How do we dismiss actionbar SearchView? - android

I want to dismiss my actionbar searchview after the user submits a search. This is what I have:
SearchView.OnQueryTextListener listener = new OnQueryTextListener() {
public boolean onQueryTextSubmit(String query) {
return false;
but it appears to have no effect. I've also tried keeping a reference to its menu item and doing:
no effect. What am I doing wrong?

You could set its visibility in order to make it invisible :
Then turn it back to true when you come back on the activity
In my case, but mSearchMenuItem.collapseActionView(); worked, but I had to add mSearchView.setOnQueryTextListener(null); just before it. Maybe you can try that too.


SearchView does not respond to clicks after query submit

My app contains a standard SearchView widget. As you can see from the code below, I am setting an OnClickListener, an OnCloseListener, and an OnQueryTextListener.
If I tap the SearchView, it initially responds as expected. If I enter text and press the search button the keyboard, the OnQueryTextListener fires correctly, and the keyboard is dismissed as per searchView.setIconified(true). However, if I now tap the SearchView again, the OnClickListener is not fired. The keyboard still appears and the field becomes editable, but my code in the OnClickListener is not executed.
If I use the "X" icon to close the search view after this, everything returns to normal. The next time I click on the SearchView, my listener is fired.
I have additional code that I'll need to execute every time the SearchView is clicked.
What could be causing the listener to not fire in this specific instance? Is there something else that I should be doing in OnQueryTextSubmit?
searchView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
System.out.println("on click");
searchView.setOnCloseListener(new SearchView.OnCloseListener() {
public boolean onClose() {
return false;
searchView.setOnQueryTextListener(new SearchView.OnQueryTextListener() {
public boolean onQueryTextSubmit(String query) {
return false;
public boolean onQueryTextChange(String newText) {
return false;
I found a half-answer to this problem. If I clear the focus of the searchView when the query is submitted, then when the user next taps the searchView, the OnQueryTextFocusChangeListener gets a call. It doesn't exactly answer my original question, but it's an acceptable workaround for my case.

Search View and Filterable: Showing a bar with searched text

I am using SearchView with ListView and implementing Filterable to filter record. Its working fine except two problems.
The problems are:
When I write something in SearchView a black bar with searched text showing.
An arrow (>) symbol is also visible on right edge of SearchView.
I want to remove both. How can I remove them?
Here is the image of the problems.
Try this for popup
disable TextFilterEnabled on your ListView
and filter your data like this:
android.widget.Filter filter = yourListAdapter.getFilter();
Also Add:
public boolean onQueryTextChange(String newText) {
yourAdapter ca = (yourAdapter)listview.getAdapter();
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(newText)) {
} else {
return true;
For disabling the arrow use this code

Searchview losing focus when method is called at listerner

this is my code ,
when i type something text in searchview ,here some method is being called
1.when i have result from the method ,the focus is lost
2.when i don't get result from the method, the focus is there.
here i want even if i get the result ,the focus must be there in search view
can anybody help.......
searchview.setOnQueryTextListener(new OnQueryTextListener() {
public boolean onQueryTextSubmit(String query) {
Log.d("**********", query.toString());
return false;
public boolean onQueryTextChange(String newText) {
Log.d("**********", newText.toString());
***filItemAdapter("N", newText.toString());***
return false;
actually, here when i called the function filItemAdapter("N", newText.toString()) ,which has the edittext so when i get the result from the function, the focus is skipped into the edittext which in function, subsequently i found that the edittext has focus mode then i removed that focus mode later i called the focus mode where i exactly needed.
then its working fine, even i tried findinvalidate also which dosent work
In case anyone gets the same issue,
You should update the searchview focus i.e mSearvhView.requestFocus(); in the search method, in my case I updated the focus in onBindViewHolder method of the adater.
Good luck

How can I tell when text is being typed into my Android SearchView on the ActionBar

I want to disable certain features of my app while the user is entering text for a search. The xml for the relevant item in my ActionBar is
<item android:id="#+id/actionbar_search"
android:inputType="textPostalAddress" />
and in the corresponding code that I have at present to cater for the search is
public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater();
inflater.inflate(, menu);
MenuItem DestinationTxt = menu.findItem(;
final SearchView mySearchView = (SearchView)DestinationTxt.getActionView();
mySearchView.setOnQueryTextListener(new OnQueryTextListener() {
public boolean onQueryTextChange(String newText) { return false; }
public boolean onQueryTextSubmit(String query) {
//Hide the Keyboard
imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow(mySearchView.getWindowToken(), 0);
return true;
I've browsed the methods on SearchView, but I didn't see anything that would tell me whether it's active or not. I'm also worried about putting in a boolean state variable to indicate when the text is being typed into the SearchView, in case some behaviour that I haven't catered for occurs (e.g. back button pressed, activity gets suspended), and somehow the state variable gets stale so that the disabled features stay disabled. So I'm looking for a robust way of doing this, all help appreciated :-).
Update. An answer below suggests using the interface OnFocusChangeListener which is implemented by the mySearchView object, and/or the mySearchView.isFocussed() method. Both sounded promising, however I've now tested and neither seem to work. Perhaps their failure has got something to do with the fact that this SearchView is in the ActionBar? In any case, I'm still after a robust solution.
It's right there.
mySearchView.setOnQueryTextListener(new OnQueryTextListener() {
public boolean onQueryTextChange(String newText) { return false; }
That's where you'll get updates to text changes in the SearchView.
The return value should be as such (documentation):
false if the SearchView should perform the default action of showing any suggestions if available, true if the action was handled by the listener.
If you want to know if the SearchView has been activated or deactivated, use View.setOnFocusChangeListener(View.OnFocusChangeListener);
public interface OnFocusChangeListener{
public void onFocusChange (View v, boolean hasFocus);
// The boolean will tell you if it's focused or not.
Since monitoring the focus didn't work, I looked at the SearchView documentation again. It's a bit convoluted, but it seems like the intended solution to this problem.
If your SearchView is inflated from a menu XML in onCreateOptionsMenu(), then you can add this line:
menu.findItem(/* your SearchView's ID here */).setOnActionExpandListener(
new OnActionExpandListener(){
public boolean onMenuItemActionCollapse (MenuItem item){
return true; // Allow the SearchView to collapse.
public boolean onMenuItemActionExpand(MenuItem item){
return true; // Allow the SearchView to expand.
Then enable and disable your Activity's views in enableInteraction() and disableInteraction(), respectively. You should retain the MenuItem in your Activity so you can query it in onResume() like so:
public void onResume(){
searchViewMenuItem.isActionViewExpanded() ?
disableInteraction() : enableInteraction();
This part might not be needed. The SearchView might automatically get collapsed when the Activity is hidden and stay that way, so you can simply call enableInteraction() in onResume() so your user isn't locked out.
If you just need to reference the state of the SearchView, use

How do I programmatically check if the menu of my activity is showing at a particular moment?

An Android device configuration change (for example "slide the hard keyboard back in") will always call PhoneWindow.onConfigurationChanged(), which in turn, will call reopenMenu(). This will cause the menu of the currently running activity to be reopened, in case it is showing.
I have a lock on my menu implemented in my onPrepareOptionsMenu() override. The user must enter a code each time they want to see the menu. I don't want the user to be asked to enter the code again, while the menu is still up just because of a configuration change. Thus, I would like to know, is there any way I can check if the menu of current foreground activity is already showing? Knowing this, I could bypass asking for the access code if the menu is already up.
My custom workaround implementation is to use my own flag menuShowing, which I set in onPrepareOptionsMenu and reset in onOptionsItemSelected and in onKeyDown if the back button is clicked.
EDIT: It appears a screen orientation configuration change does not trigger this behavior. A hard keyboard slide however, does.
Until someone comes up with a nicer 'one call' answer, here is the custom workaround implementation that I mention in the question, with help from Sam's tips, in case someone needs the same functionality:
public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
if (showingMenu) {
// The menu button was clicked or the hard keyboard was
// slid open/closed while the menu was already showing
return true;
// Otherwise, either the menu was clicked or openOptionsMenu() was called
if (codeEntered) {
// Code was entered and then openOptionsMenu() was called
showingMenu = true;
// Menu will now be shown
return true;
} else {
// The menu button was clicked, ask for code
// Don't show menu yet
return false;
public void onOptionsMenuClosed(Menu menu) {
showingMenu = false;
codeEntered = false;
private void askForCode() {
codeEntered = getUserInput();
if (codeEntered)
getUserInput() actually occurs with the help of an AlertDialog and an EditText with an attached TextWatcher but the implementation details exceed the scope of this question, unless someone is interested.
In my case it´s
public void onPanelClosed(int featureId, Menu menu) {
showingMenu = false;
super.onPanelClosed(featureId, menu);

