Android WebView Caching Issue - android

I am working on an Android application where I am using webview to display GIF files downloaded from internet, it is a picture viewer do user can click next and previous to view the next and previous gif files, the issue I am facing is that when user clicks next, for one split second it displays the older html and then updates the webview, I have tried disabling the webview cache but it is of no use, relevant part of the code is.
String base = Common.CACHE_IMAGES_PATH.getPath();
String imagePath = "file://" + base + "/" + forImage;
String html = "<html style=\"height:100%\"><head><META HTTP-EQUIV=\"CACHE-CONTROL\" CONTENT=\"NO-CACHE\"><META HTTP-EQUIV=\"PRAGMA\" CONTENT=\"NO-CACHE\"> </head><body style=\"padding:0x;margin:0px; background-color:#999;height:100%\"><img id=\""
+ System.currentTimeMillis()
+ "\" align=\"middle\" style=\"width:100%;height:auto;\" src=\""
+ imagePath + "\"></body></html>";
webView.loadDataWithBaseURL(Common.FULL_IMAGE_BASE_URL + forImage
+ "?fix=" + System.currentTimeMillis(), html, "text/html",
"utf-8", Common.FULL_IMAGE_BASE_URL + forImage + "?fix="
+ System.currentTimeMillis());
Here I am reading the image from sdcard and displaying it in webview, this code is executed everytime user click next or previous.


How to get bullet points when parsing text with Jsoup?

I am using Jsoup to get the text from an html doc and display it in my android app.
The text cotains a list (<ul><li>).
If I do it like this I get only the text:
val doc = Jsoup.parse(someHtml)
return doc.text()
I tried using wholeText:
val doc = Jsoup.parse(removeImages)
return doc.wholeText()
In this way it keeps some formatting, but still it ignores the bullet points. Is there any way to get the bullet points in the text?
The bullets are rendered by the browser, so they are not a part of the text.
You'll have to add it by yourself, like in this example:
String html = "<html>" +
"<head>" +
"<title>List</title>" +
"</head>" +
"<body>" +
"<ul>" +
"<li>Item 1</li>" +
"<li>Item 2</li>" +
"<li>Item 3</li>" +
"</ul> " +
"</body>" +
Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html);
Element list ="ul").first();
Elements item = list.children();
for (Element e : item) {
System.out.println("\u2022" + e.text());
The output is:
•Item 1
•Item 2
•Item 3
You can replace the bullet with any other character that you like, by replacing the \u2022 code with any other valid code/character.

How to control webview in android to display proper google visualization maps?

I am trying to display geo map using google's visualization in android's webview
My web view settings are as follows -
//webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient());
webView.setWebChromeClient(new WebChromeClient());
// String containing js to draw map using google's Visualization:Geochart
String js = "<html><head>" +
"<script type='"+"text/javascript"+"' src='"+""+"'></script>"+
"<script type='"+"text/javascript"+"'>" +
"google.load('"+"visualization"+"', '"+"1"+"', {packages:['"+"geomap"+"']});" +
"google.setOnLoadCallback(drawRegionsMap);" +
" function drawRegionsMap() {" +
" var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([" +
"['Country', '"+name+"']," + build +
"]);" +
"var options = {colors: ['"+startColor+"', '"+endColor+"']};" +
"var chart = new google.visualization.GeoChart(document.getElementById('regions_div'));" +
"chart.draw(data, options);" +
"}" +
"</script>" +
"</head>" +
"<body bgcolor='#E6E6FA'>" +
"<div id='"+"regions_div"+"' style='"+"width:100%; height: 100%;"+"'></div>" +
"</body>" +
The code is working fine . I get different regions of map with different colors. But I need that only web view get translated in landscape mode by keeping default screen orientation of fragment (activity) as POTRAIT . Also when I click on region a popup displays the proper name of country, but popup also opens outside the region on click on any where in the map. Even I tried on chrome browser in mobile it has same problem. Where as the same visualization is working fine on normal web browser on computer.

HTML page in WEBVIEW is slow and laggy

I am working on an jQuery Mobile application which uses HTML pages for UI
There are some JS function through which i call some native functions. There are some popups and dialogs with input fields, but when i open some dialog or popup in html the logCat gives me this warning
W/webview_proxy(8104): java.lang.Throwable: Warning: A WebView method was called on thread
'WebViewCoreThread'. All WebView methods must be called on the UI thread. Future versions of
WebView may not support use on other threads.
and while entering values in these input fields page and keyboard starts blinking.
that's how i am calling theses native functions
JS Function
function SettingMethod()
Android Method
public void setSettings() {
SharedPreferences settings = PreferenceManager
final String webServiceURL = settings.getString("URL", "");
final String InputFolder = settings.getString("INPUTFOLDER", "");
final String OutPutFolder = settings.getString("OUTPUTFOLDER", "");
index.loadUrl("javascript:setSettings('" + webServiceURL + "','"
+ InputFolder + "','" + OutPutFolder + "')");
how can i remove this lag ?
Problem solved by using
runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
index.loadUrl("javascript:setSettings('" + webServiceURL + "','"
+ InputFolder + "','" + OutPutFolder + "')");

Html Checkbox in android webview

I want to know:-
In my project i am using html content and displaying them in android webview. and i am using eclipse ide. this is tiny code.
"<form name =\"frm\">"+
"<input type=\"checkbox\" name =\"First\" value =\"xyz\">xyz<br>"+
"<input type=\"checkbox\" name =\"First\" value =\"abc\">abc<br>"+
my question is how can i get check box state .its checked or unchecked.
or how can i catch the state in my java code.
public String html = "<form name =\"frm\">"+
"<input type=\"checkbox\" name =\"First\" value =\"xyz\">as<br>"+
"<input type=\"checkbox\" name =\"Second\" value =\"zyx\">as<br>"+
"<input type =\"button\" onclick =\"callDoSomething()\"><br>"+
"</form>" +
"<script type=\"text/javascript\">"+
"function callDoSomething() {"+
" var theName = document.frm.First.value;"+
"alert('theName ')"+
First, both of your checkboxes are named "First", you should probably name second one "Second". If you want to search checkboxes by value - just add a simple js for loop.
Assuming you want to get the results from your Android code (as opposed to JS event like clicking a button), here's how you get Java boolean value for you checkbox by name:
// assuming your activity is MyActivity, target checkbox name
// is in the targetCheckboxName var and webView has the document
// loaded already
Object jsi = new Object() {
public String reportCheckboxState(String name, boolean isChecked) {
new AlertDialog.Builder(MyActivity.this).setMessage(name + " is " +
webView.addJavascriptInterface(jsi, "injection");
"javascript:injection.reportCheckboxState(frm." + targetCheckboxName +
".name, frm." + targetCheckboxName + ".checked);"
But really, it's a very simple trick. Judging by comments to the question, you should probably read up on JavaScript and WebView.addJavaScriptInterface()

FaceBook dynamic Image URL

I am working in Facebook,here i need to change the image url value string has dynamic one,
here my code
+ Html.fromHtml(title)
+ "\",\"href\":\""
+ Html.fromHtml(url_val)
+ "\",\"description\":\""
+ Html.fromHtml(desc_val)
+ "\",\"media\":[{\"type\":\"image\",\"src\":\"\",\"href\":\"\"}]}");
this.startActivityForResult(intent, MESSAGEPUBLISHED);
here image source given in code has static,but i need to assign an simple string variable in the place of double quoted image url,for example
i want to place string temp_url in the place of **src\":\"**,how can i get it.
Thanks in advance.

