Show a subset of points on an AndroidPlot line chart - android

I've been working with Androidplot library for generating line plots and be able to do zoom and pan, so I'm using a modified version of XYPlotZoomPan class.
My current chart is showing some values per day, in a range of dates, so if I'm showing 7 days the domain axis is readable but if I'm trying to show 30 days it turns into a mess.
My goal is to show 7 days and have the option of scrolling through the rest of the chart that is not shown.
The only function that handles boundaries is setDomainBoundaries, currently I've tried this:
setDomainBoundaries(min, max, BoundaryMode.FIXED);
But it lets me show values inside this range and I'm loosing the ability for panning through the rest of the days.
Does someone have an a idea how I can do that? Thanks.

You can create your own domain value format with myplot.setDomainValueFormat(Format f). From here you can create your own formatter.
Another option you can look at is setDomainStep, a good example of that can be found here


Anychart X-Axis Data Overflow

Anyone know how to deal with a situation where you have too much data to fit onto the screen in a line chart on mobile?
When I have 20 observations in a time series on the X-axis, everything is OK. When I have 100, the data starts to write over itself.
Do I need to sample the data myself or is there a function in AnyChart for tick sampling?
Any help appreciated.
If you need to reduce the number of ticks on the X-Axis you can add the following line to your code:
It makes the chart to show a tick for every 4 points.
If I got your idea in the wrong way, please, provide more details about your issue.

How to ensure space between labels MPAndroidChart

I am creating a line chart using MPAndroidChart, all is working great, but I've noticed that at the labels often become bunched up. I know there is a way to prevent this (I've seen other apps that don't have this issue,) but I don't know what setting to enable.
There are a couple of ways you could make the labels fit better.
Decrease the text size of the X axis labels with mChart.getXAxis().setTextSize(float)
Set a label count limit for the X axis using mChart.getXAxis().setLabelCount(int). This should work fine, as you are already not showing one label per data point.
Change the date format of your label.
Some, all or none of these might help you, depending on your requirements. Good luck!

How to implement multiple highlight line sliders in line chart

I want to implement single and multiple highlight line sliders in line chart. I am able to get only single highlight line slider with MPAndroidChart ( library. But I also need two highlight line sliders to allow the user to select range of values(min and max values) on the chart. Please refer the below image for more information:
Can we achieve the above requirement with any library or we need to draw a custom view?
Any help or guidance will be well appreciated.
In terms of shinobicharts, while the Crosshair could be easily customised to act like one of sliders, in order to have the two sliders you'd probably want to make use of the Annotations feature.
You can create Annotations with custom Views and add them at any X, Y point (in data terms). You can also convert between data values and pixel values via the Axes. It is therefore possible to make the Annotation follow the user's finger as they drag across the screen.
The trickiest part would be placing the circle on the LineSeries at the right Y-value. As I mentioned above you can convert pixel values (e.g. from a user gesture) to data values so you could easily get the X value but the API would leave quite a bit of work up to you in order to get the correct Y value.
This kind of feature is something that is requested quite often and is certainly something we are looking at providing in the future but for now, while possible, it isn't available out-of-the-box.
Disclaimer: I work for shinobicontrols

achartengine time chart set initial range

Instead of using setInitialRange() I had to set the initial x-values using setXAxisMin() as well as setXAxisMax(). A little bit confusing, I think.
I'm currently working on a project involving the acharteninge library for drawing time diagrams which works excellent so far. The user is capable of switching between various graphs (one XYMultipleSeriesDataset plus one TimeSeries per graph) via separate buttons. So far, achartengine displays all x values when the graph is shown.
However, I was asked to display only the data captured in the first three hours when the graph is shown, as this information is most relevant. Nevertheless, the user should still be able to scroll to data captured after the first three hours meaning that limiting the x-axis maximum value is not an option.
For example: There are two curves. The first curve is drawn using data captured over a period of 4 hours, while the second curve is created out of data captured over 18 hours.
In the current version my programme initially displays all data of the graph which gets displayed meaning the first curve shows three hours of very relevant data while 1 hour of not so important information is shown too. The "ratio" of the second curve is 3 to 15 (highly significant data vs regular data). As a result, a different amount of high important information is shown when the user compares the two curves making it harder for the user to compare this data, as he has to adjust the zoom manually.
EDIT 01.04.2015 15:46
For setting the initial range I use the XYMultipleSeriesRenderer instance's method setInitialRange(double[] initialRange); which does not affect the graph at all. Below you can see my statement (currentlyProcessedCurve.getRecordStart() is an instance of Joda's DateTime and furhtermore it's the x value of the first displayed point):
public static final int CHART_X_AXIS_INITIAL_MAX = 3;
public static final int CHART_MARGIN_PAN = 45;
double[] initialRange = { currentlyProcessedCurve.getRecordStart().minusMinutes(ApplicationSettings.CHART_MARGIN_PAN).toDate().getTime(), currentlyProcessedCurve.getRecordStart().plusHours(ApplicationSettings.CHART_X_AXIS_INITIAL_MAX).toDate().getTime(), 0, 600 };
TIDE (Edit end)
The screenshot below approximately shows how the curve should look initially (Just for making it clear: Please only consider the graphs' shapes, as they should look equal --> What I'm trying to say: I know that the x-axis and the y-axis label of the two screenshots different, but I don't have better pictures yet):
desired initial range
Finally, the following screenshot shows how the curve looks when displayed:
For enabling the user to compare the curves I have locked the y-axis zoom.
Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Have you consider pan option?
With this option you can limit axis maximum, and your chart will show the important data on start, while user can scroll left or right (wherever you have less important data points).
All you need to do is:
set pan enabled for axis you need
set pan limits (so user can't scroll past the last data point)
Hope this helps,
Instead of using XYMultipleSeriesRendererInstance.setInitialRange() I had to set the initial x-values using XYMultipleSeriesRendererInstance.setXAxisMin() as well as XYMultipleSeriesRendererInstance.setXAxisMax().
double xMinValue = ...;
double xMaxValue = ...;

Graphing tool that supports two Y-Axis?

The graph I am trying to create is a line graph with six separate functions, all of which need to be easily shown and hidden from the graph and the legend. It also needs to use dual Y-axis'. The reason for the dual axis is that 3 of the functions have a very small range of Y-values, and the other 3 functions have a very large range of Y-values.
I tried to replicate an example in excel:
Above shows how my graph is currently set up. The values of the pink line range from [-300,300], while the values of the blue line range from [-50,50].
I would like the graph to be drawn like it is shown below:
I am currently using the GraphView library, but cannot find any support for dual Y-axis.
AChartEngine is a good charting Library.
I am pretty sure it can do this.

