Best way to animate rectangle in Android - android

I want to animate a rectangle filled with one opaque color. The attributes I will be animating is the translation, and the width of the active menu item.
I know how to animate things, but in this case, I want it to do no layouts on the view, since my animation will occur inside a LinearLayout, and it will not exceed it's size.
The Blue line on top of my layout is what I will be animating. It will go horizontally to the left and right, while changing it's width, so that it fits on the selected menu item.
I usually work with animations on the margin, but it consumes a lot of processing to re-calculate bounds on the layout process.
Any suggestions on how to do that?

That depends entirely on what API level you're targetting, if you're only targeting >3.0 then ObjectAnimator and ValueAnimator or the nicer ViewPropertyAnimator are your best friend, they let you do simple things like "move the X value of this 100dp while increasing the width by a factor of two, in 300ms".
If you're targeting a lower API level check out NineOldAndroids which brings that functionality over to all versions of Android.
To do what you want to do it'd be something along the lines of:
and that's all to it.
As a sidenote: It looks like you might be attempting to replicate a ViewPager's indicator, in which case you should be using an actual indicator.

I had to animate the Margin and the Width of the view, because there was no way out, since I'm using android version >=8.
Here is my two classes that can do this:
MarginAnimation class:
public class MarginAnimation extends Animation{// implements AnimationListener{
public static String TAG = "MarginAnimation";
protected View animatingView;
protected int fromMarginLeft = 0;
protected int fromMarginTop = 0;
protected int toMarginLeft = 0;
protected int toMarginTop = 0;
protected LayoutParams layoutParam;
public MarginAnimation(View v, int toMarginLeft, int toMarginTop) {
this.toMarginLeft = toMarginLeft;
this.toMarginTop = toMarginTop;
this.animatingView = v;
// Save layout param
layoutParam = (LayoutParams) animatingView.getLayoutParams();
// Save current margins as initial state
// Set the listner to be self object
// setAnimationListener(this);
public MarginAnimation(View v, int fromMarginLeft, int toMarginLeft, int fromMarginTop, int toMarginTop) {
this.fromMarginLeft = fromMarginLeft;
this.toMarginLeft = toMarginLeft;
this.fromMarginTop = fromMarginTop;
this.toMarginTop = toMarginTop;
this.animatingView = v;
// Save layout param
layoutParam = (LayoutParams) animatingView.getLayoutParams();
// Set the listner to be self object
// setAnimationListener(this);
protected void saveCurrent(){
fromMarginLeft = layoutParam.leftMargin;
fromMarginTop = layoutParam.topMargin;
long lastTime = 0;
protected void applyTransformation(float interpolatedTime, Transformation t) {
// long thisTime = System.nanoTime();
// if(lastTime != 0)
// Log.e(TAG, ((thisTime - lastTime) / 1000) + "delta Anim.");
// lastTime = thisTime;
layoutParam.leftMargin = (int)(fromMarginLeft + (toMarginLeft - fromMarginLeft) * interpolatedTime);
layoutParam.topMargin = (int)(fromMarginTop + (toMarginTop- fromMarginTop) * interpolatedTime);
public boolean willChangeBounds() {
return false;
MarginAndWidthAnimation class:
public class MarginAndWidthAnimation extends MarginAnimation{
public static String TAG = "MarginAndWidthAnimation";
int toWidth;
int fromWidth;
public MarginAndWidthAnimation(View v, int toMarginLeft, int toMarginTop, int toWidth) {
super(v, toMarginLeft,toMarginTop);
this.toWidth = toWidth;
// Log.i(TAG, "++F: "+this.fromWidth+" T: "+this.toWidth);
protected void saveCurrent(){
// fromWidth = animatingView.getWidth();
fromWidth = layoutParam.width;
// Log.i(TAG, "F: "+fromWidth+" T: "+toWidth);
protected void applyTransformation(float interpolatedTime, Transformation t) {
layoutParam.width = (int)(fromWidth + (toWidth - fromWidth) * interpolatedTime);
// Log.i(TAG, "F: "+fromWidth+" T: "+toWidth+" S: "+layoutParam.width);
super.applyTransformation(interpolatedTime, t);


Enlarge animation in android

I want to achieve the below animation in android I have tried scenes but scenes do not work with text as per docs it is confirmed :
"If you try to resize a TextView with an animation, the text will pop to a new location before the object has completely resized. To avoid this problem, do not animate the resizing of views that contain text."
Please any solution , the enlarged layout text can contain images too.
animation video
this thing worked some how ,but the animation is little jittery,I guess layout height final value is attained first and layoutWidth later, have to fix this. this is my enlarge/reduce animation :
public class EnlargeAnimation extends Animation {
private final int diffHeight;
private final int diffWidth;
private final int initialHeight;
private final int initialWidth;
private final View targetView;
public EnlargeAnimation(View targetView, float targetHeight, float targetWidth) {
this.targetView = targetView;
this.initialHeight = targetView.getMeasuredHeight();
this.initialWidth = targetView.getMeasuredWidth();
this.diffHeight = (int) (targetHeight-initialHeight);
this.diffWidth = (int) (targetWidth-initialWidth);
public boolean willChangeBounds() {
return true;
protected void applyTransformation(float interpolatedTime, Transformation t) {
float newHeight = initialHeight + diffHeight * interpolatedTime;
float newWidth = initialWidth + diffWidth * interpolatedTime;
targetView.getLayoutParams().height = (int) newHeight;
targetView.getLayoutParams().width = (int) newWidth;
this is when enlarge animation is called :
I am using viewpager so i have to make padding negative to enlarge the card size :
ValueAnimator paddingAnimator = ValueAnimator.ofInt(20, -10).setDuration(400);
paddingAnimator.setInterpolator(new LinearInterpolator());
paddingAnimator.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() {
public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) {
int padding = (int) animation.getAnimatedValue();
(int) DeviceUtils.convertDpToPx(50, v.getContext()), padding,
(int) DeviceUtils.convertDpToPx(50, v.getContext()));
enlargeAnimation =
new EnlargeAnimation(cardView, screenHeight, screenWidth);
enlargeAnimation.setAnimationListener(new Animation.AnimationListener() {
public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) {
public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) {
cardEnlargedWidth = cardView.getLayoutParams().width;
cardEnlargedHeight = cardView.getLayoutParams().height;
public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) {
I guess no one is reading it, but if something is confusing about variables let me know i will edit the answer.

spinningwheel animation not accurate

To gain experience in android I'm making a decisionmaking app. I'm trying to add a spinning wheel (wheel of fortune like). I have an animation that works fine (just need some little tweaking but fine for now). The problem I'm having is to detect where the wheel has stopped. If I look at the rotation and match it to precalculated values it makes sense, but visually it seems off.
For example:
Begin state is always like this. I tap it and it starts to rotate.
It stops rotating at red (visually), but in the model it says 51, hence my model detects it stopped rotating at yellow:
Cur pos and Prev pos is not currently implemented. Rnd pos is the relative number of degrees it needs to rotate (relative to 0). Rnd rot is number of extra rotations it has to make before stopping. True pos is the absolute number of degrees it has to rotate. Total time: the time the animation takes. Corner: number of degrees one piece has.
SpinWheel method in activity:
private void spinWheel() {
Roulette r = Roulette.getInstance();
final int truePos = r.getTruePosition();
final long totalTime = r.getTotalTime();
final ObjectAnimator anim = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(imgSpinningWheel, "rotation", 0, truePos);
anim.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator());
anim.addListener(new Animator.AnimatorListener() {
public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) {
public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
Log.d(TAG, Roulette.getInstance().toString());
Log.d(TAG, imgSpinningWheel.getRotation() + "");
Log.d(TAG, imgSpinningWheel.getRotationX() + "");
Log.d(TAG, imgSpinningWheel.getRotationY() + "");
public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) {
public void onAnimationRepeat(Animator animation) {
public class Roulette {
private static Roulette instance;
private static final long TIME_IN_WHEEL = 1000; //time in one rotation (speed of rotation)
private static final int MIN_ROT = 5;
private static final int MAX_ROT = 6;
private static final Random rnd = new Random();
private RouletteItem currentItem;
private RouletteItem[] rouletteItems;
private NavigableMap<Integer, RouletteItem> navigableMap;
private int randomRotation;
private int randomPosition;
private int truePosition;
private int corner;
private long totalTime;
private Roulette() {
public void init(RouletteItem[] rouletteItems) {
this.rouletteItems = rouletteItems;
navigableMap = new TreeMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < getNumberOfItems(); i++) {
navigableMap.put(i * 51, rouletteItems[i]);
public void spinRoulette() {
if (rouletteItems == null || rouletteItems.length < 2) {
throw new RouletteException("You need at least 2 rouletteItems added to the wheel!");
* Pinpoint random position in the wheel
private void calculateRandomPosition() {
randomPosition = corner * rnd.nextInt(getNumberOfItems());
* Calculates the points one RouletteItem has
private void calculateCorner() {
corner = 360 / getNumberOfItems();
* Calculates the time needed to spin to the chosen random position
private void calculateTotalTime() {
totalTime = (TIME_IN_WHEEL * randomRotation + (TIME_IN_WHEEL / 360) * randomPosition);
* Calculates random rotation
private void calculateRandomRotation() {
randomRotation = MIN_ROT + rnd.nextInt(MAX_ROT - MIN_ROT);
* Calculates the true position
private void calculateTruePosition() {
truePosition = (randomRotation * 360 + randomPosition);
//getters and to string omitted
The map is used to map rouletteItems to a range of degrees.
My guess is that the animation takes too long or something like that. But I don't really see how to fix it. Anyone who does?
Thanks in advance!
Um, doesn't Java implement rotation in radians rather than degrees?
That could lead to a offset between the visual rotation graphic and the number from the maths. Perhaps check by replacing all the assumed degree calculations (ie x/360) with radian calcs (ie. x/(2*pi))?

How does this "StickyScrollView" implementation stick the view to the top of the ScrollView?

Typically how sticky headers work is that there's some sort of scrollable data that is divided into sections, each with their own header, and as you scroll down, the headers of subsequent sections replace the header at the top of the ScrollView.
What I need is to have additional sticky headers within each respective section. For example, if header1 is stuck to the top, its first section's header --header1a-- is stuck underneath it, but when we get to section 1b, 1b's header will replace 1a's, but leaving header1 stuck in the same place; and when we finally get to section 2, header2 will replace the currently stuck headers from the previous section -- header1 and header1b.
Here is a ScrollView implementation that implements sticky headers in a one-dimensional fashion:
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.TypedArray;
import android.os.Build;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.animation.AlphaAnimation;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* #author Emil Sj�lander -
public class StickyScrollView extends ScrollView {
* Tag for views that should stick and have constant drawing. e.g. TextViews, ImageViews etc
public static final String STICKY_TAG = "sticky";
* Flag for views that should stick and have non-constant drawing. e.g. Buttons, ProgressBars etc
public static final String FLAG_NONCONSTANT = "-nonconstant";
* Flag for views that have aren't fully opaque
public static final String FLAG_HASTRANSPARANCY = "-hastransparancy";
* Default height of the shadow peeking out below the stuck view.
private static final int DEFAULT_SHADOW_HEIGHT = 10; // dp;
private ArrayList<View> mStickyViews;
private View mCurrentlyStickingView;
private float mStickyViewTopOffset;
private int mStickyViewLeftOffset;
private boolean mRedirectTouchesToStickyView;
private boolean mClippingToPadding;
private boolean mClipToPaddingHasBeenSet;
private int mShadowHeight;
private Drawable mShadowDrawable;
private final Runnable mInvalidateRunnable = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if(mCurrentlyStickingView !=null){
int l = getLeftForViewRelativeOnlyChild(mCurrentlyStickingView);
int t = getBottomForViewRelativeOnlyChild(mCurrentlyStickingView);
int r = getRightForViewRelativeOnlyChild(mCurrentlyStickingView);
int b = (int) (getScrollY() + (mCurrentlyStickingView.getHeight() + mStickyViewTopOffset));
postDelayed(this, 16);
public StickyScrollView(Context context) {
this(context, null);
public StickyScrollView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
this(context, attrs, android.R.attr.scrollViewStyle);
public StickyScrollView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
super(context, attrs, defStyle);
TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs,
R.styleable.StickyScrollView, defStyle, 0);
final float density = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;
int defaultShadowHeightInPix = (int) (DEFAULT_SHADOW_HEIGHT * density + 0.5f);
mShadowHeight = a.getDimensionPixelSize(
int shadowDrawableRes = a.getResourceId(
R.styleable.StickyScrollView_stuckShadowDrawable, -1);
if (shadowDrawableRes != -1) {
mShadowDrawable = context.getResources().getDrawable(
* Sets the height of the shadow drawable in pixels.
* #param height
public void setShadowHeight(int height) {
mShadowHeight = height;
public void setup(){
mStickyViews = new ArrayList<View>();
private int getLeftForViewRelativeOnlyChild(View v){
int left = v.getLeft();
while(v.getParent() != getChildAt(0)){
v = (View) v.getParent();
left += v.getLeft();
return left;
private int getTopForViewRelativeOnlyChild(View v){
int top = v.getTop();
while(v.getParent() != getChildAt(0)){
v = (View) v.getParent();
top += v.getTop();
return top;
private int getRightForViewRelativeOnlyChild(View v){
int right = v.getRight();
while(v.getParent() != getChildAt(0)){
v = (View) v.getParent();
right += v.getRight();
return right;
private int getBottomForViewRelativeOnlyChild(View v){
int bottom = v.getBottom();
while(v.getParent() != getChildAt(0)){
v = (View) v.getParent();
bottom += v.getBottom();
return bottom;
protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) {
super.onLayout(changed, l, t, r, b);
mClippingToPadding = true;
public void setClipToPadding(boolean clipToPadding) {
mClippingToPadding = clipToPadding;
mClipToPaddingHasBeenSet = true;
public void addView(View child) {
public void addView(View child, int index) {
super.addView(child, index);
public void addView(View child, int index, android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams params) {
super.addView(child, index, params);
public void addView(View child, int width, int height) {
super.addView(child, width, height);
public void addView(View child, android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams params) {
super.addView(child, params);
protected void dispatchDraw(Canvas canvas) {
if(mCurrentlyStickingView != null){;
canvas.translate(getPaddingLeft() + mStickyViewLeftOffset, getScrollY() + mStickyViewTopOffset + (mClippingToPadding ? getPaddingTop() : 0));
canvas.clipRect(0, (mClippingToPadding ? -mStickyViewTopOffset : 0), getWidth() - mStickyViewLeftOffset,mCurrentlyStickingView.getHeight() + mShadowHeight + 1);
if (mShadowDrawable != null) {
int left = 0;
int right = mCurrentlyStickingView.getWidth();
int top = mCurrentlyStickingView.getHeight();
int bottom = mCurrentlyStickingView.getHeight() + mShadowHeight;
mShadowDrawable.setBounds(left, top, right, bottom);
canvas.clipRect(0, (mClippingToPadding ? -mStickyViewTopOffset : 0), getWidth(), mCurrentlyStickingView.getHeight());
public boolean dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
mRedirectTouchesToStickyView = true;
mRedirectTouchesToStickyView = mCurrentlyStickingView != null;
mRedirectTouchesToStickyView =
ev.getY()<=(mCurrentlyStickingView.getHeight()+ mStickyViewTopOffset) &&
ev.getX() >= getLeftForViewRelativeOnlyChild(mCurrentlyStickingView) &&
ev.getX() <= getRightForViewRelativeOnlyChild(mCurrentlyStickingView);
}else if(mCurrentlyStickingView == null){
mRedirectTouchesToStickyView = false;
ev.offsetLocation(0, -1*((getScrollY() + mStickyViewTopOffset) - getTopForViewRelativeOnlyChild(mCurrentlyStickingView)));
return super.dispatchTouchEvent(ev);
private boolean hasNotDoneActionDown = true;
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
ev.offsetLocation(0, ((getScrollY() + mStickyViewTopOffset) - getTopForViewRelativeOnlyChild(mCurrentlyStickingView)));
hasNotDoneActionDown = false;
MotionEvent down = MotionEvent.obtain(ev);
hasNotDoneActionDown = false;
if(ev.getAction()==MotionEvent.ACTION_UP || ev.getAction()==MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL){
hasNotDoneActionDown = true;
return super.onTouchEvent(ev);
protected void onScrollChanged(int l, int t, int oldl, int oldt) {
super.onScrollChanged(l, t, oldl, oldt);
private void doTheStickyThing() {
View viewThatShouldStick = null;
View approachingStickyView = null;
for(View v : mStickyViews){
int viewTop = getTopForViewRelativeOnlyChild(v) - getScrollY() + (mClippingToPadding ? 0 : getPaddingTop());
if(viewThatShouldStick==null || viewTop>(getTopForViewRelativeOnlyChild(viewThatShouldStick) - getScrollY() + (mClippingToPadding ? 0 : getPaddingTop()))){
viewThatShouldStick = v;
if(approachingStickyView == null || viewTop<(getTopForViewRelativeOnlyChild(approachingStickyView) - getScrollY() + (mClippingToPadding ? 0 : getPaddingTop()))){
approachingStickyView = v;
mStickyViewTopOffset = approachingStickyView == null ? 0 : Math.min(0, getTopForViewRelativeOnlyChild(approachingStickyView) - getScrollY() + (mClippingToPadding ? 0 : getPaddingTop()) - viewThatShouldStick.getHeight());
if(viewThatShouldStick != mCurrentlyStickingView){
if(mCurrentlyStickingView !=null){
// only compute the left offset when we start sticking.
mStickyViewLeftOffset = getLeftForViewRelativeOnlyChild(viewThatShouldStick);
}else if(mCurrentlyStickingView !=null){
private void startStickingView(View viewThatShouldStick) {
mCurrentlyStickingView = viewThatShouldStick;
if(((String) mCurrentlyStickingView.getTag()).contains(FLAG_NONCONSTANT)){
private void stopStickingCurrentlyStickingView() {
mCurrentlyStickingView = null;
* Notify that the sticky attribute has been added or removed from one or more views in the View hierarchy
public void notifyStickyAttributeChanged(){
private void notifyHierarchyChanged(){
if(mCurrentlyStickingView !=null){
private void findStickyViews(View v) {
if(v instanceof ViewGroup){
ViewGroup vg = (ViewGroup)v;
for(int i = 0 ; i<vg.getChildCount() ; i++){
String tag = getStringTagForView(vg.getChildAt(i));
if(tag!=null && tag.contains(STICKY_TAG)){
}else if(vg.getChildAt(i) instanceof ViewGroup){
String tag = (String) v.getTag();
if(tag!=null && tag.contains(STICKY_TAG)){
private String getStringTagForView(View v){
Object tagObject = v.getTag();
return String.valueOf(tagObject);
private void hideView(View v) {
AlphaAnimation anim = new AlphaAnimation(1, 0);
private void showView(View v) {
AlphaAnimation anim = new AlphaAnimation(0, 1);
What I'm trying to do is to adapt it to suit my needs, but I've tried poking around in this implementation to see how it does what it does and I cannot figure out how it gets the view to get stuck to the top of the ScrollView. Does anyone have any idea how this works?
Here is the layout that I want to apply this concept too:
*Keep in mind that the Headers (Headers 1 & 2) are custom ViewGroups that contains the Sub-Headers (Header 1a, 1b, 2a); which are also custom ViewGroups that contain custom views which are the Items.
The StickyScrollView you are using is just saving a tag to whether it should be sticky or not and if not which child of scrollview is it's header, and according to that it is maintaining it as a first child view.
If you want to use this StickyScrollView only you have to modify it and maintain one more tag as sub-header.
I will suggest rather using this ScrollView, you can use this ListView. It is very easy to implement and it works.
You can use header-decor for your requirement. Internally its using RecyclerView, so it is advisable to use it. Check Double Header section in below gif.
Hope this will help you.
This isn't rocket science. There's two key parts to understanding this.
First is in the method doTheStickyThing. This figures out what goes where.
The initial step is figuring out which header to stick. Once you scroll down, you have views both above and below the top of the scroll view. You want to stick the bottom-most header that is still above the top of the scroll view. So you see a lot of expressions like this:
getTopForViewRelativeOnlyChild(viewThatShouldStick) - getScrollY() + (clippingToPadding ? 0 : getPaddingTop()))
That resulting value is just the offset of the top of the view from the top of the scroll view. If the header is above the top of the scroll view, the value is negative. So it turns out you want the header that has the greatest offset value that is still less than or equal to zero. The winning view gets assigned to viewThatShouldStick.
Now that you have a sticking header, you want to know which following header might start pushing that one out of the way when scrolling. That gets assigned to approachingView
If the approaching view is pushing the header out of the way, you have to offset the top of the header. That value is assigned to stickyViewTopOffset
The second key part is drawing the header. That's done in dispatchDraw.
Here's the trick to making the view look "stuck": The normal rendering logic would like to put that header at a certain place based on its current bounds. We can just move the canvas (translate) underneath that header so that it draws at the top of the scroll view instead of wherever it would normally draw. Then we tell the view to draw itself. This happens after all the list item views have been already been drawn, so the header appears to float on top of the list items.
When we move the canvas around, we also have to take into account the case where another approaching header is starting to push this one out of the way. The clipping handles some corner cases concerning how things should look when paddings are involved.
I started working on modifying the code to do what you wanted, but things got complicated fast.
Instead of tracking two headers, you need to track three headers: header, subheader, and approaching header. Now you have to handle the top offset of the subheader along with the top offset of the header. And then you have two scenarios: First is that the approaching header is a main header. This is going to modify both top offsets. But when the approaching header is a subheader, only the top offset of the pinned subheader is affected, and the main header offset stays the same.
I can get this, but I'm short on time right now. I'll finish off the code and post it if I can find the time.

android: setting a button programmatically using setX and setY

public class Game_collecting_view extends View
Button image_boy;
private static final int BOY_DIAMETER = 200; // initial spot size
int boy_width =0;
int boy_height =0;
public void setGame_collecting(Game_collecting mGame_collecting)
this.mGame_collecting = mGame_collecting;
// constructs a new View
public Game_collecting_view(Context context, RelativeLayout parentLayout)
resources = context.getResources(); // save Resources for loading external values
layoutInflater = (LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
// get references to various GUI components
relativeLayout = parentLayout;
spotHandler = new Handler(); // used to add spots when game starts
protected void onSizeChanged(int width, int height, int oldw, int oldh)
viewWidth = width; // save the new width
viewHeight = height; // save the new height
public void set_boy()
final Button boy = (Button) layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.untouched, null);
boy.setX(viewWidth /2);
boy.setY(viewHeight - BOY_DIAMETER);
boy.setLayoutParams(new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(BOY_DIAMETER, BOY_DIAMETER));
relativeLayout.addView(boy); // add spot to the screen
Toast.makeText(getContext(), "set_boy\nviewWidth=" +viewHeight +"\nviewHeight=" +viewHeight, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
new OnClickListener()
public void onClick(View v)
public void resume(Context context)
public void resetGame()
for (int i = 1; i <= INITIAL_SPOTS; ++i)
spotHandler.postDelayed(addSpotRunnable, i * SPOT_DELAY);
private Runnable addSpotRunnable = new Runnable()
public void run()
addNewSpot(); // add a new spot to the game
I would like to set the boy icon at the bottom middle of the screen.
The boy icon is set at this way for later dynamic interface (swipe the screen to the right the boy icon will move to the right, vice versa)
The toast reports both the viewWidth and viewHeight =0, and the boy icon appears at 0,0 (left upper corner). If I set the setY(viewHeight + BOY_DIAMETER), the boy icon will be located at (0, 200).
I would like to ask why the viewWidth and viewHeight both report 0. How could the onSizeChanged be called immediately such that the boy icone could be set at the bottom center of the screen?
The location is null until Android has calculated their positions. You can retrieve the height and width like this:
image_boy.getViewTreeObserver().addOnGlobalLayoutListener(new OnGlobalLayoutListener() {
public void onGlobalLayout() {
int height = image_boy.getHeight();
int width = image_boy.getWidth();
//these values won't be null
set layout param for setting the view position

ScrollView stops updating Items when reaching its bounds

So the problem I am facing right now is the following, I want to create a fisheye view (so a view which contains items while the item in the middle is bigger then the other ones like you will see in the MAC OS itembar or somewhere else).
So far I have extended the HorizontalScrollView to achieve that and after some testing everything seemed to work fine, so when moving the scrollview the items are updated properly depending on their position.
However there is one problem that occurs if the scrollview "bounces" against its borders. So if the ScrollView moves to fast the "getScrollX()" will give me a value that is smaller 0 or bigger then the max bounds. After that happens the items are no longer resized, which is quite strange.
I checked my code and the resize methods of my items are called, yet i don´t know why the items are no longer updated.
The ScrollView class looks like the following
public class HorizontalFishEyeView extends HorizontalScrollView
// enums
public enum ONTOUCHEND
//-----undefined value
//-----meaning to keep scrolling after the touch event ended
//-----meaning to continue to the next base after the touch event ended
//-----meaning to switch the element after the on touch event ended
public enum MODE
//-----none mode meaning the view is not scrolling or doing the finish animation, thus being idle
//-----scroll meaning the view is scrolling after an accelleration
//-----finish meaning the view is doing the finish animation to move to the actual element
// variables
//-----determines if the view will continue when the finish animation is played
private boolean m_bContinueOnClick = false;
//-----time for the scroll animation
private long m_nScrollAnimationTime = 0;
//------the multiplier to be used for the velocity on initaial start
private float m_fVelocityMultiplier = 1.0f;
//-----the direction of the velocity however the reverse value to use it in conjunction with the decrement
private int m_nVelocityDirectionReverse = 0;
//------the velocity provided when the event has ended
private float m_fVelocity = 0.0f;
//-----determines hwo much the velocity decreases per millisecond
private float m_fVelocityDecrement = 0.001f;
//-----time when the touch event was started
private long m_nStartTime = 0;
//-----the x position of the touch event
private float m_nXPosition = -1.0f;
//-----determines when the animation for moving shall be canceled
private final float m_fVelocityThreshold = 0.25f;
//-----determines the time, e.g the start time of the animation and stores the time each time the draw method is called
//-----while the finish animation is in progress
private long m_nFinishAnimationTime = 0;
//-----determines how much pixel the layout will be moved for each millisecond passed,
//-----while the finish animation is playing
private double m_dFinishAnimationIncrements = 0.0;
//-----the actually duration of the finish animation, this value is dependent of the difference distance
//-----which the view has to be moved, so at max this will bei 0.5 times m_nFinishAnimationTime
private int m_nFinishAnimationDuration = 0;
//-----determines the distance which the view has to be moved in order to set the selected element into focus
private int m_nFinishRemainingDiff = 0;
//-----the position which the view will have as its left margin,
//-----this value us determined when the user lets go of the view
private int m_nFinishTargetPosition = 0;
//-----the animation time the finish animation when the user lets go of the view
private int m_nAnimationTime = 0;
//-----the position of the element which is closest to the selector, thus it actually is the selected element
private FishEyeItem m_nClosestElement = null;
//-----scalefactor used to calculate the min item size, thus m_nItemSizeMin = nItemSize * m_fItemSizeMaxScale
private float m_fItemSizeMinScale = -1;
//-----the size of the image of the item when not selected
private int m_nItemSizeMin = -1;
//-----scalefactor used to calculate the max item size, thus m_nItemSizeMax = nItemSize * m_fItemSizeMaxScale
private float m_fItemSizeMaxScale = -1;
//-----the size of the image of the item when selected
private int m_nItemSizeMax = -1;
//-----the difference in item size between the max and the min value
private int m_nItemSizeDiff = -1;
//-----determines at which distance the item size will always be min
private int m_nMaxDiff = 0;
//-----the middel point of the view, used to determine the distance of an item and thus its size
private int m_nReferenceX = 0;
//-----event listener attached to this view
protected AnimationEventListener m_oEventListener;
//-----this factor is multiplied by the velocity up on the UP event to determine the remaining scroll
private float m_fVelocityScaleFactor = 0.25f;
//-----the mode in which the fisheyeview currently is
private MODE m_eMode = MODE.NONE;
//-----the reference to the one and only child in the scrollview, as it should be
private LinearLayout m_oChild = null;
//-----number of items whose bitmap will still be available even if they are not visible
private int m_nItemBuffer = 2;
//-----activity to use
private Activity m_oActivity = null;
//-----scalefactor to use
private float m_fScaleFactor = 1.0f;
//-----determines if the itemsize is stable thus each item is the same size, used to prevent unnecessary calculations
private boolean m_bItemSizeStable = false;
// constructor
public HorizontalFishEyeView(Context context)
public HorizontalFishEyeView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)
super(context, attrs);
// public
* this method will set up the view before it is used, thus it needs to be called before
* #param oActivity
* #param fItemSizeMinScale
* #param fItemSizeMaxScale
* #param fScaleFactor
* #param bItemSizeStable
public void Initialize(Activity oActivity, float fItemSizeMinScale, float fItemSizeMaxScale, float fScaleFactor, boolean bItemSizeStable)
m_oActivity = oActivity;
m_nReferenceX = (int)(getWidth()*0.5f);
m_fItemSizeMaxScale = Math.min(1.0f, Math.max(0.0f, fItemSizeMaxScale));
m_fItemSizeMinScale = Math.min(1.0f, Math.max(0.0f, fItemSizeMinScale));
m_bItemSizeStable = bItemSizeStable;
m_fScaleFactor = fScaleFactor;
catch(Exception e)
Log.d("Initialize", e.toString());
public void Clear()
for(int i=0;i<m_oChild.getChildCount();i++)
View oChild = m_oChild.getChildAt(i);
if(oChild instanceof FishEyeItem)
catch(Exception e)
Log.d("Clear", e.toString());
public void AddItem(FishEyeItem oItem, LinearLayout.LayoutParams oParams)
m_oChild.addView(oItem, oParams);
catch(Exception e)
Log.d("AddItem", e.toString());
public MODE GetMode()
return m_eMode;
public void Reinitialize()
public void Deinitialize()
* adds an animation listener to the list
* #param listener
public void SetAnimationEventListener(AnimationEventListener listener)
m_oEventListener = listener;
public void ScrollTo()
catch(Exception e)
Log.d("ScrollTo", e.toString());
public LinearLayout GetChild()
return m_oChild;
// private
/**called when the size was calculated*/
private void SizeCalculated(Object o)
catch(Exception e)
Log.d("AnimationEndEvent", e.toString());
* calculates the sizes for an item, if m_bItemSizeStable is set to true this will only be done once
* #param nItemSize, the size of the item which will be used
private void CalulateItemSize(int nItemSize)
m_nItemSizeMax = (int)(nItemSize * m_fItemSizeMaxScale);
m_nItemSizeMin = (int)(nItemSize * m_fItemSizeMinScale);
m_nItemSizeDiff = m_nItemSizeMax - m_nItemSizeMin;
m_nMaxDiff = nItemSize*2;
else if(m_nItemSizeMax==-1)
m_nItemSizeMax = (int)(nItemSize * m_fItemSizeMaxScale);
m_nItemSizeMin = (int)(nItemSize * m_fItemSizeMinScale);
m_nItemSizeDiff = m_nItemSizeMax - m_nItemSizeMin;
m_nMaxDiff = nItemSize*2;
catch(Exception e)
Log.d("CalculateItemSize", e.toString());
* this method will Resize and item in the view depending on its position
* #param oItem the item which shall be resized
* #param nDiff the distance of the item from the middle of he view
* #param nCurrentClosestDiff the currently know closest distance, if the item is closer the given nDiff will be used
private void DeterminenSize(FishEyeItem oItem, int nDiff, int nCurrentClosestDiff)
//-----check if the item can be resized
//System.out.println("Item is "+ oItem.GetImagePath());
//System.out.println("Item Diff is "+ nDiff);
//-----items is in range
//-----determine whether this element is closer to the selector then the previously known
nCurrentClosestDiff = nDiff;
m_nClosestElement = oItem;
nCurrentClosestDiff = nDiff;
m_nClosestElement = oItem;
//-----get the new size
float fRelative = 1.0f - (float)nDiff/(float)m_nMaxDiff;
int nNewItemSize = m_nItemSizeMin + (int)(fRelative * m_nItemSizeDiff);
//-----set the new size
oItem.Resize(nNewItemSize, nNewItemSize);
//----if the item is now out of range set it to the minimum size
//-----set the minimum size
oItem.Resize(m_nItemSizeMin, m_nItemSizeMin);
catch(Exception e)
Log.d("DeterminenSize", e.toString());
// overrides
protected void onScrollChanged(int l, int t, int oldl, int oldt)
super.onScrollChanged(l, t, oldl, oldt);
if(m_eMode == MODE.FINISH)
//------get the top element which must be a linear layout
FishEyeItem oFishEyeItem = null;
View oChildView = null;
ImageView oImage = null;
String cFilename = null;
int nPositionStart = 0;
int nPositionEnd = 0;
int nItemSize = 0;
int nScroll = getScrollX();
int nBoundEnd = getWidth();
int nItemPosition = 0;
int nCurrentClosestDiff = -1;
for(int i=0;i<m_oChild.getChildCount();i++)
oChildView = m_oChild.getChildAt(i);
//-----check if the child is of a certain type
if(oChildView instanceof FishEyeItem)
oFishEyeItem = (FishEyeItem)oChildView;
nItemSize = oFishEyeItem.getWidth();
nPositionStart = i * nItemSize;
nPositionEnd = nPositionStart + nItemSize;
oImage = oFishEyeItem.GetImageView();
cFilename = oFishEyeItem.GetImagePath();
//-----check if the item is in visible area
//-----image is in visible area
if(nPositionEnd>=nScroll - (m_nItemBuffer * nItemSize) && nPositionStart - (m_nItemBuffer * nScroll)<=nBoundEnd)
//-----check if image needs to be loaded
new DownloadTaskImage(m_oActivity,
//-----get the item position in the fisheyeview
nItemPosition = nPositionStart - nScroll + (int)(nItemSize*0.5f);
DeterminenSize(oFishEyeItem, Math.abs(m_nReferenceX - nItemPosition), nCurrentClosestDiff);
//-----check if an image can be recycle
new RecycleTaskImage(oImage).execute((Void)null);
catch(Exception e)
Log.d("onScrollChanged", e.toString());
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent oEvent)
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
catch(Exception e)
Log.d("onTouchEvent", e.toString());
return true;
protected void onFinishInflate()
m_oChild = (LinearLayout)getChildAt(0);
catch(Exception e)
Log.d("onFinishInflate", e.toString());
Don´t mind some of the unused variables as they are intended to be used later to realize an autoscroll feature once the view itself has finished scrolling (so that the currently closed item will always be in the middle up on letting go of the scrollview).
The View requires to actually be filled with "FishEyeItem"s, which are then used to load images and resize the content. Those Items are loaded during runtime after I have gained the list of items that i need to display.
The FishEyeItem code is the following.
public class FishEyeItem extends RelativeLayout
// variables
//-----determines if this item can be resized
private boolean m_bCanBeResized = false;
//-----path to the image of this fisheye items image
private String m_cImagePath = null;
//-----determines if this item is in range for the fisheye calculation
private boolean m_bIsInRange = true;
//-----determines if the image is loaded already, thus occupying memory
private boolean m_bIsImageLoaded = false;
//-----id of the image4view holding the image
private int m_nImageViewID = -1;
//-----the id of the view in this view which is responsible for resizing
private int m_nResizeViewID = -1;
// constructor
public FishEyeItem(Context context)
public FishEyeItem(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)
super(context, attrs);
// setter
public void SetCanBeResized(boolean bValue)
m_bCanBeResized = bValue;
public void SetImagePath(String cValue)
m_cImagePath = cValue;
public void SetIsInRange(boolean bValue)
m_bIsInRange = bValue;
public void SetIsImageLoaded(boolean bValue)
m_bIsImageLoaded = bValue;
public void SetImageViewID(int nValue)
m_nImageViewID = nValue;
public void SetResizeViewID(int nValue)
m_nResizeViewID = nValue;
// getter
public boolean GetCanBeResized()
return m_bCanBeResized;
public String GetImagePath()
return m_cImagePath;
public boolean GetIsInRange()
return m_bIsInRange;
public boolean GetIsImageLoaded()
return m_bIsImageLoaded;
public int GetImageViewID()
return m_nImageViewID;
public int GetResizeViewID()
return m_nResizeViewID;
public ImageView GetImageView()
ImageView oView = null;
oView = (ImageView)findViewById(m_nImageViewID);
catch(Exception e)
Log.d("GetImageView", e.toString());
return oView;
// getter
public void Resize(int nWidth, int nHeight)
View oView = findViewById(m_nResizeViewID);
System.out.println("Resizing Item" + m_cImagePath);
//-----set the minimum size
RelativeLayout.LayoutParams oParams = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams)oView.getLayoutParams();
oParams.width = nWidth;
oParams.height = nHeight;
catch(Exception e)
Log.d("Resize", e.toString());
So essentially everytime the onScrollChanged() is called, the image of an item will be loaded or recycled (both are in running in a async task so they dont block the scrolling and GUI). Also the size of an item will be determined if it is a certain distance away from the middle of the scrollview.
Like I said the Resize() method always gets called (thats why the system.out is there) but when "bouncing" against the borders the items are no longer resized.
So I am guessing the problem is somewhere in the HorizontalScrollView class itself, e.g. a certain flag gets set when "bouncing" against the borders.
So okay I was able to prevent that the items were not able to be updated anymore by simply checking the getScrollX() in the onscrollchanged() and returning if that value is <= 0 or if the value is >= the max bounds. However this still does not explain the fact that the items were not updated anymore when "bouncing" against the borders.

