I want to implement a program which inserts details in database everytime the call is made or sms is sent. Should I use a broadcast receiver or content observer or Service ? what would be appropriate? I am new to android and urgently need help on this.
I have done the following code uptill now. The problem with this is when first time the code is run then for example call log has 8 records so these 8 records are inserted in database. Then if any change in call log is made for example i make another call then 17 records are shown in database instead of 9. Please help where am i going wrong ?
package com.calllogdb;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.content.ContentValues;
import android.database.ContentObserver;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.widget.Toast;
//import static android.provider.BaseColumns._ID;
import static com.calllogdb.Constants.KEY_ContactNum ;
import static com.calllogdb.Constants.KEY_ContactName;
import static com.calllogdb.Constants.KEY_Duration;
import static com.calllogdb.Constants.KEY_Date ;
import static com.calllogdb.Constants.KEY_NumType ;
import static com.calllogdb.Constants.KEY_CurrTime ;
import static com.calllogdb.Constants.TABLE_NAME;
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
private Helper helper = new Helper(this);
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
android.provider.CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI, true,
new CallLogObserver(new Handler()));
try {
finally {
private void addLog() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
SQLiteDatabase db;
Cursor cursor = getContentResolver().query(
android.provider.CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI, null, null, null,
android.provider.CallLog.Calls.DATE + " DESC ");
db = helper.getWritableDatabase();
int numberColumnId = cursor.getColumnIndex(android.provider.CallLog.Calls.NUMBER);
int durationId = cursor.getColumnIndex(android.provider.CallLog.Calls.DURATION);
int contactNameId = cursor.getColumnIndex(android.provider.CallLog.Calls.CACHED_NAME);
int dateId = cursor.getColumnIndex(android.provider.CallLog.Calls.DATE);
int numTypeId = cursor.getColumnIndex(android.provider.CallLog.Calls.CACHED_NUMBER_TYPE);
Date dt = new Date();
int hours = dt.getHours();
int minutes = dt.getMinutes();
int seconds = dt.getSeconds();
String currTime = hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds;
ArrayList<String> callList = new ArrayList<String>();
if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
do {
String contactNumber = cursor.getString(numberColumnId);
String contactName = cursor.getString(contactNameId);
String duration = cursor.getString(durationId);
String callDate = DateFormat.getDateInstance().format(dateId);
String numType = cursor.getString(numTypeId);
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put(KEY_ContactName, contactName);
values.put(KEY_NumType, numType);
values.put(KEY_ContactNum, contactNumber);
values.put(KEY_Duration, duration);
values.put(KEY_Date, callDate);
values.put(KEY_CurrTime, currTime);
db.insert(TABLE_NAME, null, values);
callList.add("Contact Number: " + contactNumber
+ "\nContact Name: " + contactName + "\nDuration: "
+ duration + "\nDate: " + callDate);
} while (cursor.moveToNext());
Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "Inserted!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
// Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.activity_main, menu);
return true;
public class CallLogObserver extends ContentObserver
public CallLogObserver(Handler handler) {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public boolean deliverSelfNotifications() {
return true;
public void onChange(boolean selfChange) {
Log.d("LOG_TAG", "MyContentObserver.onChange( " + selfChange
+ ")");
Whenever i am making a call it gets notified and inserts whole set of records instead of only the latest one.What should i do to prevent this?
You are probably inserting the whole call log into the database again. You can use either content observer or a broadcast listener to know that a call is made, but you need to maintain the time when you last read the complete db of call logs, and only insert calls that are made after that time.
If you use contentobserver, the observer needs to be in a service. Register the observer in the onCreate(). You will use contentProvider in the onChange of the contentObserver. You will need to maintain time when you last read the database using shared preferences. Note the changes of entries after the time stored in shared preferences. Now update the time of shared preferences to current time. Also unregister the content observer in onDestroy().
Hello Techie :) i am new to android . i'm developing one app where user is registering with all personal detail and mobile device detail and after user login all the things working fine and met with result but when i'm moving to admin section here i have issue and i'm not getting any idea about this .
Parts of Admin section where i am stuck :-
1) after admin login , all table records should be shown in one table layout here u can say i want to populate all table records in Table Layout .
i try with specific user name and its showing in the table layout but it's not my requirement , i have to show all users in Table layout .
i'm sharing my code here , will u all suggest me what to do next and how can i achieve my requirement.
Thanks for your valuable time :)
package com.example.yadapras.mobiltyemp;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity; import android.support.v7.widget.VectorEnabledTintResources; import android.telephony.TelephonyManager; import android.view.View; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.Toast;
/** * Created by yadapras on 6/26/2016. */ public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
EditText a,b;
String usr,pass;
DatabaseHelper helper = new DatabaseHelper(this);
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
public void onButtonClick(View v)
if (v.getId() == R.id.BLogin)
a = (EditText)findViewById(R.id.userName);
usr = a.getText().toString();
b = (EditText)findViewById(R.id.userPassword);
pass = b.getText().toString();
String password = null;
if( a.getText().toString().length() == 0 || usr == "" || usr == null)
a.setError( " User name is required!" );
if( b.getText().toString().length() == 0 || pass =="" || pass == null)
b.setError( "Password is required!" );
password = helper.searchPass(usr);
if (a.getText().toString().equals("admin") && b.getText().toString().equals("admin"))
Intent intent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), AdminDisplay.class);
if (pass.equals(password) && password != null) {
Intent intent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), EmpDetail.class);
intent.putExtra("usr", usr);
TelephonyManager telephonyManager = (TelephonyManager) getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
String uid = telephonyManager.getDeviceId();
String manufacturer = Build.MANUFACTURER; // Not used in current scenario
String model = Build.MODEL;
int version = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;
String versionRelease = Build.VERSION.RELEASE; // not used in current scenario
String msg = "IMEI No: " + uid + "\n" + "Manufacturer is :" + manufacturer + "\n" + "Model is :" + model + "\n" + "Os Version is :" + version + "\n" + "VersionRelease is :" + versionRelease;
Toast toast = Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, msg, Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
Register r = new Register();
helper.updateTable(r); /*For updating table with new Coloumn*/
Toast err_pass = Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this,"UserName and Password don't Match",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);
if (v.getId() == R.id.BSignup)
Intent intent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), Registration.class);
package com.example.yadapras.mobiltyemp;
import android.content.ContentValues;
import android.content.Context;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.database.DatabaseUtils;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper;
import android.util.ArrayMap;
import android.util.Log;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
* Created by yadapras on 7/8/2016.
public class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 1;
private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "registrationDB.db";
public static final String TABLE_NAME = "registrations";
public static final String COLUMN_ID = "id";
public static final String COLUMN_USERNAME = "username";
public static final String COLUMN_PASSWORD= "password";
public static final String COLUMN_RE_PASSWORD= "re_password";
public static final String COLUMN_NAME= "name";
public static final String COLUMN_EMAIL= "email";
public static final String COLUMN_PHONE_NO= "phone_no";
/*Adding three coloumn IMEI_NO,OS_Version,Model_Device Respectively*/
public static final String COLUMN_IMEI_NO = "imei_no";
public static final String COLUMN_DEV_MODEL = "dev_model";
public static final String COLUMN_OS_VERSION = "os_version";
SQLiteDatabase sqLiteDatabase;
private static final String TABLE_CREATE = "create table registrations(id integer primary key not null, " +
"username text not null, password text not null, re_password text not null, name text not null, email text not null," +
"phone_no number not null,imei_no text, dev_model text, os_version text);";
public DatabaseHelper(Context context) {
public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase sqLiteDatabase) {
Log.d("#####Table Value",TABLE_CREATE);
public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase sqLiteDatabase, int i, int i1) {
public void registerUser(Register r) {
/*Inserting anything in to the dataBase make sure it should be writable*/
sqLiteDatabase = getWritableDatabase();
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
String query = "select * from registrations";
Cursor cursor = sqLiteDatabase.rawQuery(query,null);
int count = cursor.getCount();
values.put(COLUMN_EMAIL, r.getEmail());
values.put(COLUMN_PHONE_NO, r.getPhone_no());
sqLiteDatabase.insert(TABLE_NAME, null,values); /*this will insert Register object in to the Database*/
public String searchPass(String usr) {
sqLiteDatabase = this.getReadableDatabase();
String query = "select username,password from "+TABLE_NAME;
Cursor cursor = sqLiteDatabase.rawQuery(query,null);
String a,b ; // a and b will be userName and Password respectively
b = "Not Found";
if (cursor.moveToFirst())
do {
a = cursor.getString(0);
Log.d("##username from db",a);
if (a.equals(usr))
b = cursor.getString(1);
}while (cursor.moveToNext());
return b;
public JSONObject showDetail(String usr) {
sqLiteDatabase = this.getReadableDatabase();
String query ="SELECT * FROM registrations where username='"+usr+"'" ;//"select * from registrations where username = p";
// String query = "SELECT * FROM registrations";
Cursor cursor = sqLiteDatabase.rawQuery(query,null);
JSONObject data = new JSONObject();
if (cursor.moveToFirst()){
do {
int columnsQty = cursor.getColumnCount();
Log.d("###count-->", String.valueOf(columnsQty));
for (int idx=0; idx<columnsQty; ++idx) {
try {
} catch (JSONException e) {
}while (cursor.moveToNext());
Log.d("###Data Value",data.toString());
return data;
public void updateTable(Register r) {
SQLiteDatabase db = getWritableDatabase();
ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
db.update(TABLE_NAME,cv,"username = ?",new String[]{r.getUname()});; /*Working for all fields*/
/*SQLiteDatabase db = getWritableDatabase();
ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
String updateQuery = "Update registrations set " + COLUMN_IMEI_NO + " = '"+ r.getImei_no() +"' where " + COLUMN_USERNAME + "="+"'"+ r.getUname() +"'";
package com.example.yadapras.mobiltyemp;
import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.widget.TableLayout;
import android.widget.TableRow;
import android.widget.TextView;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import java.util.List;
public class AdminDisplay extends AppCompatActivity {
DatabaseHelper helper = new DatabaseHelper(this);
TextView id,name,email,mobileno,imei_no,dev_model ;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
TableLayout table = (TableLayout)findViewById(R.id.tableLayout1) ;
id = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.admin_usr_id);
name = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.admin_Uname);
email = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.admin_usr_email);
mobileno = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.admin_usr_phone);
imei_no = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.admin_usr_imeiNo);
dev_model = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.admin_usr_dev_model);
JSONObject details = helper.showDetail("pcu9044"); // ***Here i'm trying registered user so i'm getting only this user field in TableLayout .***
for (int i=0; i<details.length();i++){
TableRow row = (TableRow)findViewById(R.id.tableRow1);
try {
} catch (JSONException e) {
i'm attaching screen shot of my output, if yup people have nay doubt please feel free to ask . Thank u in advance .
Result output with my code
The problem that I see here is that when you say:
"i try with specific user name and its showing in the table layout but
it's not my requirement , i have to show all users in Table layout".
By searching for one single user from the database, you are only retrieving a single record in the database that is associated with the username you are searching for. Your method helper.showDetail() returns a single JSONObject - this object corresponds to the record in the database where username = pcu9044.
If I am understanding your situation correctly, you need to call a method that selects ALL of the records from the database in order to display what you want on the screen. Your helper.showDetail() will be a good start, but you can modify code slightly to achieve what you'd like.
I would recommend using either a list or array of JSONObjects instead of a single JSONObject. Initialize your data structure before you enter the if (cursor.moveToFirst()) conditional (like you have it now), but within each iteration of the loop, you create a new object, fill it with what the cursor returns for that row, and then add it to the structure. The code would look something like this:
public JSONArray showDetail() {
sqLiteDatabase = this.getReadableDatabase();
Cursor cursor = sqLiteDatabase.rawQuery(query,null);
//JSONObject data = new JSONObject(); *change this to an array
JSONArray data = new JSONArray();
if (cursor.moveToFirst()){
do {
int columnsQty = cursor.getColumnCount();
Log.d("###count-->", String.valueOf(columnsQty));
// Must create a new object each time you iterate to a new row to add to the array
JSONObject record = new JSONObject();
for (int idx=0; idx<columnsQty; ++idx) {
try {
// Fill the object
} catch (JSONException e) {
// Add the object to the array and repeat
}while (cursor.moveToNext());
Log.d("###Data Value",data.toString());
return data;
If you do it this way, your helper.showDetail() will return an array filled with objects that each symbolize a row. From there, your AdminDisplay.java should then cycle through the array, grab each object, and fill a new row with the information you need.
Hope this helps!
Hello Techie :) I solved my problem after reading many articles on Table Layout over Internet. i'm giving this problems solution with Table-Layout hope this will help others .
AdminDisplay.java # Editable Version
package com.example.yadapras.mobiltyemp;
import android.content.Context;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException;
import android.graphics.Color;
import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.JsonReader;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.Gravity;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.TableLayout;
import android.widget.TableRow;
import android.widget.TextView;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import java.util.List;
public class AdminDisplay extends AppCompatActivity {
TableLayout tableLayout;
private SQLiteDatabase db;
private Context context ;
DatabaseHelper helper = new DatabaseHelper(this);
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
context = this;
DatabaseHelper helper = new DatabaseHelper(this);
tableLayout = (TableLayout)findViewById(R.id.tableLayout1) ;
TableRow rowHeader = new TableRow(context);
rowHeader.setLayoutParams(new TableLayout.LayoutParams(TableLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,
String[] headerText={"ID","USERNAME","EMAIL","PHONE_NO","IMEI_NO","DEV_MODEL"};
for(String c:headerText) {
TextView tv = new TextView(this);
tv.setLayoutParams(new TableRow.LayoutParams(TableRow.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT,
tv.setPadding(5, 5, 5, 5);
SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getReadableDatabase();
String selectQuery = "SELECT * FROM "+ DatabaseHelper.TABLE_NAME;
Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(selectQuery,null);
if(cursor.getCount() >0)
while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
// Read columns data
int id = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex("id"));
String user_name= cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("username"));
String email= cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("email"));
String phone_no = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("phone_no"));
String imei_no = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("imei_no"));
String dev_model = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("dev_model"));
// dara rows
TableRow row = new TableRow(context);
row.setLayoutParams(new TableLayout.LayoutParams(TableLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,
String[] colText={id+"",user_name,email,phone_no,imei_no,dev_model};
for(String text:colText) {
TextView tv = new TextView(this);
tv.setLayoutParams(new TableRow.LayoutParams(TableRow.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT,
tv.setPadding(5, 5, 5, 5);
catch (SQLiteException e)
// End the transaction.
// Close database
Remove table.removeView(row); from the loop, if not you will get only one row at the end of the loop as it removes the previous row when a new row is added
for (int i=0; i<details.length();i++){
TableRow row = (TableRow)findViewById(R.id.tableRow1);
try {
} catch (JSONException e) {
Hi try this method i have just updated a method of your code, You can replace with your own method by.
Valiable isAdmin is true when admin get detail and false when user.
public JSONObject showDetail(String usr, boolean isAdmin)
sqLiteDatabase = this.getReadableDatabase();
String query = "";
if (isAdmin)
query = "SELECT * FROM registrations";
query ="SELECT * FROM registrations where username='"+usr+"'" ;//"select * from registrations where username = p";
Cursor cursor = sqLiteDatabase.rawQuery(query,null);
JSONObject data = new JSONObject();
if (cursor.moveToFirst()){
do {
int columnsQty = cursor.getColumnCount();
Log.d("###count-->", String.valueOf(columnsQty));
for (int idx=0; idx<columnsQty; ++idx) {
try {
} catch (JSONException e) {
}while (cursor.moveToNext());
Log.d("###Data Value",data.toString());
return data;
It may help you and Let me know if any query you have.
I've developed an application that accesses calendar events, call logs and inbox messages by using things like this:
cursor = this.contentResolver.query(CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI, projection, selection, null, order);
The app works perfectly in Galaxy SII but when I installed it in XPeria U it don't worked, probably because that phone manages calendars, calls and messages in a different way.
If I have to develop an application to each phone in the world, this is not a good business. I tried some Android classes like CalendarContract.Events but its API level is too hard and I don't want that because it won't work in most phones. Is there a good standard way to tho this that works on a high number of devices?
package bembibre.coolstar.windowsmobilewidget.backend;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import bembibre.coolstar.windowsmobilewidget.apiindependent.ApiIndependentCallLog;
import android.content.ContentResolver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.provider.CallLog;
import android.util.Log;
public class CallsContentResolver {
public static final String[] projection = {
public static final String selection = "((" + CallLog.Calls.TYPE + " = " +
CallLog.Calls.MISSED_TYPE + ") AND NOT(" +
ApiIndependentCallLog.instance().CALLS_IS_READ + "))";
private static final int MAX_NUM_CALLS = 3;
private static final String order = CallLog.Calls.DATE + " DESC LIMIT " + MAX_NUM_CALLS;
private ContentResolver contentResolver;
public CallsContentResolver(Context ctx) {
this.contentResolver = ctx.getContentResolver();
public void readCursor(List<Call> calls, Cursor cursor){
while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
String cached_name = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(
long date = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(
Call call = new Call(cached_name, date);
calls.add(0, call);
public List<Call> getMissedCalls(){
List<Call> calls = new ArrayList<Call>();
Cursor cursor = null;
cursor = this.contentResolver.query(CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI, projection, selection, null, order);
if(cursor.getCount() > 0) {
this.readCursor(calls, cursor);
catch(Exception e){
Log.d("EXCEPCIÓN", e.getMessage());
if(cursor != null){
return calls;
have a look at Calendar Provider (http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/providers/calendar-provider.html) and Contacts Provider (http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/providers/contacts-provider.html).
You can fetch the calender event from this query where
long after = date.getTime();
long current = new Date().getTime();
long millisOfOne = 1000;
long millisOftwoFour = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
long millisOfTodayLast = date.getTime() + millisOftwoFour
- millisOfOne;
Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(Uri.parse("content://com.android.calendar/events"),new String[] { "calendar_id", "title", "description","dtstart", "dtend", "eventLocation", "_id" },"dtstart >=" + after + " and dtstart<" + millisOfTodayLast,
null, "dtstart ASC");
This is my problem: I have an SQLite DB set up to store some values. In this case, its pretty simple. Two columns (_id, name). I know data is getting stored in the database and I know the cursor I am using to pass that information is also populating. However, when I try to add a cursor value to an ArrayList, I get an error. This is the code for my problem method:
public void sqltest(LDatabase LConnector){
cursor = LConnector.getAllRecords(); //gets the cursor from my db
catch (Exception e){
log.i("Failed", "Couldn't moveToFirst"); //I get a successful moveToFirst
} catch (Exception h){
Log.i("FAILED", cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("name")));
I set up that last log to tell me the value of the cursor at that position. The values entered for the DB always print out so I know the cursor is being populated. Anyone have any idea what I am doing wrong here?
EDIT: LogCat shows these two lines after this is called when an activity starts:
04-12 23:26:26.606: I/MOVED(9478): MOVED TO FIRST
04-12 23:26:26.606: I/FAILED(9478): test1
There are no more verbose errors that describe it better, that is why I am so confused. It just doesn't get stored to the AssetList at all.
This is the code for the getAllRecords() mehod:
public Cursor getAllLifts() throws SQLiteException
return database.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM contacts"+";", null);
Additionally, here is the create code + the code used for inserting:
String createQuery = "CREATE TABLE contacts" +
"(_id auto_increment integer primary key," +
"name text);";
db.execSQL(createQuery); // execute the query
open(); // open the database
//add more later to get data to insert from usr, just for testing
database.execSQL("INSERT INTO contacts(name) VALUES('test1')");
database.execSQL("INSERT INTO contacts(name) VALUES('test2')");}
catch (Exception insert){
close(); // close the database
EDIT: rest of the activity w/ imports
package com.jydev.llogger2;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
import android.content.Context;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.Toast;
public class Create extends Activity implements OnClickListener {
Button buttonNext; //continue button
Button buttonBack; //back button
EditText nameEditText; //editText w/ workout name
EditText commentEditText; //editText w/ comments
Intent info; //intent used to pass extras
String wName = null;
String wComments = null;
ArrayList<String> getWork;
Cursor cursor;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
commentEditText = (EditText)findViewById(R.id.commentEditText);
buttonBack = (Button)findViewById(R.id.create_back);
buttonNext = (Button)findViewById(R.id.create_continue);
nameEditText = (EditText)findViewById(R.id.nameEditText);
LtDatabase LConnector = new LDatabase(this);
There are several wrong things. First moveToFirst() returns a boolean so you will never get an exception thrown. Second the while statement will skip one row since you call moveToNext(), thus the first row is skipped. Finally, you get an exception because you did not initialize getwork.
public void sqltest(LDatabase LConnector)
cursor = LConnector.getAllRecords(); //gets the cursor from my db
if (cursor.moveToFirst())
} catch (Exception h){
Log.i("FAILED", cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("name")));
while (cursor.moveToNext());
In your declaration of getWork
ArrayList<String> getWork = new ArrayList<String>();
for my queries i'm using the following
public ArrayList<T> findAllBy(String selection) {
final SQLiteDatabase db = HELPER.getReadableDatabase();
final ArrayList<T> result = new ArrayList<T>();
final Cursor cursor = db.query(TABLE_NAME, SELECTED_COLS, WHERE, null, null, null, null);
try {
while (!cursor.isAfterLast()) {
T model = CREATEOBJECT(cursor);
return result;
} finally {
HELPER is a instance extendes from SQLiteOpenHelper
TABLE_NAME is a string with the name of the table
SELECTED_COLS is a String[] array with the columns names i want get
WHERE is a string like "COL_NAME = 'value'" or null
CREATEOBJECT is a method for create Object of type T want in my ArrayList<T>
public T CREATEOBJECT(Cursor cursor) {
new T(
cursor.getInt(0), cursor.getString(1)
public class T {
private long id;
private String name;
T(int id, String name) {
this.id = id;
this.name = name;
I tried to figure out CallLog and event that just happening on phone, when it got phone call or missed call.
Is it possible when I run my app and there's missed call, my app will show toast status?
Similar question on anddev
edit: as requested in comments
import java.text.DateFormat;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.provider.CallLog;
import android.util.Log;
public class CallLogActivity extends Activity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
String[] strFields = {
android.provider.CallLog.Calls.CACHED_NAME, android.provider.CallLog.Calls.NUMBER,
android.provider.CallLog.Calls.DATE, android.provider.CallLog.Calls.TYPE
String strOrder = android.provider.CallLog.Calls.DATE + " DESC";
Cursor mCallCursor = getContentResolver().query(android.provider.CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI,
strFields, null, null, strOrder);
if (mCallCursor.moveToFirst()) {
do {
boolean missed = mCallCursor.getInt(mCallCursor.getColumnIndex(CallLog.Calls.TYPE)) == CallLog.Calls.MISSED_TYPE;
if (missed) {
String name = mCallCursor.getString(mCallCursor
String number = mCallCursor.getString(mCallCursor
String time = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.LONG, DateFormat.LONG)
Log.d("PhoneLog", "You have a missed call from " + name + " on " + number
+ " at " + time);
} while (mCallCursor.moveToNext());
make sure you have the
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS"></uses-permission>
Hey, I'd like to know if there is a way to know if the content provider of callings has changed. I mean, if I make a call, or I answer a call, it returns a "flag" that a new log has been added to the call log, or the place where Android store informations about callings.
Because, when I make a call, Android stores the number, the contact name(if exists), the hour of the calling, the duration, blah blah blah, all in the content provider. So is there a way to capture this "flag" that says the content provider of callings is bigger, I mean, that a new data has been inserted on the content provider CallLog.Calls.
So, I still have a lot of doubts related to this issue. I don't know where to register the content observer. My intention is when something change in the CallLog content provider, the insert method of the code will be used.
I mean, the code wont do anything unless new data has been added to the CallLog content provider. If some data has been added to the CallLog content provider, then the code will query the new data, and then will insert. I wanna do this because withou a Content observer the application was inserting data in the database that was already inserted every time I run the application, got it?
So here is my code. If someone could tell me where to put the registerContentObserver and everything else is needed I thank you.
package com.psyhclo;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import com.psyhclo.R;
import com.psyhclo.CallDataHelper.OpenHelper;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.app.ListActivity;
import android.database.ContentObserver;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.provider.ContactsContract.RawContacts;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.AdapterView;
import android.widget.ArrayAdapter;
import android.widget.ListView;
import android.widget.TextView;
import android.widget.Toast;
import android.content.ContentValues;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.ContentProvider;
public class RatedCalls extends ListActivity {
private SQLiteDatabase db;
private CallDataHelper dh = null;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
OpenHelper openHelper = new OpenHelper(RatedCalls.this);
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Cursor cursor = getContentResolver().query(
android.provider.CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI, null, null, null,
android.provider.CallLog.Calls.DATE + " DESC ");
dh = new CallDataHelper(this);
db = openHelper.getWritableDatabase();
int numberColumnId = cursor
int durationId = cursor
int contactNameId = cursor
int dateId = cursor.getColumnIndex(android.provider.CallLog.Calls.DATE);
int numTypeId = cursor
Date dt = new Date();
int hours = dt.getHours();
int minutes = dt.getMinutes();
int seconds = dt.getSeconds();
String currTime = hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds;
ArrayList<String> callList = new ArrayList<String>();
if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
do {
String contactNumber = cursor.getString(numberColumnId);
String contactName = cursor.getString(contactNameId);
String duration = cursor.getString(durationId);
String callDate = DateFormat.getDateInstance().format(dateId);
String numType = cursor.getString(numTypeId);
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put("contact_id", 1);
values.put("contact_name", contactName);
values.put("number_type", numType);
values.put("contact_number", contactNumber);
values.put("duration", duration);
values.put("date", callDate);
values.put("current_time", currTime);
values.put("cont", 1);
this.db.insert(CallDataHelper.TABLE_NAME, null, values);
Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "Inserted!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
callList.add("Contact Number: " + contactNumber
+ "\nContact Name: " + contactName + "\nDuration: "
+ duration + "\nDate: " + callDate);
} while (cursor.moveToNext());
setListAdapter(new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, R.layout.listitem,
ListView lv = getListView();
lv.setOnItemClickListener(new android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view,
int position, long id) {
((TextView) view).getText(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Have a look at the method registerContentObserver() in the ContentResolver class. This allows you to register a callback if the dataset behind the content provider changes.
See also this blog posting for a working example how to observe a content provider for changes.