How to create Android Tabs without setContent - android

I want to have a tabbar with tabs. And I want just to catch tab pressing to update single view. I attempt to set setContent of TabHost to null but I've got error. How to implement this feature?

You cannot enter null to setContent in TabHost. One thing you can do is, create a dummy class and set that intent inside setContent() method for the particular tab that you just want to update view as you say and you can update your view by setting on click listener to that child in your tab activity as below
getTabWidget().getChildAt(3).setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
//Update your view here
here you can pass the tab number inside getChildAt() function, e.g. I have set it on 4th tab, being child number 3, as it starts count from 0.


android tablayout - how to use a button instead of tab indicators to trigger click event?

so i have a standard tabLayout that is in a viewpager.
But the very last tab needs to open a new activity. its only purpose is to open a new activity. and when the user returns from the activity by pressing the back button the last tab the user was at should be selected.
my tabs are custom views and there are 4 of them but the last one should be a button to trigger an event. so it will look just like a tab but really will be a button with a onclick listener. how can i acheive this ? i am wondering if a framelayout could be used and activated for the very last tab icon . thats the only way i can see to do it is to get the custom view and set its parent to be clickable that way it absorbs the click event. then i can set a onclick listener on the parent to open the activity. but then how to handle swipping to that tab ? swipping should open that activity as well.
Assuming you're using TabLayout.setupWithViewPager(), you can accomplish what you want by simply adding an extra tab and changing the OnTabSelectedListener.
// normal setup
// our extra tab
// remove the `OnTabSelectedListener` created by `setupWithViewPager()`
// add our own `OnTabSelectedListener`
tabs.addOnTabSelectedListener(new TabLayout.ViewPagerOnTabSelectedListener(pager) {
public void onTabSelected(TabLayout.Tab tab) {
if (tab.getPosition() == pager.getAdapter().getCount()) {
// special case for the last tab in the list
Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, OtherActivity.class);
else {
// otherwise, handle as normal

How do I call a method of a running child activity from a parent activity?

I am developing an android app which has 3 tabs, created in Every tab has its own activity. In those activities I have a method called "Refresh()" to update the listview in that tab.
When the user clicks on a button the method "refreshTab(View v)" is called.
// Tab refreshen
public void refreshTab (View v) {
Activity MyActivity = this.getCurrentActivity();
This is throwing "The Method Refresh() is undefined for the type Activity. However, "MyActivity" is filled with the tab activity.
How would I go about getting this to work?
You need to cast the activity to your type of activity. Right now you are trying to call the Android class activity, which does not have a "Refresh" function.
Your button handler is a little over-complicated (even though it's only two lines)...
Just do something like:
// Tab refreshen
public void refreshTab (View v) {
If the way you've defined your OnClickListener is directly inline (but still within your activity's class), you may need to add a little direction, where MyClassType is the name of your class that extends Activity:
// Tab refreshen
public void refreshTab (View v) {

on tab click run oncreate() method of corresponding class android

i have 4 tabs in my same view i want to that when i chnge the tabs and load it again it always run its oncreate() method of corresponding class...each time when i change the tab it runs it's called class.i have a problem with this bcoz tab click event load its view in first time when i click on it then again if i changing the tab it's only load it again not run its oncreate() method so how to over come this problem ...
i had also used....
intent1 = new Intent().setClass(this, keywordxmlparsing.class);
spec1 = tabHost.newTabSpec("Activity2").setIndicator("keyword search...").setContent(intent1);
public void onTabChanged(String label) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
if(label == "Activity2") {
if(label == "Activity4") {
so on tab change how to run its corresponding class again when i push tab again???
thanks in adv. to all my response-rs..
put your code in OnResume() methods,it may help you

Start another Activity inside the FrameLayout of TabActivity

I am trying to make an application which have 4 tabs at the bottom of the screen.
All of them contain Activity (Intent).
And I want to navigate any of the Activity to another activity. But want to keep the TabWidget visible.
Let me know as quickly as possible if you know about it.
The problem of error occuring due to the replacement of activities can be solved in the following manner.
First Let us understand the flow:
We have in a Tab host , activity (say a list) from which we need to go to the next Activity (say details for the clicked item) under the same tab. For this we can use the concept of replacing the activity.Also setting the flags for the tab selected and other for knowing that details are being shown now
When we press back we should get the previous activity under the same tab.For this instead of again replacing the activity we can refresh the tab while using the particular flag for tab which was selected. Also if flag for show details is true we'll go the the list in the same tab or else we will go the activity before the tabwidget (normal use of onBackPressed)
The code can be as follows..
For going from list to details...
(This can be in the onClickListener)
private OnClickListener textListener = new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
Constants.SHOW_DETAILS = true;
Intent intent = new Intent(context, DetailsActivity.class);
replaceContentView("activity3", intent);
public void replaceContentView(String id, Intent newIntent) {
View view = ((ActivityGroup) context)
((Activity) context).setContentView(view);
When back pressed is done we override on BackPressed in each of the Activity under the tab to go to the list again from the details screen
public void onBackPressed() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
if (MathHelper.SHOW_DETAILS) {
Log.e("back", "pressed accepted");
Constants.LIST_ACTIVITY = 1;
Constants.SHOW_DETAILS = false;
Intent intent = new Intent(this, Tab_widget.class);
The most important part here is
Constants.LIST_ACTIVITY = 1; it indicates which tab we are in. so the corresponding activities will have its value as 0,1,2...etc
Again to load the correct list (Activty) when the tab activity is refreshed we have to include this in the TabWidget onCreate after the creation of the tabs
This is implemented in Tabs with multiple activities in a single tab.
However when multiple times activities are called StackOverFlow error arises. Tried very hard but unable to solve it.. Please someone tell a method to solve this problem
Also need to Replace an activity in a tab, However from child activity. How is that to be done?
At any one moment there may only be one activity. Docs about this here

how to disable a tab in android screen?

hi can you tell me how to disable a tab in the UI of android code.. (eclair code)
If you mean to disable one tab button on TabWidget, then try this code:
// tabHost = ... (get TabHost)
If you want to disable tab widget in overall, then:
// tabWidget = ... (get TabWidget)
Read SDK Help for references:
Extend TabHost and override methods:
public void setCurrentTab(int currentTab) {
if (currentTab != 2) // position of the tab that should not get selected
// in my case I want to trigger something here but I don't want the button to get selected
public void setCurrentTabByTag(String tag) {
if (!"\"plus_tab\"".equals(tag)) // tag of the tab that should not get selected
// in my case I want to trigger something here but I don't want the button to get selected

