I like to integrate Box.Net for cloud access in my android application. I found source code for box-java-sdk-v2 and box-android-sdk-v2 in https://github.com/box. But I would like to have jars for easy integration. Where can i get these jars?
Download box-android-sdk, build it, & then add jars to your app.
If you want to integrate Box in android (eclipse) then just follow these steps.
Download box-android-sdk
Download box-java-sdk
Now import the two projects in your eclipse
Set the box-java-sdk as build path in your box-android-sdk
Now set the box-android-sdk as library in your android project
In an android project, when you install library with gradle
compile 'com.facebook.android:facebook-android-sdk:4.1.0'
Is there a way to look at the source of the library?
Talks about the sample code is included in the sdk. How do I view this sample source?
You can see the source code and the samples of Facebook Android SDK on GitHub:
you can to initialize FB sdk 4.0 in sattings.gradle file
include ':app', 'FacebookSdk'
it will load whole SDK.
but still it gives you just iml file. it just pulls everything dynamically when called.
----------- Edit ----
I just tried rightnow,
If you are using android studio,
Just select your project explorer, as Project. generally its Android.
it that you will see whole list.
I can see facebook folder with all of its classes.
Let me know if it works for you.
Here in my project i have initialized FB SDK 4.0.
I'm trying to implement this https://github.com/mik3y/usb-serial-for-android/blob/master/UsbSerialExamples/src/com/hoho/android/usbserial/examples/SerialConsoleActivity.java in my project but there is something wrong with this sample.
Line 121:
sDriver.setParameters(115200, 8, UsbSerialDriver.STOPBITS_1, UsbSerialDriver.PARITY_NONE);
Why I can't see this method setParameters()?
I had the same problem when I tried to use the example project. The problem I had was that I was using usb-serial-for-android-v010.jar that you can download from the git repository. I think it was created using an older version of the project and doesn't support some of the newer features like setParameters. If you downloaded the example project there should be a folder inside called UsbSerialLibrary. Import that into your IDE and add it to your build path: (Eclipse) Properties>Java Build Path>Projects>Add. This should let you use setParameters.
Also, the API was recently refactored so you may want to look at that.
I am using facebook integration API in my code. I have created sha1 key for Facebook,I got my APIID ,but the problem is that when I am trying to add facebook library in my project it's adding fine ,but when I am running it, its giving me NoClassDefFoundError error and library is not adding properly, where am I doing wrong?
Here is the image:
Here my facebook library is not adding properly, What should I do ?
Your facebook SDK library project and your Current Android project both should be in same directory. Try moving your facebook sdk library to your project's folder then it will 100% work properly.
For future reference always remember that your library project must me in same folder where your appliction is.
Try this:
Go to Project/Properties/Java Build Path/Order and Export -- Make sure there's a check in front of Android Dependencies and the support library, if you use it.Mark all checkboxes and Click on Apply and clean the project.
Hope this helps.
Move your Facebook SDK library to your project's work space then it will 100% work properly.I think they both are not in the same directory , and you are suggested to check the other imports of any other project of your work space and put the Facebook SDK same as the others.
i've a android library project that use facebook sdk, so i've linked it in my project properties.
The problem is that also the 3rd part Android application that use my library links the facebook sdk.
So the target application link facebbok and my library, and my library links to facebook sdk, finally the facebook sdk is linked twice with conflict obviously.
I check that com/facebook/android goes in my library jar.
How can i solve this double include?
Thanks to all for the support.
I faced the same problem, this is what i did. Hope it helps you too.
Remove all the libraries in your project.(Properties->javaBuildPath->library(tab)->select dependancy folder->remove)
Now go to libs and remove the library.(your project will show some errors, never mind)
Finally import the library that contains the sub library.
Help needed!!!! Stuck for 2 weeks on this and help needed.
I've recently imported the facebook sdk for android and its projects into my workspace. It shows up errors and the problems:
Archive for required library: '/home/Documents/facebook-android-sdk-3.0.2.b/facebook/libs/._android-support-v4.jar' in project 'FacebookSDK' cannot be read or is not a valid ZIP file
And the samples get errors along the line of:
The container 'Android Dependencies' references non existing library '/home/Documents/facebook-android-sdk-3.0.2.b/facebook/bin/facebooksdk.jar'
The things I have done following the other discussions without any success are
cleaned project
set the Facebook SDK as library
looked at the build path section and added external jar consisting of facebook/libs
imported fb sdk like 20 times and into different folders.
made sure my java compiler was 1.6
HELP would be very greatly appreciated!!!!
Take the lastest version of android-support-v4.jar (in your sdk environement : sdk/extras/android/support/v4/android-support-v4.jar) and replace in your project and library project do not create conflict.
The steps to importing a library are:
Download the library
Place the library in the libs folder of the project.
Build the project
Do Not attempt to import the library using some import wizard.
I suspect either your download was corrupted, and you need to do it again, or you put the file into the wrong directly.
I think your problem is that the android.support.v4 versions are different, take the one from your project and replace the one in the Facebook sdk lib folder, it should dismiss the clash.
As per your question, I think you are not able to compile once you add the SDK to your project. Do you get an error saying unable to run as library?
If so that means you have included this as library and create your project as a library to be used further. It is a common mistake that I have seen many people do when they try to import a library to use and tick mark the checkbox is Library. This actually means you want this project to be treated as a library for future use. Just try to add the SDK and do not tick mark the checkbox and this project will run fine.
Many forums will just tell you to tick that checkbox and you will be stuck on this error for long time.
For any .jar file related issues you have to make the .jars files compatible as there hashing a problem and the two jars are not compatible with each other (a version issue).