Clarifying When to Open and Close a DataSource - android

Ive done a lot of Googlig on this topic and I'm confused as to best practice.
Initially I had:
A) Created a DataBase object in my main class header area and then just passed it to functions as needed. I then later read that a DataBase should be opened and closed each time before use.
so then I:
B) went to each function (passing Context) which uses a SQL command and created a new DataBase object, created a filled cursor via SQL, and then closed the Database before returning. However, I then later read that it's expensive to do this.
now i'm thinking that:
C) I should create a new Database object in each subclass that uses one, and open and close it as needed.
Im sorry for the noob and seemingly design question (delete it if it's out of scope of StackOverflow), however, I truly am confused of how this should be handled to avoid errors, and how Google wants us to do it.

The Android docs recommend using an SQLiteOpenHelper, which caches the database object. From the SQLiteOpenHelper reference:
Once opened successfully, the database is cached, so you can call this
method every time you need to write to the database. (Make sure to
call close() when you no longer need the database.)
So, I'd go for a singleton carrying an instance of SQLiteOpenHelper, so you can access it from anywhere. Then get the database where you need it, and close it on exit points of your application (if any). That way you only open a database if required, but can re-use the same connection for other tasks as well.
If you do only need the database for single tasks and/or there are other Applications accessing the same database, you may consider closing it directly after your database-tasks are done; there is a discussion about closing in another question.


SQLiteDatabase to close or not to close after using

When I look at examples from tutorials I see that for getReadableDatabase the db is not closed at the end but for getWritableDatabase it is always closed at the end. Why is that? Even the docs specify that I must call close on getWritableDatabase. I have read both docs, so please do not simple quote the docs to me. Thanks.
Despite what the documentation implies, there isn't really a relevant difference between getReadableDatabase() and getWritableDatabase(); both open the database, and that database stays open until it is close()d.
So those examples are not correct; they should handle both cases in the same way.
Please note that "when you no longer need the database" does not necessarily mean that you need to close it after each query; if, for example, an activity is likely to access the database multiple times, it is perfectly valid to open it when the activity is started, and to close it when the activity is stopped.
An open database connection reserves some memory for its cache, and the system stops activities if it needs more memory, so you should ensure that there is no open database when there is no active activity.
You need to keep the database open as long as there are cursors in use that contain data from it. I myself rarely close the database, even when using getWriteableDatabase().
As per android documentation sqlite database
Writable database "Once opened successfully, the database is cached, so you can call this method every time you need to write to the database. (Make sure to call close()when you no longer need the database.) Errors such as bad permissions or a full disk may cause this method to fail, but future attempts may succeed if the problem is fixed."
As the writable is cached as soon it's opened it means it will take up memory.
And if database is large then huge memory , so not closing it or keeping it open may lead to member leaks.
Hope this helps you :)

Using in-memory sqlite android

I've been reading, browsing, searching a lot on this, I've criss-crossed stackoverflow back and forth many times and I managed to narrow my problem as much as I could.
The only thing I do not understand, is how to fully use an in-memory SQLite database.
Here is my situation - I have an encrypted SQLite database which I decrypt during the loading of my application (this part works for sure). My class that interacts with the database works for sure with a plain database.
So to make it short, everything is flawless with a plain DB which gets loaded from the internal phone memory, but I am not sure how or where to store the decrypted DB in memory so it would get interpreted as normal DB.
I guess I should put null instead of a name in super(context, null, null, 3); and use :memory: instead of a path in SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(), but I still don't understand fully. It says it cannot find an android_metadata table, but I am certain the database is as it should be.
Hope I was clear on this :)
SQLiteOpenHelper() will create an in-memory database if the name is null. Note that it will be created when you invoke getWritableDatabase().
Then you should insert your data.
You (or the framework) create a database using ONE of the following:
The first option is the only way to create a memory-only database, the other two open or create a database file.
Consequently, if you are using SQLiteOpenHelper() and you pass name as null, the framework calls SQLiteDatabase.create(null), so you will get a database that only lives in memory (it dies when close() is called). There is no need to also call one of the other direct methods. Instead call getReadableDatabase() or getWritableDatabase() from your helper.
You have to be carefull wile using inmemory as your data will be lost once the db connection is lost. Make sure your db instance is not been closed

Android, SQLite connections and transactions

I'm currently grokking the SQLiteDatabase and related classes with the purpose of getting a better understanding of how it handles concurrency (my current solution works, but I got the impression I might actually be doing redundant work, since its done with the presumption that concurrency is not handled for me).
Right, about the android documentation for SQLiteOpenHelper states the following about the getWriteableDatabase method
Once opened successfully, the database is cached, so you can call this
method every time you need to write to the database. (Make sure to
call close() when you no longer need the database.)
It's a little unclear to me what is being cached(so I currently have a wrapper that does the caching for me). So, what is going on here? Are the two SQLiteDatabase instances wrappers around a cached/static instance?
Also, how is the actual locking handled? If I have two separate SQLiteDatabase instances, created by the same SQLiteOpenHelper instance, are these then transactional safe? As in if i begin a transaction in exclusive mode on one transaction, and then start another transaction in another thread, on the other SQLiteDatabase instance, I would expect the second one to not start until the first one is done. Is this how it works?
"Caching" .. well, I guess you could call it that. The SQLiteOpenHelper typically has a single SQLiteDatabase stored internally (since the last call to create a db), so calling #getWritableDatabase() twice will give you the same object the 2nd time (unless you closed the first instance - then it will create it again). Actually, calling #getReadableDatabase() will attempt to open the database r/w and only fall back on returning a read-only instance if that fails.
Note, closing databases & calling #getWritableDatabase() is not thread-safe - i.e. the SQLiteOpenHelper can return closed databases if you mess with it in many threads.
In short, you're going to have a single instance of SQLiteDatabase - but you can enable locking - making it thread-safe - by calling SQLiteDatabase#setLockingEnabled(true).
It's a little unclear to me what is being cached(so I currently have a wrapper that does the caching for me).
The SQLiteDatabase object is cached.
If I create two SQLiteDatabase instances with this method, and close one, the other one is still open.
Assuming you have just one SQLiteOpenHelper, you cannot "create two SQLiteDatabase instances with this method". The second getWriteableDatabase() call returns the same SQLiteDatabase as does the first call.
If you are only accessing the database from a single component (e.g., just one activity or just one service), use one SQLiteOpenHelper (and, by extension, only one SQLiteDatabase), held by that component. If you are accessing the database from multiple components, you will need to go with a singleton SQLiteOpenHelper instance, either directly or by means of wrapping your database in a ContentProvider.

When should I call close() on SQLiteOpenHelper used by ContentProvider

In my android app, I use SQLiteOpenHelper to implements ContentProvider.
Query, add, delete operations are all through ContentProvider.
But in one of my android phone(htc g13), I found *.db-wal file in directory /data/data/[package name]/databases. And the file size increate very fast when operating with ContentProvider. It occupied user RAM space too much.
It is recommended to close the SQLiteOpenHelper to solve my problem (it is useful) in post enter link description here.
But I want to find a "place" to add the "close()" method since I am not using SQLiteOpenHelper directly (using through ContentProvider). query() method in ContentProvider must return a Cursor, and SQLiteDatabse should stay in open state.
I'm confused, what show I do now to keep *.db-wal gone and use ContentProvider normally?
Android framework engineer defer to this view that you need to close the DB.
As per Dianne Hackborn(Android Framework Engineer) in this thread:
A content provider is created when its hosting process is created, and
remains around for as long as the process does, so there is no need to
close the database -- it will get closed as part of the kernel
cleaning up the process's resources when the process is killed.
You have a couple of cases to cover:
1) When your application finishes (e.g. entering onDestroy()) make sure you close all Cursors, Database instances of SQLiteDatabase and SQLiteOpenHelpers (using the model if (connection.isOpen()) object.close())
2) When you application goes onPause() -> onResume() - use this stages appropriately to pause/resume your connection or to close/open them.
It's a good practice to close your database immediately after you finish working with it. The database is cached, so there's no problem closing it and re-acquire instance again when you need it with getWritableDatabase()/getReadableDatabase()
From the official doc:
"Once opened successfully, the database is cached, so you can call this method every time you need to write to the database. (Make sure to call close() when you no longer need the database.)"
Also keep in mind that if SQLiteOpenHelper caches and tracks all open instances of SQLiteDatabase, it basically means that if you don't leave open database connections, you won't have to call close on SQLiteOpenHelper.
I recommend closing all cursors and databases immediately after you stop working with them. Always try to enforce try/catch/ for queries operations and a "finally block" to call the close methods on the objects.

Closing an SQLite database on one thread breaks the database opened on another thread

We all learn that resources, such as database connections, should be acquired late and released early.
Yet applying this principle to SQLite database connections on Android have caused me some headache.
I have an app that download updates from a backend server in a service working in the background, writing updates to the database at a regular basis. The problem I experience arise when the following sequence occurs:
Service opens a writable database connection
Some activity opens a readable database connection
Service closes its database connection concurrently with the activity reading data
Activity fails due to its database connection was closed
Both the service and the activity uses the same SQLiteOpenHelper class, though different instances, to open their connections. My initial assumption was that this should work just fine, but somehow it seems that the underlying connection is shared between the two database instances.
To work around the problem I ended up not closing the database objects, only closing any opened cursors. This seems to work, though I'm not sure that I'm not leaking memory here.
Is there something obvious I am missing here?
Is there something obvious I am missing here?
I'd say no. Looking at the source code to SQLiteOpenHelper, I can't see how two instances could be sharing a SQLiteDatabase object.
Some diagnostic suggestions:
Dump the toString() value of each SQLiteDatabase, which should give you a Java instance ID. If they are the same, that is where your problem lies, and you will need to work your way upstream to figure out how the heck this is happening (e.g., you really are using the same instance of the SQLiteOpenHelper).
With your database in a stable state (i.e., no need to create or upgrade), flip one of your two database spots to use SQLiteDatabase directly, rather than via SQLiteOpenHelper, and see if that changes matters.

