why my code is so slow? - android

i runing this code on android after load a cursor with the query i pass to the adapter, but my date is in long in milliseconds format so i need to format properly before load the adapter!
problem is this code is taking 14 seconds to pass a 50 items load, the problem get worst if i call it inside the adapter getView cause get slow when i scrool, if i take this function out the program runs smoothly
this is call inside my listfragment
private String dateFormatPatternEdited(long timeMS) {
android.text.format.DateFormat df = new android.text.format.DateFormat();
final Calendar eDate = Calendar.getInstance();
Calendar sDate = Calendar.getInstance();
long daysBetween = 0;
while (sDate.before(eDate)) {
sDate.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
String mDateFormatPattern = FuelTrackerApplication.dateFormat.format(timeMS);
if (daysBetween < 2){
mDateFormatPattern = FuelTrackerApplication.timeFormat.format(timeMS);
} else if(daysBetween < 365){
mDateFormatPattern = df.format(FuelTrackerApplication.dateFormatPattern,timeMS).toString();
return mDateFormatPattern;
and this is were i initialize the date formats i gonna use its called inside onCreate in FuelTrackerApplication i dont think theres nothing wrong with this
public void initializeDateFormat() {
android.text.format.DateFormat df = new android.text.format.DateFormat();
dateFormatPattern = "MMM dd";
if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 18){
dateFormatPattern = df.getBestDateTimePattern(Locale.getDefault(), dateFormatPattern);
dateFormat = df.getMediumDateFormat(getApplicationContext());
timeFormat = df.getTimeFormat(getApplicationContext());
dateFormat2 = df.getLongDateFormat(getApplicationContext());

Ok just a few things. Depending on how long ago your dates are going back. You are only interested if the days between go more then 365. So if your dates are going back for years, you're doing extra work.
while (sDate.before(eDate) && daysBetween <= 365) {
sDate.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
Will let it break, it means if you have 20 entries going back 5 years, you don't do so much work.
It might be worth while to possibly just check the milliseconds difference. I'm not sure if this is precise enough, but it should work. It means you don't need to loop everything E.g
long millisecondsToday = getMilliseconds;
long timeMs = // you already have this
long millisecondsDifference = millisecondsToday - timeMs;
if (millisecondsDifference < MILLISECONDS_TWO_DAYS) // set a final variable out of this method
// etc
If might also be worth while initialising some of your variables once outside of the method. Like your df, that is being created 50 times, and then just having something set on it. Same with your eDate.

i got this incredible faster and practicaly remove the hole function
instead goes like this
lDateBetween = NOW - timeMS;
if (lDateBetween < DAY)
return FuelTrackerApplication.timeFormat.format(timeMS);
else if (lDateBetween < YEAR)
return df.format(FuelTrackerApplication.dateFormatPattern,timeMS).toString();
else return FuelTrackerApplication.dateFormat.format(timeMS);
all calculation is made using milliseconds i also put 2 final NOW and YEAR, also df and lDateBetween
i think is the fastest i can get!


Calculate earlier and later times, then compare with a given time

I need to calculate if a certain time is between 30 minutes earlier and 20 minutes later than the current time.
Any idea how to do this?
The problem is when the time is 23:50h, for example. So I can't do a simple comparison since 23 is greater than 00. But I must consider it smaller since it's another day.
Now is 23:45. Testing 23:50.
23:45 - 30 minutes = 23:15.
23:45 + 20 minutes = 00:05.
Is 23:50 between 23:15 and 00:05?
Another example:
Now is 00:05. Testing 00:15.
00:05 - 30 minutes = 23:35.
00:05 + 20 minutes = 00:25.
Is 00:15 between 23:35 and 00:25?
minSdkVersion is 22, and this further limits the available solutions.
The easiest way to go is :
Compare Hours separately from minutes.
Or also you can take the Hours, multiply them for 60 and then add the returning value to the minutes amount, that will end up with a "only minute" calculation between the 2 times. You can make whatever operation you need.
The only case you should calculate is that one you are in a different day, but that dipends and what you are trying to accomplish!
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args)
//Input TIME
String date = "23.45";
//Calculating the TIME in MINUTES ONLY
int date_m = normalizeTime(date);
int max = date_m+20;
int min = date_m-30;
Working like that we don't
need to worry about the day Before or After
System.out.println("MAX TIME : "+max);
System.out.println("MIN TIME : "+min);
//The TIME that has to be tested
String testDate = "23.50";
//Calculating the TIME in MINUTES ONLY
int testDate_m = normalizeTime(testDate);
System.out.println("TESTED TIME : "+testDate_m);
If the testDate_m is Between the MAX and MIN values it's
TRUE else it's FALSE
If needed you can adjust with >= or <=
That doesn't matter for the logic.
if(testDate_m<max && testDate_m>min)
System.out.println("IT IS BETWEEN!");
System.out.println("IT ISN'T BETWEEN!");
Just a Method to clean up the code:
Basically it will Split the string in HOURS and MINUTES
and it will make a simple operation of : Hour*60(Transforming it to minutes) + minutes
The return is an INT that represent the inserted TIME as a MINUTE ONLY TIME.
If the returned number is more than 24*60 it's the Day Next (don't need to worry about that)
If the returned number is less than 0 it's the Previous Day (don't need to worry about that)
private static int normalizeTime(String time)
int h = Integer.parseInt(time.substring(0,2));
int m = Integer.parseInt(time.substring(3,5));
return h*60+m;
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args)
boolean inTime = true;
//Input TIME
String date = "23.50";
//Calculating the TIME in MINUTES ONLY
int date_m = normalizeTime(date);
int max = date_m+20;
int min = date_m-30;
int prevMin = max;
int nextMax = min;
prevMin = 24*60+min;
nextMax = 24*60+max;
else if(max>24*60)
prevMin = min-24*60;
nextMax = max-24*60;
Working like that we don't
need to worry about the day Before or After
System.out.println("Between :"+min+" and "+max);
System.out.println("Between : "+prevMin+" and "+nextMax);
//The TIME that has to be tested
String testDate = "00.05";
//Calculating the TIME in MINUTES ONLY
int testDate_m = normalizeTime(testDate);
System.out.println("TESTED TIME : "+testDate_m);
If the testDate_m is Between the MAX and MIN values it's
TRUE else it's FALSE
If needed you can adjust with >= or <=
That doesn't matter for the logic.
if((testDate_m<max && testDate_m>min) || (testDate_m<nextMax && testDate_m>prevMin))
System.out.println("IT IS BETWEEN!");
System.out.println("IT ISN'T BETWEEN!");
Just a Method to clean up the code:
Basically it will Split the string in HOURS and MINUTES
and it will make a simple operation of : Hour*60(Transforming it to minutes) + minutes
The return is an INT that represent the inserted TIME as a MINUTE ONLY TIME.
If the returned number is more than 24*60 it's the Day Next (don't need to worry about that)
If the returned number is less than 0 it's the Previous Day (don't need to worry about that)
private static int normalizeTime(String time)
int h = Integer.parseInt(time.substring(0,2));
int m = Integer.parseInt(time.substring(3,5));
return h*60+m;
The easiest way is just to work with timestamps.
long time = new Date().getTime();
long thiry_earlier = time - minutes_to_ms(30);
long twenty_later = time + minutes_to_ms(20);
if(compare < twenty_later && compare > thirty_earlier) {
//do whatever
long minutes_to_ms(long minutes) {
return minutes*60*1000;
There's some nicer conversion functions you can use nowdays I'm just too lazy to look them up. But working with raw timestamps makes everything easier for comparisons.

Trying to perform a text change in my textview at a reoccurring time on daily basis in my android project

let say i will like to automatically change my textview text at 02:00pm everyday how do I implement this functionality.
val df = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, Locale.JAPAN).parse("2:00pm")
val systemDat = Calendar.getInstance(Locale.JAPAN).after(df)
if (systemDat) {
binding.includeTokyoSession.text_one.text = "successful"
} else {
binding.includeTokyoSession.text_one.text = "failure"
I suppose you want to change the text of your TextView after a particular time, but it seems that you're not aware of the date when comparing and you have a couple of mistakes in your code.
First, this line of code:
DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, Locale.JAPAN).parse("2:00pm")
will return a Date instance with this date and time in your local timezone 01-01-1970 02:00:00. However, you need to get a Date instance with today's date and the time 14:00:00.
Second, this line of code:
this is a wrong usage of the Calendar::after() function, and that's because you can only pass a Calendar object to the function in order to get the right comparison result, otherwise it will always return false.
In your case you're passing a Date object.
Following is the implementation of the Calendar::after() function.
public boolean after(Object when) {
return when instanceof Calendar
&& compareTo((Calendar)when) > 0;
If you want to proper compare the current time today with 14:00 (comparing only the time today), here is a modification to your code:
val calendarToCompare = Calendar.getInstance(Locale.JAPAN).apply {
set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 14)
set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0)
set(Calendar.SECOND, 0)
set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0)
val systemDat = Calendar.getInstance().after(calendarToCompare)
if (systemDat) {
textview.text = "successful"
} else {
textview.text = "failure"
If you want to perform a lifecycle-aware view update (ex. to set the text of your textview), you can check this gist.

ScrollView with too many Textviews (over 400)

I was able to make an app with a scrollable calendar, like the image:
Preview and Component Tree
The calendar itself, for 2016, looks like this:
2016 Calendar
It's a five week based calendar, and it's meant to be built like that, for its purposes.
When you run the app you have a calendar, with a week or so displayed.Then you can scroll the days and see the whole calendar. The months names stand still on the left.
Clicking the arrows updates the calendar, showing past and future years, as expected.
It works.
I still don't understand A LOT of java, but I could manage to make it work.
One search here, another there, one tutorial here, another example of code there...
It works.
The problem is: it's too slow to update the calendar.
It takes about 3 seconds or so to update the days, and you can't scroll the calendar during that time.
After the update the scroll is normal. You go right and left. No problem.
It's the processes to update all those TextViews that's killing me... Yes, I do have A LOT of TextViews, and that's where I think I could start getting some help.
The calendar is designed to display five weeks, monday to sunday, which gives me 35 TextViews per month... that's 420 TextViews...
The following method clears the calendar prior to update:
public void Clears_the_Calendar() {
int iId;
TextView tvDay;
for (iId = 0; iId < 420; iId++) {
tvDay= (TextView)findViewById(iarrTextView_Days_ids[iId]);
tvDay.setText(" ");
As you can see, I use the array iarrTextView_Days_ids to reference the TextViews. It looks like:
int[] iarrTextView_Days_ids = new int[]
{R.id.M01_D01, R.id.M01_D02, ... , R.id.M01_D34, R.id.M01_D35,
R.id.M02_D01, R.id.M02_D02, ... , R.id.M02_D34, R.id.M02_D35,
R.id.M12_D01, R.id.M12_D02, ... , R.id.M12_D34, R.id.M12_D35}
And this is what I use to build the calendar:
private void mtBuild_Calendar(int iYear, int iColumn) {
int i, iId, iDay, iMonth1, iMonth2, iTotal_Days;
TextView tvDay;
Date dtDate = null;
int iRight_Column = 35;
String sDay, sDate = "01/01/" + iYear;
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
Calendar cMain_Calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
Calendar cAuxiliary_Calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
try {
dtDate = sdf.parse(sDate);
} catch (ParseException e) {
// displays "1" (jan/1), according to iColumn, which is determined in another method:
iId = iColumn - 1;
tvDay = (TextView)findViewById(iarrTextView_Days_ids[iId]);
// It's not important to be extremely precise about leap years:
if ((iYear % 4) == 0) {
iTotal_Days = 366;
} else {
iTotal_Days = 365
for (i = 1; i < iTotal_Days - 1; i++) {
// Adds a day to the cAuxiliary_Calendar and compares its MONTH with the previous day from cMain_Calendar
cAuxiliary_Calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, 1);
iMonth1 = cMain_Calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH);
iMonth2 = cAuxiliary_Calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH);
// Performs the comparisons needed to change the months:
if (iColumn < iRight_Column) {
if (iMonth2 == iMonth1) {
iColumn = iColumn + 1;
iId = iId + 1;
} else {
iColumn = iColumn + 1;
iId = iId + 36;
} else {
if (iMonth2 == iMonth1) {
iColumn = 1;
iId = iId - 34;
} else {
iColumn = 1;
iId = iId + 1;
// Adds a day to cMain_Calendar and displays it in the proper place according to iId:
cMain_Calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, 1);
iDay = cMain_Calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
sDay = Integer.toString(iDay);
tvDay = (TextView) findViewById(iarrTextView_Days_ids[iId]);
At first a method clears all the 420 TextViews, and then just the 365 or 366 needed for the year are fulfilled.
Still, that's a lot of work... this afternoon I started taking a look at canvas.drawText
For a moment it seemed to me that it would be faster, cause for what I understood TextView uses canvas inside its core. But I couldn't even find a way to make a simple canvas.drawText to work inside the ScrollView.
So the questions are:
Should I use canvas.drawText instead of TextViews? How can I do that?
Or, is there any other faster way to display 365 numbers like the app is supposed to do?
(new info, not sure how it looks...)
Trying new thigs:
Perhaps I misunderstood what adapters can do, but for what I've learned it won't help me... cause once an year is fully loaded into the view there's no delay in scrolling the calendar. The problem is how long it takes to refresh all the 365 TextViews when I want to change from one year to another. In fact, I could manage to reduce that delay to less than 1 second at this point, cause I finally follow the Android Studio advice about too many nested weights.. All my TextViews where using that attibute on its style. I removed them all, letting weights just for the LinearLayouts.
Right now I'm stuck in trying to find a way to pass a string to a method which could draw a text into the view. I still can't get a drawText to work inside the ScrollView, cause I can't find a way to call it. Seems to me that it would only works inside an onDraw, which only triggers when I load a view. But I need to get drawText doing its job 420 times (when I clear the calendar) plus 365 times when a new calendar is shown.
Am I supposed to load 800 views into the ScrollView, each time I want to chage the year ???
I also changed the main LinearLayout to RelativeLAyout, but things are getting weird cause I had to set a lot of heights (which was 0dp prior to the change) and now I'm having troubles on changing from portrait to landscape... but that's a minor issue.

Date not storing after iteration

I have an iteration that runs for a set number of times depending on another value which can vary which is why I'm using an iteration that iterates based on that value, inside that iteration I add 30 days to a date once each iteration and then add the results to a table.
I simply end up with the first instance of adding 30 days which is outside the iteration itself. This means that my values inside the iteration are not being stored properly but I can't see why.
I've checked the DateTime operations and displayed the value of newdate and it shows the proper date so it's most likely the storing of the date. But I don't know what's going wrong, it works pre-iteration which is what's got me confused. Why isn't it executing inside the iteration? Does anyone have any idea?
InitialDate | 3/29/2015
2ndDate | 4/28/2015<-- This is what's stored which is pre-iteration
3rdDate | 5/28/2015<-- This is what it's supposed to be after the iteration
so on and so forth....
Values pre-iteration
//Date stuff
String startdate = (String.valueOf(Acc._date));
DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss");
DateTime dt = formatter.parseDateTime(startdate);
DateTime startpoint = new DateTime(dt);
DateTime whendue = startpoint.plusDays(30);
DateTime foriteration = whendue;
String formattedDate = whendue.toString(formatter);
//Storing initial date
Actual iteration
while (i < j) {
//Operation for Date Calculation
DateTime ndt = foriteration.plusDays(30);
foriteration = ndt;
String newdate = ndt.toString(formatter);
//Adding values to PayTable
Finally found out what was wrong. Nothing. My roommate played a prank on me and just got back from his trip out of town and explained to me how he changed my getDateDue to execute a plusDays(30) to mimic my code so that when I called AddPayment which calls getDateDue it would look like it would work but in actuality would only add 30 days once to the startdate no matter what I did.
Roommate is an ass, nothing is wrong with my code. Sorry for this pointless post.

I cannot print more than 25 dates, it somehow goes crazy and continues from another date, why?

I have a datepicker, and I pick up two dates, like 2012-04-08 and 2012-05-11. Because I have a database and need store dates as strings I convert them to 20120408 and 20120511 (strings so far). My code contains the next steps. I call my function with these strings:
public void durva(String datefrom, String dateto) throws ParseException {
datefrom = GlobalVars.getDateStringFrom();
dateto = GlobalVars.getDateStringTo();
Log.i("DateFrom", datefrom);
Log.i("Dateto", dateto);
SimpleDateFormat formatter2 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd"); //-de most yyMMdd
Date dates1;
Date dates2;
long mili1;
long mili2;
long diff;
String dates="";
String convertedDates = "";
dates1 = formatter2.parse(datefrom);
mili1 = dates1.getTime();
Log.i("date1", String.valueOf(mili1));
dates2 = formatter2.parse(dateto);
mili2 = dates2.getTime();
Log.i("date2", String.valueOf(mili2));
diff = 1+((mili2-mili1)/86400000);
Log.i("diff", String.valueOf(diff));
long [] millis = new long[(int) diff];
for (int i=0;i<diff;i++)
millis[i] = mili1+(86400000*i);
Log.i("millii", String.valueOf(millis[i]));
dates = dates + String.valueOf(millis[i]) + " ";
SimpleDateFormat formatterX = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");
String dateString = formatterX.format(new Date(millis[i]));
convertedDates = convertedDates + dateString + " ";
Log.i("DATES", convertedDates);
I use the a created GlobalVars when I pick a date and covert them to this string format I mentioned above. Then I convert them to millisecs. Then I convert them back to my format but it is not important, since the millisecs are already messed up. With
for (int i=0;i<diff;i++)
millis[i] = mili1+(86400000*i);
Log.i("millii", String.valueOf(millis[i]));
I always increase the millisecs, but what happens after the 25th value? It travels back in time and continues from another value! In this example I get: 20120408 20120409 .. 20120502 20120314..20120322 . I add 86400000 (millisecs per day) for jumping a whole day.
What's happening here?
Thank you in advance!
You should use 86400000L, or declare i as long:
millis[i] = mili1+(86400000L*i);
Otherwise both i and 86400000 are 32 bit integers, so the result is calculated as a 32-bit integer. Unfortunately 86400000*25 is too big to fit in 32 bits, so it wraps around.
86400000*25 is -2134967296.
Another thing you should be careful about is that not all days have 24 hours thanks to DST.

