Download image from new Google+ (plus) Photos Application - android

Recently Google added the Photos app for Google+ (plus) and it shows up when you launch an Intent to choose an image. However, if I select an image from Google+ Photos and try to use it in my application none of my current logic is able to return a usable URI or URL to actually get an image that I can download and manipulate. I'm currently using the "common" methods to try to manipulate the URI that can be found here on Stack Overflow and elsewhere. I can provide code if needed, but at this point I think it's kind of irrelevant since it works well for everything else except this new app. Any ideas on how to get a usable image?
The URI looks something like the following:
content://<a bunch of letters and numbers here>
The MediaColumns.DATA info always returns null and the MediaColumns.DISPLAY_NAME always returns image.jpg no matter what I select from the Google Photos app. If I try to paste everything from https to the end in my browser, nothing comes up. Not sure how to get usable info from this.

When receiving the data intent, you should use the contentResolver to get the photos.
Here's what you should do:
String url = intent.getData().toString();
Bitmap bitmap = null;
InputStream is = null;
if (url.startsWith("content://")){
is = getContentResolver().openInputStream(Uri.parse(url));
bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);

I did faced issues selecting images from new Google Photos app. I was able to resolve it by below code.
It works for me, basically what i did is i am checking if there is any authority is there or not in content URI. If it is there i am writing to temporary file and returning path of that temporary image. You can skip compression part while writing to temporary image
public static String getImageUrlWithAuthority(Context context, Uri uri) {
InputStream is = null;
if (uri.getAuthority() != null) {
try {
is = context.getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri);
Bitmap bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);
return writeToTempImageAndGetPathUri(context, bmp).toString();
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
}finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
public static Uri writeToTempImageAndGetPathUri(Context inContext, Bitmap inImage) {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
inImage.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, bytes);
String path = MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage(inContext.getContentResolver(), inImage, "Title", null);
return Uri.parse(path);
P.S. : I have answered a similar question here

You have to use projection in order to get ImageColumns.DATA (or MediaColumns.DATA):
private String getRealPathFromURI(Uri contentURI) {
// Projection makes ContentResolver to get needed columns only
String[] medData = { MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA };
Cursor cursor = getContentResolver().query(contentURI, medData, null, null, null);
// this is how you can simply get Bitmap
Bitmap bmp = MediaStore.Images.Media.getBitmap(getContentResolver(), contentURI);
// After using projection cursor will have needed DATA column
final int idx = cursor.getColumnIndex(MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.DATA);
return cursor.getString(idx);


Set thumbnail to an Intent for VideoView

I have to play a video in one of my screens of Android and I am using Video View intent for the same. The video gets played but there is no thumbnail appearing on the launch of the screen.
My code is like this
protected void playVideo(){
String videoUrl="https://someUrl/Video/v07.mp4";
if(!videoUrl.isEmpty()) {
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(videoUrl));
intent.setDataAndType(Uri.parse(videoUrl), "video/mp4");
By thumbnail, I mean that when the screen is launched each video should have an image of its own. (something like YouTube)
I tried seekTo() for attaching the thumbnail, but it didn't work.
Please Help. Thanks.
I solve the problem using MediaMetaDataRetriever.
The code goes like this-
public static Bitmap retriveVideoFrameFromVideo(String videoPath)
throws Throwable
Bitmap bitmap = null;
MediaMetadataRetriever mediaMetadataRetriever = null;
mediaMetadataRetriever = new MediaMetadataRetriever();
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 14)
mediaMetadataRetriever.setDataSource(videoPath, new HashMap<String, String>());
// mediaMetadataRetriever.setDataSource(videoPath);
bitmap = mediaMetadataRetriever.getFrameAtTime(-1,MediaMetadataRetriever.OPTION_CLOSEST);
catch (Exception e)
throw new Throwable(
"Exception in retriveVideoFrameFromVideo(String videoPath)"
+ e.getMessage());
if (mediaMetadataRetriever != null)
return bitmap;
Note that : Because my video link was in the form of server URL, that's why createThumnailUtils was returning a null when video Url was passed through it.
The below code works fine when the video is coming from local storage.
Bitmap thumbnail = ThumbnailUtils.createVideoThumbnail("URL", MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.MINI_KIND);
BitmapDrawable bitmapD = new BitmapDrawable(thumbnail);
VideoView.setBackground(Drawable bitmapD);
Hope this helps someone!!
Just looked at another example. Not 100% sure if it's going to work but worth a try.
Bitmap thumbnail = ThumbnailUtils.createVideoThumbnail("URL", MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.MINI_KIND);
BitmapDrawable bitmapD = new BitmapDrawable(thumbnail);
VideoView.setBackground(Drawable bitmapD);
Please note, I have written this over phone so there might be spelling errors.
Let me know if this works or if you find another alternative
this may be used i am using this method for thumbnail image of video on my list view of video player..
Cursor cursor = mContext.getContentResolver().query(
MediaStore.Video.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, proj,
MediaStore.Video.Media.DISPLAY_NAME + "=?",
new String[]{localItem._display_name}, null);
long ids = cursor.getLong(cursor
ContentResolver crThumb = mContext.getContentResolver();
BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
options.inSampleSize = 1;
Bitmap curThumb = MediaStore.Video.Thumbnails.getThumbnail(
crThumb, ids, MediaStore.Video.Thumbnails.MICRO_KIND,
curThumb = null;
try this way it may be helpful
above ans is now deprecated.
new updated answer with fast one solution
we just have to give the video data path
Bitmap bmThumbnail;
bmThumbnail = ThumbnailUtils.createVideoThumbnail(arraylist.get(i)._data, MediaStore.Video.Thumbnails.MICRO_KIND);
where arraylist.get(i)._data => path of video.
and best way is to use Glide or any other image lodging async library for smooth scrolling of listview.

Cannot find device URI to store an image to Samsung Tablet

I am trying to store an image, which is located in my project's drawable folder to the gallery of my Samsung Android tablet. I have been able to successfully achieve this for an HTC phone using the exact same code; however, it appears when attempting this for a Samsung tablet, the URI I am using to insert the image is appearing not to exist. The error appears to occur when I attempt to open the ouput stream via the line...
OutputStream imageOut = getContentResolver().openOutputStream(url);
As mentioned before, this exact code worked for an HTC android phone, which leads me to believe something is different in the file system of the two devices as to where to store the image. The full code I am using (which is mainly copied from the MediaStore class) is found below.
Drawable drawable = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.sample);
Bitmap bitmapImage = ((BitmapDrawable)drawable).getBitmap();
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put(MediaStore.Images.Media.TITLE, "demo_image");
values.put(MediaStore.Images.Media.DESCRIPTION, "sample image");
values.put(MediaStore.Images.Media.MIME_TYPE, "image/jpeg");
Uri url = null;
try {
url = getContentResolver().insert(Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, values);
if (bitmapImage != null) {
OutputStream imageOut = getContentResolver().openOutputStream(url);
try {
bitmapImage.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 50, imageOut);
} finally {
long id = ContentUris.parseId(url);
// Wait until MINI_KIND thumbnail is generated.
Bitmap miniThumb = MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.getThumbnail(getContentResolver(), id,
MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.MINI_KIND, null);
// This is for backward compatibility.
// Bitmap microThumb = MediaStore.Images.Thumbnail(getContentResolver(), miniThumb, id, 50F, 50F,
// MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.MICRO_KIND);
} else {
//Log.e(TAG, "Failed to create thumbnail, removing original");
getContentResolver().delete(url, null, null);
url = null;
} catch (Exception e) {
//Log.e(TAG, "Failed to insert image", e);
if (url != null) {
getContentResolver().delete(url, null, null);
url = null;

Load file from external storage using chooser

So, I'm trying to load a simple .txt file like this:
private void showFileChooser() {
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT);
try {
Intent.createChooser(intent, "Select a File to Upload"),
} catch (android.content.ActivityNotFoundException ex) {
Toast.makeText(this, "Please install a File Manager.",
And of course, catching the result like this:
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
switch (requestCode) {
if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
// Get the Uri of the selected file
Uri uri = data.getData();
It works great on genymotion and on my device if I use a file explorer that I have installed (File explorer, see image abovew), now, If use the chooser directly like this:
It says it cannot find the specified file. (FileNotFoundException)
Now, I've realized that the URIs I get from these two file choosers are different
content:// <- THIS DOESNT WORK (android built in explorer)
content://media/external/file/44751 <- THIS WORKS (custom explorer)
Does anyone have any idea why I'm getting different URIs for the SAME file.
I tried to use a content resolver to get the file path from the URI like this:
public class Utils {
public static String getRealPathFromURI(Context context, Uri contentUri) {
Cursor cursor = null;
try {
String[] proj = {MediaStore.Files.FileColumns.DATA};
cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(contentUri, proj, null, null, null);
int column_index = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(proj[0]);
return cursor.getString(column_index);
} finally {
if (cursor != null) {
Still no luck :(
#CommonsWare's asnwer must be the right way of solving this, but I'm not sure how to implement his solution.
I've ended up doing what #Paul Burke recomends on this link:
Android Gallery on KitKat returns different Uri for Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT
For my particular case, this is how my code ended up. I leave this here for future reference. (I'm using #CommonsWare's explanation) see his answer above.
try {
InputStream inputStream = getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri);
BufferedReader br = null;
if (inputStream != null) {
br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));
String line;
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
} else {
subscriber.onError(new InputException("There's something seriously wrong with this file"));
} catch (IOException e) {
I tried to use a content resolver to get the file path from the URI like this
There is no file path. A Uri does not necessarily point to a file that you can access on your local filesystem, just as the URL to this Web page does not necessarily point to a file that you can access on your local filesystem. The Uri might:
represent a file held in internal storage of the other app
represent a BLOB column value in a database
represent a file held in "the cloud", to be downloaded when requested
Use a ContentResolver and methods like openInputStream() to read in the content represented by the Uri, just like you would use HttpUrlConnection to read in the content represented by the URL for this Web page. openInputStream() takes the Uri as a parameter and returns an InputStream. You would use that InputStream the same way you would any other InputStream (e.g., FileInputStream, InputStream from HttpUrlConnection). The exact mechanics of that will depend a lot on the underlying data (e.g., read in a string, pass to BitmapFactory to decode a Bitmap).

How to find origID for getThumbnail when taking a picture with camera.TakePicture

For getThumbnail, the android documentation has:
public static Bitmap getThumbnail (ContentResolver cr, long origId, long groupId, int kind, BitmapFactory.Options options)
I have absolutely no idea how to get origId (The ID of the original image to perform getThumbnail on) when taking a picture with Camera.TakePicture.
My current attempt, based on various other questions I've read is:
String[] projection = { MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns._ID, MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.DATA };
String sort = MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns._ID + " DESC";
Log.d("getting IDs:",sort);
Cursor myCursor = managedQuery(imagesUri, projection, null, null, sort);
thumbBitmap = MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.getThumbnail(getContentResolver(), myCursor.getLong(myCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns._ID)), MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.MINI_KIND, null );
However, my log is outputting the string "_ID" for what should be the actual ID, and it then gives me a null pointer exception on the line where I try and create myCursor.
I also read as the answer to somebody else's similar question that images on the SD card don't have IDs, in which case I guess origID would actually be a URI and the docs are just messed up? I am extremely confused, and any explanation would be very very welcome.
I ended up not being able to use getThumbnail, as I could not find any working way to use the path to the location of the image succsessfully, and (at the time at least, I believe there have been reports submitted) it had issues with devices not storing their thumbnails in the expected location.
My solution to this ended up being what I had hoped I could avoid, writing my own little thumbnail generator instead of using Android's getThumbnail.
public class CreateThumbnail extends Activity {
Bitmap imageBitmap;
public Bitmap notTheBestThumbnail(String file) {
byte[] imageData = null;
final int THUMBNAIL_SIZE = 95;
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); //file is the path to the image-to-be-thumbnailed.
imageBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(fis);
imageBitmap = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(imageBitmap, THUMBNAIL_SIZE, THUMBNAIL_SIZE, false);
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
imageBitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 10, baos); //What image format and level of compression to use.
imageData = baos.toByteArray();
catch(Exception ex) {
Log.e("Something did not work", "True");
return imageBitmap;
I use the class like:
CreateThumbnail thumb = new CreateThumbnail();
thumb.notTheBestThumbnail(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/exampleDir" + "/" + exampleVar + "/example_img.jpg");
Bitmap mBitmap = thumb.imageBitmap; //Assigns the thumbnail to a bitmap variable, for manipulation.
While I didn't actually figure out how to get the ID, hopefully this will help anybody facing similar problems with getThumbnail.

How to use ExifInterface with a stream or URI

I'm writing an app that can be sent a photo URI from the "Share via" menu in Android.
The kind of URI you get is content://media/external/images/media/556 however ExifInterface wants a standard file name. So how do I read the exif data (I just want orientation) of that file? Here's my (non-working) code:
Uri uri = (Uri)extras.getParcelable(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM);
ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();
InputStream is = cr.openInputStream(uri);
Bitmap bm = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);
// This line doesn't work:
ExifInterface exif = new ExifInterface(uri.toString());
int orientation = exif.getAttributeInt(ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION, 1);
Any help (other than "you have to write your own ExifInterface class") is appreciated!
I found the answer randomly in the Facebook Android SDK examples. I haven't tested it, but it looks like it should work. Here's the code:
public static int getOrientation(Context context, Uri photoUri) {
/* it's on the external media. */
Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(photoUri,
new String[] { MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.ORIENTATION }, null, null, null);
int result = -1;
if (null != cursor) {
if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
result = cursor.getInt(0);
return result;
You can get an ExifInterface using a filename string or InputStream, by doing importing the support ExifInterface in your build.gradle file:
compile ''
private getExifInterfaceFromUri(Uri uri) throws IOException{
FileInputStream fi = new FileInputStream(uri.getPath());
return new ExifInterface(stream);
Remember that in Android there are multiple Uri types and you may need to use a Content Resolver and other approaches to get the real path from an Uri.

