Unmute stream in silent mode - android

I'm writing app that should play sound notification even in silent mode. I don't want to temporarily turn off Silent and roll it back late. I'm using ALARM stream for that now. Usually it works proper, because by default ALARM stream not muted in silent. But sometimes it is.
How can I understand if stream currently muted (in silent mode)?
How can I unmute it (without switching to normal mode)?

Answering my own question:
The solution was found in Android OS sources (in standard Alarm app).
I had found way to check and set option "Alarm in Silent":
private static final int ALARM_STREAM_TYPE_BIT =
1 << AudioManager.STREAM_ALARM;
public static void setAlarmInSilent(boolean on) {
int ringerModeStreamTypes = Settings.System.getInt(
if (on) {
ringerModeStreamTypes &= ~ALARM_STREAM_TYPE_BIT;
} else {
ringerModeStreamTypes |= ALARM_STREAM_TYPE_BIT;
ringerModeStreamTypes );
Link to the Android src: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/packages/apps/AlarmClock/+/donut-release2/src/com/android/alarmclock/SettingsActivity.java


Android Turn on and off Sound App

I'm developing a game. I need a button to turn on and off game sounds.
In my app, I play background music which I want to be muted upon clicking a button. Here's my code:
AudioManager aManager = (AudioManager)getSystemService(AUDIO_SERVICE);
if (aManager.getRingerMode() == AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_NORMAL) {
} else {
When I debug, the conditions are right but nothing happens! The sound is never turned off!
Check for method "isVolumeFixed()". If true, your device can't have it's sound changed. Some devices have a policy about that.

Do Not Disturb mode - always silent incoming calls

I have an app with an integrated music player. I don't want the music to be interrupted by incoming calls.
I use following function for that:
public static void updateDoNotDisturbMode(boolean enabled, boolean checkPrefs)
AudioManager audioManager = ((AudioManager) MainApp.get().getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE));
NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) MainApp.get().getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
// audioManager.setMode(AudioManager.MODE_IN_CALL);
if (!enabled)
audioManager.setStreamSolo(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, false);
audioManager.setStreamMute(AudioManager.STREAM_VOICE_CALL, false);
audioManager.setStreamMute(AudioManager.STREAM_RING, false);
audioManager.setStreamMute(AudioManager.STREAM_NOTIFICATION, false);
audioManager.setStreamSolo(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, true);
audioManager.setStreamMute(AudioManager.STREAM_VOICE_CALL, true);
audioManager.setStreamMute(AudioManager.STREAM_RING, true);
audioManager.setStreamMute(AudioManager.STREAM_NOTIFICATION, true);
what works
silent phone if no headphones are connected
internal music player does play on without interruption if someone calls
so without headphones connected, everything works perfectly fine
what does not work
if headphones are connected, the standard beep sound is interrupting my music player and is played in the headphones
How can I avoid that incoming calls are interrupting my music player even if headphones are connected?
Only 4.2 and upwarts... (including 5)
What do you mean integrated music player? Can you change code of music app?
A player stops playing because it listens to PhoneStateChanges - void onCallEvent(int state, String number);
If you can change code of the player you should check is mute mode on within this method - if yes then do not stop playback.
If you can't change the code of player - you can use advanced player with preferences of audio focus. For example poweramp has such option. Set Settings/Audio/Audio Focus/Pause in Call to false (it works, tested right now). But you should change it manually all the time.

AudioManager.setStreamMute not working in android 5 Lollipop

I'm developing a spam call filtering app and I'm trying to silence ringer for incoming (spam) call. The problem is none of AudioManager.setStreamMute nor AudioManager.setRingerMode is working in Lollipop. Here is my code snippet:
public class CallReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
String stateStr = intent.getExtras().getString(TelephonyManager.EXTRA_STATE);
if (stateStr.equals(TelephonyManager.EXTRA_STATE_IDLE)) {
AudioManager audioManager = (AudioManager)context.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
audioManager.setStreamMute(AudioManager.STREAM_RING, false);
Log.i(TAG, "unmute");
} else if (stateStr.equals(TelephonyManager.EXTRA_STATE_RINGING)) {
AudioManager audioManager = (AudioManager)context.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
audioManager.setStreamMute(AudioManager.STREAM_RING, true);
Log.i(TAG, "mute");
When there's an incoming call, the mute part always gets executed but it sometimes succeeds and sometimes fails to mute the ringer. I can't find any rule. And audioManager.setRingerMode(AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_SILENT) doesn't work either. This seems work fine when tested on emulators < 5, so I guess it's somehow related to Lollipop not having silent mode but interruptions filter. Commercial spam call filters are woking fine, so can somebody let me know how I could silence incoming calls with Lollipop?
I've got the same issue for android 5. AudioManager.setStreamMute with the value false to unmute is never working.
I tried AudioManager.setStreamSolo and it worked for me.
//to mute ringtone
Global.app().getAudioManager().setStreamSolo(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, true);
//unmute ringtone
Global.app().getAudioManager().setStreamSolo(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, false);
It mutes all other streams except one you want to play. In may case I needed to play my own audio instead of ringtone.
But you can try to play a silence audio to hack if you need absolute silence.

Android: How to Toggle Between Vibrate Settings (Always, Never, Only in Silent Mode, Only When Not in Silent Mode)? Revisited

Finding methods to toggle between:
Only in Silent Mode
Only When Not in Silent Mode
These choices are found by the path --- Menu >> Settings >> Sound >> Vibrate --- on the phone.
It is simple to change by navigation on the phone (by the way, my phone is a Motorola Atrix 2 with Android 2.3.3), but I have yet to come across methods to use in my code.
I basically have buttons that should manipulate the vibrate settings when clicked. One of these buttons is shown here:
bSilent.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener()
public void onClick(View v)
audioManager.setVibrateSetting(AudioManager.VIBRATE_TYPE_RINGER, AudioManager.VIBRATE_SETTING_OFF);
audioManager.setVibrateSetting(AudioManager.VIBRATE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION, AudioManager.VIBRATE_SETTING_OFF);
Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "Set to Never", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
audioManager is defined somewhere above this code as:
final AudioManager audioManager = (AudioManager) this.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
Android offers the AudioManager.setVibrateSetting, but it is now deprecated. Instead, they reference you to the getRingerMode method.
However, using these functions (and any combination of them) do not efficiently move between the four vibrate settings. For example, if I start at "Always", it is seemingly impossible for me to get to "Never". All combinations of vibrate methods will only move between "Always" and "Only in Silent Mode". On the other hand, if I start at "Never", the offered methods will only toggle between "Never" and "Only When Not in Silent Mode".
Therefore, suppose I want to have my phone in silent mode and want it to vibrate. Then, I decide I do not wish it to vibrate any longer. I am unable to switch from "Always" or "Only in Silent Mode" to "Never".
Past Solutions and Posts
I am aware that this is somewhat of a duplicate post on StackOverflow. The issue has been brought up before...
Here: Vibrate settings on Android 2.2
And (more recently) here: Changing vibrate setting
The former of the links provides an "answer". LuTHieR ends up in a discussion and eventually figures out a way on his own. He references the site:
and says "I looked at the source code of the com.android.settings.Settings class and copied part of the methods that enable and disable vibrate".
I looked through this site vigorously and could not find what he did. Could anyone clarify his solution?
Does anyone have a way to precisely toggle between "Always", "Never", "Only in Silent Mode", and "Only When Not in Silent Mode"?
My solution (path of the function with income String sParam with needed mode of vibration set, refactoring if need to integer 0-3):
AudioManager audioManager = getSystemService( Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
if( Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 16)
// sParam may be:
// 0 - Always
// 1 - Never
// 2 - Only in silent mode (when sound is off)
// 3 - Only when not in silent mode (when sound is on)
if( (sParam.equals( "1") == true) || (sParam.equals( "3") == true))
Settings.System.putInt( Static.contextApplication.getContentResolver(), "vibrate_in_silent", 0);
if( sParam.equals( "1") == true)
audioManager.setVibrateSetting( AudioManager.VIBRATE_TYPE_RINGER, AudioManager.VIBRATE_SETTING_OFF);
if( sParam.equals( "3") == true)
audioManager.setVibrateSetting( AudioManager.VIBRATE_TYPE_RINGER, AudioManager.VIBRATE_SETTING_ON);
if( (sParam.equals( "0") == true) || (sParam.equals( "2") == true))
Settings.System.putInt( Static.contextApplication.getContentResolver(), "vibrate_in_silent", 1);
if( sParam.equals( "0") == true)
audioManager.setVibrateSetting( AudioManager.VIBRATE_TYPE_RINGER, AudioManager.VIBRATE_SETTING_ON);
if( sParam.equals( "2") == true)
audioManager.setVibrateSetting( AudioManager.VIBRATE_TYPE_RINGER, AudioManager.VIBRATE_SETTING_ONLY_SILENT);
// else (for new SDK > 16 via setRingerMode() ??? )

setStreamMute never unmutes

In the documentation, it is said:
The mute command is protected against client process death: if a process with an active mute request on a stream dies, this stream will be unmuted automatically.
The mute requests for a given stream are cumulative: the AudioManager can receive several mute requests from one or more clients and the stream will be unmuted only when the same number of unmute requests are received.
Well, the first paragraph is true; Whenever my process dies, all of the streams I muted are automatically unmuted.
However, no matter how many time I call setStreamMute(someStream, false) it NEVER EVER unmutes.
Last time I tried calling it over 1 million times after muting only ONCE and NOTHING happens!
Just to mention - If i unmute it in the same method I mute it - it stays unmuted. But on the next calls to the same method - it never unmutes.
I am muting in a Broadcast Receiver onReceive method, which I start using an alarm manager. So maybe it because my app was killed during the time between the muting call and the unmuting call? (But my app still stays in the RAM)
Can this problem be because I am not keeping a reference to the AlarmManager (Getting different instances each time?)
Did anyone encounter this problem?
Apperantly, there is a bug in these Android versions; Tested for versions 2.2 and 2.3.3 and the bug exists.
Looks like, if you call setStreamMute on an AudioManager object:
AudioManager am = (AudioManager)context.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
am.setStreamMute(...., true);
and you lose your reference, then get a new reference:
am = null;
am = (AudioManager)context.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
No matter how many times you call am.setStreamMute(..., false) now, it will never unmutes.
I think ill report this bug now..
Lesson: Keep a static reference to your AudioManager.
#Michell Bak, thanks for giving me the idea to check whether its the Android software bug :) I've been stuck on this thing for way too much time, and I never had the idea to see if its not my fault.
I've never used that API before, but a quick Google search, returned a few results with it not working. It seems to be a bug that's still present in Android 2.3:
I solve the problem by putting the audio manager variable in the application
public class myApplication extends Application {
static AudioManager am;
public void onCreate() {
am = (AudioManager) getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
Then in my activity class add this function:
private AudioManager getAM() {
return ((elpApplication)getApplication()).am;
and here is how I use the getAM();
private void toogleMediaPlayerMute() {
//defaultVolumn = am.getStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC);
elpApplication app = getElpApp();
Log.d("appmute", String.valueOf(app.isMute()));
if (!app.isMute()) {
getAM().setStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, 0,
getAM().setStreamMute(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, true);
ismute = true;
} else {
int maxVolume = getAM().getStreamMaxVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC);
Log.d("maxvol", String.valueOf(maxVolume));
getAM().setStreamMute(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, false);
getAM().setStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, maxVolume,
ismute = false;
// app.setMute(ismute);
I have been having the same problem w/ newer versions of the API. So, to work [around] this issue, I've implemented a bit of 'old-school' solution. If your design is such that you handle getting the byte stream / sending the byte stream directly - send a byte array filled with zeros if mute is selected:
byte[] whatToSend = realByteData;
byte [] mutedOutput = new byte[recBuffSize];
Array.setByte( mutedOutput, 0, (byte) 0);
if ( muteSet )
whatToSend = mutedOutput;
amountWritten = audioTrack.write(whatToSend, 0, amountRead);

