Values on top of Bar Charts on AndroidPlot - android

I'm trying to write one example of Android application using the AndroidPlot library.
That library is excellent, but I couldn't found anything about how to display the value data on the top of each bar in the Bar Chart.

Totally doable. I actually just answered the question here:!topic/androidplot/TimE-j9VnaY
But for convenience here's a quick snippet that works in Androidplot 0.6.0 and later. There's also an easy way to do this in previous versions of Androidplot but you'll need to get those details from the thread above.
BarFormatter bf1 = new BarFormatter(Color.RED, Color.BLACK);
bf1.setPointLabelFormatter(new PointLabelFormatter(Color.WHITE));
plot.addSeries(series1, bf1);


Android customised box plot chart

How do I implement a box plot graph on Android like this? It seems to be similar to CandleStick Chart of MPAndroidChart. Is there any other good way?
The CandleStickChart is the closest match to your requirement for that library in MPAndroidChart although you could have a look at the other chart libraries here
to see if there is anything closer.
The CandleStickChart from MPAndroidChart looks like this:
CandleStickChartActivity in the example GitHub project is a good start for you to base your implementation.
If you need to customise the appearance of the chart further (e.g., to use circles instead of boxes) you will need to write a custom renderer. See this question for how to do that.

How do I display values on top of Shinobi bar chart for android

How do I display values on top of a bar chart using the shinobi library in android
The AnnotationsManager, specifically the addTextAnnotation method, is the solution that you are looking for. You can use this method to add any string to the chart at any X and Y position, in terms of data.
There is a How-To guide about Annotations at the ShinobiControls website. This How-To guide, along with an accompanying sample app, is also included in the download bundle.
Disclaimer: I work for ShinobiControls.

Is that possible to create negative bar chart using GraphView library in Android?

I'm looking library that allow to build bar charts with negative values like on picture below.
I tried already AndroidPlot(impossible to achieve this on version 0.6.0) and GraphView(look like impossible, actually i get same result as in AndroidPlot)
Greatly appreciate any help.
It is impossible via GraphView library but possible using AChartEngine library.

IS there any way so that i can apply animations on charts using AChartEngine

I'm using AchartEngine to create charts in android. But not able to show animations. For example : in pies chart i want initial rotations. In bar chart i want bar should grow from top to bottom.
Or is there any API or library which helps to build animated charts in android.
Please suggests or give any sample.
It is possible. You just need to modify the property you want to be modified and then call mChartView.repaint();

Achartengine - different Bar Color for BarChart in android

I have created one graph in android using AchartEngine library.
I want to display every Bar with different color.
What can i do, please give me some suggestion..?
Thanks in Advance
Just look at answer given here. In this he is giving different color to only one bar.
Take idea of it and try to make it custom according to your requirements.

