Create List View Dynamically in Android - android

I am developing an Android app. In that I want to add List view at run time on Text click.
Here is the image of one demo.
By default there are 3 options in "List". When user clicks on Add new List option then new List should be added into header with Work, Play and buddies option. How can I do that?

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How to make Scrollable List of new page when I click Drop down Snipper in Kotlin

I want to make List for selecting region when user register on app.
So What I want to implement is if user click drop down menu
I want make it go another new page, not list dropped down below.
New page will have Scrollable list.
And I click this Scrollable list, I need to get this data.
So I guess I need to use RecyclerView to make Scrollable list of new page.
And Each component of RecyclerView should be button. (is that right?)
1) But what I don't know is how to make Dropdown Snipper as Clickable Button.
Snipper can't use setOnClickListener.
Should I make Button to have Text and Arrow manually?
In React Native It had some library for this purpose.
2) Is that correct Kotlin doesn't provide such library?

Add Device button defined, need to add new device on screen every time user clicks it

Screenshot of the App
I have a DeviceLayout.xml file which has a list of buttons in a grid as shown below. I used to pull it using an include tag in the MainLayout.
No activity is defined for DeviceLayout. Just xml file.
Now, the devices in the image are statically added. I want to make the button creation dynamic. If user clicks the "Add Device" Button, a new popup has to come up asking the details of the Device and it should be displayed on the home.
Please help. No idea how to do this.
First, in your activity you should use an adapter to populate the gridview.
Then, make your activity pass the dataset to be displayed to the gridview dynamically.
After adding a new device in your dataset, just update the grid ( you can use a adapter's notifydatasetchanged method).

Custom List View multiple item selecting

Am new to development and have doubt in selecting listview items using android.
I have an listview with list of data from mysql and also have checkbox for selecting items and have button to pass the selected items to next screen.
What i want to know is how to select multiple items and send to next activity using the button.
Awaiting for your kind reply.
Perfect tutorial for your problem, might it will help you

Adding new listview to current listview item?

I'm newbie on android development and developing a app to improve myself.
My app is listing students from db with ListView. I want to do"When I click the name of student, it will show the exam grades" I mean,I want to add new listview to onclick of list item.
Is it possible? What I need to do that(in xml and code),Do you have any code sample?
Create a custom listview ( Add a listview to the listview item and set its visibility to GONE. When they click the item set the visibility to VISIBLE.
Add an OnItemClickListener listener in the current ListView and when you get the click event query your data base for that particular student to get result. Once you have result you can load a new ListView in same Activity using Fragment or in a totally new fragment. (You are already using a ListView, so obviously you know how to load data in ListView).
If you want to show the grades in a separate screen, I would suggest that you'll create a new Activity with it's own layout (that will contain the grades ListView) and when a click on a student name will occur you will start the new Activity to display grades (you can pass the student id on the new Activity Intent).
You can also consider using Fragments. This way you will be able to change the layout to master-detail view (like in mail apps) easily on tablets. You can start by looking at this link.

how to create view that expand & shrink on click?

I have to display list of items along with a plus(+) sign , on click of plus sign list should expand & on click again list should shrink
You can do this but would need to do more work
as you want to show
name ,address and plus sign should changed to minus ,
you would require to make a custom list view and what you can do is use
when plus button is clicked in list
and when minus button is clicked
If you want to create a tree view like windows, then it is not a UI element that is supported by android. The similar to this is the ExplandableListView element.
Although in one business application I have found this project that does exactly what you want.

