User Management for Android - android

We're developing an app which locates a person in our college campus via wifi localisation. However, from a privacy point of view, we want that a user can only see the locations of those who are added in their friend list. We can't use the FB friend lists the users might not want to share their location with everyone on their FB friend list.
So, we need the following functionalities:
Authenticate user
Send friend request to others using the app
Display locations and profiles of only friends on app startup
Obviously, the backend will fetch the friend lists and the supporting data and we have a backend server already setup which is collecting the WiFi data. Something like Elgg looked interesting but I don't know how to integrate it into Android. Something like what Whatsapp is using. XMPP?

If you want to integrate with Elgg, have a look at it's web services API:
You can use existing plugins to implement part of the logic on the backend side:
For more detailed support, seek help at Elgg community discussion forums


making an android app allows admin account to store and send data to members

I'm new to programming I don't know which programming language I should
use to make this database
I want to make an android app that allows users to register with an account and make a profile which contains data (points,meetings,etc) the admin account control it for each user the users I need about 100 users
I searched for that and found (rails,firebase,
can I use any thing of them ?
thanx in advance
You need java for implementing android application(also there are many options like you can make app using html, JavaScript, c#). If you want to store user information of-course need web app where you save user data that admin can access. For making web app you can use Ruby on Rails also has other so many technologies. For sending messages to user ( that will send admin) you need push notification and help you to do this.

Can I use android SDK for making a chat application between users,group chat etc?

Was searching for a chat service SDK and server with API, looked into which seemed to be the same.However, now I came to an understanding that it is for one admin appuser and many users communicating to that admin and I cannot create group chats or user to user chat with .Since the documentation is not clear enough about describing this,please confirm.
check out quickblox SDK,
There are examples in the documentation,
use it for private, groupchat, voice, video, file transfer

implementing chat feature with already registered users

I know there are already some topics about implementing chat feature but this is a little bit different.
Imagine I have a website with 1000 users. I am writing an android application which user can login and access its account settings and blah & blah all using web services.
When user logins, the first thing which appears is the list of his friends.
The question is: I want to implement a chat feature so that when the user clicks one of his friends, a p2p chat window appear.
How can I achieve this? Is there any api to do so?
Do not forget users are already registered on my website (mysql) so he shouldn't register for a second time to use the chat feature. Am i clear?.
There are many api's that you can use, for example Quickblox and Scringo. They can also be integrated with 3-rd party (your own backend server). For Scringo, the free one, check this out:

Sync android database over multiple devices through Google or Facebook

i'm going to develop a sort of cloud based application. Since I develop for hobby, I don't want to pay a server.
I'm wondering if Google or Facebook allow user to sync sqlite OR json databases through their server. For example: I'd like to sync - after the Google+ app login - the data of my app, so that the same person, on his tablet, can use the data he produced on the smartphone. Can anyone point me out some documentation that explain me what services should I use and how? Thanks.
With every Google account comes Google Drive. That link leads to the documentation for their API, but you will want to use their libraries as I presume.
Basic understanding of OAuth workflow can be beneficial.

Android Plugin/Application to store texts posted in social networks and resuse them

I want to develop an app which will appear like a plugin when the user types something to a social network apps(comments or posts in facebook/tweets in twitter e.t.c). The app should appear as a handle so that the user will not be interrupted while using the social network. The app should be able to log the messages posted by the user and the user should be able to retrieve any logged texts from app so that he/she can reuse the same texts while posting.
Is it possible to implement such an app along with the social network app running? Kindly provide any links/ideas/design approaches....Waiting for your guidance..
I don't think you'll be able to show a "handle" (unless you make a javascript plugin that runs on web browsers) but you can make the app I suppose. Here's one approach:
Create a web app that uses site-specific authentication and ask for permissions from all the social networks you plan to target.
Get permissions to read posts, comments, tweets etc using the site's API.
Periodically retrieve this stuff using the API from the sites and store them in your own server.
Write an android app that has a nice UI that retrieves this data for a particular user from your server (via your own REST API) and displays it in the mobile app.
This is a very high-level overview and the actual implementation is gonna be difficult and will take a while. But the basic approach should work. Good luck!

