Parent Activity not receiving Messages from Thread - android

My test app below is roughly based on this threads tutorial by Cristian Baita.
It works as expected, with the exception that the message sent from myThread's run() method is never received by the MainActivity's handler.
I am passing the MainActivity's handler to myThread in the thread's constructor. I then use that handler's sendMessage() method to send a message back to the MainActivity, but the handler never seems to receive it. Why is this?
Note: I've found using breakpoints for debugging in eclipse is a pain with threads, so I ended up going over the top with Log statments instead to help follow the apps execution.
I've put the full code at the end of this post, but to summarise:
The constructor for the MyThread class takes a handler from the calling activity as shown below.
public class MyThread extends Thread {
// Reference to mainHandler from the mainThread
private Handler parentHandler;
// Constructor
public MyThread(Handler pHandler) {
parentHandler = pHandler;
When I create the thread in MainActivity's onCreate() method I pass it the handler mainHandler:
myThread = new MyThread(mainHandler);
Then in MyThread's run() method I have:
Message messageToParent = Message.obtain();
messageToParent.what = 2;
Log.i("myThread", "About to send message to parent ...");
The message should then be received by mainHandler defined in MainActivity:
public Handler mainHandler = new Handler() {
public void handleMessages(Message msg){
Log.i("MainActivity", "Message Received");
switch(msg.what) {
case 2:
Log.i("MainActivity", "Handled message. msg.what = " + msg.what);
If you watch the LogCat window when this runs, you will see that MainActivity never logs "Message Received" or "Handled message... ". So the message never arrives at it's destination.
The MainActivity:
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
private MyThread myThread;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
myThread = new MyThread(mainHandler);
// Message the thread
Message msgToThread = Message.obtain();
msgToThread.what = 4;
Log.i("MainActivity", "About to send message to thread...");
public Handler mainHandler = new Handler() {
public void handleMessages(Message msg){
Log.i("MainActivity", "Message Received");
switch(msg.what) {
case 2:
Log.i("MainActivity", "Handled message. msg.what = " + msg.what);
// Message the thread
Message msgToThread = Message.obtain();
msgToThread.what = 6;
Log.i("MainActivity", "Unhandled message. msg.what = " + msg.what);
The MyThread class:
public class MyThread extends Thread {
// Reference to mainHandler from the mainThread
private Handler parentHandler;
// Constructor
public MyThread(Handler pHandler) {
parentHandler = pHandler;
// Local handler for messages to this thread
private Handler myThreadHandler = new Handler() {
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
switch(msg.what) {
case 4:
Log.i("myThread", "Handled message. msg.what = " + msg.what);
case 6:
Log.i("myThread", "Handled message. msg.what = " + msg.what);
Log.i("myThread", "Unhandled message. msg.what = " + msg.what);
public void run() {;
int count = 0;
boolean keepGoing = true;
try {
while(true) {
Log.i("myThread", "run() method - while loop is ticking ..." + count);
// some arbitrary conditions to make stuff happen
switch(count) {
case 5:
Message messageToParent = Message.obtain();
messageToParent.what = 2;
Log.i("myThread", "About to send message to parent ...");
case 10:
keepGoing = false;
if(!keepGoing) {
Log.i("myThread", "myThread is going to stop");
catch (Exception e) {
Log.e("My Log", "Thread Loop Exception - " + e);
Log.i("myThread", "myThread has reached the end of it's run() method");
public Handler getHandler() {
return myThreadHandler;

From an initial look, it might be because your parent handler is private. change it to public and try once!

I've realized I misunderstood what we are doing when we write the handleMessage() method for our handler.
I thought we were writing a new method for the handler, so I named it something slightly different handleMessages() (notice the plural).
In fact what we are doing is overriding one of the handler's existing method.
In the sample code I was following, Cristian Baita does not use an #Override statement before his handleMessage() method. This is fair enough, since #Override is only a convenience for you and your compiler to highlight bugs. Embarrassingly it is my fault for assuming that because #Override wasn't there, we weren't overriding anything. Hopefully this slip up will help some others in their learning curve.
BTW: I would still thoroughly recommend Cristian Baita's 3 thread tutorials, as they are very clearly explained and easy to follow. The problem was mine, in making assumptions!


HandleMessage Failed to Pass Object

I'm receiving data through a Bluetooth Service and would like to pass it to MainActivity with handleMessage, MainActivity has received the message but the object was "null"...Can anyone advise? Thanks in advance!
In Bluetooth Service: (the variable data is a String.)
mHandler.obtainMessage(MainActivity.MessageConstants.MESSAGE_ADD_ENTRY_L, data).sendToTarget();
In MainActivity:
problem- String data here is null, while I have double checked the data sent from bluetooth service is not null.
D/Main Activity: data at handler: null
mHandler = new Handler() {
public void handleMessage(#NonNull final Message msg) {
switch ((msg.what)) {
case MessageConstants.MESSAGE_ADD_ENTRY_L:
try {
Log.d(TAG, "handler add entry");
Thread dataParseThread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
String data = (String) msg.obj;
Log.d(TAG, "data at handler: " + data);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d(TAG, "handler went wrong: " + e);
While using sendToTarget() make sure your target is pointing to your mHandler as in
Message message = new Message();
message.what = MainActivity.MessageConstants.MESSAGE_ADD_ENTRY_L;
you can still use your existing approach to get data as Object, but at some point you need to set the Target to Message so it can post
Message message = mHandler.obtainMessage(MainActivity.MessageConstants.MESSAGE_ADD_ENTRY_L, data);

Example communicating with HandlerThread

I want to set up a HandlerThread from the GUI thread. Then some time later, when a button is clicked on the GUI, it runs callHello(), which then send a message to a HelloLogger object residing on the non-GUI thread which asynchronously logs "Hello World". I have tried a number of things, some block indefinitely, some never receive the message, etc etc. The code below is more or less as close as I have got, please could someone modify it to work?
public class HandlerThreadExample {
private MyHandlerThread mMyHandlerThread;
private Looper mLooper;
private Handler mHandler;
public HandlerThreadExample(){
mMyHandlerThread = new MyHandlerThread();
mLooper = mMyHandlerThread.getLooper();
public void callHello() {
private class MyHandlerThread extends HandlerThread {
private HelloLogger mHelloLogger;
private Handler mHandler;
public MyHandlerThread() {
super("The MyHandlerThread thread", HandlerThread.NORM_PRIORITY);
public void run (){
mHelloLogger = new HelloLogger();
mHandler = new Handler(getLooper()){
public void handleMessage(Message msg){
private class HelloLogger {
public HelloLogger (){
public void logHello(){
Log.d("HandlerThreadExample", "Hello World");
Best examples found:
HandlerThread Test
How to create a Looper thread, then send it a message immediately?
Async calls with Handler
HandlerThread vs Executor - When is one more appropriate over the other?
Best use of HandlerThread over other similar classes
Android HandlerThread
HandlerThread examples
Android: Passing data between main and worker threads
Java Synchronised
Sending messages between threads using activity thread queue and Handler class
Intro to Loopers and Handlers Specifying the Code to Run on a Thread
At least now I can close the damned tabs
Solution courtesy of help from pskink
public class HandlerThreadExample2 {
private static int MSG_START_HELLO = 0;
private static int MSG_HELLO_COMPLETE = 1;
private HandlerThread ht;
private Handler mHtHandler;
private Handler mUiHandler;
private boolean helloReady = false;
public HandlerThreadExample2(){
ht = new HandlerThread("The new thread");
Log.d(App.TAG, "UI: handler thread started");
mUiHandler = new Handler(){
public void handleMessage(Message msg){
if (msg.what == MSG_HELLO_COMPLETE){
Log.d(App.TAG, "UI Thread: received notification of sleep completed ");
helloReady = true; }
mHtHandler = new Handler(ht.getLooper()){
public void handleMessage (Message msg){
if (msg.what == MSG_START_HELLO){
Log.d(App.TAG, "handleMessage " + msg.what + " in " + Thread.currentThread() + " now sleeping");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Log.d(App.TAG, "Woke up, notifying UI thread...");
public void sendLongHello(){
if (helloReady){
Log.d(App.TAG, "sending hello " + Thread.currentThread());
helloReady = false;
} else {
Log.e(App.TAG, "Cannot do hello yet - not ready");
This is a working example:
HandlerThread ht = new HandlerThread("MySuperAwesomeHandlerThread");
Handler h = new Handler(ht.getLooper()) {
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
Log.d(TAG, "handleMessage " + msg.what + " in " + Thread.currentThread());
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
Log.d(TAG, "sending " + i + " in " + Thread.currentThread());
h.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(i, 3000 + i * 1000);
Make two class fields:
Handler mHtHandler;
Handler mUiHandler;
and try this:
HandlerThread ht = new HandlerThread("MySuperAwsomeHandlerThread");
Callback callback = new Callback() {
public boolean handleMessage(Message msg) {
if (msg.what == 0) {
Log.d(TAG, "got a meaasage in " + Thread.currentThread() + ", now sleeping... ");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Log.d(TAG, "woke up, notifying ui thread...");
} else
if (msg.what == 1) {
Log.d(TAG, "got a notification in " + Thread.currentThread());
return false;
mHtHandler = new Handler(ht.getLooper(), callback);
mUiHandler = new Handler(callback);
mHtHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(0, 3000);
You can of course get rid of Callback interface and create two Handlers with overridden handleMessage method...
The issue you are seeing is because your outer class is using a private mHandler field and so does your HandlerThread. The outer class' field is not initialized. You don't need the inner mHandler. The outer class can crate a handler from the looper you grab right after calling start().

Android - Code After Looper

I have a child thread running to do a task infinitely. I want to (1) constantly send data back to the UI thread, and (2) occasionally send data (corresponding to buttons) to the child thread to pause/continue the infinite task. My problem is that the child thread gets stuck in the looper, meaning the task does not execute.
My questions is this: How do I get the child thread to receive messages from the UI thread without blocking the infinite task?
This is what I have so far:
For task (1), I have a handler in my UI thread, which works, and an infinite loop in the child thread that sends back a message, which works by itself.
In UI thread:
mMainHandler = new Handler() {
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
Bundle b;
b = msg.getData();
if (msg.what==1)
Log.i("main", "from child (running) - " + b.getBoolean("running"));
else if (msg.what == 2)
Log.i("main", "from child (count) - " + b.getInt("count"));
In child thread (currently using a dummy task until I get the framework worked out):
while (true) {
if (running) {
try {
curCount += up;
if (curCount == maxCount)
up = -1;
else if (curCount == minCount)
up = 1;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Log.e("", "local Thread error", e);
Bundle b = new Bundle(1);
b.putInt("count", curCount);
Message toMain = mMainHandler.obtainMessage();
toMain.what = 2;
For task (2), I have a method in my UI thread corresponding to a button press that sends a message to the child thread, which works, and a handler in the child thread, which works by itself.
In UI thread:
private void sendRunning(boolean running) {
if (mChildHandler != null) {
Bundle b = new Bundle(1);
b.putBoolean("running", running);
Message msg = mChildHandler.obtainMessage();
msg.what = 1;
In child thread:
mChildHandler = new Handler() {
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
Bundle b;
if (msg.what==1){
b = msg.getData();
running = b.getBoolean("running");
Log.i(INNER_TAG, "from main (running) - " + b.getBoolean("running"));
Log.i(INNER_TAG, "running - " + running);
try {
Message toMain = mMainHandler.obtainMessage();
toMain.what = 1;
} finally {}
Each one of those scenarios works fine alone, but trying to do both at the same time is the problem. If I put the infinite task after the Looper.loop(), it is never reached. If I put it before the Looper.prepare(), it is run once. If I put it withing the looper, it is still only run once.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated :)
Here is my full code (minus package/imports) for reference:
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
Thread thread;
private Handler mMainHandler, mChildHandler;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mMainHandler = new Handler() {
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
Bundle b;
b = msg.getData();
if (msg.what==1)
Log.i("main", "from child (running) - " + b.getBoolean("running"));
else if (msg.what == 2)
Log.i("main", "from child (count) - " + b.getInt("count"));
thread = new ChildThread();
// Get a reference to the button
Button buttonStart = (Button)findViewById(;
Button buttonStop = (Button)findViewById(;
// Set the click listener to run my code
buttonStart.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
"Starting...", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
buttonStop.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
"Stopping...", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
private void sendRunning(boolean running) {
if (mChildHandler != null) {
Bundle b = new Bundle(1);
b.putBoolean("running", running);
Message msg = mChildHandler.obtainMessage();
msg.what = 1;
protected void onDestroy() {
Log.i("tag", "stop looping the child thread's message queue");
class ChildThread extends Thread {
private static final String INNER_TAG = "ChildThread";
private boolean running = true;
final int maxCount = 10;
final int minCount = 0;
public int curCount = minCount;
private int up = 1;
public void run() {
while (true) {
if (running) {
try {
curCount += up;
if (curCount == maxCount)
up = -1;
else if (curCount == minCount)
up = 1;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Log.e("", "local Thread error", e);
Bundle b = new Bundle(1);
b.putInt("count", curCount);
Message toMain = mMainHandler.obtainMessage();
toMain.what = 2;
mChildHandler = new Handler() {
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
Bundle b;
if (msg.what==1){
b = msg.getData();
running = b.getBoolean("running");
Log.i(INNER_TAG, "from main (running) - " + b.getBoolean("running"));
Log.i(INNER_TAG, "running - " + running);
try {
Message toMain = mMainHandler.obtainMessage();
toMain.what = 1;
} finally {}
Log.i(INNER_TAG, "Child handler is bound to - " +
Just Use Intent service rather then this thread so you can manage all UI of your update and what ever you want to do with UI in intent service one broadcast receiver is using and its very easy to handle threads and infect your your UI is nit hand or lock while your background process run .
I ended up just using a variable time for the thread to avoid the situation. Thanks for the advice.

Handler wont SetText on Button

In my Application I am trying to simply setText() on my Button purchaseButton.
I have an Alert Dialog that takes a value and initializes an AsyncTask to complete the server call to find the discount.
All of that works fine, its when I get to the onPostExecute().
protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
Log.d(tag,"Result of POST: " + result);
if(result != null){
result = result.replaceAll("YES", "");
String discount = result;
discountPrice = price - Double.parseDouble(discount);
Log.d(tag, "Discount price after pull:" + discountPrice);
//setPurchase("Purchase $" + String.valueOf(discountPrice));
new Thread(new Runnable()
public void run()
Message msg = handler.obtainMessage();
msg.what = (int) discountPrice;
You can see that I make a call to a handler from a new Thread(). This allows me to get to the handler but never sets the text of the button from the handler.
Handler Method:
final static Handler handler = new Handler(){
public void handleMessage(Message msg){
Log.d(tag, "entered handler");
if(msg.what == discountPrice)
setPurchaseText() method:
private static void setPurchaseText(int value){
Log.d(tag, "Entered setPurchaseText");
purchaseButton.setText("Purchase $" + String.valueOf(value));
From my knowledge this should allow me to set the text from the handler. Why is it not setting the text and how can I get it to set the text with my string value?
Any help is much appreciated!
If the setText() is not working in onPostExecute(), they you might not be creating your AsyncTask on the UI thread. AsyncTask runs onPostExecute() on the thread you create it.
Again, Handler is created on the currently executed Thread. May be your Handler is initialized on a background thread. Try using final static Handler handler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()). This ensures the handler to be attached to the main thread.

The difference between Handler.dispatchMessage(msg) and Handler.sendMessage(msg)

When I use Handler.dispatchMessage(msg), the handleMessage(Message msg) will be run on new thread but when I use Handler.sendMessage(msg), the handleMessage(Message msg) will be run on main thread. Who can tell me the difference between them?
public class MainActivity extends Activity
private String TAG = "MainActivity";
private Handler mHandler = new Handler()
public void handleMessage(Message msg)
Log.i(TAG, "Handler:" + Thread.currentThread().getId() + " & arg1=" + msg.arg1);
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
Log.i(TAG, "Main:" + Thread.currentThread().getId());
private void testMethod()
Thread thread = new Thread()
public void run()
Log.i(TAG, "Thread:" + Thread.currentThread().getId());
Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage();
msg.arg1 = 1;
Message msg2 = mHandler.obtainMessage();
msg2.arg1 = 2;
04-19 11:32:10.452: INFO/MainActivity(774): Main:1
04-19 11:32:10.488: INFO/MainActivity(774): Thread:8
04-19 11:32:10.492: INFO/MainActivity(774): Handler:8 & arg1=1
04-19 11:32:10.635: INFO/MainActivity(774): Handler:1 & arg1=2
mHandler.dispatchMessage(msg) is like directly calling handleMessage(Message msg) and I don't know when that would be useful. The point of Handlers is the ability to send messages to other threads. That's what you do with sendMessage.
Edit: as you can see it just calls handleMessage() for you.
* Handle system messages here.
public void dispatchMessage(Message msg) {
if (msg.callback != null) {
// callback = the Runnable you can post "instead of" Messages.;
} else {
if (mCallback != null) {
if (mCallback.handleMessage(msg)) {
If You Call the Handler.dispatchMessage() in the Main Thread Then The Message is processed in Main Thread.
If You Call The Handler.dispatchMessage() in the Worker Thread Then The Message is Processed in Worker Thread.
When You Call Handler.sendMessage(msg) The Message is Processed in the Thread Which Created The Handler.
The messages sent with Handler.sendMessage() will be handled on the thread you created in testMethod().
The messages sent with Handler.dispatchMessage() are handled on the main thread.

