I was trying to run a google map application, but when I include google-play-services-lib first, it shows like this
but after that when I recheck it shows
because of this my application is crashing could anyone possibly tell me what could be the scenario?
Try to put your Google Play Services library and your project folder in same drive and then import library from that drive after that clean your project.
Hope it will work for you.
Try to put your project and google play library in same folder. Remove that red color error library from android properties and add it again with new drive. May be it will work.
I was working on the latest Google API for detected activity. So Inorder to try that I download the sample code from
I imported the google-play-service-lib. have set it as a library for my project. I have also checked for required permissions, but I am still getting an error. I have also set target build to Google APIs
import com.google.android.gms.location.ActivityRecognitionResult cannot be cannot be resolved.
I was able to import other samples from google play services folder and they are running fine. Can anyone point out what error I am making ?
Ok I was able to fix it,....after reinstalling and adding and removing google play services for several times.
R u sure added the googleplayservices library if added check both are in same folder(path) are not by opening the project -> properties -> resource
I am using GCM in my project for push notifiaction, but when I added google play service library into my project after importing this, A red exclamation mark appeared in my project, I already have seen different question and answers regarding this problem when I saw my build path of project there is cross sign on Android dependencies folder please help me,
You are supposed to import the whole google play project and use it as a library project for your own project, not just the jar. Try Google's guide again.
Check to see if your google play lib looks like this:
That means the jar is not available in bin directory...check manually that the jar is available or not in that directory..
I've this popular problem developing an android application with Eclipse:
error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'value' with value '#integer/
So I've tried to import the google play library as specified here but I've this error:
Invalid project description.
C:\Users\Max\workspaceAndroid\google-play-services_lib overlaps the location of another project: 'google-play-services_lib'
Infact if I try to manage the libraries of the project I get this:
It seems that the google play libraries are already imported and I can't add new library.
The last chance I think I've is to add manually the string
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:4.4.2#aar'
to my build.grade as specified in this answer but I don't know where find the file or if this will solve my problem.
How can I fix the error? Thanks!
Have you had the Google Play services installed already via the Google SDK Manager?
It looks like the following for me:
Here's what i did in the whole setup, to use the Google Maps Android V2 api
Google Maps API setup, Android V2 API
I had the same issue and was able to solve it by
Importing the google play services as an android project in eclipse
Adding reference to this imported project as a 'Lib' in
README.txt under google-play-services-lib reads like this;
Library Project including Google Play services client jar.
This can be used by an Android project to use the API's provided
by Google Play services.
There is technically no source, but the src folder is necessary to ensure that the build system works. >The content is actually located in the libs/ directory.
Make sure you import this Android library project into your IDE and set this project as a dependency.
Note that if you use proguard, you will want to include the options from proguard.txt in your configuration.
I am writing a MAP APP using Android Google Maps V2
But i am facing dependency problem, please see below images:
as you can see in above screen shot i am getting RedAlert Sign over Project Name
and as you can see in above screen shot getting RedCross over Android Dependencies
In Eclipse open Project -> Properties. Select Android on left. Check on the bottom that you have a reference to Google play services with a green checkmark. If not, click Add and add the google play services library
Path of google-play-services_lib at SDK;
I am not sure but you can try this.
In Libraries tab remove the Google Maps V2 jar and add it again.
First, try changing project build target to something higher and then clean then build your project.
If that doesn't solve your issue then removing your external jar files linked and then import it again.
You must import google-play-services_lib library project from SDK and add a dependency to it from your project.
Path of google-play-services_lib at SDK;
See link
I created one android application I followed all the steps to make API keys and intalled google play services from Android SDK Manager. I read so many blogs for integartion google map, I Import the libraty project to my worksapce from "\adt-bundle-windows-x86\sdk\extras\google\google_play_services\libproject\google-play-services_lib" path. when I tried to add library project from project's property window in android tab I got following out put
But when I check this library second time than I got following out put in android tab
I have proble of libraty project. I used eclipse IDE. I got some solution but for different IDE , so suggest me for best solution..
The first problem usually happens when the path to the library is too long, the solution would be to move the google-play-services lib to a place where it path would be shorter and then try to reference it again.
your second problem:
"Google Maps Android API(23127): Failed to load map. Could not contact Google servers."
caused usually when there is a problem with your API key or a problem with the permissions you have defined in the manifest file, take a look a this post I wrote and go over all the steps to generate the key:
Google Map API key
Next, check steps 5-7 and verify you defined the right permissions:
Google Map API V2
Sometimes it may happen, you should remove and add the same library again
or restart the eclipse and add the library