I created an arraylist of strings
List<String> textArray = new ArrayList<String>();
and then I added the strings(which I am getting from edittext) to textArray as follows
String text = editText1.getText().toString();
Now I created a button and need to remove the string from the array when the button is clicked.But i dont know what to do.
I know for arrays of bitmaps we clear a bitmap from array using recycle but Please suggest me how to remove or clear the string from arraylist.
You can call one of:
to remove all entries
to remove from a specific position (e.g. first item)
to remove a specific string (that equals yours)
Try this..
Getting position from the textArray array list
int pos = textArray.indexOf(text);
and then remove from the string position
because we cannot directly remove the string. we can remove the string contains position.
You can do it with more then one way as per your need.
It will clear whole ArrayList.
If you want to remove only some specifis data from index then,
textArray.remove(INDEX TO REMOVE);
Try This
String text = editText1.getText().toString();
to remove
I'm getting contacts from the "+" button and retrieving email from MULTIPLE_CHOICE_LIST and getting in array form and setting on edittext, but when i manually write the value in edittext and put "," and then add '+' button to retrive more emails than it replaces the value i have written manually.Please, tell me how to keep the value.
for eg-
abc#gmail.com, and when i retrive from contacts it replaces with an array like [xyz#sdsd.com,qwe#wer.com] and i want it like abc#gmail.com,xyz#sdsd.com,qwe#wer.com
Thanks in advance...
try this way
String[] emails = {"emai1#abc.com","emai2#abc.com","emai3#abc.com"};
String finalStr="";
for (String string : emails) {
edtEmail.setText(finalStr.substring(0, finalStr.length()-1));
I want to get value of choosed option in Spinner.
I know, I can get this from setOnItemSelectedListener, but I don't want to use this.
I have this:
String spinner1odp = spinnerSubject.getSelectedItem().toString();
But result of this code is: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor#40f828e8. I want to get String, not something like that :/
I think you are popping up Spinner from database.
So considering that you will have to get the selected index first and fetch the required data from the Cursor:
Code Snippet :
int position = mySpinner.getSelectedItemPosition();
Cursor cursor = (Cursor) myAdapter.getItem(position);
String myText = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(KEY_NAME));
Further Reference : Android Spinner Selected Item
By using this code you can get...
String value= (String)spinnerSubject.getItemAtPosition(spinnerSubject.getSelectedItemPosition());
Okay so I have been reading through all the Spinner and SQlite posts on here and cannot seem to find a good answer for what I am looking for so I am posting this scenario.
My app has two screens and uses the sqlite database on my device saving a name and weight fields from editTexts as strings like so
String eName = name.getText().toString();
String eWeight = weight.getText().toString();// where name and weight are EditTexts
and I have two spinners as follows
String eReps = spinReps.getSelectedItem().toString();
String eSets = spinSets.getSelectedItem().toString();
Then I call this to add to the database
long id = mDbHelper.createExercise(eName, eWeight, eReps, eSets);
Here is where my issue is, upon someone selecting to create a new exercise my app crashes because it is trying to populate a spinner incorrectly. Here is what I have currently.
private void populateFields(){
if(mRowId != null){ // where mRowId is the selected row from the list
Cursor exercise = mDbHelper.fetchExercise();
// this is the part that i need help with, I do not know how to restore
// the current items spinner value for reps and sets from the database.
I assume I need to use some sort of adapter to restore my list items along with the current value from the database, I am just not sure how.
Can someone please help me with this???
I had to move my ArrayAdapters repsAdapter, spinAdapter out of my onCreate()
and then implement this new populateFields()
private void populateFields(){
if(mRowId != null){
Cursor exercise = mDbHelper.fetchExercise(mRowId);
// same as before
// get the string for sReps and sSets from the database
String sReps = exercise.getString(exercise.
String sSets = exercise.getString(exercise.
// use the strings to get their position in my adapters
int r = repsAdapter.getPosition(sReps);
int s = setsAdapter.getPosition(sSets);
// set their returned values to the selected spinner Items
// same as before
The way to set a Spinner to a value, not a position, depends on what adapter you are using.
ArrayAdapter, this one is easy:
int position = adapter.getPosition(exercise.getString(exercise.
SimpleCursorAdapter, this one is a little harder:
String match = exercise.getString(exercise.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ExerciseDbAdapter.KEY_REPS));
Cursor cursor = adapter.getCursor();
int columnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ExerciseDbAdapter.KEY_REPS);
while(cursor.moveToNext()) {
If you are using a different type of adapter and can't modify the code above to fit it, let me know. Hope that helps!
I have one String and into this string I have a url between two characters # such as "Hello world #http://thisurl# my name is Pippo" I want to take the url (http://thisurl) between two #.
How can I do ? Thanks
String data[] = str.split("#"); //spilliting string and taking into array
ArrayList<String> urlList = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
urlList.add(data[i]); //if string contains "http://" it means it is url save int list.
now you can get all uls from urlList.get(i) method.
this urlList will give you all the urls available in the string. I dint applied any null or other check. Apply it and try. If want something else try modifying content and checks.
Try String.split(). You really should be trying to google these things first.
here is an example - http://www.java-examples.com/java-string-split-example
The split method divides a string into several strings and store them into an array using a delimiter which can be defined by you.
the second element in the resulting array will be your URL
Here's the setup. I have a spinner, and each item in the spinner is associated with their own StringArray. I want to streamline the process of loading the StringArray when an item is selected in the spinner without using a bunch of if statements for each item.
The StringArray has the same name as the spinner item's text
Drawn out it would look like this:
String cat = parent.getItemAtPosition(pos).toString(); //Selected Spinner item (Category)
String catStringArray = "R.array." + cat;
listdata = getResources().getStringArray(catArray); //Get the StringArray
is there a way to do this correctly?
Your answer sent me on a hunt and ran into this which I'm now using:
Class res = R.array.class;
Field field = res.getField(selectedCategory);
int saId = field.getInt(null);
String[] myList = getResources().getStringArray(saId);
That's not a great approach. It's slow. It'd be better to have an internal integer array with all the R.string IDs or something similar.
If you really insist on using a string-based approach, use Resources.getIdentifier(). It's technically not a big deal if you only do it once.