I am having trouble applying the concept of inheritance to Android Activities - eg.
ActivityA extends Activity and
ActivityB extends ActivityA , then if I launch with ActivityB then onCreate() method for both Activities (A then B) is called .
My question is, in typical Java , onCreate from ActvityA should be over-ridden - but onCreate is rather behaving as a constructor even though its a function. How does inheritance work in Android, esp. wrt other functions like onPause(),onResume etc. ?
EDIT: I also noticed that ActivityA may have many abstract methods called in its onCreate() whose definitions are provided in ActivityB. How does this work ?
If you have your base Activity and then extend it like so Activity -> Activity A it means that when your onCreate of Activity A is called and you call super.onCreate(); then the onCreate() method of the original Activity is also called.
If you then extend Activity A into Activity B the calls work like so...
Activity B.onCreate() - super.onCreate();-->Activity A.onCreate() - super.onCreate()-->Activity.onCreate().
Its not a constructor, its a method thats called to create the Activities. If you then extend them from other Activities its superclass is going to be called via its super method. It doesn't mean that the Activities you have inherited from are going to be created too. Activity B will be your created Activity.
EDIT: This page on the Android Developer website is very useful as it visually explains the Android Activity lifecycle.
Yes as a typical java function onCreate should have been inherited but it doens't get : why? - because it's not just a method, it's a life cycle stage.
AFAIK, Activity is not just a java class but it's a special type of a JAVA Class which has it's own life cycle and Life Cycle stages are meant to be called each and every time you use that class/activity even if you have declared or not those methods onCreate(), onPause() etc gets called for sure.
So every time the base activity will get created and destroyed. That's it's nature.
If you have problem with that you can try using Abstract classes, Interfaces and any other public class to have common code inherited in your all activities.
How does Inheritance work in Android?
There nothing special about Android. It works exactly as it should.
Lets create a BaseActivity which listens to a BroadcastReceiver (SCAN_RESULTS_AVAILABLE).
So common functions are,
Register a BroadcastReceiver in onCreate()
Unregister a BroadcastReceiver in onDestroy()
public class BaseActivity extends AppCompatActivity{
private WifiScanReceiver wifiScanReceiver;
public void onCreate(Bundle sis)
// Don't call setContentView() because no layout is needed
public void onDestroy(){
private void registerMyReceiver(){
wifiScanReceiver = new WifiScanReceiver();
registerReceiver(wifiScanReceiver, new
Child class:
public class BlahBlahActivity extends BaseActivity{
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState){
super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); // this will call BaseActvity method which will call AppcompatActivty method
I am writing an application and using some temporary files in internal storage e.g. (/myapp/files/tmp/*)
The files are temporary and are considered expired when the application exits.
What are some good practices for cleaning up such files?
There is no onDestroy() in Application class. Interchanging between activies means it's not trivial to know when an activity's onDestroy is exiting the activity, or application. Furthermore, none of these will get called when the application crashes, for instance. They are not guaranteed to be called.
So I am cleaning those files in onCreate in my instance of the Application class (in an AsyncTask launched at onCreate).
But it seems a little quirky to me. Launching the application will launch a thread to delete unnecessary files from previous usage. Is there a better way to do this?
file.deleteOnExit() is also discouraged on Android
You can achieve this by using activity's life cycle.
Follow the steps.
1) Create BaseActivity.java which extends Activity or FragmentActivity.
2) All other activity will extends BaseActivity.
3) Now you need to override two methods say
4) How your base activity looks like.
public abstract class BaseActivity extends Activity {
public static int actictyCounter=0;
protected void onResume() {
protected void onPause() {
// This was the last activity
//code to remove your temp files
I am fairly new in android and Java and this question might seem a little bit a naive question ,
I am trying to write a method called getDispalay() , this will be a public with no retuen.
I will print a message saying I am in the getDisplay method .
In java it is very simple , It will be called in main method , But I do not know how i can use main method in activity class ? I mean how can I write a method and call it as I need it ?
Go through this article
As you said in java we call the function in main method .
In android if java class extends activity you can call the method in Any of the life cycle event of activity , It depends on your need . For example if you want to call method when you enter into activity follow this
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
setContentView(R.layout.activity_main)//To set up ui for activity
public void getDispalay(){
//your actions
What you really need to do is understand the activity lifecycle:
Once you have read through that then you will know how your Android app runs and what states and stages it transitions through.
You should read the documentation about Activity Lifecycle.
The onCreate() method would be comparable to main().
I have a class which extends Application and i want to call it from code, it have
public void onCreate()
I need to call this from an Activity. I know how to call it when app starts for that i need to include in manifest:
You should avoid Calling Applications onCreate manually, as it will get started automatically if anything is configured correctly. However, If you want to call Methods from your overridden Application you can do it like this:
public class MyApplication extends Application{
public void someMethod(){}
then inside any Activity:
MyApplication app = (MyApplication)getApplication()
Try this :
public class YourApplication extends Application
public void sayHello {
Then call it in any activity by:
YourApplication appState = ((YourApplication)this.getApplication());
Application class onCreate() gets called when the Application starts. If you want to call a method that you have declared in your Application class you can call it like,
From any other class that extends Activity, else you have to use context to get the instance of getApplicationContext() to call from Non Activity class.
Eg - If you want to call it from Adapter class you need to pass the context of the Activity to adapter class and get the instance of Application,
From Activity you simply call ((YourAppName)getApplicationContext()).
And also, you don't need onCreate() in your Application (unless you know you do). You can set some methods there and then call them with e.g. ((YourAppName)getApplicationContext()).myMethod(). Your app is alive as long as any of its activities is.
You should't call onCreate() method by yourself... Android does it for you... The main purpose of such a class is to keep global variable commom to whole application, since Application itself is a single instance...
And it lets you override onCreate() because you may need your Custom things in an Appliucation/ACtivity that the OS does create..
Is there a way to intercept whenever the Application creates a new Activity instance? I'm only interested in Activities belonging to the Application process not all Activities on the phone. Is there some way to do this? Is the Application class involved in doing this in some way? What methods can I override to get at the Activity instance after it's been created?
Ok, just an idea - in your app you can create a base activity class so all the rest of activities are subclassed from that base activity. Then in the onCreate() callback you may notify some listener instance about the fact of a new app activity instance creation:
public class BaseActivity extends Activity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// put the code to notify a listener here
public class YourWorkingActivity extends BaseActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
If you use a ListActivity (that is common for an average Android app), then you should also create a similar BaseListActivity for it.
Most likely the best candidate for a listener would be an Application subclass since it is guaranteed by the OS that is will be created before any Activity will be instantiated.
Warning: you should avoid keeping a strong reference to an Activity in the listener since it will create a memory leak when the OS will try to kill that Activity (as a part of the Activity or Process life-cycle). Probably use WeakReference for this.
I would like to run a piece of code every time any activity or service is started. In this piece of code, I might do things such as set the default uncaught exception handler and manage log levels.
The problem is that I have an activity which starts with the user clicking the application icon. I have another which starts if a certain intent is broadcasted, possibly from another app and possibly called before the user click the launch icon. Same goes for services.
I need to guarantee that a certain piece of code will be run while keeping the code clean; that is to say, without having to manually add that snippet of code to every activity and service class that I have.
Could you not extend the basic Activity class for Android like this:
public class MyClass extends Activity {
public void onCreate(Bundle bundle) {
//Add custom code here
Then have all of your actual "Activity"'s in your application extend the custom class?
public class MyInterfaceClass extends MyClass {
public void onCreate(Bundle bundle) {
//Other code here
That way all your custom code will be called when the Activity starts up.
For an application called Wibble...
public class Wibble extends Application {
protected static void DoSomething()
// Do your common code here
Then extend Activity...
public class WibbleActivity extends Activity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Then derive all activity classes from WibbleActivity...
public class Whatever extends WibbleActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// WibbleActivity calls Wibble.DoSomething()
// so the 'Whatever' class doesn't have to.
Any Activity derived from WibbleActivity will run Wibble.DoSomething() implicitly.
If you want Services in the mix I can't help - I'm an Android 'rookie' and haven't got on to Services yet but I suspect extending your own app-level Service class might work in the same way.
You could extend Application and do it in its onCreate() method.
You have two choices
A) You can manually add the code - it might be only two lines importing and instantiating something from a source file you copy in unmodified - to every separate component that you write. It will only be in your projects, not in other people's unless they do it too.
B) You can, after no small difficulty, learn to make your own custom version of android that automatically does this each time it starts up a suitable component, and install this customized version on developer phones or hacked consumer phones.
"started" is ambiguous - what are you referring to? onCreate? onResume?
In any case, your best bet is to have a separate class with a static method that does the code you are talking about, and you call that in every single onCreate (or onResume, whichever you need) of each one of your activities.
That, or you create your own Activity subclass and derive all your activites from it, and override onCreate (or onResume). All your onCreate/onResume implementations are required to call the superclass' implementation, so you're guaranteed to have your code caled.