I have to execute a bunch of SQL rows in order to put some data into my tables. There's a lot of those rows (around 15 MB of raw SQL instructions), so I tried to use transactions in order to improve database performance. That's my code:
SQLiteDatabase db;
//in cycle:
But when I launch my app, I can see in logs that SQL scripts are executing, but there's no data in DB. And if I simply remove db.beginTransaction(); and db.endTransaction(); - everything works fine. Any ideas how I have to work with transactions?
try {
//in cycle:
}catch {
}finally {
public void setTransactionSuccessful ()
Added in API level 1 Marks the current transaction as successful. Do
not do any more database work between calling this and calling
endTransaction. Do as little non-database work as possible in that
situation too. If any errors are encountered between this and
endTransaction the transaction will still be committed.
I use this function to insert data into the SQLite Android data base:
public long insertAccount(String code,String name,int s3,int s4,String s5,String s6,int s7,
int s8,int s9,int s10,int s11,String s12,String s13,int s14,int s15,int s16) {
//container and place in it the information you want inserted, updated, etc.
ContentValues initialValues = new ContentValues();
initialValues.put(Code, code);
initialValues.put(Type, s3);
initialValues.put(Level1, s4);
initialValues.put(Father, s5);
initialValues.put(AccNat, s7);
initialValues.put(LowLevel, s8);
initialValues.put(DefNum, s9);
initialValues.put(AccClass, s10);
initialValues.put(SubClass, s11);
initialValues.put(SSClass1, s12);
initialValues.put(SSClass2, s13);
initialValues.put(Stype1, s14);
initialValues.put(Stype2, s15);
initialValues.put(Stype3, s16);
return db.insert(DATABASE_TABLE, null, initialValues);
But this takes much time when inserting about 70,000+ rows! How can I accelerate the process of insertion into the data base, and after the insert is done, how can I apply Update on it?
Some options:
Prepopulate your database. See "Ship an application with a database"
Use transactions to reduce the time waiting for I/O. See e.g. "Android SQLite database: slow insertion". Likely you cannot wrap all 70k rows in a single transaction but something like 100..1000 inserts per transaction should be doable, cutting the cumulative I/O wait time by orders of magnitude.
Inserting into SQLlite android using PHP? how is it possible using php in android phone, I am sorry I didn't got this.
Anyways I believe you have written the java code up here and you have like 7k+ records that you want to insert in your db.
The style of inserting a bulk of records in any db is called "Bulk Inserts", the idea is to create as less number of transactions as possible and rather do all the inserts in one shot; In case of relational db's like sql server and oracle its done by specific api's as well, but in sqllite the plain old idea is to make a single transaction with a bunch of data
check out this article which uses the same technique http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/software-engineer/turbocharge-your-sqlite-inserts-on-android/ and also explains it quite well.
You have to use transaction to done insertion in 1 time. you can use this:
//before insertion
//====do insertion
//after insertion
i am developing android app, here i am having an huge no of data approximately 10000 records with 10 fields in the server, i need to get this data and store it in the my local db, so for this i tried to implement by getting the data in the form of json parsing it and inserting in db one by one, it is taking less time to download the data but more time to insert to the db, after some time i get to know that i am inserting to the db one by one, so insertion operations looping based on the total no of records which had been got. i tried to look for the alternatives i could not get the way for this, so i request you to give me suggestions and snippets to me achieve this.
Thanking you
use transactions to wrap multiple inserts into one operation, that's a lot faster: Improve INSERT-per-second performance of SQLite?
List<Item> list = getDataFromJson();
SQLiteDatabase db = getDatabase();
try {
// doing all the inserts (into memory) here
for(Item item : list) {
db.insert(table, null, item.getContentValues());
// nothing was actually inserted yet
} finally {
// all inserts happen now (if transaction was set to successful)
I have a project with a set of classes that are responsible for their respective database tables.
Each table managing class contains CRUD methods that follow the pattern of get connection, run crud operation, close connection:
public class PersonManager {
SQLiteDatabase db;
DbAdapter dbAdapter; //This is a subclass of SQLiteOpenHelper
public void addPerson(Person person)
ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues();
contentValues.put("email", person.email);
contentValues.put("first_name", person.firstName);
db = dbAdapter.getWritableDatabase();
db.insert("person", null, contentValues);
...other crud/utility methods omitted...
Now that I am upgrading my database via onUpgrade(), I run into database locked issues.
The exact error message follows:
CREATE TABLE android_metadata failed
Failed to setLocale() when constructing, closing the database
android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: database is locked
It appears that onUpgrade is either meant to:
1 run db.execSQL() calls or
2 use helper classes that use onUpgrade()'s SQLiteDatabase rather than their own
It would be much easier to use my table managing classes to migrate data in onUpgrade() than db.execSQL() statements, or rewrite all my CRUD methods to take onUpgrade()'s SQLiteDatabase.
Am I setting up my database access correctly? If the above code follows the correct pattern, what should I do to fix this issue?
Here's your problem:
db = dbAdapter.getWritableDatabase();
When you're in onUpgrade(), you have to use the SQLiteDatabase handle that onUpgrade() provides you. So your solution is to rewrite your addPerson function to take one more argument -- an SQLiteDatabase handle:
public void addPerson(Person person, SQLiteDatabase db) {...}
If you need to call addPerson() from elsewhere in your project, then keep your current addPerson(Person person) function, have it do that
db = dbAdapter.getWritableDatabase()
call, and pass db to your two-argument version of addPerson().
I didn't get any answers, so I asked on a dev hangout.
According to the Android Developer Hangout Team, onUpgrade is only meant for structure alterations, not really for data migration/manipulation.
I made my own contentprovider where I put a lot of data in at once with multiple inserts.
The app will receive the data from an external source and at this moment I receive about 30 items (therefor 30 times an insert).
Now I noticed that this takes a lot of precious time (about 3 seconds, 100ms on each insert).
How can I improve the speed of the contentprovider? I already tried to bulkInsert them all together but them it will take up to 5 sec.
Thanks in advance.
wrap all that in insertBulk into transactions.
SQLiteDatabase sqlDB = mDB.getWritableDatabase();
try {
for (ContentValues cv : values) {
long newID = sqlDB.insertOrThrow(table, null, cv);
if (newID <= 0) {
throw new SQLException("Failed to insert row into " + uri);
getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(uri, null);
numInserted = values.length;
} finally {
bulkInsert does not use transactions by default, since the default behavior just calls insert:
Override this to handle requests to insert a set of new rows, or the default implementation will iterate over the values and call insert(Uri, ContentValues) on each of them.
doing the inserts in a transaction greatly improves the speed, since only one write to the actuall database takes place:
try {
// do the inserts
} finally {
I was once experimenting trying to improve the write speed of about ~2000 writes, and this was the only big improvement I found.
Doing db.setLockingEnabled(false) i think gave about 1% improvement, but then you must also make sure no other threads write to the db. Removing redundant indexes can also give a minor boost if the table is huge.
I am adding about 3000 rows to SQLite database and it takes about 8 seconds. How can I optimize this.
If you aren't already, wrap the entire operation in a transaction. Your code should look something like this:
try {
// insert your data here
} finally {
Try executing PRAGMA synchronous = OFF before doing the updates.