I have a Xamarin app that was not meant to handle the talkback functionality of android, because for it to work well it had to be build in a specific way.
My app is a little order, and I simply can't make a do-over of the whole thing.
So, what is happening?
My Xamarin app is made with non-native libs, that are not supported by the Talkback, so, when the user turns on the Talkback functionality the app effectively stops receiving the DPAD events since they are handled by the systems Accessibility Service.
That service, gets the events, and tries to handle them within my app, but, since my components are non-native, the system does not recognize them and the DPAD is wasted, hence, the illusion that the DPADs are not working.
So, what do you have to do if you just want to handle the DPADs (and nothing else) yourself with Talkback on?
The answer to this post will contain the code that describes the following behavior:
1. The talkback wont be able to 'talk' about your components
2. The DPAD events will be handled by an Accessibility Delegate
3. A virtual DPAD will handle the navigation
4. The green rectangle used for focus will be disabled, since you wont need it anyway
5. The app will look exactly the same with Talkback on and off
This post was made for educational purposes, since I had a hard time coming up with the solution, and hope the next guy finds it helpfull.
The first step is to create a class that inherits the AccessibilityDelegateCompat in order to create our own Accessibility Service.
class MyAccessibilityHelper : AccessibilityDelegateCompat
const string Tag = "MyAccessibilityHelper";
const int ROOT_NODE = -1;
const int INVALID_NODE = -1000;
const string NODE_CLASS_NAME = "My_Node";
public const int NODE_UP = 1;
public const int NODE_LEFT = 2;
public const int NODE_CENTER = 3;
public const int NODE_RIGHT = 4;
public const int NODE_DOWN = 5;
private class MyAccessibilityProvider : AccessibilityNodeProviderCompat
private readonly MyAccessibilityHelper mHelper;
public MyAccessibilityProvider(MyAccessibilityHelper helper)
mHelper = helper;
public override bool PerformAction(int virtualViewId, int action, Bundle arguments)
return mHelper.PerformNodeAction(virtualViewId, action, arguments);
public override AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat CreateAccessibilityNodeInfo(int virtualViewId)
var node = mHelper.CreateNode(virtualViewId);
return AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.Obtain(node);
private readonly View mView;
private readonly MyAccessibilityProvider mProvider;
private Dictionary<int, Rect> mRects = new Dictionary<int, Rect>();
private int mAccessibilityFocusIndex = INVALID_NODE;
public MyAccessibilityHelper(View view)
mView = view;
mProvider = new MyAccessibilityProvider(this);
public override AccessibilityNodeProviderCompat GetAccessibilityNodeProvider(View host)
return mProvider;
public override void SendAccessibilityEvent(View host, int eventType)
Android.Util.Log.Debug(Tag, "SendAccessibilityEvent: host={0} eventType={1}", host, eventType);
base.SendAccessibilityEvent(host, eventType);
public void AddRect(int id, Rect rect)
mRects.Add(id, rect);
public AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat CreateNode(int virtualViewId)
var node = AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.Obtain(mView);
if (virtualViewId == ROOT_NODE)
node.ContentDescription = "Root node";
ViewCompat.OnInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(mView, node);
foreach (var r in mRects)
node.AddChild(mView, r.Key);
node.ContentDescription = "";
node.ClassName = NODE_CLASS_NAME;
node.Enabled = true;
node.Focusable = true;
var r = mRects[virtualViewId];
int[] offset = new int[2];
node.SetBoundsInScreen(new Rect(offset[0] + r.Left, offset[1] + r.Top, offset[0] + r.Right, offset[1] + r.Bottom));
node.PackageName = mView.Context.PackageName;
node.SetSource(mView, virtualViewId);
node.VisibleToUser = true;
if (virtualViewId == mAccessibilityFocusIndex)
node.AccessibilityFocused = true;
node.AccessibilityFocused = false;
return node;
private AccessibilityEvent CreateEvent(int virtualViewId, EventTypes eventType)
var e = AccessibilityEvent.Obtain(eventType);
if (virtualViewId == ROOT_NODE)
ViewCompat.OnInitializeAccessibilityEvent(mView, e);
var record = AccessibilityEventCompat.AsRecord(e);
record.Enabled = true;
record.SetSource(mView, virtualViewId);
record.ClassName = NODE_CLASS_NAME;
e.PackageName = mView.Context.PackageName;
return e;
public bool SendEventForVirtualView(int virtualViewId, EventTypes eventType)
if (mView.Parent == null)
return false;
var e = CreateEvent(virtualViewId, eventType);
return ViewParentCompat.RequestSendAccessibilityEvent(mView.Parent, mView, e);
public bool PerformNodeAction(int virtualViewId, int action, Bundle arguments)
if (virtualViewId == ROOT_NODE)
return ViewCompat.PerformAccessibilityAction(mView, action, arguments);
switch (action)
case AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.ActionAccessibilityFocus:
if (virtualViewId != mAccessibilityFocusIndex)
if (mAccessibilityFocusIndex != INVALID_NODE)
SendEventForVirtualView(mAccessibilityFocusIndex, EventTypes.ViewAccessibilityFocusCleared);
mAccessibilityFocusIndex = virtualViewId;
SendEventForVirtualView(virtualViewId, EventTypes.ViewAccessibilityFocused);
// virtual key event
switch (virtualViewId)
case NODE_UP:
// refocus center
SendEventForVirtualView(NODE_CENTER, EventTypes.ViewAccessibilityFocused);
return true;
case AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.ActionClearAccessibilityFocus:
if (virtualViewId == mAccessibilityFocusIndex)
mAccessibilityFocusIndex = INVALID_NODE;
SendEventForVirtualView(virtualViewId, EventTypes.ViewAccessibilityFocusCleared);
return true;
return false;
private void HandleDpadEvent(Keycode keycode)
//Here you know what DPAD was pressed
//You can create your own key event and send it to your app
//This code depends on your own application, and I wont be providing the code
//Note, it is important to handle both, the KeyDOWN and the KeyUP event for it to work
Since the code is a bit large, I'll just explain the crutal parts.
Once the talkback is active, the dictionary (from our view bellow) will be used to create a virtual tree node of our virtual DPAD. With that in mind, the function PerformNodeAction will be the most important one.
It handles the actions once a virtual node was focused by the Accessibility system, based on the provided id of the virtual element, there are two parts, the first one is the ROOT_NODE, which is the view iteslf that contains our virtual dpad, which for the most part can be ignored, but the seond part is where the handling is done.
The second part is where the actions ActionAccessibilityFocus and ActionClearAccessibilityFocus are handled. The two of witch are both important, but the first one is where we can finally handle our virtual dpad.
What is done here is that with the provided virtual ID from the dictionary, we know which DPAD was selected (virtualViewId). Based on the selected DPAD, we can perform the action we want in the HandleDpadEvent function. What is important to notice, is that after we handle the selecteds DPAD event, we will refocus our CENTER node, in order to be ready to handle the next button press. This is very important, since, you dont want to find yourself in a situation where you go DOWN, and then UP, just for the virtual dpad to focus the CENTER pad.
So, I'll epeat myself, the refocusing of the CENTER pad after the previous' DPAD event was handled needs to be done in order for us to know EXACTLY where we will be after the next DPAD button was pressed!
There is one function that I wont post here, since the code for it is very specific for my app, the function is HandleDpadEvent, there you must create a keydown and a keyup event and send it to your main activity where the function onKeyDown/Up will be triggered. Once you do that, the delegate is done.
And once the Delegate is done, we have to make our view like this:
* SimplestCustomView
public class AccessibilityHelperView : View
private MyAccessibilityHelper mHelper;
Dictionary<int, Rect> virtualIdRectMap = new Dictionary<int, Rect>();
public AccessibilityHelperView(Context context) :
public AccessibilityHelperView(Context context, IAttributeSet attrs) :
base(context, attrs)
public AccessibilityHelperView(Context context, IAttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) :
base(context, attrs, defStyle)
public void Init()
this.Focusable = true;
this.FocusedByDefault = true;
mHelper = new MyAccessibilityHelper(this);
ViewCompat.SetAccessibilityDelegate(this, mHelper);
foreach (var r in virtualIdRectMap)
mHelper.AddRect(r.Key, r.Value);
private void setRectangle()
virtualIdRectMap.Add(MRAccessibilityHelper.NODE_CENTER, new Rect(1, 1, 2, 2));
virtualIdRectMap.Add(MRAccessibilityHelper.NODE_LEFT, new Rect(0, 1, 1, 2));
virtualIdRectMap.Add(MRAccessibilityHelper.NODE_UP, new Rect(1, 0, 2, 1));
virtualIdRectMap.Add(MRAccessibilityHelper.NODE_RIGHT, new Rect(2, 1, 3, 2));
virtualIdRectMap.Add(MRAccessibilityHelper.NODE_DOWN, new Rect(1, 2, 2, 3));
protected override void OnDraw(Canvas canvas)
That view looks like this:
What is to notice?
The size of the node pads is in pixels, and they will be found on the top left corner of your app.
They are set to that single pixel size, because the Talkback functionality would otherwise select the first node pad that was added to the dictionary with a green rectangle (thats standard behavior for talkback)
All the rectangles in the view are added to a dictionary that will be used in our own Accessibility Delegate, to mention here is that the CENTER pad was added first, and therefor will be in focus once the talkback is activated by default
The Init function
The Init function is crutial for this, there we will create our view, and set some talkback parameters nessessary for our virtual dpad to be recognized by the systems own Accessibility Service.
Also, there will our Accessibility Delegate be initialized and our dictionary with all the created DPADs.
Ok, so far, we made a Delegate and a View, I placed them both in the same file, so they can see each other. But it is not a must.
So what now? We must add the AccessibilityHelperView to our app, in the MainActivity.cs file
AccessibilityHelperView mAccessibilityHelperView;
In the OnCreate function, you can add the following code to initiate the view:
mAccessibilityHelperView = new AccessibilityHelperView(this);
In the OnResume function, you can check if the talkback is on or off, based on the result, you can add or remove the mAccessibilityHelperView from your mBackgroundLayout(AddView, and RemoveView).
The OnResume function should look like this:
if (TalkbackEnabled && !_isVirtualDPadShown)
_isVirtualDPadShown = true;
else if (!TalkbackEnabled && _isVirtualDPadShown)
_isVirtualDPadShown = false;
The TalkbackEnabled variable is a local one that checks if the Talkback service is on or off, like this:
public bool TalkbackEnabled
AccessibilityManager am = MyApp.Instance.GetSystemService(Context.AccessibilityService) as AccessibilityManager;
if (am == null) return false;
String TALKBACK_SETTING_ACTIVITY_NAME = "com.android.talkback.TalkBackPreferencesActivity";
var serviceList = am.GetEnabledAccessibilityServiceList(FeedbackFlags.AllMask);
foreach (AccessibilityServiceInfo serviceInfo in serviceList)
String name = serviceInfo.SettingsActivityName;
Log.Debug(LogArea, "Talkback is active");
return true;
Log.Debug(LogArea, "Talkback is inactive");
return false;
That should be all you need to make it work.
Hope I could help you out.
I have a TextWatcher that adds a dollar sign in front of an EditText value (it's a price field). Everything works fine except that if you type two first digits fast enough, the second digit won't appear. Once you past the first two digits it's all fine. If you type them slowly (almost a second in between) it also works fine.
Here is the TextWatcher code I am using:
#AfterTextChange(R.id.add_itemPrice) // android annotations way
void addDollar(Editable e) {
if (priceFieldBeingModified) {
if (!e.toString().startsWith(CURRENCY_SYMB)) {
priceFieldBeingModified = true;
String newValue = CURRENCY_SYMB + e;
if (priceField.getSelectionStart() == 0) {
// move the cursor to the end
priceFieldBeingModified = false;
priceField EditText has fixed layout_width/layout_height (in dp). From what I can gather, setText()/getText() are just too expensive but I don't know how to avoid them in this case.
priceField.getText().insert(0, CURRENCY_SYMB) doesn't do anything for some reason.
Looks like the problem only happens on Android 4.3 (or an Xperia Z phone). Tried a 4.1 phone - works like a charm.
Any suggestions would be appreciated, I am out of ideas with this one!
This is working fine for me:
public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
else if (!s.toString().startsWith("$")) {
priceFieldBeingModified = true;
String newValue = "$" + s;
if (e.getSelectionStart() == 0) {
// move the cursor to the end
priceFieldBeingModified = false;
It checks if string is not null and it doesn't start with "$", then it adds "$" at start and moves cursor to end.
I'm developing application that views books. There is a screen (Activity) which shows a book. It has custom view, something similar to ViewSwitcher and every page is a bitmap that is rendered by a custom View.
Now I should implement accessibility function - book should be read by the phone (audio).
I've read Accessibility section here https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/accessibility/index.html but it is not clear enough.
I use SupportLibrary for accessibility management and now I have this code in ViewGroup (which manages book pages). Code 1:
private class EditionPagesViewSwitcherAccessibilityDelegate extends AccessibilityDelegateCompat {
private int mPageCount;
private double[] mPageRange;
public void onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(final View host, final AccessibilityEvent event) {
super.onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(host, event);
if (event.getEventType() == AccessibilityEventCompat.TYPE_VIEW_SCROLLED && updatePageValues()) {
// we use +1 because of user friendly numbers (from 1 not 0)
event.setFromIndex((int) (mPageRange[0] + 1));
event.setToIndex((int) (mPageRange[1] + 1));
public void onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(final View host, final AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat info) {
super.onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(host, info);
if (canScrollForward()) {
if (canScrollBackward()) {
public boolean performAccessibilityAction(final View host, final int action, final Bundle args) {
if (super.performAccessibilityAction(host, action, args)) {
return true;
switch (action) {
case AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.ACTION_SCROLL_FORWARD: {
if (canScrollForward()) {
return true;
return false;
case AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.ACTION_SCROLL_BACKWARD: {
if (canScrollBackward()) {
return true;
return false;
return false;
Here is code from page view Code 2:
public void onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(final View host, final AccessibilityEvent event) {
super.onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(host, event);
if (hasText()) {
final String trimText = mSurfaceUpdateData.getPageText().trim();
if (trimText.length() > MAX_TEXT_LENGTH) {
event.getText().add(trimText.substring(0, MAX_TEXT_LENGTH));
// event.getText().add(trimText.substring(MAX_TEXT_LENGTH, trimText.length()));
else {
public void onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(final View host, final AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat info) {
super.onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(host, info);
Because page text data loads asynchronous first time accessibility don't have any text while executes onInitializeAccessibilityEvent code. And then when data have been loaded I fire AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_SELECTED and AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_TEXT_CHANGED events. Then onInitializeAccessibilityEvent executes again and phone "read" book text.
So my questions:
Is my Accessibility implementation right? May be it is design wrong? Because I didn't find any good tutorial about this feature.
Why I need to use SDK versions checks in Support implementations in Code 1? Why support implementation doesn't handle it correctly?
Is firing TYPE_VIEW_SELECTED and TYPE_VIEW_TEXT_CHANGED really needed? Or may be some other code should be implemented?
The main question. In Code 2 there is commented code line. This code statement substring text to be less then MAX_TEXT_LENGTH (it's 3800) because if text is bigger nothing is played. Nothing. Is it accessibility restriction? Any other text that is less then this value is played well.
Does anyone know where I can find any good tutorial? (yes I saw samples).
Does anyone have any custom realizations to look through?
Well. Here is some answers:
As I can see TYPE_VIEW_SELECTED and TYPE_VIEW_TEXT_CHANGED events are not needed if you don't want this text to be read as soon as you get it.
On Nexus 7 all large text is played well (text up to 8000 symbols), so this issue doesn't reproduce on it, but on Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 (Android 4.0.4) and Genymotion emulator of Tab 10.1 with Android 4.3 does. And this is strange...
4.. According to the documentation of String.substring()
The first argument you pass is the start index in the original string, the second argument is the end index in the original string.
String text = "Hello";
partOfText = text.substring(2,text.length() - 1);
partOfText equals to "llo" (the first char is index 0)
So by putting your constant MAX_TEXT_LENGTH as a first argument, it would start at index 3800 to take out the substring.
You are right MAX_TEXT_LENGTH is 3800.
About your doubt,
this code:
event.getText().add(trimText.substring(MAX_TEXT_LENGTH, trimText.length()));
you are trying to substring "trimText" from MAX_TEXT_LENGTH to trimText.length() !
Supposing that trimText = "STACK", trimText.length() = 5, then trimText.substring(3800,5) is going to be ?
At first, this doesn't have sense, using correctly would be like this:
trimText.substring(0,2) = "ST";
I use a DatePicker within my Android Activity. I only have the need to display the year to the user. I use
private void findAndHideField(DatePicker datepicker, String name) {
try {
Field field = DatePicker.class.getDeclaredField(name);
View fieldInstance = (View) field.get(datepicker);
} catch (Exception e) {
and then
findAndHideField(startDatePicker, "mDayPicker");
findAndHideField(startDatePicker, "mMonthPicker");
findAndHideField(startDatePicker, "mDaySpinner");
findAndHideField(startDatePicker, "mMonthSpinner");
The code works fine on 2.3.x but on 4.1.x phone this just displays a full calender. What can i do to make only the year dial visible ?
add these lines in your XML
to your DatePicker
I have an application where I would like to warn the user if they are not using the default Android softkeyboard. (i.e. they are using Swype or some thing else).
How can I check which input method they currently have selected?
You can get a default IME, use:
Settings.Secure.getString(getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.DEFAULT_INPUT_METHOD);
InputMethodManager has getEnabledInputMethodList(). You get an InputMethodManager from getSystemService() in your Activity.
Here's a bit of code I used to determine if GoogleKeyboard, Samsung Keyboard, or Swype Keyboard is used. The value returned by reflection for mCurId indicates the IME ID.
Test with the different keyboards/input methods you are looking for to find the relevant one
public boolean usingSamsungKeyboard(Context context){
return usingKeyboard(context, "com.sec.android.inputmethod/.SamsungKeypad");
public boolean usingSwypeKeyboard(Context context){
return usingKeyboard(context, "com.nuance.swype.input/.IME");
public boolean usingGoogleKeyboard(Context context){
return usingKeyboard(context, "com.google.android.inputmethod.latin/com.android.inputmethod.latin.LatinIME");
public boolean usingKeyboard(Context context, String keyboardId)
final InputMethodManager richImm =
boolean isKeyboard = false;
final Field field;
field = richImm.getClass().getDeclaredField("mCurId");
Object value = field.get(richImm);
isKeyboard = value.equals(keyboardId);
catch (IllegalAccessException e)
catch (NoSuchFieldException e)
return isKeyboard;