what is "unfortunately app has stopped" error means [closed] - android

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have recently started learning andriod development. I have a problem with my android app that is when I lunch it on the emulater it gets successfully lunched but when I click on my app it gets stopped by giving the error " unfortunately app has stopped " . One thing that I have noticed that a simple hello app with a single text view works fine and gets successful run on emulater ...
I m working on os x10.8.6 . I have eclipse 4.2.0 . Plz give me solution ...

This is a very broad scope question, but I will try to give you a overview about it.
There can be several reasons for a Force Close. Most of the time it occurs if some exception or error occured while the apps was executing. One of the most commons mistakes made by the beginners which cause force close is they haven't added activity in Android Manifest and try to start the new activity.
There are several other reasons for this problem. If you are facing such a problem in your app, post your code here. We might be able to help properly then.


React Native app crashed after fetching data [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I have weird issue. I have working react native application on iOS, but on android it crashes without an error after fetching data. It started to happen when I ejected expo app, before that it worked. If I remove network request application works
What can be the problem?
In app/build.gradle need to change line
from implementation "com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:4.7.2" to

Xamarin with Visual Studio : blank screen when debugging [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm making a Xamarin.Forms application with Visual Studio Enterprise 2017 and when I want to debug my app, the application launch but the screen stay white, as loading.
The thing is, I don't have the issue on emulator but my coworker do, and if I launch the app manually after (without the debugger then), it behaves normally.
I already tried cleaning and rebuilding the project, closing and restarting Visual Studio, my device and my laptop, but the problem persist.
I checked with the debugger, and my application does makes the same path on the emulator (and the screen shows) than on the device (where it doesn't)
Do you have any idea ? Thank you !

Parse sdk android app not loading content in 5.0 [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have integrated parse sdk in my android app and tested it on android 5.0 on a real device. The problem is that initially the app does not display any content it is completely blank, but after few hours the app starts functioning normally with push notifications. Has anyone faced this issue before or can anyone tell me why is this happening ?
So i finally have got the solution to this problem. If you have been using parse example from foamyguy from githhub you would have a blank activity in android 5.0 when you run it for the first time. The solution is just go to ParseApplication.java and comment the line which says
And run it, it will work, if your application crashes, then use this line
This will completely fix your application.

Is there a LOG created when an Android application crashes? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Is there somekind of log (like an OS event log or something) that could maybe give me an idea as to why an application crashes on start?
The specifics (irrlevant to the question itself):
I have recently purchased a copy of Final Fantasy Dimensions for my Android phone (Motorla XT615 with Android 2.3.7) and everytime I click on it I get a flicker (black-screen) and then it goes back to the home screen.
Does anyone have any suggestions or am I way off base with this one?
There are apps a user can download from Google Play that can grab log files to be sent to a developer. For example: Log Collector and CatLog.
Note: With Jelly Bean and later, root access is required for an app to access the logs of another app, so the log-grabbing apps listed above may not be useful for the average Android user.
If you have Android development tools available, see How to get Android crash logs?
You could read the log using apps such as CatLog or Log Collector, but it probably isn't going to help you find the FC issue, unless you actually had the code for it right in front of you, which you wouldn't have unless you were a dev of the game. But, anyways, good luck!

What is wrong with the app — it runs on the emulator but crashes when I click button on phone [closed]

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This question appears to be off-topic because it lacks sufficient information to diagnose the problem. Describe your problem in more detail or include a minimal example in the question itself.
Closed 9 years ago.
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I am trying to run this app, but it works fine in the emulator, but on the phone it force closes when I click the speak button on it, it goes straight to a force close. What are the possible factors contributing to it not working on my phone?
the problem must be with your default TTS speach engine ,,,Check the following Link u may get suugestion
Android not acknowledging TTS Engine
There are multiple reasons why your app crashes.
Your device might be running Android that is before your app's SDK target.Check your logs, search for that method or object see if it is part of the device's OS version. Fragments are compatible with preHoneycomb devices using the compatibilty library.

