Android Calendar styling [closed] - android

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have tried this answer to change a calendarview's style in one of my layouts:
Change CalendarView style but eclipse is giving me the error saying the item's resources, such as styles, are undefined.

You could use android: dateTextAppearence, android:focusedMonthDatecolor, android:selectedWeekBackgroundColor, android:unfocusedMonthDateColor, android:weekDayTextAppearance, android:weekNumberColor, and android:weekSeparatorLineColor to change how your calendarview looks, however it would technically not be changing the style, per se.
For more information, check out


How to make a color picker SeekBar programmatically [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Android studio how to creat color picker like this?
You can use one library like this
Color Picker
And remove everything, keeping only the seek bar for the hue value.

How to make group of FloatingActionButtons in Android [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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How to make something like that(image linked) in android. I just need an idea.
Check these are the libraries for fab and fab menu.
or you can customize one of them and can create your own.
I dont think that is a FloatingActionButton. May be its semi transparent activity with the buttons on it.

add our own UI to a view android xml file [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have to add multiple options to an edit_text view as shown below, the views can be adjustable with the parent. I am not getting an idea how to do this, Can any one help how can we make this UI.
Take a look at these open source project in Github
See the below ScreenShots for the same
Hope this is what you are looking for.
There are some SO posts which may meet your need.Refer the below posts,
Creating a custom editText with tag-like feature
Contact Bubble EditText

Change notifiaction bar color [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm creating an app and i'm wondering it there's a possible way to change the color of the notification bar. Thanks.
KitKat + devices can get system bar tinted.
I just found this library, it may be close to what you are looking for :
But it will only work on KitKat+. Before that, there was no API to change these components, there were considered part of the system, not of apps.

Tricks to remember syntax in android [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am new in android and I have a big problem with remembering syntax. Anyone have some tricks to remember it then give me please.Thanks in advance.
In either XML or Java, you will get auto-complete when you start typing API calls or, defining attributes in layout files.
CTRL+SPACE will provide API or Attribute auto-complete options.
Also, try Cmd+1 (mac) or CTRL+1 (Windows) for quick text options.

