Create a directory in data/data/{package_name} Phonegap Android - android

Is this possible? I had a look at other answers like this but I am using window.resolveLocalFileSystemURI("file:///data/data/{package_name}", onSuccess, onError);
therefore the object I get back from onSuccess callback does not have the 'root' so the following will fail:
function onSuccess(fileSystem) {
var entry=fileSystem.root;
entry.getDirectory("example", {create: true, exclusive: false}, onGetDirectorySuccess, onGetDirectoryFail);
because fileSystem.root is undefined.
I assume it is not currently possible in Phonegap?
Edit: I am already writing files in data/data successfully using Phonegap, in subdirectories of Files folder I created using native code, like:
I would like to create images/my_sub_folder or videos/my_subfolder

as for me, I use plugin to write any data to system. Js only make a calls to plugins (DB, IO, Service, etc) all work with enviroment makes native logic, JS only recive data through callbacks to show it.

It's because resolveLocalFileSystemURI pass a DirectoryEntry object to the success callback and not a FileSystem object. It's like you already get fileSystem.root.


Protractor locators does not work in PageObjectModel structure

Framework: Appium + Protractor + Cucumber + Typescript using POM model
I have the protractor framework for appium designed in POM structure
The initial page of the app will identify the locators calling in a different ts file and the functions such as tap, isDisplayed calling it in a different ts file.
But once it passes the initial pages in the app,say 3 pages. the locators are not identified which are calling other function, but they are identified when they are passed directly ( like driver.findelements(by.css('')).click ) this works.
The problem is I can't pass this code like this within the step definition .ts file always as it is not a good structure
Note: By the way, this script was working fine earlier.
tried to test using a different workaround, like building the binary again, trying to run on android and ios application, downgrading or upgrading the node packages. But nothing solved the problem. has anyone faced this kind of issue. Any suggestions or solutions for this problem, please?
Code which works: (Passing the locators directly in the function, rather than from the onboarding.ts file will work)
Then(/^VIC should be selected from the state or territory drop down$/, async () => {
await browser.driver.findElement(by.css('button[sp-automation-id=\'select-state-toggle\']')).click();
await browser.driver.findElement(by.css('page-action-sheet label[sp-automation-id=\'action-sheet-option-VIC\']')).click(); });
Code which does not work: (Onboarding.ts file contains the locators defined for State and VIC same as the above code block. But reading from there it does not work.)
Then(/^VIC should be selected from the state or territory drop down$/, async () => {
await AutomationAction.tap(Onboarding.State);
await AutomationAction.tap(Onboarding.VIC); });
Code which works (The below code is called before the above code block, it's a page before calling the above pages)
Then(/^I enter the mobile number and tap next button on the your mobile number screen$/, async () => {
MobileNo = AutomationAction.getMobileNumber("mobileNumber");
SameMobileNo = MobileNo;
await AutomationAction.sendKeyText(Onboarding.InputMobileNo,MobileNo);
await AutomationAction.tap(Onboarding.Next_BTN_YourMobileNumber);
Because of the page where it is failing the automation thinks its as non-angular page and the locators used to fail or not locate them when calling it in a different function. When I introduced browser.ignoreSycnhronization=true to make Angular sync for non-angular apps/pages it worked.

cordova.file.* (all directories) are null

I'm working on Ionic mobile app development.
My requirement is to create client side logger to track issues in app. I used the methods mentioned in, and I could able to create the log file in both Android and iOS.
For the first time when I open the app, it creates the log file in cordova.file.dataDirectory, when I close and reopen the app in i*OS, I'm trying to read the content of the file which was created using the below
$fileLogger.getLogfile().then(function (loggerContent) {
var temp =loggerContent;
But the application says
So I couldn't able to find the file where i saved my logs.
Please help me resolve this issue or if you could recommend me a different method to get around this issue, that would be great!
Thanks for the answers
There is a check list here and should solve your problem :
1-Be sure that the cordova-file-plugin is installed and works in your test environment.
2-Be sure that the cordova.js file is refrenced by your html and before your code usage.
3-Be sure to call your codes after device_ready state :
check this
4-Call your function after a short delay (use setTimeOut in Javascirpt)
Ali's item 4 is very important:
I had a similiar problem on different platforms: cordova.file.dataDirectory was null.
I tracked cordova.file.dataDirectory over the lifecycle and it was first accessed by my Ionic 2 code BEFORE the device ready event was fired.
My "mistake": I wanted to load data during the constructor(!) of a service. Seems too early.

How to properly use iOS only components in React Native without error in Android

I'm new to React Native and testing out PushNotificationIOS. But the checkpermission call is giving me error on Android.
ExceptionsManager.js:61 Cannot read property 'checkPermissions' of undefined
I'm guessing this is because I need to only use the component on iOS. How do I add a check of the OS to make the call only on iOS?
Here's my code:
componentWillMount: function() {
//-- need an OS check here??
PushNotificationIOS.checkPermissions((data)=> {
console.log("in comp will mount: checking for permission")
What I would suggest is splitting that platform specific code in separate files.
React Native will detect when a file has a .ios. or .android.
extension and load the relevant platform file when required from other
You can then require the component as follows:
const MyFile= require('./MyFile');
and use it like this
componentWillMount: function() {
//-- it would call the logic of what ever platform was detected automatically
And it will run the platform specific code.
Another way is the
Platform Module
React Native provides a module that detects the platform in which the
app is running. You can use the detection logic to implement
platform-specific code. Use this option when only small parts of a
component are platform-specific.
if(Platform.OS === 'ios')
There is also a that can accept any value
const Component ={
ios: () => //function goes here,
android: () => require('ComponentAndroid'),

Stuck solution for my cordovaFile / cordovaFileTransfer trial, still Error

Anybody success to use the plugin cordovaFile & cordovaFileTransfer?
I have failed to understand and failed miserably execution. Case wants to make the upload and download controller. Each tested via the browser, it always appears File / FileTransfer is not defined in Firebug. When I made to console.log as:
console.log($cordovaFile); or
console.log($cordovaFileTransfer); or
console.log($; or
Its return true, form of the {object}.
But when I call their methods included parameters, for example:
$ (urlServer, fileTarget, {}, true);
Direct emerge error: FileTransfer is not defined.
I tried to move the download function to the Service, and then Controller call the function (the umpteenth time search results on google). The result is just the same, the above error.
Because there are user in some forum said should / could only be tested through the device, finally I try to upload & I sync via APL ionic view on my Smartphone. But the result is NOTHING.
I tried to improvise a little, try method checkDir / checkFile as follows:
.controller('PhotoCtrl', function($scope, $cordovaFile) {
$scope.downpic = function(){
}, function(err){
It turns out alerts that appear "error", I try mutually value directory is as follows:
Just the same error alerts, the chain problem. My question :
What is the application of ionic cordova can access the internal
storage? (I only have the Mobile Internal Storage, without External
I was looking for information about AndroidManifest.xml
uses-permission, the permission is only for external storage. Are
there any other analysis?
Please help, really newbie
Finally, I just got the clear solution from the link below :

FIle API - Phonegap?

Can anybody explain how to list a folder of files on a page using the Phonegap File API for Android?
I would like to list all .mp3 files if possible, but have read through all the phonegap docs ( and cant figure it out at all!
it is a bit of a pain in the #$$ but doable. Start with this code:
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
// PhoneGap is ready
function onDeviceReady() {
window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, onFileSystemSuccess, fail);
function onFileSystemSuccess(fileSystem) {
fileSystem.root.getDirectory("Music", {create: false, exclusive: false}, getDirSuccess, fail);
function getDirSuccess(dirEntry) {
// Get a directory reader
var directoryReader = dirEntry.createReader();
// Get a list of all the entries in the directory
function readerSuccess(entries) {
var i;
for (i=0; i<entries.length; i++) {
// Assuming everything in the Music directory is an mp3, go nuts
// otherwise check entries[i].name to see if it ends with .mp3
I'm writing all this example code outside of an IDE so there may be bugs but that should get you going.
Paul, did you add a fail() function? That will be required in Simon's example code. The api docs example has:
function fail(evt) {
You could also save one step in Simon's code if you just wanted a proof of concept, since fileSystem.root is already a dirEntry (and it saves you the potentially buggy step of having to use a directory name such as "Music" which might or might not be there):
function onFileSystemSuccess(fileSystem) {
var directoryReader = fileSystem.root.createReader();
// Get a list of all the entries in the directory
function readerSuccess(entries) {
var i;.......
which works for me.
However, what I get are the contents of the root directory of the app, apparently, my app being called be.qan.blaActivity, so, if I ask it for it tells me "be.qan" and the fileSystem.root.path is undefined. Thus, my question here would be: how can I break out of this sandbox, if that is indeed what I am sitting in, and can I access the sd_card directories or other parts of the file system (since iOS still does not even have external storage)?
What I am getting by way of file names in readerSuccess are names such as "databases", "app_database", "cache" and "lib" which do not even show up when I do a search with Astro FileManager, so I strongly suppose they are part of a virtual file system that Cordova is creating for the app or so. Probably there is still a lot I am missing and folks more knowledgeable than I can set me straight, but that's what I am guessing so far.
Hi I use this code and it works for me .. can try it
$('#recordingList').on('pagecreate', function(event) {
function generateRecordingList(){
//request for the file system
window.resolveLocalFileSystemURI("file:///sdcard/rem", onFileSystemSuccess, onError);
function onFileSystemSuccess(fileSystem){
alert("FileSystem success : " +;
function onError(error){

