column` as `order_column_1`");
2- Included my order by clauses like this:
myQueryBuilder.orderByRaw("`order_column_1` ASC");
3- After setting all the select columns & order by clauses, it's time to prepare the statement:
String statement = myQueryBuilder.prepare().getStatement();
4- Get the table info from the dao:
TableInfo tableInfo = ((BaseDaoImpl) myDao).getTableInfo();
5- Created my custom column-to-object mapper which just ignores the unknown column names. We avoid the mapping error of our custon columns (order_column_1 in this case) by doing this. Example:
RawRowMapper<MyTable> mapper = new UnknownColumnIgnoringGenericRowMapper<>(tableInfo);
6- Query the table for the results:
GenericRawResults<MyTable> results = activityDao.queryRaw(statement, mapper);
7- Finally, convert the generic raw results to list:
List<MyTable> myObjects = new ArrayList<>();
for (MyTable myObject : results) {
Here's the custom row mapper I created by modifying (just swallowed the exception) com.j256.ormlite.stmt.RawRowMapperImpl to avoid the unknown column mapping errors. You can copy&paste this into your project:
import com.j256.ormlite.dao.RawRowMapper;
import com.j256.ormlite.field.FieldType;
import com.j256.ormlite.table.TableInfo;
import java.sql.SQLException;
public class UnknownColumnIgnoringGenericRowMapper<T, ID> implements RawRowMapper<T> {
private final TableInfo<T, ID> tableInfo;
public UnknownColumnIgnoringGenericRowMapper(TableInfo<T, ID> tableInfo) {
this.tableInfo = tableInfo;
public T mapRow(String[] columnNames, String[] resultColumns) throws SQLException {
// create our object
T rowObj = tableInfo.createObject();
for (int i = 0; i < columnNames.length; i++) {
// sanity check, prolly will never happen but let's be careful out there
if (i >= resultColumns.length) {
try {
// run through and convert each field
FieldType fieldType = tableInfo.getFieldTypeByColumnName(columnNames[i]);
Object fieldObj = fieldType.convertStringToJavaField(resultColumns[i], i);
// assign it to the row object
fieldType.assignField(rowObj, fieldObj, false, null);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// log this or do whatever you want
return rowObj;
It's pretty hacky & seems like overkill for this operation but I definitely needed it and this method worked well.
I currently have a statement which reads
and I want to add at least several more terms to the .contains parameter however I am under the impression that it is bad programming practice to have a large number of terms on one line..
My question is, is there a more suitable way to store all the values I want to have in the .contains parameters?
You can use intersection of two lists:
String[] terms = {"Word", "Foo", "Bar"};
List<String> resultList = Arrays.asList(results);
if(resultList.size() > 0)
/// Do something
To improve performance though, it's better to use the intersection of two HashSets:
String[] terms = {"Word", "Foo", "Bar"};
Set<String> termSet = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(terms));
Set<String> resultsSet = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(results));
if(resultsSet.size() > 0)
/// Do something
As a side note, the above code checks whether ANY of the terms appear in results. To check that ALL the terms appear in results, you simply make sure the intersection is the same size as your term list:
if(resultSet.size() == termSet.size())
You can utilize Android's java.util.Collections
class to help you with this. In particular, disjoint will be useful:
Returns whether the specified collections have no elements in common.
Here's a code sample that should get you started.
In your Activity or wherever you are checking to see if your results contain a word that you are looking for:
String[] results = {"dog", "cat"};
String[] wordsWeAreLookingFor = {"foo", "dog"};
boolean foundWordInResults = this.checkIfArrayContainsAnyStringsInAnotherArray(results, wordsWeAreLookingFor);
Log.d("MyActivity", "foundWordInResults:" + foundWordInResults);
Also in your the same class, or perhaps a utility class:
private boolean checkIfArrayContainsAnyStringsInAnotherArray(String[] results, String[] wordsWeAreLookingFor) {
List<String> resultsList = Arrays.asList(results);
List<String> wordsWeAreLookingForList = Arrays.asList(wordsWeAreLookingFor);
return !Collections.disjoint(resultsList, wordsWeAreLookingForList);
Note that this particular code sample will have contain true in foundWordInResults since "dog" is in both results and wordsWeAreLookingFor.
Why don't you just store your results in a HashSet? With a HashSet, you can benefit from hashing of the keys, and it will make your assertion much faster.
Arrays.asList(results).contains("Word") creates a temporary List object each time just to do linear search, it is not efficient use of memory and it's slow.
There's HashSet.containsAll(Collection collection) method you can use to do what you want, but again, it's not efficient use of memory if you want to create a temporary List of the parameters just to do an assertion.
I suggest the following:
HashSet hashSet = ....
public assertSomething(String[] params) {
for(String s : params) {
if(hashSet.contains(s)) {
// do something
I have two tables CustomerBalance and Customer which are bound with CustomerRefId field.
I want the CustomerBalance records that are lets say greater than 100 for a field balance of this tables. I also want to include into my results the name of the particular customer that fulfills that criteria. I created the following method that works!
public List<CustomerBalance> getCustomerBalanceFilter(String filterVal) {
try {
PreparedQuery<CustomerBalance> preparedQuery = mDbHelper.getCustomerBalanceDao().queryBuilder()
.where().gt(CustomerBalance.DB_COL_CUSTOMER_BALANCE, filterVal)
List<CustomerBalance> result = mDbHelper.getCustomerBalanceDao().query(preparedQuery);
for(CustomerBalance alert : result) {
PreparedQuery<Customer> getCustQuery = mDbHelper.getCustomerDao().queryBuilder()
.where().eq(Customer.DB_COL_CUSTOMER_REF_ID, alert.getCustomerID())
List<Customer> customer = mDbHelper.getCustomerDao().query(getCustQuery);
alert.setCustomer(customer.size() == 1 ? customer.get(0) : null);
return result;
} catch(Exception ex) {
return null;
This methods is working, is this the best way to write such a query? or is there a more appropriate approach?
One improvement to your query is to use ORMLite's SelectArg to pass in the customer-id instead of a new query each time. Something like:
List<CustomerBalance> result = mDbHelper.getCustomerBalanceDao()
SelectArg custIdArg = new SelectArg();
PreparedQuery<Customer> getCustQuery = mDbHelper.getCustomerDao().queryBuilder()
.where().eq(Customer.DB_COL_CUSTOMER_REF_ID, custIdArg)
for (CustomerBalance alert : result) {
List<Customer> customer = mDbHelper.getCustomerDao().query(getCustQuery);
alert.setCustomer(customer.size() == 1 ? customer.get(0) : null);
Here are the docs for SelectArg:
FYI, there also is an UpdateBuilder, but I don't see an easy way to turn your code above into a single UPDATE statement.