Parsing json file with gson give error - android

Was searching for the answer but couldent find one thats help me.
Im using volley - json request im getting error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY
This is my Code:
public static JsonTask<GameStatusResponse> PostLiveGames(final Context ctx, ArrayList<GameStatus> liveGames)
ArrayList<Integer> gamesIds = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (GameStatus gameStatus : liveGames)
JsonObject bodObj = new JsonObject();
bodObj.addProperty("AcceptNotification", true);
bodObj.addProperty("AppVersion", WZApp.getAppVersion(mContext));
String ids = "";
for (int i = 0; i < gamesIds.size(); i++)
ids = ids + "," + gamesIds.get(i);
ids = ids.substring(1, ids.length());
bodObj.addProperty("games", "[" + ids + "]");
System.out.println("live games object: " + bodObj.toString());
JsonTask<GameStatusResponse> task = new JsonTask<GameStatusResponse>(getURL(APIMethods.GetLiveGames.url),
GameStatusResponse.class, new JsonResponseCallback<GameStatusResponse>()
public void onResponseReceived(GameStatusResponse response)
if (response != null && response.response != null
&& response.response.GameStatusGames.size() > 0)
System.out.println("check " + response.response.GameStatusGames.get(0).GameStatusType);
public void onErrorReceived(Exception error)
System.out.println("we got error in live games: " + error.getMessage());
task.addCustomDeserializer(betStatusTypeDeserializer, DataEnums.BetStatusType.class)
.addCustomDeserializer(betResultTypeDeserializer, BetResult.class)
.addCustomDeserializer(gameStatusTypeDeserializer, DataEnums.WZGameStatusType.class)
.addCustomDeserializer(jinxTypeDeserializer, DataEnums.JinxType.class)
.addCustomDeserializer(betOddsOutcomesTypeDeserializer, DataEnums.WZOddsOut.class)
.addCustomDeserializer(betOddsTypeDeserializer, DataEnums.WZOdds.class);
task.setAuthHeader(buildAuthHeader(RequestType.Flow, mDataManager.getCurrUser())).setPostMethod(bodObj);
if (WZApp.debugMode)
return task;
This is my response class:
public class GameStatusResponse
public Meta meta;
public GameStatusObject response;
public class GameStatusObject
public ArrayList<GameStatus> GameStatusGames;
My Class:
import java.util.ArrayList;
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import com.j256.ormlite.field.DataType;
import com.j256.ormlite.field.DatabaseField;
import com.j256.ormlite.table.DatabaseTable;
import com.moblin.wagerzone.DataEnums;
public class GameStatus implements Parcelable
public int ID;
public int T1_Result;
public int T2_Result;
public int TotalBets;
public boolean isEnded;
public int WinnerID;
public int GameResult;
public DataEnums.WZGameStatusType GameStatusType;
#DatabaseField(dataType = DataType.SERIALIZABLE, canBeNull = true)
public ArrayList<Odd> Odds;
public int priority;
public GameStatus()
public GameStatus(Parcel in)
this.GameResult = in.readInt();
this.WinnerID = in.readInt();
this.TotalBets = in.readInt();
this.ID = in.readInt();
this.T1_Result = in.readInt();
this.T2_Result = in.readInt();
this.GameStatusType = DataEnums.WZGameStatusType.getById(in.readInt());
boolean[] temp = new boolean[1];
} catch (Exception e)
// TODO: handle exception
isEnded = temp[0];
if (Odds != null)
in.readTypedList(Odds, Odd.CREATOR);
public int describeContents()
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return 0;
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags)
if (GameStatusType != null)
dest.writeBooleanArray(new boolean[] { isEnded });
public static final Parcelable.Creator CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator()
public GameStatus createFromParcel(Parcel in)
return new GameStatus(in);
public GameStatus[] newArray(int size)
return new GameStatus[size];
public boolean isLive(GameStatus gameStatus)
boolean retval = false;
switch (gameStatus.GameStatusType)
case WZGameStatusCancelled:
case WZGameStatusEnded:
case WZGameStatusLive:
retval = true;
case WZGameStatusNew:
case WZGameStatusWaiting:
return retval;
and log cat:
08-20 10:28:04.485: I/System.out(26524): we got error in live games: Error parsing JSON: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY at line 1 column 96
also here is the json from server:
meta = {
message = OK;
"operation_message" = "<null>";
operationstatus = 0;
status = 200;
response = (
GameResult = 3;
GameStatusType = 3;
ID = 106448;
Odds = (
OddID = 84001;
Outcomes = (
ID = 4;
Name = 1;
ID = 5;
Name = X;
ID = 6;
Name = 2;
Result = "<null>";
TypeID = 10;
TypeName = ThreeWay;
Value = "<null>";
"T1_Result" = 0;
"T2_Result" = 0;
TotalBets = 76;
WinnerID = "<null>";
isEnded = 0;
GameResult = 3;
GameStatusType = 3;
ID = 107009;
Odds = (
OddID = 85377;
Outcomes = (
ID = 7;
Name = 1;
ID = 8;
Name = 2;
Result = "<null>";
TypeID = 20;
TypeName = TwoWay;
Value = "<null>";
"T1_Result" = 0;
"T2_Result" = 0;
TotalBets = 0;
WinnerID = "<null>";
isEnded = 0;
GameResult = 3;
GameStatusType = 4;
ID = 107087;
Odds = (
OddID = 85539;
Outcomes = (
ID = 7;
Name = 1;
ID = 8;
Name = 2;
Result = "<null>";
TypeID = 20;
TypeName = TwoWay;
Value = "<null>";
"T1_Result" = 0;
"T2_Result" = 0;
TotalBets = 0;
WinnerID = "<null>";
isEnded = 0;
I cant figure it out, please advise.

Your output seems odd. Is JSON result being coined by yourself?
Both response and Odd fields seem to start with ( ) instead of [ ] which denotes an array. On top of that, this do not even seems valid JSON at all.
In JSON one doesn't use =, but : and fields are separated by ; instead of ,. For example:
meta : {
message : OK,
"operation_message" : "<null>",
operationstatus : 0,
status : 200,
response : [{
GameResult : 3,
GameStatusType : 3,
ID : 106448,
Odds : [{
OddID : 84001,
Outcomes : [{
ID : 4,
Name : 1
}, {
ID : 5,
Name : X
}, {
ID : 6,
Name : 2
Result : "<null>",
TypeID : 10,
TypeName : ThreeWay,
Value : "<null>"
"T1_Result" : 0,
"T2_Result" : 0,
TotalBets : 76,
WinnerID : "<null>",
isEnded : 0
}, {


When using setOnGroupClickListener method report an error “cannot find symbol”

When using setOnGroupClickListener method report an error “cannot find symbol”,
I try to use setOnGroupClickListener to register sublist click event listener to list control,But an error is reported during compilation
error report:
vendor/proprietary/modem/ModemTestBox/src/com/xiaomi/mtb/activity/ error: cannot find symbol
elvBook.setOnGroupClickListener(new ExpandableListView.setOnGroupClickListener(){
vendor/proprietary/modem/ModemTestBox/src/com/xiaomi/mtb/activity/ error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype
package com.mtb.activity;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.ExpandableListView;
import com.xiaomi.mtb.*;
import com.xiaomi.mtb.activity.*;
import com.xiaomi.mtb.R;
import android.util.Log;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
public class MtbNvAutoCheckList1Activity extends MtbBaseActivity {
private ArrayList<NvAutoCheckDataFather> groups = new ArrayList<>();
private ArrayList<ArrayList<NvAutoCheckDataSon>>children = new ArrayList<>();
private ArrayList<NvAutoCheckDataSon>data=new ArrayList<>();
private HashMap<Integer,Integer>hashMap=new HashMap<>();
private static int mNvEfsDataPrintMaxNum = 20;
private static final String LOG_TAG = "MtbNvAutoCheckMainActivity";
private static final int DATA_TYPE_DECIMALISM = 0;
private static int mHexOrDec = DATA_TYPE_DECIMALISM;
private static final int DATA_TYPE_HEX = 1;
private static final int SIGNED_DATA = 0;
private static final int UNSIGNED_DATA = 1;
private static boolean mTmpLogPrintFlag = false;
private ExpandableListView elvBook;
private NvAutoCheckBookAdapter adapter;
private static HashMap<Integer,byte[]>mNvData=new HashMap<Integer,byte[]>(){
put(550,new byte[]{8,(byte)138, 70, 115, 6, 98, 16, 5, 112});
put(74,new byte[]{6});
put(453,new byte[]{1});
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mMtbHookAgent = MtbHookAgent.getHook();
int num=0;
Iterator<Map.Entry<Integer,byte[]>> iterator1=mNvData.entrySet().iterator();
int key=entry.getKey();
byte[] value=entry.getValue();
ByteBuffer byteBuf=mMtbHookAgent.onHookNvOptSync(0, key, mMtbHookAgent.EVENT_OEMHOOK_XIAOMI_NV_READ);
log("onNvEfsReadHookHdl, mNvId = "+key);
int ret = byteBuf.getInt();
int len = byteBuf.getInt();
log("onNvEfsReadHookHdl" + ", len = " + len);
byte[] bytes = null;
log("efs config empty");
bytes = new byte[len];
String mNvFlagResult="false";
for(int i=0; i < value.length;i++){
if(entry.getValue()[i] != bytes[i]){
log("mNVDATA_"+key+"[" + i + "] not the same");
log("mNVDATA_"+key+"[" + i + "] identical");
if(i == (value.length - 1)){
mNvFlagResult = "success";
groups.add(new NvAutoCheckDataFather(key,mNvFlagResult));
hashMap.put(num, hashMap.size());
NvAutoCheckDataSon mNvAutoCheckDataSon=new NvAutoCheckDataSon("正确的值是: "+onGetStringByByteGroup(value,value.length),"读出的值为: "+onGetStringByByteGroup(bytes,value.length));
children.add(new ArrayList<NvAutoCheckDataSon>(){
// 利用布局资源文件设置用户界面
// 通过资源标识获得控件实例
elvBook = findViewById(;
// 创建适配器
adapter = new NvAutoCheckBookAdapter(this, groups, children, hashMap);
// 给列表控件设置适配器
// 给列表控件注册子列表单击事件监听器
elvBook.setOnGroupClickListener(new ExpandableListView.setOnGroupClickListener(){
public boolean onGroupClick(ExpandableListView expandableListView, View view, int groupPosition,long l){
return true;
return false;
private static void log(String msg) {
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "MTB_ " + msg);
private String onGetStringByDateType(byte val, int uFlag, boolean bPrint) {
return onGetStringByDateType(val, uFlag, bPrint, mHexOrDec, true);
private String onGetStringByDateType(byte val, int uFlag, boolean bPrint, int hexOrDec, boolean fillHexZero) {
if (bPrint) {
tmpLog("onGetStringByDateType, byte, val = " + val + ", uFlag = " + uFlag + ", bPrint = " + bPrint + ", hexOrDec = " + hexOrDec + ", fillHexZero = " + fillHexZero);
String strVal = null;
BigDecimal bigVal;
byte lowVal = 0;
if (DATA_TYPE_HEX == hexOrDec) {
strVal = Integer.toHexString(val & 0xff);
if (1 == strVal.length() && fillHexZero) {
strVal = "0" + strVal;
if (bPrint) {
tmpLog("HEX, strVal = " + strVal);
} else {
strVal = "" + val;
if (UNSIGNED_DATA == uFlag && val < 0) {
lowVal = (byte)(val & 0x7f);
bigVal = BigDecimal.valueOf(lowVal).add(BigDecimal.valueOf(Byte.MAX_VALUE)).add(BigDecimal.valueOf(1));
strVal = bigVal.toString();
if (bPrint) {
tmpLog("val < 0, new strVal = " + strVal);
if (null != strVal) {
strVal = strVal.toUpperCase();
return strVal;
private String onGetStringByByteGroup(byte[] bytes, int len){
String ret="";
for(int i=0;i<len;i++){
String str1=onGetStringByDateType(bytes[i], UNSIGNED_DATA, false);
return ret;
private static void tmpLog(String msg) {
if (mTmpLogPrintFlag) {

IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range. DataCache.GetAchievementCacheData () (at Assets/Scripts/Mission/Plugin/DataCache.cs:329)

When I run the game using unity I get this error continuously in the console window and the loading screen is not going further next. Help me to fix this issue.
IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
DataCache.GetAchievementCacheData () (at
Here is my code below
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using UnityEngine;
//Class luu mission current
public class CurrentMission
public string FB_id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Mission { get; set; }
public CurrentMission(string id, string name, string mission)
this.FB_id = id;
this.Name = name;
this.Mission = mission;
public CurrentMission()
this.FB_id = "";
this.Name = "";
this.Mission = "";
public class MissionDataSave
public int Mission;
public long Score;
public int Star;
public int Open;//0-false. 1-true
public MissionDataSave(int mission, long score, int star, int open)
Mission = mission;
Score = score;
Star = star;
Open = open;
public MissionDataSave()
Mission = 0;
Score = 0;
Star = 0;
Open = 0;
public class AchievementCache
//group nhiem vu
public int Group;
//Level hien tai cua group
public int Level;
//Gia tri hien tai
public int Value;
//Thong bao mission hoan thanh
public int Notify;//0 - False, 1 - true
//public AchievementCache()
// this.Group = 1;
// this.Level = 1;
// this.Value = 0;
public AchievementCache(int group, int level, int value, int notify)
this.Group = group;
this.Value = value;
this.Level = level;
this.Notify = notify;
public AchievementCache()
this.Group = 1;
this.Value = 0;
this.Level = 1;
this.Notify = 0;
public class DataCache
public static string FB_ID = "FB_ID";
public static string FB_USER = "FB_USER";
public static string Achievement_data_key = "Achievement_data_key";
public static string Mission_data_key = "Mission_data_key";
public static string Current_mission_data_key = "Current_mission_data_key";
public static AchievementCache[] dataAchievementCache;
public static MissionDataSave[] dataMissionCache;
public static CurrentMission[] dataCurrentMissionCache;
//public static string XML_Current_Mission_Path = "CurrentMissionSave.xml";
//public static string XML_Data_Mission_Path = "DataMissionSave.xml";
//public static string XML_Data_Achievement_Path = "AchievementCache.xml";
//serialize xml theo tung phan tu
//public static List<MissionDataSave> DeserializeMissionDataSaveListFromXML(string filePath)
// if (!System.IO.File.Exists(filePath))
// {
// Debug.LogError("File " + filePath + " not exist!");
// return new List<MissionDataSave>();
// }
// XmlSerializer deserializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List<MissionDataSave>), new XmlRootAttribute("MissionDataSaveRoot"));
// TextReader textReader = new StreamReader(filePath);
// List<MissionDataSave> movies = (List<MissionDataSave>)deserializer.Deserialize(textReader);
// textReader.Close();
// return movies;
//public static void readXMLTest()
// string xmlDataCache1 = Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + XML_Current_Mission_Path;
// TextReader textReader = new StreamReader(xmlDataCache1);
// XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
// xmlDoc.Load(textReader);
// XmlNodeList xmlNodeList = xmlDoc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes;
// Debug.Log("TRUOC");
// foreach (XmlNode node in xmlNodeList)
// {
// Debug.Log("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa " + node.Attributes["Id"].Value);
// }
// Debug.Log("SAU");
// XmlNode root = xmlDoc.DocumentElement;
// XmlElement elem = xmlDoc.CreateElement("CurrentMissionCache");
// elem.SetAttribute("Id", "112312");
// elem.SetAttribute("Name", "NameDG");
// elem.SetAttribute("Mission", "MissionDG");
// root.AppendChild(elem);
// textReader.Close();
// xmlDoc.Save(xmlDataCache1);
//Add mission xml node
public static void UpdateMissionScore(long score, int star, int mission, int open)
MissionDataSave data = dataMissionCache[mission - 1];
if (data.Star < star)
data.Star = star;
if (data.Score < score)
data.Score = score;
data.Open = open;
public static void SaveMissionDataCache(bool submitToServer = false)
string dataSave = "";
string dataSendServer = "";
for (int i = 0; i < dataMissionCache.Length; i++)
dataSave += dataMissionCache[i].Mission + "-" + dataMissionCache[i].Score + "-" + dataMissionCache[i].Star + "-" + dataMissionCache[i].Open + ",";
//Chi gui nhung mission da open len server
if (dataMissionCache[i].Open == 1)
if (dataSendServer.Length > 0)
dataSendServer += ",";
dataSendServer += dataMissionCache[i].Mission + "-" + dataMissionCache[i].Score + "-" + dataMissionCache[i].Star + "-" + dataMissionCache[i].Open;
Debug.Log("Data save " + dataSave);
PlayerPrefs.SetString(Mission_data_key, dataSave);
if (submitToServer)
Debug.Log("Data send server " + dataSendServer);
AudioControl.getMonoBehaviour().StartCoroutine(DHS.PostMeInfoMissionUpdate(FB.UserId, dataSendServer));
public static void GetMissionDataCache()
int max_mission = 100;
if (dataMissionCache != null)
dataMissionCache = null;
dataMissionCache = new MissionDataSave[max_mission];
//Tao moi neu chua co
if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey(Mission_data_key))
string datas = "1-0-0-1,";
for (int i = 2; i <= max_mission; i++)
//Mission - Score - Star - Open
if (DataMissionControlNew.test)
datas += i + "-0-0-1,";
//if (i < 16)
// datas += i + "-0-0-1,";
//else datas += i + "-0-0-0,";
datas += i + "-0-0-0,";
PlayerPrefs.SetString(Mission_data_key, datas);
string missionData = PlayerPrefs.GetString(Mission_data_key);
string[] data = missionData.Split(',');
for (int i = 0; i < max_mission; i++)
string[] infoData = data[i].Split('-');
//Debug.Log("Info " + data[i]);
string mission = infoData[0];
string score = infoData[1];
string star = infoData[2];
string open = infoData[3];
dataMissionCache[i] = new MissionDataSave(Convert.ToUInt16(mission), Convert.ToUInt32(score), Convert.ToUInt16(star), Convert.ToUInt16(open));
//-------------------------CURRENT MISSION---------------------------
//Add current mission xml node
public static void SaveCurrentMission(string data = "")
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(data))
string dataSave = "";
for (int i = 0; i < dataCurrentMissionCache.Length; i++)
if (dataSave.Length > 0)
dataSave += ",";
dataSave += dataCurrentMissionCache[i].FB_id + "-" + dataCurrentMissionCache[i].Name + "-" + dataCurrentMissionCache[i].Mission;
PlayerPrefs.SetString(Current_mission_data_key, dataSave);
PlayerPrefs.SetString(Current_mission_data_key, data);
public static void GetCurrentMission()
if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey(Current_mission_data_key))
PlayerPrefs.SetString(Current_mission_data_key, "Me-User-1");
if (dataCurrentMissionCache != null)
dataCurrentMissionCache = null;
string current_data = PlayerPrefs.GetString(Current_mission_data_key);
string[] data = current_data.Split(',');
dataCurrentMissionCache = new CurrentMission[data.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
string[] info = data[i].Split('-');
//fb - User name - missison
dataCurrentMissionCache[i] = new CurrentMission(info[0], info[1], info[2]);
public static void SetMeCurrentMission(int mission)
for (int i = 0; i < DataCache.dataCurrentMissionCache.Length; i++)
if ("Me".Equals(DataCache.dataCurrentMissionCache[i].FB_id))
int old = Convert.ToInt16(DataCache.dataCurrentMissionCache[i].Mission);
if (old < mission)
DataCache.dataCurrentMissionCache[i].Mission = "" + mission;
DataCache.UpdateMissionScore(0, 0, mission, 1);//Them mission moi vao xml
//Ghi de len du lieu cu
public static void ReplaceAchievementCache(int groupLevel, int value, int level = -1)
dataAchievementCache[groupLevel - 1].Value = value;
if (level != -1)
dataAchievementCache[groupLevel - 1].Level = level;
//Cap nhat them du lieu
public static void AddAchievementCache(int groupLevel, int addValue, int addLevel = 0)
dataAchievementCache[groupLevel - 1].Level += addLevel;
dataAchievementCache[groupLevel - 1].Value += addValue;
public static void GetAchievementCacheData()
if (dataAchievementCache != null)
dataAchievementCache = null;
dataAchievementCache = new AchievementCache[22];
//Tao achievement
if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey(Achievement_data_key))
string achi = "";
for (int i = 1; i <= 22; i++)
achi += i + "-1-0-0,";
//Debug.Log("Create new achievement " + achi);
PlayerPrefs.SetString(Achievement_data_key, achi);
string achievement = PlayerPrefs.GetString(Achievement_data_key);
string[] achie = achievement.Split(',');
for (int i = 0; i< dataAchievementCache.Length; i++)
string[] infoAchie = achie[i].Split('-');
string group = infoAchie[0];
string level = infoAchie[1];
string value = infoAchie[2];
string notify = infoAchie[3];
//Debug.Log(group +" " + dataAchievementCache[i].Group);
dataAchievementCache[i] = new AchievementCache();
dataAchievementCache[i].Group = Convert.ToInt16(group);
dataAchievementCache[i].Level = Convert.ToInt16(level);
dataAchievementCache[i].Value = Convert.ToInt32(value);
dataAchievementCache[i].Notify = Convert.ToInt16(notify);
public static void SaveAchievementCache(bool sendServer = false)
if (dataAchievementCache != null)
string achievement = "";
for (int i = 0; i < dataAchievementCache.Length; i++)
string s = "" + dataAchievementCache[i].Group + "-" + dataAchievementCache[i].Level + "-" + dataAchievementCache[i].Value + "-" + dataAchievementCache[i].Notify + ",";
achievement += s;
//Debug.Log("----------LUU ACHIEVEMENT------------ " + achievement);
PlayerPrefs.SetString(Achievement_data_key, achievement);
if (FB.IsLoggedIn && sendServer)
//Nếu chưa có playerprefs thì sẽ submit lên luôn
//Nếu có rồi thì phải check nó cập nhật hoàn thành từ server về thì mới cho up lên
bool check = !PlayerPrefs.HasKey(DataMissionControlNew.key_update_achievement_data_from_server) ||
(PlayerPrefs.HasKey(DataMissionControlNew.key_update_achievement_data_from_server) && PlayerPrefs.GetInt(DataMissionControlNew.key_update_achievement_data_from_server) == 1);
if (check)
AudioControl.getMonoBehaviour().StartCoroutine(DHS.PostMeInfoUpdate(DFB.UserId, "" + VariableSystem.diamond, "" + achievement, "", (www) =>
Debug.Log("----------Update achievement to server success!------------- " + achievement);
Debug.Log("----------KHONG CHO UP ACHIEVEMENT VA DIAMOND LEN SERVER------------- " + PlayerPrefs.GetInt(DataMissionControlNew.key_update_mission_data_from_server, 0));
catch (Exception e)
Debug.Log("------------ERROR ---------------" + e.Message);
if (DataMissionControlNew.test)
MobilePlugin.getInstance().ShowToast("ERROR " + e.Message);
public static void DeleteUserData()
VariableSystem.diamond = 8;
VariableSystem.heart = 5;
public static void RestoreUserData(int diamond, string achievement)
Debug.Log("Restore user data");
VariableSystem.diamond = diamond;
VariableSystem.heart = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("heart", 5);
string[] achie = achievement.Split(',');
if (achie.Length > 5)
for (int i = 0; i < dataAchievementCache.Length; i++)
string[] infoAchie = achie[i].Split('-');
string group = infoAchie[0];
string level = infoAchie[1];
string value = infoAchie[2];
string notify = infoAchie[3];
dataAchievementCache[i].Group = Convert.ToInt16(group);
dataAchievementCache[i].Level = Convert.ToInt16(level);
dataAchievementCache[i].Value = Convert.ToInt32(value);
dataAchievementCache[i].Notify = Convert.ToInt16(notify);
//Debug.Log("---Luu achievement----");
Debug.Log("----------------ACHIEVEMENT da dc cap nhat tu -----------------");
PlayerPrefs.SetInt(DataMissionControlNew.key_update_achievement_data_from_server, 1);
The line 329 is this
string level = infoAchie[1];
The problem is coming from the last comma you are adding in the string you are adding to your PlayerPrefs in this part:
if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey(Achievement_data_key))
string achi = "";
for (int i = 1; i <= 22; i++)
achi += i + "-1-0-0,";
//Debug.Log("Create new achievement " + achi);
PlayerPrefs.SetString(Achievement_data_key, achi);
This code generates this string:
Keep in memory that last comma at the end of the string.
You are later doing a split on the ',' character, and iterating over them.
string[] achie = achievement.Split(',');
for (int i = 0; i< dataAchievementCache.Length; i++)
string[] infoAchie = achie[i].Split('-');
string group = infoAchie[0];
string level = infoAchie[1];
The problem is that by doing so, your achie string array contains an empty last element. So when you are later splitting on the "-" character, your infoAchie string array only contains one element: the empty string. The first line:
string group = infoAchie[0];
Still works, but is filled with the empty string. Then:
string level = infoAchie[1];
Can't work, as you are indeed out of the bounds of the infoAchie array.
The solution would be to add the comma to your string only if it is not the last element.
Also, I strongly advise you to use a StringBuilder over a simple string for optimization purposes. Your code could then look like, for instance:
if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey(Achievement_data_key))
StringBuilder achi = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 1; i <= 22; i++)
if(i != 22)
//Debug.Log("Create new achievement " + achi);
PlayerPrefs.SetString(Achievement_data_key, achi.ToString());
Which generates this string:

Dynamic playlists with Exoplayer 2

I'd like to use ExoPlayer2 with playlists having possibility to dinamically change the tracks (add or remove them from playlist) and change the loop settings.
Since ConcatenatingMediaSource has static arrays (and not lists), I'm implementing a DynamicMediaSource, like Concatenating one but with lists instead of arrays and one mode method addSource to add one more media source to the list.
public void addSource(MediaSource mediaSource) {
duplicateFlags = buildDuplicateFlags(this.mediaSources);
prepareSource(mediaSources.size() -1);
When I invoke addSource
MediaSource ms = buildMediaSource(mynewuri, null);
the track is added to the arrays but it seems something is missing because I always obtain ArrayOutOfBoundsException in createPeriod method.
In createPeriod the method
is trying to access the index = mediaSources.size().
Can you help me?
I eventually managed it.
It was my fault during the conversion from arrays to lists.
I had to use SparseArrays for timelines and manifests and everything began to work.
In the DynamicMediaSource simply set the following types:
private final List<MediaSource> mediaSources;
private final SparseArray<Timeline> timelines;
private final SparseArray<Object> manifests;
private final Map<MediaPeriod, Integer> sourceIndexByMediaPeriod;
private SparseArray<Boolean> duplicateFlags;
you have to use sparse arrays to set the proper values into the timelines and manifests in the method
private void handleSourceInfoRefreshed(int sourceFirstIndex, Timeline sourceTimeline,
Object sourceManifest) {
// Set the timeline and manifest.
timelines.put(sourceFirstIndex, sourceTimeline);
manifests.put(sourceFirstIndex, sourceManifest);
// Also set the timeline and manifest for any duplicate entries of the same source.
for (int i = sourceFirstIndex + 1; i < mediaSources.size(); i++) {
if (mediaSources.get(i).equals(mediaSources.get(sourceFirstIndex))) {
timelines.put(i, sourceTimeline);
manifests.put(i, sourceManifest);
for(int i= 0; i<mediaSources.size(); i++){
if(timelines.get(i) == null){
// Don't invoke the listener until all sources have timelines.
timeline = new DynamicTimeline(new ArrayList(asList(timelines)));
listener.onSourceInfoRefreshed(timeline, new ArrayList(asList(manifests)));
Here is the complete code of DynamicMediaSource class:
public final class DynamicMediaSource implements MediaSource {
private static final String TAG = "DynamicSource";
private final List<MediaSource> mediaSources;
private final List<Timeline> timelines;
private final List<Object> manifests;
private final Map<MediaPeriod, Integer> sourceIndexByMediaPeriod;
private SparseArray<Boolean> duplicateFlags;
private Listener listener;
private DynamicTimeline timeline;
* #param mediaSources The {#link MediaSource}s to concatenate. It is valid for the same
* {#link MediaSource} instance to be present more than once in the array.
public DynamicMediaSource(MediaSource... mediaSources) {
this.mediaSources = new ArrayList<MediaSource>(Arrays.asList(mediaSources));
timelines = new ArrayList<Timeline>();
manifests = new ArrayList<Object>();
sourceIndexByMediaPeriod = new HashMap<>();
duplicateFlags = buildDuplicateFlags(this.mediaSources);
public void addSource(MediaSource mediaSource) {
duplicateFlags = buildDuplicateFlags(this.mediaSources);
prepareSource(mediaSources.size() -1);
public void prepareSource(Listener listener) {
this.listener = listener;
for (int i = 0; i < mediaSources.size(); i++) {
/*if (duplicateFlags.get(i) == null || !duplicateFlags.get(i)) {
final int index = i;
mediaSources.get(i).prepareSource(new Listener() {
public void onSourceInfoRefreshed(Timeline timeline, Object manifest) {
handleSourceInfoRefreshed(index, timeline, manifest);
private void prepareSource(int sourceindex) {
if (duplicateFlags.get(sourceindex) == null || !duplicateFlags.get(sourceindex)) {
final int index = sourceindex;
mediaSources.get(sourceindex).prepareSource(new Listener() {
public void onSourceInfoRefreshed(Timeline timeline, Object manifest) {
handleSourceInfoRefreshed(index, timeline, manifest);
public void maybeThrowSourceInfoRefreshError() throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < mediaSources.size(); i++) {
if (duplicateFlags.get(i) == null || !duplicateFlags.get(i)) {
public MediaPeriod createPeriod(int index, Callback callback, Allocator allocator,
long positionUs) {
int sourceIndex = timeline.getSourceIndexForPeriod(index);
int periodIndexInSource = index - timeline.getFirstPeriodIndexInSource(sourceIndex);
MediaPeriod mediaPeriod = mediaSources.get(sourceIndex).createPeriod(periodIndexInSource, callback,
allocator, positionUs);
sourceIndexByMediaPeriod.put(mediaPeriod, sourceIndex);
return mediaPeriod;
public void releasePeriod(MediaPeriod mediaPeriod) {
int sourceIndex = sourceIndexByMediaPeriod.get(mediaPeriod);
public void releaseSource() {
for (int i = 0; i < mediaSources.size(); i++) {
if (duplicateFlags.get(i) == null || !duplicateFlags.get(i)) {
private void handleSourceInfoRefreshed(int sourceFirstIndex, Timeline sourceTimeline,
Object sourceManifest) {
// Set the timeline and manifest.
timelines.add(sourceFirstIndex, sourceTimeline);
manifests.add(sourceFirstIndex, sourceManifest);
// Also set the timeline and manifest for any duplicate entries of the same source.
for (int i = sourceFirstIndex + 1; i < mediaSources.size(); i++) {
if (mediaSources.get(i).equals(mediaSources.get(sourceFirstIndex))) {
timelines.add(i, sourceTimeline);
manifests.add(i, sourceManifest);
for (Timeline timeline : timelines) {
if (timeline == null) {
// Don't invoke the listener until all sources have timelines.
timeline = new DynamicTimeline(new ArrayList(timelines));
listener.onSourceInfoRefreshed(timeline, new ArrayList(manifests));
private static SparseArray<Boolean> buildDuplicateFlags(List<MediaSource> mediaSources) {
SparseArray<Boolean> duplicateFlags = new SparseArray<Boolean>();
IdentityHashMap<MediaSource, Void> sources = new IdentityHashMap<>(mediaSources.size());
for (int i = 0; i < mediaSources.size(); i++) {
MediaSource mediaSource = mediaSources.get(i);
if (!sources.containsKey(mediaSource)) {
sources.put(mediaSource, null);
} else {
duplicateFlags.setValueAt(i, true);
return duplicateFlags;
* A {#link Timeline} that is the concatenation of one or more {#link Timeline}s.
private static final class DynamicTimeline extends Timeline {
private final List<Timeline> timelines;
private final List<Integer> sourcePeriodOffsets;
private final List<Integer> sourceWindowOffsets;
public DynamicTimeline(List<Timeline> timelines) {
List<Integer> sourcePeriodOffsets = new ArrayList<>();
List<Integer> sourceWindowOffsets = new ArrayList<>();
int periodCount = 0;
int windowCount = 0;
for (Timeline timeline : timelines) {
periodCount += timeline.getPeriodCount();
windowCount += timeline.getWindowCount();
this.timelines = timelines;
this.sourcePeriodOffsets = sourcePeriodOffsets;
this.sourceWindowOffsets = sourceWindowOffsets;
public int getWindowCount() {
return sourceWindowOffsets.get(sourceWindowOffsets.size() - 1);
public Window getWindow(int windowIndex, Window window, boolean setIds) {
int sourceIndex = getSourceIndexForWindow(windowIndex);
int firstWindowIndexInSource = getFirstWindowIndexInSource(sourceIndex);
int firstPeriodIndexInSource = getFirstPeriodIndexInSource(sourceIndex);
timelines.get(sourceIndex).getWindow(windowIndex - firstWindowIndexInSource, window, setIds);
window.firstPeriodIndex += firstPeriodIndexInSource;
window.lastPeriodIndex += firstPeriodIndexInSource;
return window;
public int getPeriodCount() {
return sourcePeriodOffsets.get(sourcePeriodOffsets.size() - 1);
public Period getPeriod(int periodIndex, Period period, boolean setIds) {
int sourceIndex = getSourceIndexForPeriod(periodIndex);
int firstWindowIndexInSource = getFirstWindowIndexInSource(sourceIndex);
int firstPeriodIndexInSource = getFirstPeriodIndexInSource(sourceIndex);
timelines.get(sourceIndex).getPeriod(periodIndex - firstPeriodIndexInSource, period, setIds);
period.windowIndex += firstWindowIndexInSource;
if (setIds) {
period.uid = Pair.create(sourceIndex, period.uid);
return period;
public int getIndexOfPeriod(Object uid) {
if (!(uid instanceof Pair)) {
Pair<?, ?> sourceIndexAndPeriodId = (Pair<?, ?>) uid;
if (!(sourceIndexAndPeriodId.first instanceof Integer)) {
int sourceIndex = (Integer) sourceIndexAndPeriodId.first;
Object periodId = sourceIndexAndPeriodId.second;
if (sourceIndex < 0 || sourceIndex >= timelines.size()) {
int periodIndexInSource = timelines.get(sourceIndex).getIndexOfPeriod(periodId);
return periodIndexInSource == C.INDEX_UNSET ? C.INDEX_UNSET
: getFirstPeriodIndexInSource(sourceIndex) + periodIndexInSource;
private int getSourceIndexForPeriod(int periodIndex) {
return Util.binarySearchFloor(sourcePeriodOffsets, periodIndex, true, false) + 1;
private int getFirstPeriodIndexInSource(int sourceIndex) {
return sourceIndex == 0 ? 0 : sourcePeriodOffsets.get(sourceIndex - 1);
private int getSourceIndexForWindow(int windowIndex) {
return Util.binarySearchFloor(sourceWindowOffsets, windowIndex, true, false) + 1;
private int getFirstWindowIndexInSource(int sourceIndex) {
return sourceIndex == 0 ? 0 : sourceWindowOffsets.get(sourceIndex - 1);

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when parceling set of enums

I can't see the error, I'm having this problem for a long time already... My parcelable class crashes if it is recreated, but I can't find the problem...
I checked the order of writing/reading data.
I checked the functions I use (direct reading/writing vs my custum null save functions)
I marked the line in the first code block that created following exception: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=5; index=5
private Set<ContactType> mMatchesDataLoaded = new HashSet<ContactType>();
saving the set
Iterator<ContactType> it = mMatchesDataLoaded.iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
reading the set
int count = source.readInt();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// next line produces EXCEPTION!!! java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=5; index=5
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
I can't see any problems or rather where the problem is...
public class ContactPhone implements Parcelable
public static enum ContactType
private boolean mIsUserProfile = false;
private boolean mHasImage;
private int mId;
private long mRawId;
private String mName = null;
private List<PhoneNumber> mNumbers = new ArrayList<PhoneNumber>();
private DBPhoneContact mDBContact = null;
private Set<ContactType> mMatchesDataLoaded = new HashSet<ContactType>();
private HashMap<ContactType, List<BaseMatchContact>> mMatchesData = new HashMap<ContactType, List<BaseMatchContact>>();
// ----------------------
// Parcelable
// ----------------------
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags)
ParcelBundleUtils.writeBoolean(dest, mIsUserProfile);
ParcelBundleUtils.writeBoolean(dest, mHasImage);
ParcelBundleUtils.writeIntegerNullSafe(dest, mId);
ParcelBundleUtils.writeLongNullSafe(dest, mRawId);
ParcelBundleUtils.writeStringNullSafe(dest, mName);
ParcelBundleUtils.writeLongNullSafe(dest, mDBContact != null ? mDBContact.getId() : null);
// save set
Iterator<ContactType> it = mMatchesDataLoaded.iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
// save HashMap
for (Map.Entry<ContactType, List<BaseMatchContact>> entry : mMatchesData.entrySet())
for (int i = 0; i < entry.getValue().size(); i++)
dest.writeParcelable(entry.getValue().get(i), 0);
public void readFromParcel(Parcel source)
mIsUserProfile = ParcelBundleUtils.readBoolean(source);
mHasImage = ParcelBundleUtils.readBoolean(source);
mId = ParcelBundleUtils.readIntegerNullSafe(source);
mRawId = ParcelBundleUtils.readLongNullSafe(source);
mName = ParcelBundleUtils.readStringNullSafe(source);
source.readList(mNumbers, PhoneNumber.class.getClassLoader());
Long id = ParcelBundleUtils.readLongNullSafe(source);
mDBContact = null;
if (id != null)
mDBContact = MainApp.getDS().getDBPhoneContactDao().load(id);
// read set
int count = source.readInt();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// next line produces EXCEPTION!!! java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=5; index=5
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// read HashMap
count = source.readInt();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
ContactType type = ContactType.values()[source.readInt()];
Class<?> clazz = BaseDef.getMatchClass(type);
// L.d(this, "Classloader: " + clazz.getName() + " type: " +;
int size = source.readInt();
List<BaseMatchContact> list = new ArrayList<BaseMatchContact>();
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
list.add((BaseMatchContact) source.readParcelable(clazz.getClassLoader()));
mMatchesData.put(type, list);
The PhoneNumber class implements parcelable and is quite simple and read/writes like following:
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags)
ParcelBundleUtils.writeStringNullSafe(dest, mName);
ParcelBundleUtils.writeStringNullSafe(dest, mNormNumber);
ParcelBundleUtils.writeStringNullSafe(dest, mNumber);
public void readFromParcel(Parcel source)
mName = ParcelBundleUtils.readStringNullSafe(source);
mNormNumber = ParcelBundleUtils.readStringNullSafe(source);
mNumber = ParcelBundleUtils.readStringNullSafe(source);
And here are my helper functions:
public static void writeBoolean(Parcel p, boolean b)
p.writeByte((byte) (b ? 1 : 0));
public static boolean readBoolean(Parcel p)
return p.readByte() == 1;
public static void writeStringNullSafe(Parcel p, String s)
p.writeByte((byte) (s != null ? 1 : 0));
if (s != null)
public static void writeIntegerNullSafe(Parcel p, Integer i)
p.writeByte((byte) (i != null ? 1 : 0));
if (i != null)
public static void writeLongNullSafe(Parcel p, Long l)
p.writeByte((byte) (l != null ? 1 : 0));
if (l != null)
public static void writeDoubleNullSafe(Parcel p, Double d)
p.writeByte((byte) (d != null ? 1 : 0));
if (d != null)
public static void writeParcelableNullSafe(Parcel p, Parcelable d, int flags)
p.writeByte((byte) (d != null ? 1 : 0));
if (d != null)
p.writeParcelable(d, flags);
public static String readStringNullSafe(Parcel p)
boolean isPresent = p.readByte() == 1;
return isPresent ? p.readString() : null;
public static Integer readIntegerNullSafe(Parcel p)
boolean isPresent = p.readByte() == 1;
return isPresent ? p.readInt() : null;
public static Long readLongNullSafe(Parcel p)
boolean isPresent = p.readByte() == 1;
return isPresent ? p.readLong() : null;
public static Double readDoubleNullSafe(Parcel p)
boolean isPresent = p.readByte() == 1;
return isPresent ? p.readDouble() : null;
public static <T extends Parcelable> T readParcelableNullSafe(Parcel p, ClassLoader classLoader)
boolean isPresent = p.readByte() == 1;
return isPresent ? (T) p.readParcelable(classLoader) : null;
int count = source.readInt(); // index is raised + 1
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
mMatchesDataLoaded.add(ContactType.values()[source.readInt()]); // index is raised by 1, starting with 1!
you loop from 0 to 4, but source.readInt() was already called once, so you called it 5 times in total.
ContactType contains 5 values, from index 0 to index 4. You are trying to access the index 5, which does not exist.
source.readInt() gives you a 5, try to figure out, with debug, why does it contain this value.
My guess is that writeToParcel writes this 5, try to inspect mMatchesDataLoaded which maybe contains some additional unwanted data.

libs-for-android: Example with JsonContentHandler?

i'm using feed.jar of libs-for-android, and i need to parse json data.
I've founded class similar to used in demos.
Can you give me an example on how to use JsonContentHandler?
thank you.
Example input:
{"results": [{"id": "1f3d", "title": "Result title", "content": "Some content"}, ...]}
Example code:
public class MyContentHandler extends JsonContentHandler {
private final MatrixCursor mOutput;
public MyContentHandler(MatrixCursor cursor) {
mOutput = cursor;
protected Object getContent(String source) throws JSONException {
JSONObject data = new JSONObject(source);
int columnCount = output.getColumnCount();
JSONArray results = data.getJSONArray("results");
for (int i = 0; i < results.length(); i++) {
JSONObject result = results.getJSONObject(i);
String id = result.getString("id");
String title = result.getString("title");
String content = result.getString("content");
// Generate a positive integer ID for compatibility with CursorAdapter
Long baseId = Long.valueOf(Math.abs(id.hashCode()));
RowBuilder builder = output.newRow();
for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < columnCount; columnIndex++) {
String columnName = output.getColumnName(columnIndex);
if (columnName.equals(MyContract.Items._ID)) {
} else if (columnName.equals(MyContract.Items.ID)) {
} else if (columnName.equals(MyContract.Items.TITLE)) {
} else if (columnName.equals(MyContract.Items.CONTENT)) {
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown column: " + columnName);
// Tell FeedLoader how many rows were added
return FeedLoader.documentInfo(results.length());

