Parsing multiple json arrays in a json object - android

I have a json object being returned that has multiple arrays within the json object. I am able to parse a json object if it has one array in it (with jObject.getJSONArray("2013-10-30")), but not multiple. The amount of arrays (i.e. the dates) would be changing almost everyday (some days there wouldn't be any) and that is where I get stuck. I'm not sure how to get a list of all the array names and then iterator through that.
"2013-10-30": [
"id": "399",
"Time": "00:50:46"
"2013-10-29": [
"id": "398",
"Time": "21:44:09"
"id": "393",
"Time": "10:53:01"

You should iterate over the keys and get the JSONArray for each key as follow:
Iterator<String> keys = jObject.keys();
String key =;
JSONArray array = jObject.getJSONArray(key);
// do something with the array
// ...
catch(Exception e){


Android Json parsing with sqlite

I am new in android JSON parsing android.
Below I mentioned my JSON value, please give the solution to how to parse the JSON value, thanks in advance my JSON Data:
Here I have category, categorybook, subcategory inside have subbook. I want to parse all the value and store it into sqlite with separate.
Like category book and sucategory book are stored seperate column in android sqlite table:
"category": {
"id": "1",
"name": "Education",
"categorybooks": [],
"subcategory": [
"id": "1",
"name": "tamil",
"subcategorybooks": []
"id": "2",
"name": "english",
"subcategorybooks": []
"id": "5",
"name": "maths",
"subcategorybooks": []
"id": "6",
"name": "science,
"subcategorybooks": []
"id": "7",
"name": "social",
"subcategorybooks": []
Here i have category 2 and its sub category books:
"category": {
"id": "2",
"name": "sports",
"categorybooks": [
"id": "4",
"name": "football",
"id": "5",
"name": "cricket",
"subcategory": []
First of all, you will need the VolleyLibrary. Then, you will need the GSON library. When creating GSON Request, you put the Object you want to get deserialized automatically from JSON, so you wont have to parse it manualy.
Second thing, you would want to create a db class that extends SQLiteHelper. When you create database, add the methods for adding, update and removing a row for every table that you create.
Below are the links that you need.
I will assume you already have the content of your json, if not you can use any Http Connection to get the content.
You can use Gson to parse your json content, first of all, you need to create your models based on your Json:
//note: Gson identify the attributes name as the same of from your
//json, if not you have to put an annotation above each attribute of
//your class:
public class Category(){
int id;
String name;
List<CategoryBook> categoryBooks;
public class CategoryBook(){
int id;
String name;
public class SubCategory(){
//Based on your json I will assume the attribute of this class
// is a model that have a list of an object that have an id and a name
//and a list of subcategorybooks
public class SubCategoryBooks(){
//class attributes that you not mentioned in your json
Then you just need to parse your object from content using gson,
if you have some doubts about how to parse using Gson follow this tutorial
For insert into database separate, you already have your objects with getters and setters, for example
you can get the List<CategoryBook> from your CategoryModel, then your can insert this list
inside a separate table of your database.
Hope It's Help you
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
public JSONObject loaddata(){
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
return jsonObject;
public JSONArray addcategorybooks(){
JSONArray JsonArray = new JSONArray();
JSONObject jObj = new JSONObject();
jObj.put("id", "1");
jObj.put("name", "Foot Ball");
return JsonArray;
public JSONArray addsubcategory(){
JSONArray JsonArray = new JSONArray();
JSONObject jObj = new JSONObject();
jObj.put("id", "1");
jObj.put("name", "Foot Ball");
jObj.put("subcategorybooks", addsubcategorybooks());
return JsonArray;
public JSONArray addsubcategorybooks(){
JSONArray JsonArray = new JSONArray();
JSONObject jObj = new JSONObject();
jObj.put("id", "1");
jObj.put("name", "Foot Ball");
return JsonArray;
If i understood you correctly, the main problem is to get java model object from json.
There are several ways to do it. The most common are:
Using built-in tools to operate with Json. In this case you get org.json.JSONObject and get values using it's methods. See details f.e. here
Using gson library. In this case you create model class and you can fill the object with one code line. smth like Category category = gson.fromJson(yourJsonString, Category.class); See details in official tutorial

Couchbaselite-Exception: Bad or missing JSON

I try to save properties in a Couchbase-document in Android.
The properties hold a JSONArray with several JSONObjects.
When I do document.putproperties(myproperties) a couchbaseliteexception with state 400 and the message "bad or missing json" is thrown".
So the JSONArray looks like:
"some_prop" -> "[
"content":"Some other content",
Can anyone tell me whats the problem with this JSON?
the JSONArray with the corresponding key is saved in a hashmap like it is explained in:
The Method where the update is executed and the JSONArray is filled:
private void updateDoc(ArrayList<MyObject> objects) {
Document document = getDocument();
// Update the document with more data
Map<String, Object> updatedProperties = new HashMap<>();
JSONArray objectArray = new JSONArray();
//fill array with data
for(MyObject element : objects) {
JSONObject jsonObjects = element.toJSONObject();
if(jsonObjects != null) {
//set data to property map
updatedProperties.put(MYOBJECT_PROP_IDENTIFIER, objectArray);
try {
// Save properties to the Couchbase local Couchbase Lite DB
} catch (CouchbaseLiteException e) {
Not sure if this is what you're looking for,
You can also use something like to verify your son
"some_prop": [
"content": "someContent",
"key2": "",
"key3": "",
"key4": "",
"month": 8,
"day": 3,
"key5": 115
"content": "Some other content",
"key2": "something",
"key3": "",
"key4": "",
"month": 8,
"day": 3,
"key5": 115
Finally I found a solution to the problem:
I don't use JSONObject or JSONArray anymore but save my data in ArrayList and put each element directly into the database. so i don't have an Array with all the elements which but a lot of single elements direktly in the document. To accesss them later I save also the number of elements in the DB. Each element has the index as a prefix so it can be identified later on.
That's not quite a nice way but it works..

Having trouble accessing object in JSON

I am trying to access the "display_name" object within the following JSON and I cannot seem to grab it. The example JSON is below.
"streams": [
"broadcaster": "fme",
"_id": 5019229776,
"preview": "",
"game": "Diablo III",
"channel": {
"mature": null,
"background": "",
"updated_at": "2013-03-04T05:27:27Z",
"_id": 31795858,
"status": "Barb sets giveaway and making 500m DH set... Join Zisspire, earn Zeny, collect prizes!",
"logo": "",
"teams": [ ],
"url": "",
"display_name": "Zisss",
"game": "Diablo III",
"banner": "",
"name": "zisss",
"video_banner": null,
"_links": {
"chat": "",
"subscriptions": "",
"features": "",
"commercial": "",
"stream_key": "",
"editors": "",
"videos": "",
"self": "",
"follows": ""
"created_at": "2012-07-01T21:09:58Z"
"name": "live_user_zisss",
"viewers": 775,
"_links": {
"self": ""
"_links": {
"summary": "",
"followed": "",
"next": "",
"featured": "",
"self": ""
I start with:
JSONArray array = getJSONArray("streams");
JSONObject object = array.getJSONObject(4); // channel is entry 4 in array
String name = object.getString("display_name");
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here. With a more filled out JSON with multiple "channel" entries, I'm not sure how to handle it. I was thinking something like this?
String[] name = new String[array.length()];
JSONArray array = getJSONArray("streams");
for(int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) {
name[i] = array.getString("display_name");
I'm sure that last part is crude, and probably quite off from what it should be, but I'm not sure how to handle this.
Based on your JSON you have to do the following
JSONArray array = getJSONArray("streams");
JSONObject object = array.getJSONObject(0);
object = object.getJSONOBject("channel")
String name = object.getString("display_name");
The first item in you json array holds the channel object which contains the data you are looking for.
Channel is not the 4th item in your JSONArray but a nested object within the first. You have to be careful to follow the [] and {} brackets when parsing JSON because JSONObjects can contain multiple nested sub-objects and arrays.
JSONObject mainJsonObject = new JSONObject(json_string);
JSONArray array = mainJsonObject.getJSONArray("streams");
JSONObject channelObject = array.getJSONObject(0).getJSONOBject("channel")
String displayName = channelObject.getString("display_name");

Parsing json string with multiple objects

How can I parse the following to retrieve the following.
{"docs": [
"SolrDocument[{content_type=[text/plain], description=/mnt/sdcard/A.txt, id=4df6fa43-1a99-4475-bc5b-80dd0ab6d114, name=uploadedfile}]",
"SolrDocument[{content_type=[text/plain], description=asdf.png, id=9fb20d5d-cf39-4635-9a22-64560124809e, name=uploadedfile}]"]
I need to retrieve description into a string array and id to another string array.
I tried
JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(line);
JSONArray IDS = (JSONArray) jobj.get(a);
This works but it returns an array of strings
The data you are trying to parse isn't valid JSON, so you are now in RegEx territory. So reading each line out of the JSONArray you could extract what you are after like this:
String data = "SolrDocument[{content_type=[text/plain], description=/mnt/sdcard/A.txt, id=4df6fa43-1a99-4475-bc5b-80dd0ab6d114, name=uploadedfile}]";
Pattern values = Pattern.compile("(description|id)=([\\S]+),", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
Matcher matches = values.matcher(data);
while(matches.find()) {
System.out.println( + "=" +;
This will print out:
The elements inside the JSONArray "docs" are not valid JSON objects. You must have "key":"value" pairs in order to be valid.
For example:
"docs": [
"id": 912345678901,
"text": "How do I read JSON on Android?",
"geo": null,
"user": {
"name": "android_newb",
"followers_count": 41
"id": 912345678902,
"text": "#android_newb just use android.util.JsonReader!",
"geo": [
"user": {
"name": "jesse",
"followers_count": 2
There are plenty of sites that can validate your JSON, for example JSONLint
Before we can answer your question, fix your JSON.

How to parse json without [ ]

I want to parse json, but I didn't find how to parse array from this structure:
"0": {
"title": "\u0417\u041d: \u0415\u0432\u0440\u043e\u043f\u0435\u0439\u0446\u044b ",
"date": "2011-11-26 14:33:00"
"1": {
"title": "\u041a\u0430\u043a\u0430\u044f ",
"date": "2011-11-25 13:55:00"
"2": {
"title": "\u0423\u043a\u0440\u0430\u0438\u043d\u0430",
"date": "2011-11-25 11:15:00"
"3": {
"title": "\u0423\u0416\u0421\u041a ",
"date": "2011-11-24 15:45:00"
"time": 0.03944993019104
See, the problem is you don't actually have an array. You have a series of dictionaries, keyed by index. The only way to do this is to iterate over each numerical key, and add its value to a list.
Here's some pseudocode to help you get started:
yourArray = new Array(yourJSON.keys.length)
for key in yourJSON.keys:
yourArray.put(yourJSON[key], int(key))
You'll need to make a new array object whose length is equal to the number of keys. Then, put each of the values for each key at index key.
Try parsing these as JSONObject and then accessing it's values keys provided.
To be more specific:
try {
JSONObject foo = new JSONObject(youJsonString);
} catch (JSONException e) {
//handle exceptions

