How to format a Double value properly with decimal separator? - android

I have an application that uses thousands separator (,) and decimal separator (.), I used this app on 2 tablets with the same languages (Español) on their configuration and when I do some process with numbers like 15,000.00 on the first one the answer was correct but in the second tablet the number changes to 15,00. I changed the language of the second to English, and it works, but how can i set this number format on code?
Sorry about the errors this is not my native language.
Thanks for the help

You could format a double value in code like this:
* format a number properly
* #param number
* #return
public String formatDecimal(double number) {
DecimalFormat nf = new DecimalFormat("###.###.###.##0,00");
// or this way: nf = new DecimalFormat("###,###,###,##0.00");
String formatted = nf.format(number);
return formatted;
And then set it to a TextView:
mytextview.setText("MyDouble: " + formatDecimal(somedouble));

You could format using
NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(new Locale("es", "MX")); //for example
But beware because depending on the locale, even if is the same language but different country the decimal char and grouping char my change, for example
NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(new Locale("es", "CO")); //displays 15.000,00

You can get an instance for a specific locale as specified by the android docs:
NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.FRENCH);
However, you should not change the locale when displaying stuff to the user imho.


String.format with English local but numbers are arabic

I am calculating priceAfterDsicount then place value in EditText(so user can modify it after App calculation)
Value retured from format is arabic numbers
this is code
private fun handleDiscount() {
val price = edPackagePrice.text.toString().toDoubleOrNull()
val discount = discount_percentage_edit_text.text.toString().toIntOrNull()
"handleDiscount before price$price discount$discount".log(mTag)
price?.let {
discount?.let {
val finalValue = String.format("%.1f", ValuesHelper.getPercentage(price, discount),Locale.US)
"handleDiscount ook price$price discount$discount, final $finalValue".log(mTag)
if (discount == null) {
"handleDiscount $price , ${edPackagePrice.text}".log(mTag)
price?.let { price_after_discount_edit_text.setText(price.toString()) }
"handleDiscount after price_after_discount_edit_text${price_after_discount_edit_text.text.toString()} ".log(mTag)
Output at Run
so what is problem?
App language is arabic(user can change it from app).
I found other way to convert arabic number to english
Use Java.math.BigDecimal ,it will automatically construct English numeric equivalent to Arabic numeric equivalent , After you have English numeric equivalent do your calculation and when you want to update the UI after calculation use the device locale to show the end result to user in Arabic , BigDecimal only work with digits i.e. 0123. For special characters like , you have to do exception handling , we have .isDigit() method of Character class that you can leverage to iterate over whole input string and remove , before doing calculation,hope this helps.

Prevent numbers from changing according to the locale in android

When the user change the locale in device the numbers are also getting changed according to the selected locale. This is causing NumberFormatException while performing mathematical operations and app is getting crashed. The code snippet which is causing the crash is given below.
public static double ToDataUnitMB(double _dataBytes){
double dDataBytes;
dDataBytes = Double.parseDouble(getDecimalFormat().format(_dataBytes / 1048576));
return dDataBytes; }
This code snippet is causing NumberFormatException and the value in _dataBytes is shown as "७२.४१". Can anyone help me to prevent the number from changing when user change the locale.
I am getting the value "७२.४१" after performing the below operation getDecimalFormat().format(_dataBytes / 1048576)
So while parsing to Double it is showing numberFormatException
Since you're starting with raw _dataBytes you have several options how to format number independent of the locale.
First Approach:
You can modify following snippet to your needs. It will give you the same output regardless of the user locale.
String patern = "###.##"; //your pattern as per need
Locale locale = new Locale("en", "US");
DecimalFormat decimalFormat = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(locale);
double formatedDouble = Double.parseDouble(decimalFormat.format(_dataBytes/(1024*1024f)));
Keep in mind that this method also makes grouping and decimal separators to be fixed, so that comma and dot will alway be used as, respectively, grouping separator and decimal separator.
Second Approach:
If you do not strictly require Double you could generate formatted String with something similar to following method:
String generateFormatedFileSize(long _dataBytes) {
String formatedFileSize = "";
long bytes = _dataBytes;
short unit = 1024;
if (bytes < unit)
formatedFileSize = bytes + " B";
else {
int exp = (int) (Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(unit));
formatedFileSize = String.format("%.1f %sB", bytes / Math.pow(unit, exp), "KMGT".charAt(exp - 1));
return formatedFileSize;
This formatting will be sensitive to grouping separator and decimal separator, but otherwise insensitive to Locale.
For Local that uses "US" numbering format, this will give you following output:
12.5 KB
5.3 B
8.0 MB
And for Local using "European" numbering format:
12,5 KB
5,3 B
8,0 MB
Off course, these two methods are not exclusive and you could use some mix of these approaches at different parts of the App.

change format of double like ***.***,**

I have double amount. Let amount to be 500000.12. I want to set value of the amount to TextView like this format 500,000.12 (where 12 is cents , 500,000 is dollars).
I wrote this function and it works
private String getAmountAsString(double amount) {
double integralPart = amount % 1;
int fractionalPart = (int) (amount - integralPart);
int integral = (int) integralPart * 100;
String strFractional = String.format("%,d", fractionalPart);
String strAmount = (strFractional + "." + String.valueOf(integral));
return strAmount;
But I think that there can be some easy and good way of doing this with java native functions. Can anybody help to find functions or some better way?
various Locale can be used to format float, double etc. You can use:
String.format(Locale.<Your Locale>, "%1$,.2f", myDouble);
Here .2f represents how many digits you want after decimal. If you are not specifying any locale it will use the default locale.
In String class this method is overloaded as:
format(String format, Object... args)
format(Locale l, String format, Object... args)
For more info have a look: Link1 , Link2 and Link3
Therefore NumberFormats are used. They are good to handle local differents for different countries.
//define a local, gets automated if a point or comma is correct in this Country.
NumberFormat anotherFormat = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.US);
DecimalFormat anotherDFormat = (DecimalFormat) anotherFormat;
anotherDFormat.applyPattern("#.00");//set the number of digits afer the point
anotherDFormat.setGroupingUsed(true);// set grouping
anotherDFormat.setGroupingSize(3);//and size of grouping
double myDouble = 123456.78;
String numberWithSeparators = anotherDFormat.format(myDouble);//convert it
I think you have to take a look at this one

DecimalFormat("#0.000") doesn't format the right way like 1.321 instead of this it delievers 1,321

I want to get a Double with 3 decimalplaces. I do this:
String sAveragePrice;
Double dAveragePrice = holePrice/(allPrices.size()); // delivers 1.3210004
DecimalFormat threeZeroes = new DecimalFormat("#0.000");
sAveragePrice = threeZeroes.format(dAveragePrice); // delivers then 1,321
After formatting I dont get a 1.321 but 1,321. And the 1,321 throws a NumberformatException later. This is when it is thrown:
Double priceInt = Double.parseDouble(sAveragePrice); // throws NumberFormatException
The strange thing is, I have this code till 3 weeks and it didn't make any problem. But today when I have started my app again it gets problem with it. But I didn't have changed anything.
Can anybody help me? I also tried this:
NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();
sAveragePrice = format.format(dAveragePrice);
But it also delivers me a "," instead of a "." for double.
Try using a locale for you number format.
Number format = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.ITALIAN);
Java SDK has a limited number of predefined locale settings, so for other locales (e.g., for Russian), you can use the following snippet:
Number format = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(new Locale("ru", "RU"));
Number format = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(new Locale("it", "IT")); // etc...
this sample code may help you...
Locale locale = Locale.getDefault();
// set Locale.US as default
DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("##.000");
double d = 14.5589634d;
String format = decimalFormat.format(d);
System.out.println(format);// prints 14.559
// back to default locale
Have a look at this SO question
How to change the decimal separator of DecimalFormat from comma to dot/point?
Basically your output will be Locale specific, so if you have a Locale of Frame then it will be different to a Locale of the US.
NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.US);
Use this type of formatting
use # instead of 0. It is the correct format to declare your pattern
String sAveragePrice;
Double dAveragePrice = holePrice/(allPrices.size());
DecimalFormat threeZeroes = new DecimalFormat("#.###");
sAveragePrice = threeZeroes.format(dAveragePrice);
Hope it will help you

(android) decimalformat, uses comma in place of fullstop while formatting with "#.##"

I am developing an Android app where I want to format my double number to #.##, which I have done using below code.
Double BMI = ((fWeight)/(dHeight*dHeight));
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
String sBMI = df.format(BMI);
While testing when the language of hardware is set to English(default language), it works fine, for example if BMI is 2497.227216676656 , it formats sBMI to 2497.23 , but if language is selected to French it formats it to 2497,23. In place of DOT, COMMA is being used which is crashing my app!!!
What is the reason for this?
Try this:
Double BMI = ((fWeight)/(dHeight*dHeight));
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
DecimalFormatSymbols dfs = new DecimalFormatSymbols();
String sBMI = df.format(BMI);
You should use the factory static method and not the constructor in order to get the right format.
DecimalFormat df = DecimalFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
Using US locale will make sure that all formatted data will be in the right form.

