Using single cursor for many instances - android

I came across this info that not closing the cursor or database gobbles up memory. So as i use the cursor across a hundred test cases I might forget to close it somewhere. Can I declare a single cursor and reuse it again and again making different references and finally closing it in the OnDestroy() method.
Eg. Cursor a;
//Another function
a = as.rawQuery("select * from verse"+k, null);
//Another function
a = bs.rawQuery("select * from hello", null); //Another database
//Another function
a = cs.rawQuery("select * from chapter", null); //Another database
Is it a feasible solution??

You cannot use a single cursor; each rawQuery call creates a new cursor object.
When you assign a reference to the new cursor object to a, the old object is not closed (and you cannot anymore reach it).
To ensure that close is always called, use try/finally:
Cursor c = db.rawQuery(...);
try {
... read data ...
} finally {
If you have a helper function that returns a cursor, do this in the calling function.


Do I have to close the Cursor object whenever I call rawQuery()?

I'm planning to use Android SQLite for the first time.
Cursor c = db.rawQuery("some select command here", null);
// some jobs with the cursor..
c = db.rawQuery("another select command here", null);
// some jobs with the cursor..
c = null;
db = null;
As you can see, I'm trying to call rawQuery() method several times.
Do I have to close the cursor before I call rawQuery() method AGAIN?
Do I have to assign null to the variables after closing the cursor and database like above?
Do I have to close the cursor before I call rawQuery() method AGAIN?
Close the cursor whenever you are finished reading from it. This is to release resources that are opened by the cursor, so yes, you should close the first cursor before the second query.
Do I have to assign null to the variables after closing the cursor and database like above?
It depends on the scope of the variables. If your code looks like this...
class Foo {
void doSomething() {
SQLiteDatabase db = ...
Cursor c = db.rawQuery...
// other stuff
... then there's really no point nulling them out because they will go out of scope immediately when the method finishes execution. But your actual code might look different. If you have some reason for wanting to allow those objects to be garbage collected, then you can null out the variables.

App crashes between onPause and onResume Listview issue

I have a listview activity which populates data through an sqlite database; however, whenever I enter onPause and then go into onResume my app crashes and I receive this error: "java.lang.IllegalStateException: trying to requery an already closed cursor android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor#418106a8". Would anyone know how to stop this? Is there a method I have to call in onPause?
protected void onResume() {
uGraduateListAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(ListOfAlarms.this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, populateList());
Log.i(TAG, "Resume was called");
protected void onPause() {
Log.i(TAG, "Pause was called");
public List<String> populateList(){
// We have to return a List which contains only String values. Lets create a List first
List<String> uGraduateNamesList = new ArrayList<String>();
// First we need to make contact with the database we have created using the DbHelper class
AndroidOpenDbHelper openHelperClass = new AndroidOpenDbHelper(this);
// Then we need to get a readable database
sqliteDatabase = openHelperClass.getReadableDatabase();
// We need a a guy to read the database query. Cursor interface will do it for us
//(String table, String[] columns, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String groupBy, String having, String orderBy)
cursor = sqliteDatabase.query(AndroidOpenDbHelper.TABLE_NAME_ALARM, null, null, null, null, null, null);
// Above given query, read all the columns and fields of the table
// Cursor object read all the fields. So we make sure to check it will not miss any by looping through a while loop
while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
// In one loop, cursor read one undergraduate all details
// Assume, we also need to see all the details of each and every undergraduate
// What we have to do is in each loop, read all the values, pass them to the POJO class
//and create a ArrayList of undergraduates
String alarmName = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(AndroidOpenDbHelper.COLUMN_NAME_ALARM_NAME));
// String ugUniId = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(AndroidOpenDbHelper.COLUMN_NAME_UNDERGRADUATE_UNI_ID));
String alarmTotalTime = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(AndroidOpenDbHelper.COLLUMN_ALARM_TOTALTIME));
// Finish reading one raw, now we have to pass them to the POJO
TestAlarm ugPojoClass = new TestAlarm();
// Lets pass that POJO to our ArrayList which contains undergraduates as type
// But we need a List of String to display in the ListView also.
//That is why we create "uGraduateNamesList"
// If you don't close the database, you will get an error
return uGraduateNamesList;
You are using deprecated methods (startManagingCursor()), which is dangerous.
How I see what happens: when you close your database (twice actually: in populateList() and onPause()), your cursors to this database become invalid. But since you called startManagingCursor(), your Activity retains your cursors and tries to call requery() on them when restarting, which throws the error.
Try not calling startManagingCursor() at all, just cursor.close() when you're done with it. Or you can migrate to newer LoaderManager altogether.

How do I close my Cursor when using rawQuery and CursorAdapter

I am using a rawQuery in my DB class and returning the cursor to my adapter which is a CursorAdapter which I use with a custom ListView item.
Is this cursor automatically closed after the view is painted in the screen or how to manage this cursor? what is the best practice in this scenario ?
If I close this cursor in DB class I am not able to access them from my adapter.
Thanks for your time and effort in helping me.
EDITing to add some code snippets for better understanding
This is my activity code:
calAdapter = new CalendarListAdapter(context, dbHelper.getAllCalendars());
This is my cursor
public Cursor getAllCalendars() {
String query = "SELECT calendarId as _id, calendarName, calState, calShow FROM "
SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase();
Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(query, null);
return cursor;
You can close the old cursor after you set the new one. swapCursor() returns the old Cursor, returns null if there was not a cursor set, also returns null if you try to swap the same instance of the previously set cursor. Knowing that, you can try something like this:
Cursor oldCursor = yourAdapter.swapCursor(newCursor);
if(oldCursor != null)
Note that when you are using a Loader (LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks), the framework is going to close the old cursor. This is what the documentation says:
The loader will release the data once it knows the application is no
longer using it. For example, if the data is a cursor from a
CursorLoader, you should not call close() on it yourself. ...
Cursor does not get closed automatically. You need to close it. In older API you could register Cursor at Activity by calling Activity.startManagingCursor(). In this case Activity takes responsibility for managing it. In newer API you should better use LoaderManager.

Android Cursor with ORMLite to use in CursorAdapter

Is there any way to get Cursor for a query, which I am processing with ORMLite Dao object?
ORMLite now supports next(), previous(), moveRelative(offset), ... methods on the CloseableIterator class. This should allow you to move the underlying Cursor object around at will.
It also supports the following DAO Cursor methods:
dao.mapSelectStarRow(databaseResults) Return the latest row from the database results from a query to select *. With this you can change the cursor location (for example) and then get the current object.
dao.getSelectStarRowMapper() Provides a mapper that you can use to map the object outside of the Dao.
When you are building your own query with ORMLite, you use the QueryBuilder object. queryBuilder.prepare() returns a PreparedQuery which is used by various methods in the DAO. You can call dao.iterator(preparedQuery) which will return a CloseableIterator which is used to iterate through the results. There is a iterator.getRawResults() to get access to the DatabaseResults class. Under Android, this can be cast to an AndroidDatabaseResults which has a getCursor() method on it to return the Android Cursor.
Something like the following code:
// build your query
QueryBuilder<Foo, String> qb = fooDao.queryBuilder();
// when you are done, prepare your query and build an iterator
CloseableIterator<Foo> iterator = dao.iterator(qb.prepare());
try {
// get the raw results which can be cast under Android
AndroidDatabaseResults results =
Cursor cursor = results.getRawCursor();
} finally {
This is a bit complicated but you are definitely having to peer behind the vale to get to this object which is hidden by the database abstraction classes.
Did you try some of Gray's advice from this post? He explains how you can select a column as another name, such as, select id as _id.
If you're in an Activity and don't want to mess around with the QueryBuilder give the following a go, which is just as effective.
Cursor cursor = getHelper().getReadableDatabase().query(tableName, projection, selection, selectionArgs, groupBy, having, sortOrder)
If you mean the getHelper() method to reach the dao methods create etc. you only have to inherit from the OrmLiteBaseActivity<YourDBHelper> and you can call it. It will look sth like this:
public class YourClass extends OrmLiteBaseActivity<YourDBHelper> {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
If you mean the cursor to handle database operation: I don't think that you can reach it! But I don't understand why you should need it. ORMLite has nearly all functions of the cursor. So what do you need it for?

When to close cursor in Android?

I have an app that uses a cursor to select data via rawQuery from an SQLite DB to populate a ListView in Android. Every time the user clicks on a listview item I create a new instance of Activity to re-populate listview.
Is it better to call cursor.close() and db.close() to avoid memory problems? I actually have db.close() in OnDestroy() of my activity.
You can close the cursor once you have retrieved the values for that particular object inside your method.
btw...You don't have to recreate a listview every time for a user click event. Just notify that there is some change in data of your adapter that has been set on the listview.
Something like
This should repopulate contents inside ur listview automatically.
Well if you are creating a new instance every time of the same Activity (though I am not sure its a good programming practice). You can close the cursor as soon as your have finished traversing / iterating through the source of the listview.
A sample implementation would be something like
//Pre cursor code
if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
do {
if (cursor.getString(0).equals(value)) {
a = true;
return a;
} while (cursor.moveToNext());
//Close cursor here, when its work is complete
//Post cursor code ...

