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Closed 9 years ago.
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Here I am trying to implement this kind of Step Line Graph in Android but not able to find better option for how to generate that graph.
I look some links which is similar I want. I am newbie in Android for Graphs/Charts Library.
Graph Image - 1
Graph Image - 2
Is it possible same graphs in android?
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Questions concerning problems with code you've written must describe the specific problem — and include valid code to reproduce it — in the question itself. See for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a quiz app . when a user scores 90% and above the congratulation screen will be displayed. My question is i want the background of the screen to have small and different coloured paper like objects falling creating a illusion that i am congratulating him.
Please help me how to implement this idea.
You can use animation to to show falling color objects. You can follow this link to view of this type of animation:-
Frame By Frame Animation
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I wish create a graph of battery usage in my application..How can i do it? I only want a simple graph not a complicated thing. I've seen about this site but i don't understand how use it.
The last time I needed to draw a graph, I used the GraphView library:
It's easy to use and you have a demo application here:
Try it out and report.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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i want to make a stacked graph as shown below image in android without using AchartEngine
If you are uncomfotable with AchartEngine then, you can use Use charts4j
charts4j is a chart API for Java that developers can use in their Java
code to programmatically generate nearly all the charts available in
Google Chart Tools.
You can also check here.
Hope this helps..
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Questions concerning problems with code you've written must describe the specific problem — and include valid code to reproduce it — in the question itself. See for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
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I am making a game which requires to use of SVGs and I cannot figure out how to assign custom vertices(Shape) to my SVG image for its Body.When I was using pngs instead of SVGs then I was able to give the exact vertices dor the body with the help of Android Vertices Helper but now with Svgs the vertices from AVhelper are giving me abnormal results.Its actually giving me a very large body as compared to its image.Any help would be highly appreciated.
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Questions must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Tell us what you've tried to do, why it didn't work, and how it should work. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
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Can someone guide me how to create a live wallpaper in Android. And also, is there a process to use the photos within the gif and implement them into a live wallpaper? Because that's exactly what I am looking for
If you want to explore more, and use a template for it. You should check andEngine template for creating livewallpaper,