I am creating an Android application that uses the Google Maps API. I've set the MapType to Satellite so it will not show any labels, but it still shows the Google Maps floor plans when I zoom into an area that has them. Is there a way to make sure they don't appear and I just get the satellite image?
The only options we have for removing labels is using setMapType(MAP_TYPE_SATELLITE) or setMapType(MAP_TYPE_NONE). Indoor plans can be removed with setIndoorEnabled(false).
I want to develop an app using rssi of ble,wifi to set position of my users in indoor environment, or something else for example when they are near specific location send theme notification.
I have to add my information and markers to google map. and my own simple map.
it is like customized map for my users in my app.
I have this place in map but I want to add walking path and more information.
right now it does not have anything. no walking path for example.no stores information and exact location.
and i want add something like these or much simpler:
Sample indoor map 1
Sample indoor map 2
as I see you mentioned indoor map is just available for certain country.
this link : are available in select locations
and again you mentioned : Display a floor plan as a ground overlay or tile overlay on your map. This will enable only users of your application to view your floor plans.
my country is not the part of your supported list (sanction). but the google maps app is still working here.
I just want using google map to be shown with my customized map and information,markers just for my users in my app not public.
is it possible ?
I place my beacon and the position of the user is set by my algorithm in map. I do not know that I'm in right way or not. where I should start?
thanks a lot.
You can use Google Maps SDK for Android to create a map in your android app. You can customize the map on this sdk like putting markers, info windows, styles etc.
At high zoom levels, the map shows floor plans for indoor spaces which are available in select locations you mentioned.
As stated in the Maps SDK for Android documentation - If floor plan data is not available for a building that you would like to highlight in your application, you can:
Add floor plans to Google Maps directly. This will make your floor plans available to all users of Google Maps.
Display a floor plan as a ground overlay or tile overlay on your map. This will enable only users of your application to view your floor plans.
Hope this helps!
In my app, I'm using GoogleMap class from the Maps SDK for Android to show maps. However, I'm not showing Google's Normal, Hybrid, Satellite or Terrain maps. I'm using that class to show OpenStreeMap tiles using addTileOverlay.
So, since I'm not showing "Google" Maps, would it be illegal or breaking Google TOS if I hide the Google logo?
I'm working on a project to build a geo-location based information system for an institute and i'm supossed to use google maps API as a part for that. In this system we have to specify all possible roads and paths which are inside the institute(which are not visible as roads in google maps).
Is there any way to add new road layer (which has all features same as roads already marked on google maps)to my maps in google maps??
How do I use the Google Maps Geolocation API for indoor positioning and detecting not just lat/long but also elevation. Alternatively is there a way for the Directions API to tell me if indoor directions were completed?
Based from this document Indoor maps, you can use Google Maps API. At high zoom levels, the map will show floor plans for indoor spaces such as airports, shopping malls, large retail stores, and transit stations. These floor plans, called indoor maps, are displayed for the 'normal' and satellite map types (GoogleMap.MAP_TYPE_NORMAL and GoogleMap.MAP_TYPE_SATELLITE). They are automatically enabled when the user zooms in, and they fade away when the map is zoomed out.
Indoor maps (floor plans) are available in select locations. If floor plan data is not available for a building that you would like to highlight in your application, you can:
Add floor plans to Google Maps directly. This will make your floor plans available to all users of Google Maps.
Display a floor plan as a ground overlay or tile overlay on your map. This will enable only users of your application to view your floor plans.
If you have added a MapFragment (or MapView) programmatically, then you can configure its initial state by passing in a GoogleMapOptions object with your options specified. The options available to you are exactly the same as those available via XML. You can create a GoogleMapOptions object like this:
GoogleMapOptions options = new GoogleMapOptions();
The Google Maps Elevation API provides elevation data for all locations on the surface of the earth, including depth locations on the ocean floor (which return negative values). Check this: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/elevation/start
I am planning to create a app which displays bus lines on a google maps map and I want it to display the paths the buses take. I know about polylines and polygons in google maps, but idk how I can make them snap to the road. Is that possible? Can I just use the Directions API for that?