Can't stop table from autoincrement id when insert unique field - android

I have a table with 2 columns, a numeric id and unique text. Created like this:
+ ")";
I want that when I insert KEY_FOO value and it's already in the db, nothing happens. But what I get is that the id is always incremented. No new row is inserted, that's good, but the id is autoincremented.
What I'm doing to insert is as follows:
db.insertWithOnConflict(TABLE_TEST , null, values, SQLiteDatabase.CONFLICT_NONE);
The reason I need this is because other table has a foreign key on this id, thus if the id is changed, the other table points nowhere.
How I just say to let the existing entry untouched?

Try this way. In your dbhelper class write the method like following to insert.
public int insertData(String desc) {
db = this.getWritableDatabase();
ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
try {
cv.put(KEY_FOO, desc);
db.insertOrThrow(TABLE_TEST, null, cv);
} catch (Exception ex) {
return 1;
} finally {
return 0;
Then from your actvity you call this method with the parameter value of KEY_FOO. This method will return 1 if the exception is occurs (If you try insert a unique value) and it will return 0 if the transaction is successfull.
I hope this way will help you. Let me know if any problem.


Inserting data to SQLite table with constraint failure

Inserting data to SQLite table with constraint failure
I'm trying to insert data into SQLite table on Android. _id is primary key of the table and I am inserting a row using this method:
public void addSomeData(int id, String datetime) {
ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues();
contentValues.put(KEY_ID, id);
contentValues.put(KEY_DATETIME, datetime);
mDb.insert(TABLE, null, contentValues);
The problem I get is that sometimes primary key constraint is validated and I would like to use something like INSERT IF NOT EXISTS, but preferably something that would work with ContentValues. What are my options? I understand that insertOrThrow() and insertWithOnConflict() methods only return different values, or should I use one of these methods?
Use insertWithOnConflict() with CONFLICT_IGNORE.
Will return ROWID/primary key of new or existing row, -1 on any error.
In my case "constraint failure" happened because of I had some tables which are depended on each other. As for the "insert if not exist", you can query with this id and you check if the cursor's count is bigger than zero. Check the method I'm already using in my app.
public boolean isRowExists(long rowId) {
Cursor cursor = database.query(this.tableName, this.columns, DBSQLiteHelper.COLUMN_ID + " = ? ", new String[] { "" + rowId }, null, null, null);
int numOfRows = cursor.getCount();
return (numOfRows > 0) ? true : false;
to do so you could simply query the db to see if a row with that key exists and insert the new row only if the query returns no data.

Update doesn't work sqlite android

Having problem updating a column in a table. I tried both of these solutions:
String SQLStatement = "update " + TABLE_POSES;
SQLStatement += " set " + COLUMN_SKIP + "=" + SKIP + " Where ";
SQLStatement += COLUMN_ID + "=" + String.valueOf(skipPoseId);
myDataBase.rawQuery(SQLStatement, null);
and this:
ContentValues args = new ContentValues();
myDataBase.update(TABLE_POSES, args, COLUMN_ID + "=" + String.valueOf(skipPoseId),null);
Neither of these code snippets work and I am not getting any exceptions thrown. What am I doing wrong?
You should use the second method using update() and you should check the return value. If the value is zero, then the state of the database isn't what you expect and no rows were updated. If the row is not zero then the updating is succeeding.
If anything is wrong with your accessing the database an exception will be thrown before the update() call.
I would take advantage of the args parameter of update() like so:
myDataBase.update(TABLE_POSES, args, COLUMN_ID + " = ?", new String[]{ Long.toString(skipPoseId) });
Use update like this,
String query="UPDATE tablename SET columnname="+var+ "where columnid="+var2;
Just write your update query in String query and execute.
if you use db.begintransaction() in your code you must call db.setTransactionSuccessful() before db.endtransaction() such as:
try {
SQLHelper dbHelper = new SQLHelper(this);
SQLiteDatabase db = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase();
catch (Exception ex){
I had the exactly same issue. After much thought and debugging I saw that the WHERE condition wasn't addressing any rows of the table.
The odd thing is that the myDatabase.update command giving 1 as the return and I was understanding it as 1 row affected by the update.

data cant be inserted to the sqlit database tables

I am trying to insert data in my sqlit database but I got android SQLiteConstraintException: error code 19: constraint failed exception. I saw there are tons of question in this topic, I've read and tried a bunch of them, but the exception still , i wonder if this exception caused by the auto increment food_id value , since the insert statement return -1 , and i wonder that why this exception occur since the first insert id done correctly but all the later inserting are failed , why this error occur ,and how i can solve it? please help me..
the create statements in the DBAdapter class
private static final String Meal_TABLE_CREATE= "create table IF NOT EXISTS Meal (Date text not null , "+
"Time text not null,MealType text not null,"+ " primary key(Date,Time ,MealType) );" ;
private static final String FOOD_TABLE_CREATE= "create table IF NOT EXISTS Food (_id INTEGER primary key AUTOINCREMENT , "+
"Food_Name text not null,Calories integer not null,"+ "VB12 integer not null,Cholesterol integer not null,"+
"Protein integer not null,Iron integer not null,Sodium integer not null,Fat_Mono integer not null,Fat_Sat integer not null,carbohydrate integer not null);" ;
private static final String MealFOOD_TABLE_CREATE= "create table IF NOT EXISTS MealFood (Date text not null , "+
"Time text not null,MealType text not null,"+"Food_ID integer not null , primary key(Date,Time ,MealType,Food_ID) );" ;
inserting methods
// insert meal to the meal table
public long SaveMeal(String date , String time , String mealType)
ContentValues content = new ContentValues();
return db.insert(MEAL_TABLE_NAME, null, content);
// insert Food to the Food table
public long SaveFood(String name,int calories,int Vit_B12,int cholesterol,int protein ,int iron ,int sodium,int Fat_Mono,int Fat_Sat,int carbohydrate)
ContentValues content = new ContentValues();
return db.insert(FOOD_TABLE_NAME, null, content);
// get food id by its name
public int getFoodIDByName(String name) throws SQLException
{ int id;
Cursor cursor = null;
cursor=db.query(true,FOOD_TABLE_NAME, new String[]{KEY_FOODID}, KEY_FOODNAME+ " = '" + name + "'", null, null, null, null,null);
if (cursor != null) {
while (cursor.moveToNext())
return id;
// insert mealFood to mealFood table
public long SaveMealFood(String date , String time , String mealType, int Food_id)
ContentValues content = new ContentValues();
return db.insert(MEALFOOD_TABLE_NAME, null, content);
java code
DBAdapter dbAdapter=new DBAdapter(SaveMeal.this);;
Food n;
String m;
int FoodIDByName;
for(int i = 0; i <MealActivity.array.size(); i++){
Log.e("tag", m);//selected food name
for (int j = 0; j < MealActivity.tempList.size(); j++){
//save food
long food_id = dbAdapter.SaveFood(n.getFOOD_NAME(),n.getCALORIES(),n.getFOOD_VITAMIN_B12(),n.getCHOLESTEROL(),n.getFOOD_PROTEIN(),n.getFOOD_IRON(),n.getFOOD_SODIUM(),
Log.e("tag", food_id+" food inserting done");
//save meal
long meal_id= dbAdapter.SaveMeal( meal_date,meal_time,Meal.MEAL_TYPE);
Log.e("tag",meal_id+" meal inserting done");
//save meal_food
Log.e("tag",FoodIDByName+" food_id");
long meal_food_id=dbAdapter.SaveMealFood(meal_date,meal_time,Meal.MEAL_TYPE,FoodIDByName);
Log.e("tag",meal_food_id+" meal_food inserting done");
this result of this line Log.e("tag", food_id+" food inserting done"); in my log is -1
Database(657):at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteStatement.native_execute(Native Method)
Database(657):at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteStatement.execute (
Database(657):at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.insert(
-1 food inserting done
18 meal inserting done
0 food_id
13 meal_food inserting done
Try to remove all (Not NULL) constraints, and save the empty food.
If it is saved properly, try to add the constraint (NOT NULL) one by one.
I think one of the values is passed as NULL.
That error.means you are.violating a constraint (obviously). Most likely leave a "not null" column null.
You could also have violated your primary key by trying to save the same combination more than once.

Insert null in Sqlite table

I am trying to figure how to insert a null value into an SQLite table in Android.
This is the table:
"create table my table (_id integer primary key autoincrement, " +
"deviceAddress text not null unique, " +
"lookUpKey text , " +
"deviceName text , " +
"contactName text , " +
"playerName text , " +
"playerPhoto blob " +
I wanted to use a simple Insert command via execSQL but since one of the values is a blob I can't do it (I think).
So, I am using a standard db.Insert command.
How do I make one of the values null?
If I just skip it in the ContentValues object will it automatically put a null value in the column?
You can use ContentValues.putNull(String key) method.
Yes, you can skip the field in ContentValues and db.insert will set it NULL.
Also you can use the other way:
ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
db.insert("table1", null, cv);
this directrly sets "column1" NULL. Also you can use this way in update statement.
I think you can skip it but you can also put null, just make sure that when you first create the Database, you don't declare the column as "NOT NULL".
In your insert query string command, you can insert null for the value you want to be null. This is C# as I don't know how you set up database connections for Android, but the query would be the same, so I've given it for illustrative purposes I'm sure you could equate to your own:
SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(SQLiteConnString());
// where SQLiteConnString() is a function that returns this string with the path of the SQLite DB file:
// String.Format("Data Source={0};Version=3;New=False;Compress=True;", filePath);
using (SQLiteCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand()
cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO MyTable (SomeColumn) VALUES (null)";
catch (Exception ex)
// do something with ex.ToString() or ex.Message

How to view a data in table

I inserted EditText value in database, Please help me how to get all the data in table and show it in a next Activity, please help me. I use the following code for inserting:
private static final String DATABASE_CREATE = "create table pill (id integer primary key autoincrement, "
+ "med VARCHAR, " + "dose1 VARCHAR,"+"dose2 VARCHAR,"+"dose3 VARCHAR);";
// ---insert data into the database---
public long insertData(String med, String dose1,String dose2,String dose3) {
ContentValues initialValues = new ContentValues();
initialValues.put(Med, med);
initialValues.put(Dose1, dose1);
initialValues.put(Dose2, dose2);
initialValues.put(Dose3, dose3);
return db.insert(DATABASE_TABLE, null, initialValues);
med, dose1, dose2, dose3 are the values from the EditText which is in another class.
You have to use:
See that
Query only the first data from a table

