Nexus 7 sqlite folder /data/ permission denied - android

HI I am developing an android application for android on nexus 7 device.
I am trying to copy my database.db from assets to /data/data/myPackage/databases/ folder. Nothing wrong till here. No exceptions and everything runs smoothly.
But When i try to get into /data/data/ folder through adb shell or with file explorer it says permission denied or just doesnt show anything.
Am I missing something here ?
PS: myPackage is just symbolic i have my own package name in its stead
Command line is here
shell#tilapia:/ $ cd /data/
shell#tilapia:/data $ ls
opendir failed, Permission denied

You need to have your device rooted to be able to access that folder.
If you want to look at your database you can always export it to the sdcard and look at it there.
see this link for an example on how to do that
trying to export db to SDCARD

you can always get the db out of the emulator, but never from a live device or else it would be easy to write apps that read/write other apps' databases and create malware


Why dont I have permissions on my SD card using adb shell?

I was attempting to access the data data folder of an application without rooting . I followed How to access data/data folder in Android device? and was able to access the folder.
Now I was trying to copy the required file from data/data to a folder in my SD Card , however I get a permission denied on it. In the thread I have referenced above , no body complained of this behaviour so I suppose it shouldn't happen at my end too .
This is exactly what I am doing
C:\AndroidSdk\platform-tools>adb shell
shell#D6503:/ $ run-as
shell#D6503:/data/data/ $ cp databases/xxx.db /storage/sdcard1/Pictures/
cp: /storage/sdcard1/Pictures/xxx.db: Permission denied
I have verified that the folder /storage/sdcard1/Pictures is accessible through shell.
Happened to me as well. This is what I did to access the contents of the data folder of my app in my Nexus 5 (Android 5.0), without having root access or chmoding any file:
Open a console where your ADB is located and execute:
adb backup -noapk com.your.packagename
You will be asked to accept the backup on your device. Accept it and don't use any password. Once the backup process is completed, you will have a file with .ab extension on your ADB folder.
The backup will be compressed in a special way, you can decompress it with this tool: Android Backup Extractor
To use it, unzip it and put the backup file (*.ab) on the same folder where the extractor (abe.jar) is. Then open a console there and execute the following command:
java -jar abe.jar unpack NAME_OF_BACKUP.ab NAME_OF_BACKUP.tar
Notice that the result of this operation will be a *.tar file, which can be opened or decompressed with WinRAR or many other compression tools.
OPTIONAL for SQLite Databases: If you want to see the contents of the database, you can use this Firefox plug-in: Firefox SQLite Manager

How to retrieve files created by an android app?

My android app creates an sqlite database and I need to get it off the device so I can look at the data with a database viewer.
Was hoping I could just issue >adb shell and then go find it somewhere on the file system. Looks like there are permission issues with lots of commands. Even just running >find . -name *.sqlite gives permission denied.
Can anyone advise on how to do this?
It seems your device is not rooted, anyway..
Copy your .db file form /data/data/<package_name>/databases/ to ExternalStorage using code.. Then you can get it via adb pull command or DDMS -> FIle Explorer.
Currently there is no way to browse database on the device (without getting the root permission as you want) .
You can browse your database from emulator using adb shell.

Android Cannot see anything inside data folder

i am trying to see SQLite database in anyway possible (I have a rooted device). I tried File explorer in eclipse but i cannot see anything under data folder. Can anybody please help me with this
I tried to search everywhere but couldnt find a clear solution.
I also tried adb shell but i cannot see list of things inside data folder using "ls" command.
Opendir failed. Permission denied
I am guessing this has something to do with rights but how can i fix it
Please help
You need root premission to explore DATA directory...
From phone
I use terminal emulator to do the job..... Simply open terminal then type in su after that it will ask for premision. then you need to type cd data/data/WhereEverYouNeedToGo/databases and "WhereEverYouNeedToGo" should be package name. After that you could do whatever you want with your database.
from PC
open terminal or cmd goto your adb directory then run adb shell then su and then
cd data/data/WhereEverYouNeedToGo/databases
Hope it helped.
Run adb in root mode using "adb root"
adb shell
ls /data/
Try this
You have been given a number of answers for how to leverage the root capability, however as android is designed without the assumption of root there are other methods as well which you can use while developing apps.
1) Include functionality on an expert menu to copy the database to the sdcard; there is no file copy method in android java (and in most stock cases no 'cp' shell command), but you can find numerous answers here with a copy routine.
2) Make your apk debuggable and use the run-as command to obtain a shell running as the application userid and starting in the app's data directory. You can then copy the database to the sdcard if the app has that permission.
3) Have your app set the permissions on the database file during development to world readable. Although you cannot browse the directory tree to down to it, you can then adb pull the database file by giving it's full path name.
You need to have either routed device or your device should be a "Android Dev Phone" to explore that directory. Trying checking the same using emulator, you will be able to see the data folder contents.

How to get root acess to data/app folder in Android eclipse emulator?

I'm new to Android development. I want to access "data/app folder in Android eclipse emulator to take backup of apk file that store in that directory but unfortunately I am unable to get access to that directory.
I have tried FACTORY_TEST to get root access permission but still no success.
you can do it by using adb command : e.g
E:\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools>adb pull /data/app/filename.apk e:\
If you don't have root access on the machine it's impossible. The phone need to be rooted in order to allow your app to do this kind of things.
First your phone should be rooted, you can use for that.
Next, you should modify the permission of your app access, to do so you have to :
Locate your adb.exe folder (you can find it in your sdk folders)
Right click
open cmd here
adb shell
chmod 777 /data /data/data /data/data/yourapp
Good luck

android: adding audio files to android emulator [update] permission denied

For debugging purposes, I wanted to have a couple of mp3 files located somewhere "in" my android emulator. Is there anyway to directly push files from my OS file system to the storage system of android?
If so, which directory does android keep audio files?
if not, how can I access an SD card via emulator?
[update2]: The problem in update1 solved. Should use adb push.
[update1]: I followed kgiannakakis's advice to create an sdcard for my avd. However, I got Permission denied error when I try to create new directory inside it.
$ cd sdcard
$ ls
$mkdir musics
mkdir failed for musics, Permission denied
$ su mkdir musics
su: uid 10016 not allowed to su
You can find directions for emulating an SD card here.
I believe that the easiest way to copy files to the SD card is to use the adb utility.
See here for a more advanced solution.
Regarding instructions at on creating the 'pictures' folder, you can run the same commands from the adb shell, instead of running them from inside the emulator.
So get a command line at e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools (on 64bit windows), and run adb shell.
Then you can run the same commands:
#cd sdcard
#mkdir pictures
and create the directory successfully with no permission denied error.
Following same instructions, in DDMS I had to browse to \mnt\sdcard to find the SD card volume.

