Regarding Game Time in Libgdx - android

I have actor Rectangle and powerUp Rectangle and I want that when It collides with actor will have power for 10 seconds. This was achieved as follows :
if (powerBoxRect.overlaps(actorRectObj)) {
powerUpTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + 10000;
if (powerUpTime > System.currentTimeMillis()) {
powerActor = IMMUNEACTOR;
But as I have taken any power and press pause button my game is go to paused state and after 10 seconds when I resume my game,power is lost because meanwhile system time is running.
I want to know that how can I stop system time or libgdx provides any other feature to handle this situation?

float time = 0;
int maxTime = 3;
public void update() {
time +=;
if(time > maxTime) {


Android Studio Mediaplayer how to fade in and out

I am working with the mediaplayer class in android studio. I simply want to fade out one sound and fade in the other sound instead of using setVolume(0,0) and setVolume(1,1).
I have created two mediaplayers for this and it seemed like I found a solution in this thread: Android: How to create fade-in/fade-out sound effects for any music file that my app plays? but I don't know how to use deltaTime.
There are also some other solutions to this, which I can barely understand. Isn't there an easy way to cross fade two mediaplayers, I can not imagine no one has needed this yet or everyone uses obsessive code to achieve it. And how should I use deltaTime?
Looking at the linked example, you would have to call fadeIn()/fadeOut() in a loop, to increase/decrease the volume over a period of time. deltaTime would be the time between each iteration of the loop.
You'd have to do this in a separate thread from your main UI thread, so you don't block it and cause your app to crash. You can do this by either putting this loop inside a new Thread/Runnable/Timer.
Here is my example for fading in (you can do a similar thing for fading out):
float volume = 0;
private void startFadeIn(){
final int FADE_DURATION = 3000; //The duration of the fade
//The amount of time between volume changes. The smaller this is, the smoother the fade
final int FADE_INTERVAL = 250;
final int MAX_VOLUME = 1; //The volume will increase from 0 to 1
int numberOfSteps = FADE_DURATION/FADE_INTERVAL; //Calculate the number of fade steps
//Calculate by how much the volume changes each step
final float deltaVolume = MAX_VOLUME / (float)numberOfSteps;
//Create a new Timer and Timer task to run the fading outside the main UI thread
final Timer timer = new Timer(true);
TimerTask timerTask = new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
fadeInStep(deltaVolume); //Do a fade step
//Cancel and Purge the Timer if the desired volume has been reached
private void fadeInStep(float deltaVolume){
mediaPlayer.setVolume(volume, volume);
volume += deltaVolume;
Instead of using two separate MediaPlayer objects, I would in your case use just one and swap the track between the fades.
**Audio track #1 is playing but coming to the end**
**Audio track #2 has faded in and is now playing**
Hope this solves your problem.
Here's the fade-out code in case it saves someone some time.
This also includes a stopPlayer() function to release the MediaPlayer from memory. It's a good practice to do so.
// Set to the volume of the MediaPlayer
float volume = 1;
private void startFadeOut(){
// The duration of the fade
final int FADE_DURATION = 3000;
// The amount of time between volume changes. The smaller this is, the smoother the fade
final int FADE_INTERVAL = 250;
// Calculate the number of fade steps
// Calculate by how much the volume changes each step
final float deltaVolume = volume / numberOfSteps;
// Create a new Timer and Timer task to run the fading outside the main UI thread
final Timer timer = new Timer(true);
TimerTask timerTask = new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
//Do a fade step
//Cancel and Purge the Timer if the desired volume has been reached
if(volume <= 0){
private void fadeOutStep(float deltaVolume){
player.setVolume(volume, volume);
volume -= deltaVolume;
// Release the player from memory
private void stopPlayer() {
if (player != null) {
player = null;
There's a VolumeShaper class added in API Level 26 (
Here's an example of volume out and in, you can shape the fade in or out speed (ramp) adding more points to times and volumes arrays.
Time points must start at 0 and end at 1 and they are relative times of volume ramping.
fun fadeOutConfig(duration: Long): VolumeShaper.Configuration {
val times = floatArrayOf(0f, 1f) // can add more points, volume points must correspond to time points
val volumes = floatArrayOf(1f, 0f)
return VolumeShaper.Configuration.Builder()
.setCurve(times, volumes)
fun fadeInConfig(duration: Long): VolumeShaper.Configuration {
val times = floatArrayOf(0f, 1f) // can add more points, volume points must correspond to time points
val volumes = floatArrayOf(0f, 1f)
return VolumeShaper.Configuration.Builder()
.setCurve(times, volumes)
fun fadeInOrOutAudio(mediaPlayer: MediaPlayer, duration: Long, out: Boolean) {
val config = if (out) fadeOutConfig(duration) else fadeInConfig(duration)
val volumeShaper = mediaPlayer.createVolumeShaper(config)
private void fadeOut() {
final long steps = 30;
final double stepWidth = (double) 1 / steps;
mFadeOutCriteria = 1;
handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
mFadeOutCriteria -= stepWidth;
mediaPlayer.setVolume(mFadeOutCriteria, mFadeOutCriteria);
if (mFadeOutCriteria <= 0) {
mFadeOutCriteria = 0;
} else
handler.postDelayed(this, 100);
}, 100);

android chronometer intervals and resetting

I'm working as a football (soccer) referee in Israel and I was asked to write an application that simulates our fitness test for the upcoming season.
The test is an interval test, and the user can enter how much time does he run, walk and for how many sets.
There is a beep sound for each time you should start/stop running (beep variable is of type MediaPlayer). The chronometer should reset each time you finish running / walking.
The following code almost works - The beep sounds are heard in the right time and stop after the right number of sets, but the screen gets stuck right after the chronometer starts...
I would really appreciate your kind help!
Thanks, Yaad
private void testLoop() {
int i = 0;
boolean flag = true; //true = running, false = walking
//run, walk, rep = integers that are set by user input
tvRepNum.setText(String.format("Repetition Number: %d", i + 1));
while (i < rep) //rep = number of repetitions
if (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - chronometer.getBase() == run * 1000 && flag) //if running time is over and you are now running
flag = false;
else if (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - chronometer.getBase() == walk * 1000 && !flag) //if walking time is over and you are now walking
flag = true;
tvRepNum.setText(String.format("Repetition Number: %d", i + 1));
Your while loop is blocking the UI. You better use AsyncTask and put your loop in its doInBackground() method in order to properly update the UI.
More info here:

Time delays and game loop

I'm doing a simple match-3 game and I'm currently using a game loop like the code below. I'm using some frame calculations for optimal speed of th game. I took this from another game that I have done before. But this seems unnecessary for this type of game.
I need to have some time delays at several places, like when I have moved an object on the game area, I want a short time delay before the call to an method that check if there is a match of three objects in a row. And then I also need a short time delay when the code has detect a match, so that I can do some simple effect at those positions in the game grid before the user starts to move another object and then check for a match.
As it is now every thing happens at once and I wonder if it would be better to run this game without this calculations of frames and how I could do instead to get some time delays?
I have tested to use Thread.sleep(250) inside this code, but didn't worked the way I hade hoped for.
What could be a better approach for running a game like this?
// Game loop ---------------------------------------
public void run() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
long beginTime;
long timeDiff;
int sleepTime;
int framesSkipped;
sleepTime = 0;
while (gameRunning) {
if (!surfaceHolder.getSurface().isValid())
try {
canvas = surfaceHolder.lockCanvas();
beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
framesSkipped = 0;
// Different game states
switch (gameState) {
case 0: // Intro game
case 1: // Play game
if(touchActionDown) {
touchActionDown = false;
colorObjectManager.checkPosition(touchX, touchY);
touchActionMove = false;
if(touchActionMove) {
touchActionMove = false;
// Time delay
// Time delay
// Call method to draw objects on screen
case 2: // End game
// Calculate difference from first call to
// System.currentTimeMillis() and now
timeDiff = System.currentTimeMillis() - beginTime;
// Calculate sleepTime
sleepTime = (int) (FRAME_PERIOD - timeDiff);
if (sleepTime > 0) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
while (sleepTime < 0 && framesSkipped < MAX_FRAME_SKIPS) {
// Call method to only update objects on screen
sleepTime += FRAME_PERIOD;
} finally {
} // End while-loop
// End game loop ---------------------------------------
I suggest use libgdx its a simple frameWork and you dont need to Calculate the DeltaTime.
AFAIK Dont use the Thread sleep on a surfaceholder use a seperate thread and lock the canvas.
you can use android animations. fadein fadeout to be fancy.
//some other method to delay
new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable()
public void run()
// your code here
}, 1000/* 1sec delay */);
also got a very lame solution
//for 5 second of delay
for(int i=0;i<5000:i++){
for(int k=0;k<5000:k++){
for(int j=0;j<5000:j++){

Short, varying interval timer in Android

I am trying to create a kind of a metronome for Android. It shall play some audible beeps at certain intervals to give people a rhythm. Hence, timing is quite critical. Essentially it shall do the following
Play beep type 1 (about 0.1s long)
Wait for x milliseconds (between 500 and 1000)
Play beep type 2 (about 0.1s long)
Wait for y milliseconds (between 500 and 1000)
Play beep type 3 (about 0.1s long)
Wait for y milliseconds (between 500 and 1000)
Go back to start
The UI activity will have some buttons to adjust the wait intervals.
From reading all the various blogs, tutorials and discussions it seems that I should be using a postdelayed() Runnable and set the delay to my desired wait time x or y. After that I should start playing the sound. This should allow me to not take the length of the wav sound file into account.
Am I roughly on the right track? I realise that the timing will not be perfect as there are other services running which might delay the execution of my timers. In order to improve that I'd be happy to use the phone in flight mode or turn of some other services as I don't need anything else when using this app.
Are there any full examples for such code out there? I am a beginner when it comes to Android. My eyperience is more with straight C embedded systems. Putting all the classes and their functions together is quite daunting.
Any help appreciated,
An idea that just came to my mind regarding the waiting between the beeps would be to launch a separate Java thread where you enter in an infinite loop and call Thread.sleep(interval) like
public MyLooper extends Runnable{
private boolean shouldRun = true;
private int interval = 1; //ms
public void run(){
//play the beep
public void stop(){
this.shouldRun = false;
public void setInterval(int interval){
this.interval = interval;
When you launch your activity (depending on your needs) usually in the onResume event, you'd create the Java thread. Inside the button clicks you could then adjust the interval by calling the setInterval(...) method.
Could be a possible solution...
This is what you need:
Updating the UI from a Timer
EDIT: That tutorial is specifically targeting a UI-update scenario, but it gives a simple description of what you really want: a TimerTask
class UpdateTimeTask extends TimerTask {
public void run() {
long millis = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
int seconds = (int) (millis / 1000);
int minutes = seconds / 60;
seconds = seconds % 60;
timeLabel.setText(String.format("%d:%02d", minutes, seconds));
if(startTime == 0L) {
startTime = evt.getWhen();
timer = new Timer();
timer.schedule(new UpdateTimeTask(), 100, 200);

Android 2d canvas game: FPS Jitter problem

I based my game off of the lunar lander demo, although heavily modified, and I can get around 40-50fps but the problem is it fluctuates between 40-50fps so much that it causes the moving graphics to jitter! Its very annoying and makes my game look really shitty when in fact its running at a good frame rate.
I tried setting the thread priority higher but that just made it worse... now it will fluctuate between 40-60fps...
I was thinking of limiting the FPS to about 30 so that it will be constant. Is this a good idea and does anyone else have experience or a different solution?
This is my run loop
public void run() {
while (mRun) {
Canvas c = null;
try {
c = mSurfaceHolder.lockCanvas(null);
synchronized (mSurfaceHolder) {
if(mMode == STATE_RUNNING){
} finally {
// do this in a finally so that if an exception is thrown
// during the above, we don't leave the Surface in an
// inconsistent state
if (c != null) {
private void updatePhysics() {
now = android.os.SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
elapsed = (now - mLastTime) / 1000.0;
posistionY += elapsed * speed;
mLastTime = now;
Don't base your game's logic (object movement, etc.) updating rate on the framerate. In other words, put your drawing and logic updating code in two separate components/threads. This way your game logic is completely independent from your framerate.
Logic updating should be based on how much time has passed since the last update (let's call it delta). Therefore, if you have an object moving at 1px/millisecond, then during each update your object should do something like this:
public void update(int delta) {
this.x += this.speed * delta;
So now even if your FPS lags, it won't affect your object's movement speed, since the delta will just be larger, making the object move farther to compensate (there are complications in some cases, but that's the gist of it).
And this is one way of calculating delta within your logic updating object (running in some thread loop):
private long lastUpdateTime;
private long currentTime;
public void update() {
currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
int delta = (int) (currentTime - lastUpdateTime);
lastUpdateTime = currentTime;
myGameObject.update(delta); // This would call something like the update method above.
Hope that helps! Please ask if you have any other questions; I've been making Android games myself. :)
Sample code:
Copy these two snippets (1 activity and 1 view) and run the code. The result should be a white dot smoothly falling down your screen, no matter what your FPS is. The code looks kinda complicated and long, but it's actually quite simple; the comments should explain everything.
This activity class isn't too important. You can ignore most of the code in it.
public class TestActivity extends Activity {
private TestView view;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// These lines just add the view we're using.
RelativeLayout rl = (RelativeLayout) findViewById(;
view = new TestView(this);
RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(
10000, 10000);
rl.addView(view, params);
// This starts our view's logic thread
public void onPause() {
// When our activity pauses, we want our view to stop updating its logic.
// This prevents your application from running in the background, which eats up the battery.
This class is where the exciting stuff is!
public class TestView extends View {
// Of course, this stuff should be in its own object, but just for this example..
private float position; // Where our dot is
private float velocity; // How fast the dot's moving
private Paint p; // Used during onDraw()
private boolean active; // If our logic is still active
public TestView(Context context) {
// Set some initial arbitrary values
position = 10f;
velocity = .05f;
p = new Paint();
active = true;
// We draw everything here. This is by default in its own thread (the UI thread).
// Let's just call this thread THREAD_A.
public void onDraw(Canvas c) {
c.drawCircle(150, position, 1, p);
// This just updates our position based on a delta that's given.
public void update(int delta) {
position += delta * velocity;
postInvalidate(); // Tells our view to redraw itself, since our position changed.
// The important part!
// This starts another thread (let's call this THREAD_B). THREAD_B will run completely
// independent from THREAD_A (above); therefore, FPS changes will not affect how
// our velocity increases our position.
public void startMyLogicThread() {
new Thread() {
public void run() {
// Store the current time values.
long time1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
long time2;
// Once active is false, this loop (and thread) terminates.
while (active) {
try {
// This is your target delta. 25ms = 40fps
} catch (InterruptedException e1) {
time2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Get current time
int delta = (int) (time2 - time1); // Calculate how long it's been since last update
update(delta); // Call update with our delta
time1 = time2; // Update our time variables.
}.start(); // Start THREAD_B
// Method that's called by the activity
public void setActive(boolean active) { = active;
I am thinking there might be, not really something wrong with some of the above code, but rather an inefficiency. I am talking about this code...
// The important part!
// This starts another thread (let's call this THREAD_B). THREAD_B will run completely
// independent from THREAD_A (above); therefore, FPS changes will not affect how
// our velocity increases our position.
public void startMyLogicThread() {
new Thread() {
public void run() {
// Store the current time values.
long time1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
long time2;
// Once active is false, this loop (and thread) terminates.
while (active) {
try {
// This is your target delta. 25ms = 40fps
} catch (InterruptedException e1) {
time2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Get current time
int delta = (int) (time2 - time1); // Calculate how long it's been since last update
update(delta); // Call update with our delta
time1 = time2; // Update our time variables.
}.start(); // Start THREAD_B
Specifically, I am thinking about the following lines...
// This is your target delta. 25ms = 40fps
It seems to me that just having the thread hang out doing nothing is a waste of valuable processing time, when in fact what you want to be doing is performing the updates, then, if the updates have taken less time than the 25 millis, then sleep the thread for the difference of what was used during the update and 25 millis (or whatever your chosen frame rate is). In this way the update will happen while the current frame is being rendered, and will be completed so the next frame update uses the updated values.
The only problem I can think of here is that some kind of syncronization will need to occur so that the current frame render does not use partially updated values. Perhaps update into a new instance of your set of values, and then make the new instance the current instance just before rendering.
I think I remember reading something in a graphics book about the goal being to perform as many updates as you can while staying within your desired frame rate, then, and only them, perform a screen update.
This of course will require one thread to drive the updates - if you use a SurfaceView, the render is controlled by this thread when you lock the canvas (in theory, according to my understanding anyway).
So, in code, it would be more like...
// Calculate next render time
nextRender = System.currentTimeInMillis() + 25;
while (System.currentTimeInMillis() < nextRender)
// All objects must be updated here
// I could see maintaining a pointer to the next object to be updated,
// such that you update as many objects as you can before the next render, and
// then continue the update from where you left off in the next render...
// Perform a render (if using a surface view)
c = lockCanvas() blah, blah...
// Paint and unlock
// If using a standard view
Good luck and any feedback from anyone using this would surely help us all learn something...
I think it's about Garbage collector
I would use SurfaceView instead of View if your game is action heavy. If you don't need to update the GUI rapidly then View is fine but for 2D games it's always better to use SurfaceView.
I have a similar issue, the jitter makes large object moves look uneven. Even though the "speed" is the same, different lengths of steps make the movements look jumpy.
Broody - You say a SurfaceView is beter, however, this is not true after Android 3.0 as the View is HW accelerated but the canvas returned by .lockCanvas is not.
Steven - Yes, this is likely causing poroblems, but is easy to detect.

