I'm trying to POST data to an external URL in my AIR for Android app to log in users. It works in the Flash Debugger on my pc, but does not work on my Android device. I have the Internet Permission set for my app. I have listeners set up for IO_ERROR and SECURITY_ERROR but neither of these are fired. It just hangs there and does nothing when I test on the device, but it works fine in the debug player!?!?
EDIT: I've already searched for answers and the closest I came was this: AS3 AIR URLLoader POST which suggest specifying a content-type in my request, but that doesn't solve my issue
EDIT: It also works when I upload it to server and add a crossdomain.xml to the requested site.
public static function login(user:String, pass:String):void
username = user;
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest( "http://mysite.com/"+user+"/login.json" );
request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
request.contentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
variables.p = pass;
request.data = variables;
var requestor:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
requestor.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, loginRequestComplete );
requestor.addEventListener( IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, httpRequestError );
requestor.addEventListener( SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, httpRequestError );
requestor.load( request );
Well, I finally managed to nail it....
I was grabbing my username and password from two textfields created in the ide.
The username textfield was set to multiline, which caused no problems in the online or debugger versions, but added a line break to the textfield on my android device, causing my api to return 400.
Changed it to a single line textfield and problem solved.
Crazy :)
Making app in Unity.
App works perfectly in Unity editor:
can access firebase for user login - this isnt the issue
can read and write from/to google sheet located in google drive using service account
When I build to android (apk file), and install on physical andoid device (Samsung S20 phone):
can access firebase for user login - so it is not an network/internet problem
CANT read/write from google sheet.
A portion of my code is here:
Authorisation - i am not sure if this bit works on the phone, or how to check.
public void Auth() // authorise access to the googlesheet online
//jsonKey = File.ReadAllText("Assets/Resources/Creds/beerhats-db-3***.json"); // location of key - read it - save to string
TextAsset txtAsset = (TextAsset)Resources.Load("beerhats-db-3***", typeof(TextAsset)); //i changed the file name here on stackoverflow just in case its a security thing
string jsonKey = txtAsset.text;
ServiceAccountCredential.Initializer initializer = new ServiceAccountCredential.Initializer(Secrets.serviceAccountID);
var jsonData = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonKey);
if (jsonData != null) // the json file isnt moving or changing - so probably dont need an if statemet - remove later
string privateKey = jsonData["private_key"].Value<string>(); // specifically get the private key from all the data in the json file
ServiceAccountCredential credential = new ServiceAccountCredential(initializer.FromPrivateKey(privateKey));
service = new SheetsService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
HttpClientInitializer = credential,
Part of my ReadFile code:
public async Task<string> ReadFile(string sheetName, string cellLocation) // for reading data only
// creates a string of location to write to
string whereToRead = sheetName + "!" + cellLocation;
SpreadsheetsResource.ValuesResource.GetRequest request = service.Spreadsheets.Values.Get(Secrets.spreadsheetID, whereToRead);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
ValueRange response = await request.ExecuteAsync(); // run this on a separate thread as it takes long?
IList<IList<object>> values = response.Values;
On the phone, it executes the stringbuilder line, but not the executeasync() line.
upgrade Unity version
change the min and target API levels
introduced keystore and project keys
introduced async incase it was a loading issue
change custom gradle template checkboxes
change read access on android sdk
update nuget installs of google apis
asking chatgpt for help
looking at various forums for similar issues
I am not running on an emulator, so no help with errors during run time. No errors in editor when built.
when installed on android device, the app to read/write from google sheet located in google drive
ideas to try to get this working! Thankyou :)
My code used to work, it does not work anymore, I tried troubleshooting and can't figure out why.
I have this piece of code in my PHP:
$android_id_01 = $_GET['pmysql_room_id'];
$android_id_02 = "";
$f = fopen("00_android_id_01.txt", "w");
fwrite($f, print_r($android_id_01, true));
$f = fopen("00_android_id_02.txt", "w");
fwrite($f, print_r($android_id_02, true));
For troubleshooting I created two android IDs ($android_id_01 and $android_id_02) which are both empty (The first one is From Android and the second one I created directly from PHP).
Now when I launch my Android device, the PHP file is executed from server side and both the text files are created empty and identical. Now my code only works when I use $android_id_02 and not $android_id_01 from the code below:
if ($android_id == '')
//my code
(Yes when I use either one of the $android_id_01 OR $android_id_02 I rename it to $android_id and comment out the other one)
My question is, although this was working yesterday, why does it work with $android_id_02 = ""; and not $android_id_01 = $_GET['pmysql_room_id']; even though they are both empty????
I don't know what changed from yesterday to today.
Ok after a bit of troubleshooting I found a solution, strange though.
On the server side "display_errors" under PHP settings must be turned off. Somehow having this on interferes with the json_encode sent back to android client. (even though my code is not generating any errors)
I'm trying to access an image protected by a simple http basic authentication mechanism. This example works fine when using my browser
var mImage = sap.m.Image("Im1");
var page = new sap.m.Page({
title: "Image",
content: mImage
Yet when I wrap it in a Cordova container (Android) this simple way of attaching user+pw does not seem to work. The webserver responds with a 401 error and my app does not send an authentication header.
The next step I've tried was to send a XmlHttRequest before trying to access time image URL:
var xhr =new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("GET", "", true, "user", "password");
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
alert(xhr.responseText); //returns the image in text form i.e. authentication works fine
mImage.setSrc("") //returns a 401
Yet another failure. I was under the impression that once I am authenticated I will get a session. But apparently the xhr session and the sap.m.image session seem to be apart.
Any thoughts on how to tackle this issue
I found out that this appears to be a bug in the Android Webview. It is fixed in Android 5- This is fine for me and my example above works fine
I am working on a prototype Air for Android application that loads some remote swf files (all created and controlled by me) and I need to be able to pass a variable along to the remote SWF.
Here is a quick break down of how the process currently works:
The Android app, called Loader, is installed on the device.
Loader points to my server and finds Player.swf, which it loads into the main stage. Player.swf show a login screen.
When a user logs in correctly, Player.swf receives an XML response from an API with a list of remote SWF videos to display for the user. Player.swf loops through the XML list and plays each remote SWF, one after the other.
Now, so far, so good. The remote SWF videos load up and play perfectly. But I need to start picking up variables from Player.swf (pulled from the XML response) to use in the remote SWF (things like text strings, user ID's etc)
From all the searching I have done, I believe it is down to the Sandbox environment, as Loader is a compiled application and Player.swf + the remote SWF's are all coming off a server. However, now I am wondering, as Player.swf is the one that has the AS3 code to deal with the XML response, and that is located on the same server as the remote SWF's that are played (and therefore should be the same sandbox?)
I was able to pass a variable along using a URL parameter, but it only works locally and not when I use the Android application.
I found an old blog pot about Sandbox Bridges, but the example file download doesn't work anymore.
Can anyone point me in the right direction in using the parentSandboxBridge function/class to pass along a variable (all examples I have seen deal with passing functions and/or are coded for Flex)
I cannot post any code, as I simply have nothing to show for what I want to achieve (I'm totally stumped on this bit!)
EDIT: I managed to get parameters to pass along (even though it worked locally before, it didnt work with the Loader app > Remote Player > Remote SWF animation combo)
I had to set the application domain context inside Player.swf (seeing as it is on the same server as the remote swf animations, not sure why I needed to do this)
But oddly, I cannot use parent or root to pickup variables?
I've tested this on HTC Desire running android 2.2.2 and it works what I've put in comment thus the answer is as follows:)
your host needs to define similar:
var params:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
params["string"] = "ala ma kota";
params["number"] = 1979;
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest();
request.data = params;
request.url = "urlVarsReader.swf";
var loader:Loader = new Loader();
then loaded content (here urlVarsReader.swf) can read them as follows:
var output:TextField = new TextField();
output.border = true;
output.width = 320;
output.height = 240;
output.wordWrap = true;
output.multiline = true;
var p:Object = getParams(this.loaderInfo);
for (var name:String in p)
output.appendText(name + " = " + p[name] + "\n");
I have a wrapper method for reading params:
public function getParams(li:LoaderInfo):Object
var params:Object = li.parameters;
var pairs:Object = {};
var key:String;
for(key in params)
pairs[key] = String(params[key]);
return {error:e.getStackTrace()};
return pairs;
best regards
This works only with local content fails with SecurytyError e.g. SecurityError: Error #2070: Security sandbox violation: caller http://example.com/urlVarsReader.swf?string=ala%20ma%20kota&number=1979 cannot access Stage owned by app:/loadwithparams.swf
I can't seem to figure this one out, and I've tried googling that my fingers now hurt.
I am performing a HTTPClient request to my Domino Server that has SSL enabled. My request works perfectly when testing on iOS, but fails every time when testing through the Android Emulator and Mobile Web.
I'm running Android 2.2 SDK.
When I try to sign in from the App, I am definitely reaching the Server, because HTML is returned (the Login Web Form). When HTML is returned, it either means that the Authentication failed, or that the Redirect didn't work. When signing in through iOS the page redirects 100%.
Below is my code:
var orderReq = Titanium.Network.createHTTPClient();
var myurl = 'https://domain/db.nsf?login';
orderReq.open('POST',myurl, false);
var params = {
username: "Joe Smith",
password: "Password",
redirectto: "path/db.nsf/response.xsp"
var myreturn = orderReq.responseText;
if((myreturn.charAt(0) === '<') || (myreturn === ""))
return 'Fail';
var json = orderReq.responseText;
var response = eval('(' + json + ')');
return response.username;
I have tried many properties and to no avail. I can confirm that the Android Emulator can connect to the Internet. It feels like either the Parameters are not being passed or the Redirect is not being triggered on the Web Page.
NOTE: I notice when authenticating through Android emulator that it fails immediately, where iOS returns true or false after 1-2 seconds.
Okay i know the question is too old. But, for anyone who is looking for an answer, this is what worked for me.
Make sure params is stringified before sending it to the server
Include the following right after the lines - orderReq.open('POST',myurl, false);
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');