I have a problem using the android support library in my Android Studio project using gradle.
If I add the support-library as dependency I will receive and "Error: Gradle: Execution failed for task ':AppName:dexDebug'.
I have done a some researches and found the problem using the support-library with other dependencies which are using the support libraries as well (greendao 1.3.0).
I would like to use a NavDrawer in my app, so I have to use these support library.
If I remove the support library, of course I will receive an inflate error for the "android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout".
Does somebody here has an idea?
I used two kind of dependency-imports
compile files('libs/android-support-v13.jar')
compile 'com.android.support:support-v4:13.0.0'
cause of a found post in a forum. But that doesn't work, too.
Thanks for your support.
If your other dependencies also depend on the support lib, you need to make sure they are not using local dependencies (ie embedding the jar file). You should always use only
dependencies {
compile 'com.android.support:support-v4:x.y.z'
and not a local dependencies. Make sure all your dependencies do the same and Gradle will automatically detect that everything depends on the same library and only add it once to dex.
I tried it but I receive the dex error as well.
Attached you could see my current gradle build-file.
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:0.5.+'
apply plugin: 'android'
repositories {
dependencies {
compile 'com.android.support:support-v4:13.0.0'
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:3.1.36'
compile 'de.greenrobot:greendao:1.3.0'
android {
compileSdkVersion 17
buildToolsVersion "17.0.0"
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 15
targetSdkVersion 18
sourceSets {
main {
java.srcDirs = ['src/main/java', 'src-gen/main/java']
The src-gen folder is used for my greendao generated classes.
Please let me know if you need some more information.
I resolved it using the latest greendao version. Added: compile
instead of compile
Now it works.
I already looked at every other questions and googled the impossible but I cannot find a way to use correct dependencies. Below there is my app Gradle build file:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.3.0-alpha01'
apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
repositories {
android {
compileSdkVersion 27
Hey just exclude the appcompat dependencies from the libraries which are using an older version of appcompat and support libraries. If you don't have these support libraries in your project then include them. In your question, braintreepayments is one of the libraries which using an older version of card view and design library. Try changing your gradle dependencies to
dependencies {
implementation 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:27.1.1'
implementation 'com.android.support:design:27.1.1'
implementation 'com.android.support:cardview-v7:27.1.1'
implementation ('com.braintreepayments.api:drop-in:3.0.0'){
exclude group: 'com.android.support'
You should either downgrade appcompat library so its version be lowe then build tools version but still 27th, or upgrade build tools version up to appcompat. Check different compounds to find completely the same verstion
Remove buildToolsVersion "27.0.3" from your gradle file.
Or you should check this-- buildToolsVersion "27".
Good luck
(Posted on behalf of the question author).
The problem, as mudit_sen helped me find out, was the Braintree dependency:
implementation 'com.braintreepayments.api:drop-in:3.0.0'
I removed that line as I don't need it and it was from a previous project and now everything is working as intended. Thank you very much.
For people that wants to use Braintree library the solution to me was to use
implementation 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:27.0.0'
implementation 'com.android.support:support-v4:27.0.0'
implementation 'com.braintreepayments.api:drop-in:3.4.0'
Just when I'd achieved an effective development and build environment with the android-maven-plugin, the new kid on the block, Gradle, starts making inroads into the Android circles. Not being hot on Groovy and with the android-gradle plugin almost as fragmented as the OS itself I've hit some issues. Specifically around building library projects, with flavours and our buddy Robolectric.
Short version
I am at a loss as to what my next move should be upon encountering the gradle error;
Cannot add a SourceSet with name 'testDebug' as a SourceSet with that name already exists.
The error emanates from having productFlavours on a library (i.e. moving to the 0.9.2 android build system) and the gradle-android-test-plugin recently forked by the team over at Robolectric from Jake's creation (see here). I have followed all lines of investigation to near exhaustion and can report that the meer existence of the 'android-test' plugin within my library gradle file sends things awry.
Longer version
Here is the abridged application build.gradle file with pertinent information retained;
apply plugin: 'android-library'
apply plugin: 'android-test'
android {
compileSdkVersion 19
buildToolsVersion '19.0.3'
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 18
targetSdkVersion 19
versionCode buildNumber().toInteger()
versionName "1.0.0"
productFlavors {
estimote {
dependencies {
compile '<flavour specific dependency>'
radius {
dependencies {
compile '<flavour specific dependency>'
dependencies {
compile 'com.squareup.dagger:dagger:1.2.1'
compile 'com.squareup.dagger:dagger-compiler:1.2.1'
compile 'com.google.code.gson:gson:2.2.+'
// Testing dependencies
androidTestCompile 'org.mockito:mockito-core:1.9.5'
androidTestCompile 'com.squareup:fest-android:1.0.7'
androidTestCompile 'org.hamcrest:hamcrest-all:1.3'
androidTestCompile 'org.robolectric:robolectric:2.2'
androidTestCompile 'junit:junit:4.11'
And here is the abridged root build.gradle file.
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url 'https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots'
dependencies {
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:0.9.2'
classpath 'org.robolectric.gradle:gradle-android-test-plugin:0.9.+'
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
url 'https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots'
If you've got this far down the page, give yourself a pat on the back. Now, the eagle eyed amongst you have probably noticed the omission on the sourceSets redirection with commands akin to;
sourceSets {
androidTest {
After the initial error is corrected these lines will need to be reinstated to inform gradle of the project's structure. The project's structure is standard and looks like;
- project_name
+ gradle
- lib
+ flavour1
+ flavour2
- main
+ java
- test
+ java
What is being used
The app is using gradle-1.10-all, 0.9.2 android-gradle plugin and 0.9.+ gradle-android-test-plugin.
The question
How should the project be set-up/changed to facilitate Robolectric testing on a library with flavours? Is this even possible yet?
I ran into the same issue, dug into the code, fixed it, and submitted a pull request which has just now been merged. See my explanation on the PR for details, but it boils down to a bad optimization in the plugin code:
As of today you need to clone the repo and build and install the plugin to your local maven repo. The next time they do a release to maven central (perhaps release 0.13.1?), you'll be able to use the plugin directly from there.
I tried to add the support library v4 in a project with android studio, I read how to add the support library
Add support library to Android Studio project
but the tab dependencies not appear. I click on the (only) module of my project, but do not appear. I tried with a blank project nothing appear.
Project structure dialog
The build.grade file as generated by Android Studio
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:0.6.+'
apply plugin: 'android'
repositories {
android {
compileSdkVersion 16
buildToolsVersion "19.0.1"
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 7
targetSdkVersion 19
dependencies {
First I recommend you to upgrade the AS to 0.4.0, lot of bugs are fixed in this.
Then check for the dependencies in build.gradle of your MyApplication module for support library.
dependencies {
compile 'com.android.support:support-v4:18.0.+'
If not added add the mentioned dependency.
After adding the line sync project with Gradle Files using the option available in toolbar.
Make sure you are not getting any error. If sync happens successfully check the Module again.
You should see screen like this, In my case support v7 also added, you can ignore that.
I'm trying to add a library as a dependency but it keeps giving me this error:
Class android.support.v4.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityServiceInfoCompat.AccessibilityServiceInfoIcsImpl
has already been added to output. Please remove duplicate copies.
Execution failed for task ':BrooklynTech:dexDebug'.
Could not call IncrementalTask.taskAction() on task ':BrooklynTech:dexDebug'
Here is my build.gradle:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:0.6.+'
apply plugin: 'android'
repositories {
android {
compileSdkVersion 19
buildToolsVersion '19.0.0'
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 14
targetSdkVersion 19
dependencies {
compile files('libs/Simple-Rss2-Android.jar')
compile 'org.jsoup:jsoup:1.7.3'
compile 'uk.co.androidalliance:edgeeffectoverride:1.0.1'
compile 'com.github.chrisbanes.actionbarpulltorefresh:library:+'
compile project(':libraries:calendar-card')
compile 'com.twotoasters.jazzylistview:library:1.0.0' }
the dependency I added was for jazzylistview - https://github.com/twotoasters/JazzyListView
How can I fix the error?
More than one of your dependencies is including the classes from the v4 support library; you'll need to track it down. You ought to be able to open up the jar files from the project viewer and find the culprit.
Ideally none of your dependencies ought to be bundling the support library; it's the responsibility of your app's build to make sure that gets finally linked in.
Not sure, but could you try the following snippet. Maybe the transitive libs are causing the trouble
compile ('com.twotoasters.jazzylistview:library:1.0.0'){
transitive = false
I am building a small library project along wit a sample project to illustrate the use. I can't manage to run the sample in Android Studio. I have created the project from scratch. I am experienced with Eclipse but it's my first try at Android Studio & Gradle.
The error given:
Gradle: Execution failed for task ':demo:dexDebug'.
Running C:\DevTools\Android\android-studio\sdk\build-tools\android-4.2.2\dx.bat
failed. See output
I have the following folder structure:
- demo
- build
- libs
- android-support-v4.jar
- src
- main
- java
- res
- build.gradle
- library
- build
- libs
- android-support-v4.jar
- src
- main
- java
- res
- build.gradle
- build.gradle
- settings.gradle
Build.gradle at project root:
// Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.
Settings.gradle at project root:
include ':library', ':demo'
Build.gradle for the library module:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:0.4'
apply plugin: 'android-library'
dependencies {
compile files('libs/android-support-v4.jar')
android {
compileSdkVersion 17
buildToolsVersion "17.0.0"
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 7
targetSdkVersion 16
Build.gradle for the sample module:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:0.4'
apply plugin: 'android'
dependencies {
compile project(':library')
compile files('libs/android-support-v4.jar')
android {
compileSdkVersion 17
buildToolsVersion "17.0.0"
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 7
targetSdkVersion 16
Specifying compile files('libs/android-support-v4.jar') means that every library includes support v4. What you want to do is just specify that every library depends on it:
dependencies {
compile 'com.android.support:support-v4:13.0.0'
This will allow gradle to detect all dependencies and include this only once.
Note: You have to first use the SDK Manager and download and install two Maven repositories: "Android Support Repository" and "Google Repository".
I found the problem:
I removed that line from the sample gradle file.
compile files('libs/android-support-v4.jar')
However, I have no idea why this does not work (if I have 2 or 3 external libraries that all depend on the support library, how are we supposed to do, without touching their gradle files?
You should navigate to your libs folder in the IDE, right click on the jar and select to add the library to the project, it still needs to establish the dependency even though the jar appears to be there. Also look at your gradle built script to make sure the dependency appears there. If that still doesnt work just run a gradle clean on the project. Intellij documentation will give you more details on what clean does. see:
stackoverflow gradle build
This error could be encountered while migrating from Groovy to kotlin DSL as well and here are the steps to get rid of it:
If you are still in the process of migrating please complete the migration of gradle files first, use kts syntax and then sync gradle files.
Use this dependency inside your build.gradle(app level):
Remove id("kotlin-android-extensions") from plugins block inside build.gradle.kts (app level).
That's it! 3rd Point solved the issue for me but trying all the points should definitely fix the issue.
In my Case replace this line
classpath "com.android.tools.build:gradle:7.0.2"