android and cloud data storage [closed] - android

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Closed 9 years ago.
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My application needs a database. It is very cheap in size implementation with sqlite, but one of my friends told me that I can store the DB on the cloud, obviously if you put your DB in the cloud you need internet service to get access to the DB but you can store the DB that is from the cloud on the device? So when the user can get the DB from the cloud storage and automatically 'download' the DB from the cloud to the device to run offline.
Assuming that I need images (pretty small) for my app is this effective? How? Why?
I was looking at to store my DB.

If your data 'is very cheap in size' as you are saying, then I would suggest you to keep it within the application. Keeping dependency on internet is unnecessary as you are saying you want to run application in offline mode.


Database for an Android App [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Hey guys I'm working on an Android App with Android Studio and I need a database like mlab(mongoDB). But Android doesn't support mlab. I can't just use SQLite because my data has to be saved also when my application is not running.
For example if my user signs in, their profile photo and other information should be saved in the database and I also want to code something like a friend request which also should be saved in the database.
I googled so much but I didn't find a good solution.
I hope someone can help me.
You asking about two separate things. mLab is a Database as a Service which uses MongoDB, while SqLite is just a database.
You can save data while your application is not being used with either option, simply look into background Services and other parts of the Android API that allow background tasks.
If you want to save data to a database that is not on the device, you'll need to look into the documentation of the service to determine the best way to interact with your database. In the case of mLab, they allow both custom drivers and a REST API for interacting with your database.

Android Application connecting to an existing database [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am working on an android application for my institute. I have to connect my app to the existing database of the college, although there is no API written. When I contacted the administration for help then they only handed me a SQL connection string and told me to write the API myself. I want to focus on the application only. Is there any way I can skip the API writing and still connect to the database easily and quickly??
As per my knowledge you cannot access database without using API. You can create your own database in SQLite but it will be local (offline) database.
One more thing, you can migrate database from one platform to another, but you will need an API to access data.

Database for Android App [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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How and where I can maintain my DB for my android app. I know we can use sqlite DB for android apps but, I don't have any idea of Storing the DB at some other location and then accessing it on the app.
Example Structure:
I want to know, where and how we can have DB at some different point of location, Do I need to buy space or rent? Or there are any other ways (Having DB Server at my own Desktop and accessing it via IP address. Will there be any difficulties or dependencies) I believe we can access it by creating a connection to the Db and writing queries to fetch by using Http Get and Post or Put methods.
If yes, then can we use SQL Server Management studio 2008 or what would be the simplest & the best to work with.
Use as a backend services.Easy to use and simple. follow this answer
Use realm, please.
It is much easier comparing to sqlite.
You can check the usages at

which database should I use for simple log in register form in android [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am a beginner and I want to develop a chat application. The first page have log in and sign up options. Every user have username(using in chat). So which database should I use? I want to hold e-mails, usernames and passwords. I really confused with databases. Appreciate all helps.
If you have a little information to save like UserName and Password then SharedPreferences is good for you.
If you want to store a little huge amount of data for only your app then SQLite database and data you want to share in other applications also then ContentProvider. Both are here.
If you want to maintain your data both in server side and client side then you can use some Global Databases like Oracle, SQL Server etc which are maintained by your server site with some Web Services or Web Apis.
NOTE: You can use SharedPreferences and SQLite when you don't want to share data out of your application.
As for the Chat App I think you should use a Database which can be maintained by your Server Site through a Web Service/Api.

Developing android apps [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to develop an android app which will be help a shop owner can input his daily sales expense, employee history, product setting and it show day to day or monthly profit. when he use this app no need to connect internet connectivity. data all are store in sd card but if he want in internet connectivity state he can save data in dropbox. So as like a financial app when I build this which program I need to know like java, xml ?? there are need any database program ??? I am a new Apps Developer.
You would need a good understanding of Android fundamentals, XML layouts and SQLite db. Android training is a great place to start. A good sample app to start with all the DB stuffs comes with the SDK installation. Path is: \samples\android-17\NotePad

