sliding menu move content to right before toggling - android

I'm using the slide menu library and setting the menu offset from a xml.
when I click the menu item I use
which moves the content to left with menu behind it. My scenario is when I click the menu item, the content has to move all the way to right and then should bring the content in like the normal way so that the user dont get to see the UI change. I used
where R.dimen.slidingmenu_fullscreen = 0dp. The menu goes to full screen behind the content, but the content doesn't moves to the right. Thanks in advance!
Edit 1: This is similar to Xoom application... Sample "Slide Sample"

I would recommend using ActionBarSherlock. Use this tutorial for sliding menu, It is much easier to use, and you will find much more help with it. It is also more compatible with different screen sizes, and more Android versions.

Finally I figured it myself.
moved the content to right. But now got into another problem. which I have descibed here->


Making the jfeinstein Sliding Menu wrap content

I understand that to display the sliding menu you must use menu.setBehindWidth(380); to toggle how much you want the menu to slide out. But this works really bad if using multiple device screens. Is there a wrap content kind of thing for this menu? Thanks

Adding a custom image onto a Navigation Drawer's center

I'm experimenting for the first time with Android's Navigation Drawer. I think it is a very elegant way to provide an application menu. However, showing my prototype to some friends, it seems that it is not quit intuitive to search for a menu i) on the top left corner respectively ii) on the left side of the screen.
To provide a "user hint" for case i), I added a custom image by creating an ActionBarDrawerToggle. This results in following design of the title bar (the little arrow is the cutom image, while the red star is the application icon):
Now while developping, I thought this is quite obvious, but apparantly I'm wrong :). So as a second idea, to support a user to find option ii) described below, I tried to figure out how to add a further image at a specific place, which I want to explain with following image:
Don't look at the design itself in the first place, but following: the image must be placed outside of the "view bounds" (when the navigation menu is hidden), and also exceed the navigation panel itself on the right side (always). Is this in any way possible without customize the entire navigation panel? I really wonder why I can't find much about this idea, since I think it is a very nice option to provide for the user (as long as the arrow don't disturbs the application usage)
Although I haven't actually tested it with Android's Navigation Drawer,
did you try putting an imageview in your activity's layout? The image would be placed in the middle vertically and on parent left horizontally. I believe this would work (i.e. the image will get pushed when you open the drawer. As an improvement you could also change the image itself in the drawer's callbacks, so that you have an arrow pointing right when the drawer is closed and an arrow pointing left when the drawer is open.
Hope it helps.

sliding drawer options android

I have a project where the designs require a sliding drawer that comes from the bottom and has essentially three states.
fully collapsed (just the handle at the bottom
half mast (drawer opens from bottom but only halfway up the screen
full mast (drawer opens from bottom and takes up the whole screen minus a top margin of lets say 80dp
I am developing for android 4.0 and higher and obviously sliding drawer is deprecated. But the Navigation drawer only supports left and right (which i already have in use)
So i am wondering if anyone knows a tutorial or even a custom component someone has written that meets the above functionality requirements
In my experience, you probably have to create something yourself, but since you're developing for api lvl 14, check out ObjectAnimator. It allows you to move Views around and still use them (by that I mean that it's the original view that has been moved and not a copy of it)
This will probably be the easiest way.
FYI, using the Navigation Drawer, you can't open the drawer halfway, or you should programmatically invoke touch events...
I think this is what you are looking for.
I have found this library best so far for sliding up menus in Android.
You can specify what screen area slide up menu or view will use.
Accept & vote up my answer if it is what you are looking for.

Copy the google plus floating toolbar menu

I'm trying to emulate a "toolbar" type floating menu used by the android google plus app. The menu appears when you scroll up the page and hides nicely when you scroll down.
I'm guessing this is a linear layout with some sort of animation. Is that correct? Any ideas on how to reproduce?
You should have a look at Roman Nurik's scroll tricks example here. It shows how to have a quick return view like the one you mention.
One way to achieve this effect is to call animate().translationY(value) on the object you want to slide down/up.

Implement Facebook styled sliding menu sliding from right to left

I tried to implement sliding menu in my application. What i want is that there is a button on the top right corner of the screen. And sliding menu should come up from right to left which is reverse slide of facebook styled sliding. In Jfeinstein Sliding Menu, Sliding menu come out from left to right. I tried to implement the source to make it happen from right to left. But unfortunately, I still can't get it. Any ideas would be appreciate.
There is a branch called "sliding right" in Jfeinstein Sliding Menu on github.
This is a demo project to explore how to implement a sliding menu like Facebook and others use.
I made a video (3 parts) on youtube on how to make a sliding menu like the on you are looking for. I show you how to set up the project and get everything linked up.
The cool thing about ECSlidingViewController (Its the one I use) is that just about everything you want to configure (how far a view slides, the animations, left or right side) is done with a single line of code. When setting it up, I tell you where you can change it to be left or right side.
Hope this helps.

