Suddenly unable to create socket - android

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
host = socket.gethostname() # Get local machine name
port = 12345 # Reserve a port for your service.
s.bind((host, port)) # Bind to the port
s.listen(5) # Now wait for client connection.
print "entered loop"
c, addr = s.accept() # Establish connection with client.
I was using this piece of code to simply create a socket and accept a connection on it from an Android. Simple enough.
But since the past few hours (with no changes to the code), python is for some reason unable to create the socket. I don't get any errors, but it's forever stuck at the s.accept() line.
I tried using Fing, a network diagnostics app on my Android to see the open ports, and indeed, Python is unable to create/open the socket. Earlier, as soon as I ran the code and rescanned on Fing, I was able to see the port open and test a TCP connection on it.
Sometimes, randomly in between, it works for one or two attempts.
What could be going wrong? I've tried to change port. I don't know what to debug since there isn't any error!

Same Error occur to me . it was due to not closing the Socket . Try Closing the Sockets.
Else it will work for once when ever you will run and then after that it will start causing problems.


Running Python socket script through ADB

I have a somewhat unusual problem. I want to run some code on my android smartphone via the ADB (which along with SL4A is already set up) and then I want it to act as a server and respond with the program's results while my host machine acts as a client and receives this data. However, I am not an expert in socket operations and I'm getting results I don't understand. My code is as follows:
from device import android
import socket
droid = android.Android()
# Open socket
s = socket.socket()
HOST = socket.gethostname()
PORT = 8000
s.bind((HOST, PORT))
print "HOST = ", HOST, ", PORT = ", PORT
# Accept instructions
c, addr = s.accept()
print "Got connection from", addr
data = ""
while True:
chunk = c.recv(1024)
if (not chunk):
# Send result
c, addr = s.accept()
print "Got connection from", addr
while True:
if (c.send(str(result)):
The code I'm running on the client, my host machine, is as follows:
s = socket.socket()
HOST = "localhost"
PORT = 8000
s.connect((HOST, PORT))
s = socket.socket()
HOST = "localhost"
PORT = 8000
s.connect((HOST, PORT))
results = s.recv(1024)
return results
except Exception:
return False
The environment has been set up this way:
set AP_PORT=54023
adb forward tcp:%AP_PORT% tcp:%AP_PORT%
So, how this is supposed to work is this: the server is set up to run on my Android smartphone and accept input to run the program on my Android smartphone from another program running on my PC. After the Android program has finished running, it should send the result back to my PC.
However, I'm having several problems. I can't seem to get the first connection open. I either get 10061's or 10049's and I'm not sure why that is. I've looked at the existing documentation available and I'm still not getting results. I'm also not sure if this code is actually running on the Android device and this is very important to my application so I really need some sort of confirmation on this.
Any enlightenment would be greatly appreciated.
The server program never ends until it reaches an exception, because you set up an inf loop: while True.
c.close() close the current connection, then the loop starts again and the program waits for another connection to accept.
The host program instead should end after the message is sent or when it reaches an exception.
What do you mean with: " I'm getting results I don't understand... This code runs without error... The problem I'm having is that I'm not getting any results back"?
What results do you get? Have you checked the data var?

TCP/IP on an Android Device using Python Socket

I have a Python script that is running on Android-SL4A that returns the values from the orientation sensor. I would like to transfer those values as text to a raspberry pi 2B+. While I have some Python skills I am unfamiliar with TCP/IP but I found this code below, and similar code to run on the receiving device. While testing the code below, the listening code on a Windows PC appears to be listening just fine but when I execute the sending code (posted below) on the Android device it gives a error at
s.connect((TCP_IP, TCP_PORT))
I receive an error(Errno 111) that the connection was refused.
Any help debugging would be great.
import time, math, sys, traceback
import socket
print "imports done"
TCP_IP = ''
TCP_PORT = 5005
MESSAGE = "Hello, World!"
print "settings defined"
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
print "socket created"
s.connect((TCP_IP, TCP_PORT))
print "connection made"
print "message sent"
data = s.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)
print "received data:", data
print "All Done"
If you don't want to learn how low-level sockets work, you can always use someone else's library.
The popular ones with TCP support are Tornado and Twisted, but I suggest you use simpleTCP, as it doesn't require you learn an entire framework to simply send information over TCP. The project website has the 5-line program for an echo server and an even smaller example of client sockets on its front page.

In App Inventor Make TCP IP Client

Hi Guy's I'm new to programming Android device's I do have python, java, C#, C, C++, PHP, Bash and Visual Basic Experience but I'm new to this block programming, and I haven't done much work with forms. I'm trying to get make an application that posts data to an external IP. I have successsfully wrote a server and a windows based client, clicking buttons in my windows client posts data to the ip port 9999. This is just in the testing phase to remote control a bunch of beaglebone gpio's. So far I've had great success with the windows side. In app inventor for android, However, I've created a series of buttons and tabs, different buttons post text or post and poll for response. The problem I have is that I can directly attach the web connector to but when I add in the port 9999 it tells me the address is incorrect. The method I'm using is
when Screen1.initialize
do set Web1.Url to ""
when Button1.Click
do call Web1.PostText
text > 0
Again, if I type in just the IP of the beaglebone I see its ethernet port go crazy when I click button1. It does nothing when I add in the port. Of course my server is running on 9999 since port 80 is reserved for the internet. Any suggestions?
I would like to suggest you a two-step solution.
Step 1:
Problem>>Develop an android app which is capable to communicate via TCP-IP.
Solution>> I hope you are familiar with MIT-APP Inventor-2. Import an extension called ClientSocket extension V0.4.3 available here to app. Thanks to the developer of the extension.
Step 2:
Problem>>A server responding client request.
Solution>> I have written a Python code.
import socket # Import socket module
s = socket.socket() # Create a socket object
host = socket.gethostname() # Get local machine name
port = 9000 # Reserve a port for your service.
s.bind((host, port)) # Bind to the port
print (host)
while True:
c, addr = s.accept() # Establish connection with client.
print data
Hope this will help.

Bluecove on PC cannot detect connected android (galaxy tab 7.0)

I use this code
The server side is the PC
the client is the device, with the app based on bluetooth chat example
The device (galaxy tab 7.0) can establish connection with the PC.
However the PC server (written in java and bluecove) did nothing, as nothing is connected.
The loop for trying to find connected device is
while(true) {
try {
System.out.println("waiting for connection...");
connection = notifier.acceptAndOpen();
Thread processThread = new Thread(new ProcessConnectionThread(connection));
} catch (Exception e) {
Output on PC:
uuid: 0000110100001000800000805f9b34fb
waiting for connection...
EDIT: source download
Same issue I got when I was trying in linux. But the reason (still not sure) when you run the bluetooth android application without turning on the Java server using bluecove, It will try to connect with the already installed bluetooth software. You may see the bluetooth icon asking for granting access to the mobile device.
To solve this, I just changed the uuid in the server and application (say from 1103 to 1101 and vice versa) and then started the server first and then the android application. Java server part started listening.
The reason I think may be the uuid when it did not found the bluecove stack service server, it got connected to the device server listening on same uuid. So after changing the uuid and making sure that the server is running before launching the android application should solve the issue.
If you are getting connected to the bluetooth system application and not to the Java bluecove server,
1) First change the uuid both server and android application.
2) Second make sure your server is running and listening on same uuid.
3) Launch the android application which try to communicate on same rfcomm connection uuid.
Server part code I took from :
Library :
Yes, it happens with me too, I suggest you to fire following commend on shell, when it shows waiting for connection.
hcitool cc 58:C3:8B:D7:FA:F4
here 58:C3:8B:D7:FA:F4 is my device's bluetooth address, which should be replaced by your device's bluetooth address.
To get your device's bluetooth address, just start bluetooth in your device with discoverable mode and execute hcitool scan command, it will display all the active device with their name and bluetooth address.
Well you may run the above hcitool cc 58:C3:8B:D7:FA:F4 command via Java code as follows,
Process p=Runtime.getRuntime().exec("hcitool cc 58:C3:8B:D7:FA:F4");
catch ( Exception e )
The output from your program says it listens on UUID 0x1101. Is that true? The sample you reference shows it listening on a different UUID. Its Service Class Id is 0x04c6093b and is set as follows:
34 UUID uuid = new UUID(80087355); // "04c6093b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"
35 String url = "btspp://localhost:" + uuid.toString() + ";name=RemoteBluetooth";
36 notifier = (StreamConnectionNotifier);
The two need to match on client and server. () doesn't return on Android

I am trying to make a way to telnet to an unrooted Droid. I have the INTERNET permission active, I have my device connected on the same network as my Mac OS X box via WiFi, and I am able to ping the port I opened.
In initial experiments, I got it to work on a rooted test device, but I had the socket handlers run on the UI Thread rather than a separate thread. Now that I have the network modules on a separate thread, I can't get ServerSocket.accept () to return. It works on Google's version of android (vanilla), but not on Samsung's or Sony-Ericsson's.
When I telnet to it, my attempt would time out, and logcat wouldn't print out any exceptions or errors.
Here is a link to a google-code repo of my code: Google-code Repository
I am running ServerScoket.accept () on a separate thread, and run the stream processors on another thread as well. Comments on my design (i.e. I should use Handlers or AsyncTasks) are extremely welcome. Right now, in order to Toast the messages received via telnet, I use a Handler with the looper being acquired via a Context.
The following is what I get when I run netstat -n on the adb shell on the non-working devices:
~$ adb shell netstat -n
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
The difference is that in the working devices, they list an IP with my port open in the state, LISTEN.
UPDATE: Having the <uses-permission android:name="INTERNET"/> set in my android_manifest, I tried changing the port number to 689. It didn't work; I got a BindException, saying that I may be lacking the INTERNET permission. So, I changed it to 1989, and I went back to everything working until accept (). I assume this is because I ran it on a non-root phone, and I don't have access to ports 1024 and below.
UPDATE: I ran a really similar program on my Mac, and it worked fine when I tried telnetting to my Mac using the IP address assigned to me. It didn't work when I tried telnetting from another Mac but it didn't seem to connect; the connection would timeout. It did work over an ad-hoc network, though. I still have yet to try it using the droid, but I will update this asap.
UPDATE: I managed to get the app working on 3 separate Droids running Vanilla (Android released by google). It worked on a Nexus, an Apanda A60 (my first device; adb has ceased to detect it for some reason.), and a custom-made, unbranded tablet. Still, because I already offered a pretty big bounty, I plan on seeing this through to the end.
As stated earlier, my app works with Vanilla versions of android, but not with modified versions. The three phones that failed to run it were all mid-range models; 2 Samsung GT-i5503s, and a Sony-Ericcson E16i.
It seems like you have a networking issue, rather than a code issue. I used your latest project and it is listening on the port, as expected.
I added this to TelnetServer.setupServerSocket() to confirm some information:
Log.i("TelnetServer", "ServerSocket Address: " + this.server.getLocalSocketAddress());
try {
Enumeration<NetworkInterface> en = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces();
while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
NetworkInterface intf = en.nextElement();
for (Enumeration<InetAddress> enumIpAddr = intf.getInetAddresses(); enumIpAddr.hasMoreElements(); ) {
InetAddress inetAddress = enumIpAddr.nextElement();
Log.i("TelnetServer", "Listen On: " + inetAddress.getHostAddress());
} catch (SocketException ex) {
Log.e("TelnetServer", ex.toString(), ex);
This will print all of the addresses your service is listening on (if it is listening on (printed after ServerSocket Address:)).
You should run emulator with the -tcpdump <file> option and also provide this. It will confirm any connection is being attempted. My hunch is that your client is not able to access the server, which is why the server is not receiving the connection - rather than an issue with the code.
Please provide the tcpdump file, your IP Address (of the client) and the logcat output (including the ServerSocket Address and Listen On statements) for further analysis.
See if netstat -n from the adb shell shows anything actually listening on the port you chose at the time when accept() is not returning.
Also realize that when not running as root, you can only bind unprivileged ports, of which the default telnet port is not an example. Does your code check that bind() was successful?
Since the code works on a number of devices (where netstat -n would presumably list the socket) the failure to list it on the subject device should probably remain a focus. The Java ServerSocket methods depend on a socket factory which can be over-ridden to let you do distinct calls to socket(), bind(), and listen() specifying fuller details, so it may make sense to try your code that way. There's another case floating around where a device's attempt to support ipv6 seems to be causing someone similar problems, and at least on other java platforms creating the socket at a lower level to specify ipv4 seems like a promising answer.
I understand you have tried most of the things are you are just few steps from getting it right on two particular devices.
Just a thought, If not point to point, why not Use Muti-casting for service registration and discovery in local area networks.
This is the java implementation JmDNS
and this is its Android demo
EDIT : Rather I should say to check connectivity with that two devices.

