unity3d native plugin with objective-c, build for android - android

Is it possible to build for android with objective-c native plugin in Unity3D? It builds when i press "bıild and run" without error but can't test with emulator since i use native plugin. I don't have an android device either.
Any help would be appreciated.

You'll be able to build for Android, but you won't be able to use an iOS plugin in Android.
In my projects I have multiple plugins for various platforms. By isolating platform dependent code with #if UNITY_platform, where platform ranges from IPHONE to ANDROID, you can effectively have a single code base with multiple platform plugins, that implement functionality in that single code base, by using dependency injection.


How to use module in kotlin Mutliplatform moblie

Hey I am learning Kotlin Multiplatform mobile. I starting learning from the doc. I successfully run the module in android and ios platform, without any problem. Now I want to implement this in real project. I successfully created the module inside my pre-existing android directory. According to this Make your cross-platform application work on iOS we can only use module inside the android directory. I work as android developer and my other team have ios developer. So the problem is we have different system for android and ios. So how can I share this module to the Ios team. Please guide me how to achieve this. I read somewhere ios need XCFramework. But I am not sure, how can I achieved this. Can someone guide me step wise? Thanks
In general, Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile provides you with an ability to build frameworks for iOS. It can be delivered in several ways:
Simple ModuleName.framework file ready to be imported into your teammate's app,
CocoaPods integration, providing your teammate with the ability to rebuild this framework from sources and to use third-party libraries from Kotlin code,
Universal (fat) framework and XCFramework. These two are designed to provide the framework user with the ability to build the result app for different CPU architectures. This would be helpful when publishing the app.
If your aim is to just show the iOS team an example of Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile power, I think it would be enough to declare the framework, build it by executing the appropriate gradle task and share the result file.
If they would also like to put some code into the iOS-specific part of your module, adding the CocoaPods integration will be a good idea.

How flutter determine written code is for android or ios?

Could anyone please explain behind the scenes of the flutter determines written code is for android or ios.
Dart is ahead-of-time (AOT) compiled into fast native X86 or ARM code for Android and iOS devices. Flutter can also call out to Android and use Android features only available in Java (same with iOS). Flutter is written in DART so we can't call that it compiles but DART does and it's rendering engine does.
Flutter Framework provides all widgets and packages whereas Flutter SDK allows you to build apps for android and IOS
The engine’s C/C++code is compiled with Android’s NDK or iOS’ LLVM. Both pieces are wrapped in a “runner” Android and iOS project, resulting in an apk or ipa file respectively. On app launch, any rendering, input, or event is delegated to the compiled Flutter engine and app code.
I thought images would be much clear instead of writing many things.
More of these:

How to build my react native app with TeamCity?

I start using Team City and my app builds with react native version 0.60.5...
I was wondering what will be the best and the easier way to build my app for iOS and android.
For iOS I was thinking using the Xcode plug.
For android I'm thinking to use Docker but its complicated and taking time to develop..
Does someone has any recommendation what to use for building my android app or Docker is a good solution?
And about the iOS, are you recommend use the Xcode plug or any other idea?
Thank you for the help
You can easily use TeamCity to automatize your build for Android, check the official documentation for more information:
You just need to be careful specifying the requirements for build your project for React Native, like:
version of react native, version of expo-cli, version of node that you are using in your project and etc...
For IOS, i recommend using fastlane, check this official tutorial from Apple.
Don't forget that you need to have an developer account for build to ios in React-Native.

Does Android have something like iOS method swizzling (for PhoneGap plugin initialization)?

I am writing some PhoneGap plugins for both iOS and Android that wrap third-party native SDKs. In the case of iOS, I was able to use swizzling to add behavior to the AppDelegate for the purpose of initializing these libraries.
Now I need to do the same for Android and I'm now sure how to go about it. As an example, I am working with the AppsFlyer SDK now and this is how the docs say to initialize:
Is there a technique for doing something like this in a PhoneGap plugin? I need to be able to build the project from scratch without the Android Studio project itself being under source control.

Use of phonegap for the development of apps on several patforms

just wanted to clear a confusion concerning phonegap,
My area of interest is mainly Android and Iphone. What I really understand about phonegap is that the phonegap app is platform independant when no native libs are ysed and thus run both on iphone and android. Thus if i build an android app on eclipse using phonegap without using any native libs, will it run on iphone as well??
Nope, this is not exactly the case.
Phonegap enables you to write cross-platform code (HTML, JS, CSS), but when it comes to building, you have to compile this code to a specific environment for each OS. For example you can build the Android version using eclipse, and the iOS version using Xcode.
Hope this helps!
No, you will still need to build for iPhone as well.
You can use the same source code for all systems.

