I've written an Android client for a mobile backend starter app according to this tutorial. Everything works up to the section implementing Continuous Queries.
I've written a query and I'm calling it from the correct place in the code (onPostCreate()), however the query never returns any data.
I don't believe this is an authentication problem because I'm able to make other calls successfully.
Here is the code which never returns a result:
CloudCallbackHandler<List<CloudEntity>> handler = new CloudCallbackHandler<List<CloudEntity>>() {
public void onComplete(List<CloudEntity> results) {
for (CloudEntity entity : results) {
UserLocation loc = new UserLocation(entity);
public void onError(IOException e) {
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), e.getMessage(),
CloudQuery query = new CloudQuery("UserLocation");
query.setSort(CloudEntity.PROP_UPDATED_AT, Order.DESC);
getCloudBackend().list(query, handler);
With the debugger I've verified that the getCloudBackend().list() line executes, but the onComplete() method is never hit, and neither is onError().
Here is an example of a call that works perfectly:
UserLocation self = new UserLocation(super.getAccountName(),
getCloudBackend().update(self.asEntity(), updateHandler);
Essentially, getCloudBackend().update() works, while getCloudBackend().list() does not.
I should also add that I've downloaded the full source from the github repo linked in the tutorial, and the same problem exists with that code.
I've also tried re-deploying the backend server multiple times.
Ok so I have finally fixed the problem! The issue is both in the manifest and in the class GCMIntentService.java
In the manifest the GCM is registered as a service and belongs to a package. By default this service is a part of the default package com.google.cloud.backend.android. When you create a new package and have all your client code in there, you need to move the GCMIntentService.java class into that new package and in the manifest modify the service and broadcast receiver
<service android:name="yourpackagename.GCMIntentService" />
android:permission="com.google.android.c2dm.permission.SEND" >
<action android:name="com.google.android.c2dm.intent.RECEIVE" />
<action android:name="com.google.android.c2dm.intent.REGISTRATION" />
<category android:name="yourpackagename" />
Any other permission that comes with the default package name should also be updated to the main package name. This doesn't need to be modified if you're only going to use that one default package that comes with the mobile backend starter.
Regarding the GoogleAuthIOException I received that as well initially. So I redid all the steps to enable GCM and authentication. Things to keep in mind though are that I still followed the tutorial and went with Web Application -> Generic when registering the GCM server key and Web Client ID. Also another key thing to keep in mind when registering for the Android Client ID is that with your SHA1 fingerprint it also needs a package name. Again the package name has to be your main client package if you're using more than one package for your project. You can get the project number that goes in the Consts.java (and it's required to register GCM) from the old Google API console and the project ID from the new cloud console. The Web client ID also goes in the Consts.java file and also in that same file you have to enable auth by changing
public static final boolean IS_AUTH_ENABLED = false;
public static final boolean IS_AUTH_ENABLED = true;
Hope this helps.
So I am also getting the SAME EXACT problem you are. getCloudBackend().update() works for me, and not only with the geohasher class, I also tried to send updates to the cloud with myLocation.toString() where myLocation is a LatLng and it gets updated fine.
Sorry for not giving you the actual solution to your problem. It's a really odd situation that the same exact code worked in the Google I/O demo but not when we (and I followed the tutorial very thoroughly) actually try it out. I feel that this is a server problem if anything.
Thanks for reporting this -- sorry you are having a problem. THe most likely problem is in configuring GCM. Can you verify you have GCM enabled on the project and all the setup steps where done correctly? Maybe try to send a message and see if that works?
I used SpeechRecognizer on android to recognize the User's voice.
It worked well until uninstall the Google App.
I updated the Google App, but I got errors such as "bind to recognition service failed".
How can I make the app run successfully?
What should I do to use SpeechRecognizer normally?
Update manifest
I'm using Algolia's voice input library and it was failing to take voice input on Pixel 2 and android 11 devices. The reason being unable to bind to voice recognition service.
To solve it, In the manifest file, insert this query element just under your opening tag:
<package android:name="com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox"/>
I know I am answering this a bit late but I have struggled with this error for a while now. It turns out you need to activate Google's Quick Search Box. So the solution I used is: I check if the SpeechRecognizer is available (using isRecognitionAvailable(context)). If the SpeechRecognizer is not available, you can activate it like this :
String appPackageName = "com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox";
try {
mainActivity.startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,
Uri.parse("market://details?id=" + appPackageName)));
} catch (android.content.ActivityNotFoundException anfe) {
mainActivity.startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,
Uri.parse("https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=" + appPackageName)));
Every time the Google app is updated some way or the other there is always an issue with the speech recognizer callbacks. Either Google periodically changes their timeout clause or some weird issues like yours pops out of nowhere.
You need to make your code dynamic in such a way that even if there is an error in the speech callback methods, you need to catch that error and try listening again automatically. This has been discussed widely in this post and there are plenty of answers provided for you to check and implement them based on your requirement.
If you don't want this you can always try out DroidSpeech library which takes care of these speech error issues whenever something pops up and provides you with continuous voice recognition.
Just implement the library using Gradle and add the following lines of code.
DroidSpeech droidSpeech = new DroidSpeech(this, null);
To start listening to the user call the below code,
And you will get the voice result in the listener method,
public void onDroidSpeechFinalResult(String
finalSpeechResult, boolean droidSpeechWillListen)
You need to add this in the manifest like so:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
<action android:name="android.speech.RecognitionService" />
I'm using dynamic links for my app.
I've followed the tutorial step-by-step and I'm able to open the app by clicking on the link posted on facebook.
But when I invoke getInvitation, I always have CANCELED as status of AppInviteInvitationResult.
AppInvite.AppInviteApi.getInvitation(mGoogleApiClient, this, false).setResultCallback(
new ResultCallback<AppInviteInvitationResult>() {
public void onResult(#NonNull AppInviteInvitationResult result) {
if (result.getStatus().isSuccess()) {
// Extract deep link from Intent
Intent intent = result.getInvitationIntent();
String deepLink = AppInviteReferral.getDeepLink(intent);
} else {
Log.d("StartActivity", "getInvitation: no deep link found.");
Into debug, I can see that result.getStatus() returns CANCELED, but the click on lick open the app correctly.
Where I'm wrong?
EDIT: The link that I'm using is:
The filter on manifest:
The status is canceled when no intent has been received. I was wondering the same thing and it turned out that my links created in firebase web page were wrong. I wrote some ideas on how to debug the url problem as an answer to another question. If you have the same problem as I did, they should be helpful:
Doesn't directly answer your question but you could eliminate badly formed urls as a root cause by using this page to create firebase dynamic links for both ios and Android: http://fdl-links.appspot.com/
Just double-check if you have added the SHA-1 in the firebase console and the added SHA-1 matches the SHA1 of the generated APK. I was seeing the same issue - result.getStatus() returning CANCELED prior to this, but after adding the SHA-1 on firebase console, it started working fine. :)
I've been wondering where (in Android/ iOS) the cookie received from an XMLHttpRequest gets stored...
The situation:
I perform an XHR-request to authenticate. For some reason this starts a kind of a session and all other requests I perform do not need credentials anymore. This situation is wanted, but there is a section in the application where other credentials are needed. When I perform another XHR-request, it does not matter which credentials I use, it will keep using the credentials I entered at first.
What I use:
What I noticed [ANDROID]:
The credentials or the session gets killed on app restart!
(NOT WHEN IN BACKGROUND - Like when backbutton is pressed - IT NEEDS TO BE CLOSED COMPLETELY). So then I have to login again.
What I tried without success:
Adding a param to the URL when I want new credentials to be used.
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;
xhr.open('GET', 'test.html?_=' + new Date().getTime());
The InAppBrowser functionality:
window.open("index.html", "_self",
Deleted the applicationCache from the Cordova File-plugin.
A plugin which I thought would help: https://github.com/bez4pieci/Phonegap-Cookies-Plugin
What I want:
I have no clue where to find that session anymore... I really want to know where it's stored. I need a way to delete/ clear it so I can perform another succesful call with other XMLHttpCredentials.
Remember I still want to use the cache functionality the XMLHttpRequest automatically provides.
Any help from experts would be appreciated.
As far as I know, the only way to clear these credentials on Android is by restarting the app. It's possible to do this programmatically if you really need to.
On iOS you can manage saved credentials in the sharedCredentialStorage. For example, to remove all credentials:
NSDictionary* credentialsDict = [[NSURLCredentialStorage sharedCredentialStorage] allCredentials];
for (NSURLProtectionSpace* protectionSpace in credentialsDict){
NSDictionary* userNameDict = credentialsDict[protectionSpace];
for (NSString* userName in userNameDict){
NSURLCredential* credential = userNameDict[userName];
[[NSURLCredentialStorage sharedCredentialStorage] removeCredential:credential forProtectionSpace:protectionSpace];
In order to access the native APIs, you'll have to build a custom plugin.
The solution I found for Android was not to restart the entire app, but to isolate the login activity in a separate process, then override the onDestroy() method by adding Process.killProcess(Process.myPid()).
In manifest:
android:windowSoftInputMode="stateHidden|adjustResize" />
In LoginActivity:
protected void onDestroy() {
//kills current process - adfsLoginProcess
This solution is not perfect (as I am not a fan of Process.killProcess()), but it seems far better than killing the entire app and scheduling a restart. If anyone has a better solution, please share.
I'm creating an Android app for a chinese client and they need map integration, so Google maps is not an option since all Google services are blocked in China. I'm trying to use Baidu maps, which is called Baidu LBS (location-based services) cloud.
Getting a basic map with no overlays to work was relatively easy. The process is described here (in Chinese, but the code speaks for itself if you don't understand the language). Downloading the latest Baidu Android SDK (v3.2.0 at time of writing) and integrating it into my Eclipse project as a library was no problem, but don't trust the documentation in that link too much even though it is the official one. Their examples often contain code that wouldn't even compile. The name of the .jar file for example was completely different from what you see in their screenshot.
Oh and also their .jar library is obfuscated which is super annoying to work with :-(
I needed to register a Baidu account and go to their control center to generate a key. To create an access key ("ak") for mobile you need to enter the SHA1 fingerprint of the keystore which signs your app, followed by the package name specified in your manifest.
Then I added the generated key to my manifest under the tag
<meta-data android:name="com.baidu.lbsapi.API_KEY" android:value="xxx...xxx" />
I then copied code from their sample project's CloudSearchActivity because I have specific coordinates that I would like to display. I implemented the CloudListener interface as shown:
public void onGetSearchResult(final CloudSearchResult result, final int error)
Log.w("onGetSearchResult", "status=" + result.status + ". size=" + result.size + ". total=" + result.total + ". error=" + error);
if(null != result && null != result.poiList && 0 < result.poiList.size())
final BitmapDescriptor bitmapDescriptor=BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromResource(R.drawable.icon_address_grey);
LatLng latitudeLongitude;
LatLngBounds.Builder builder=new Builder();
for(final CloudPoiInfo info : result.poiList)
latitudeLongitude=new LatLng(info.latitude, info.longitude);
final OverlayOptions overlayOptions=new MarkerOptions().icon(bitmapDescriptor).position(latitudeLongitude);
final LatLngBounds bounds=builder.build();
MapStatusUpdate mapStatusUpdate=MapStatusUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(bounds);
And I added code to launch a query (also copied from their sample project):
public View onCreateView(final LayoutInflater layoutInflater, final ViewGroup viewGroup,
final Bundle savedInstanceState)
// initialize needs to be called
view=(ViewGroup)layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_map, viewGroup, false);
NearbySearchInfo info=new NearbySearchInfo();
return view;
Unfortunately I keep getting a status value of 102 from the server (according to this API page that means STATUS_CODE_SECURITY_CODE_ERROR. Now I don't know what to do.
Things that I don't understand:
Why do I need to repeat my access key ("ak") when building the query? Is it not enough to have it in the manifest once?
What is this "geoTableId" value in the query supposed to be?
Any ideas?
After many hours of research I have made some progress on the open questions.
The reason for the "ak" field in a cloud search query is not duplication, it is in fact a different access key. Somewhere in a hidden place Baidu says that access keys "for mobile" will not work for these cloud searches, you need an ak "for server". So the solution is to go back to the Baidu control center and create another key "for server". This key needs to be used in the query, while the "for mobile" key needs to remain in the manifest.
geoTableId is an identifier of your account, not unsimilar to the access keys. It is a (currently) 5 digit number that you need to obtain in the Baidu control center. The other keys were generated in the tab titled "API控制台" (API control desk), but for the geoTableId you need to switch to the tab called "数据管理" (data management). There I think I needed to press the "创建" (~create) button on top left, then enter a name, select "是" (yes) where they ask if this is for release (not sure about that translation) and then click "保存" (save). After this, your freshly generated number is displayed in the top field in parentheses behind the name you chose just now.
These steps have allowed me to send "successful" queries where the server answers with status 0 (STATUS_CODE_SUCCEED). However, so far all the answers I get are empty, I have yet to find a query which produces a non-empty answer. If anyone manages to do that, please let me know!
I have a widget which I am trying to use to display information from my app's local database inside of a listview.
I'm using the RemoteViewsService.RemoteViewsFactory interface to load my list's contents. If I run the block of code which reloads the list in the onDataSetChanged method. the app crashes with the following message:
11-01 16:40:39.540: E/ACRA(27175): DataDisplay fatal error : Permission Denial: reading com.datadisplay.content.ContentProviderAdapter uri content://com.datadisplay.provider.internalDB/events from pid=573, uid=10029 requires the provider be exported, or grantUriPermission()
However, this same code run in the class's constructor works just fine. Of course, I need to have this also work in the onDataSetChanged method for updating and stuff.
Here is my provider's entry in the manifest:
<provider android:name="com.datadisplay.content.ContentProviderAdapter"
<grant-uri-permission android:pathPattern="/events/"/>
I am both exporting it AND granting Uri permissions like the error message requests, but it still fails. I found this question, where the guy had an issue but eventually removes his custom permissions and it worked. I don't have any custom permissions like that, but still no luck:
Widget with content provider; impossible to use ReadPermission?
If anyone has insight I'd be really grateful, this is getting incredibly frustrating, haha.
This is happening because RemoteViewsFactory is being called from a remote process, and that context is being used for permission enforcement. (The remote caller doesn't have permission to use your provider, so it throws a SecurityException.)
To solve this, you can clear the identity of the remote process, so that permission enforcement is checked against your app instead of against the remote caller. Here's a common pattern you'll find across the platform:
final long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
try {
[perform your query, etc]
} finally {
Put this in your onDataSetChanged() method:
Thread thread = new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Fetch data from the database inside query() method. I do not know why fetching data in a separate thread helps get around this problem, but it works! I got this from one of the Android examples.
If this only happens for 4.2 and not the rest, you need to set the android:exported="true", because the default is changed:
Content providers are no longer exported by default. That is, the default value for the android:exported attribute is now “false". If it’s important that other apps be able to access your content provider, you must now explicitly set android:exported="true".