How to store and retrieve HTML page with images in Android? - android

When using JavaScript and HttpClient I'm getting HTML page in string and show this string in webview.loadDataWithBaseURL.
HTML page content showing fine but I'm not able to show image in webview.


How to get editable web view content to string in Android.?

I want to implement a Rich text editor by using a webview in android. Content can be loaded by using a HTML file (which resides in assets) without any problem. But if user has edited the content of the webview (with all the formatting), I need to get the modified content as a HTML string and save it in the database. How can I do this?
I tried in many ways but it seems that we need to pass a URL to get the content of the webview. But after editing the webview content, how can we get the edited URL? or current updated webview content to HTML formatted string?
Using below code I made editable web view.
String msgBody = "<html>\n"+
"<div id=\"content\" contenteditable=\"true\" style=\"font-family:Helvetica;font-size:14px\">" + a +" </div>\n"+
// wbview = (WebView)this.findViewById(;
wbView.loadDataWithBaseURL("", msgBody, "text/html", "UTF-8", "");
In iOS we can get it easily by using below code line.
NSString* html=[_tbEmail.webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:#"document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].innerHTML"];

How to clear html page before showing into a webview in Android?

I have the URL of a webpage to be displayed into a webview in my Android app. Before showing this page i want to clear the html code of this page from some tag (such as the header, footer, ecc..) in order to show only few information. How can i do it? I tried to solve the issue working with JSoup but i can't understand how to create and pass the "new page" to the webview. Anybody can help me?
I cleaned the html code useless through jsoup libraries. Then, always by mean of these, i get head and body content and finally i showing the "cleared" web page through these lines:
headURL ="head").outerHtml();
bodyURL ="body").outerHtml();
webview.loadData( "<html>"+headURL+bodyURL+"</html>" , "text/html", "charset=UTF-8");
webview.setWebViewClient(new DisPlayWebPageActivityClient());
The view shows the new page but do not load css files specified in the head(that has not been touched). Who can say me why?
You can fetch the WebPage you want to display as a string, parse and remove whatever you don't want and then load this string as data in your webview.
Something like:
String webContent = fetchPage(url);
String cleanedWebContent = cleanUp(webContent);
webView.loadData(cleanedWebContent, "text/html", "UTF-8");
Of course, you will need to implement fetchPage and cleanUp as they are not Android methods

What is baseUrl in android web view?

In loadDataWithBaseURL method from Android WebView, there are "baseUrl" and "historyUrl".
What are they used for?
I have read the android documentation but still don't know what they are.
Loading HTML Into a WebView With a Base URL
If the HTML you load directly into the WebView in your Android web app contains links with relative URLs, then these links may not work correctly. When you load HTML directly into the WebView the HTML has no base URL from which to interpret the relative URLs. The Android WebView component has a solution for that.
You can load HTML directly into the WebView with a base URL. The base URL is then used to resolve all relative URLs in the HTML. To load HTML with a base URL you have to use the loadDataWithBaseURL() method. Here is a WebView loadDataWithBaseURL() example:
String baseUrl = "";
String data = "Relative Link";
String mimeType = "text/html";
String encoding = "UTF-8";
String historyUrl = "";
webView.loadDataWithBaseURL(baseUrl, data, mimeType, encoding, historyUrl);
The loadDataWithBaseURL() method takes 5 parameters. The data parameter is the HTML to load into the WebView. The mimeType is the mime type of the data loaded into the WebView (in this example text/html). The encoding is the binary encoding of the data (in this example UTF-8). Note: I tried using UTF-16 as encoding but the content displayed in the WebView looked pretty strange (like Asian characters).
The baseUrl parameter is the base URL from which all relative URLs in the loaded HTML is interpreted.
The historyUrl parameter is the URL to write into the WebView's internal navigation history for the HTML loaded into the WebView. If the user navigates from the loaded HTML to another page, and then clicks the "back" button, then it is this URL the WebView will navigate back to. You may have to intercept the loading of this URL, since navigating back the WebView's history will not take you to the loaded HTML, but to the URL specified in the historyUrl parameter (or about:blank if historyUrl is set to null).
For more information go through this tutorial and this stackoverflow answer.
What android document says :
Loads the given data into this WebView, using baseUrl as the base URL for the content.

Android WebView with load Data not give proper output in chinese text

I have load html page in Android Web View
In this html page text is Chinese so it's not properly display in web view
text read from database and show in Web view
My code is
wvContentDesc = (WebView) findViewById(;
wvContentDesc.loadData(articlesBean.content, "text/html", "utf-8");

Display local content on a WebView starting at a given anchor

I'm displaying an HTML document using a WebView. The HTML document is contained in an HTML string. I pass the HTML string to the WebView by using its loadDataWithBaseURL() method, as follows (I got it from this answer):
webView.loadDataWithBaseURL("fake://not/needed", getResources().getString(R.string.htmlString), "text/html", "utf-8", "");
Now, I'd like to show the HTML document contained in that HTML string starting not at the document's beginning, but at a given HTML anchor contained in the HTML string.
Can I do that with webView.loadDataWithBaseURL()? Or more gnerally: is there any method to show local content on a WebView starting at an anchor?

