Well, I tried to search in google and SO, but didn't find much mainly because I am not sure what should be my search word. So, if anybody thinks this question is too generic and should be searched first, please help me providing some useful link.
What I want is, to have two buttons in my App which should download sample.csv and sample.php (I want to attach this file inside my App) file and save it to user directory, preferably in "download" folder or somewhere user can access easily.
I found this page by searching but here they demonstrates saving File on Internal Storage in App's folder only. Now I am confused whether this App's folder is accessible by browsing or not (I can't find my app's folder in my Samsung Note 2).
Another question pops up in my mind is, whether I have to read those sample files and create new file to save, or I can simply put a link and download the sample files I provided (more like HTML link)? Or may be I can just upload those sample files in my web server as zipped and give a link to dload?
Apology for my long email, but I am confused where to start.
You can not access your app's internal directory. However, what you can do is to use InputOutputStream to copy your file from the internal directory to your desired folder, and then delete the file from the app's directory. Try searching for copying files and you'll find multiple links.
My question is pretty general; whenever an android app accesses internal storage environment path; its folder structure is created into device's "Android->Data->app_pakage".
Image files within this folder won't be viewed from gallery; which is fine.
There are lots of app which secures this files (Can't be opened directly from file manager);
Examples for this are music apps; they provide encoding of its downloaded files, so it can be accessed only from that app only. This encoding changes its extension
So my question is here, How this can be achieved?. I am looking for simplest solution, which don't require a high, complex encryption algorithms.
In-Short, I want to prevent users to access app files from file manager- internal storage
Please have a look at this link
Here there is detailed explanation.
To have files that can only be accessed from your app please use -
Returns a File representing an internal directory for your app.
Files saved here are accessible by only your app.
I created a project which uses Fragments, and in one of them I want to add some clickable icons that will allow to download a file (one per icon).
I have the files stored on my computer.
I suppose that they have to be copied into my application.
How I can implement this in the code?
I hope that this picture can explain what I want to do.
will allow to download a file and they have to be copied into my application don't match: If the files are already on the device (once your app is installed), what is the sense of downloading those files again?
Therefore, either provide your files inside your app or use a file server and download them.
If you decide to provide the files in your app, this will increase the installation time.
But it would not require an internet connection to download the files again.
So, simply put your files in the raw or in the assets folder and that's all.
Then simply access your files from that folder.
If the folder isn't already found in your project, simply create it and drop your files in it.
So I have some files I want my Android App to access, read and write.
I want to store it internally. Where can I put these files in my Java Project so they are accessible or can this not be done?
There are three ways to achieve this, and according to your requirements select the approch
This is the normal SDCARD/in-build SDCARD in newer smart phones. you need to create specific folder structure and put your files there, here you can do file read and write both
but this in insecure because accessible to all the application
on Internal Storage
This is given as Applicaiton specific storage where you can create the file and do the operation, this is most secure way to do it, but this is generated run time so you can not push the files directly, you can put your files in RAW or ASSETS and copy that here
This is in the code structure only and only read access is given to this folder, you can not change this file run time.
if you select any one of this approach then simple goggling will show you the sample code.
You can read or write files in the path of your internal storage as
data/data/package_name/files . I had already answered a similar question you can check it out.
I am trying to load an xml file located in the /assets folder of an android project by name using this method:
However, executing this code always throws a "FileNotFound" exception, even though the file is located in the /assets folder and is with the correct file name.
Now, I have not put the file in the /res/xml folder because I really need to be able to 1. edit the file right on the device itself and most importantly 2. add new xml files to the application without issuing an update, to allow for easy user modifications.
Thanks in advance.
I think what you are looking for is either getAssets().open("thefilename.xml") or getAssets().openFd("thefilename.xml") depending on what the end use of the file is. You can see from Dianne's response in this post awhile back that openXmlResourceParser() is not really usable just to gain access to files in the assets/ directory: http://goo.gl/2KfgT
From there you will have a stream that you could feed into a SAXParser or do whatever else you choose.
Side Note: On the points you mentioned you really can't edit files directly in assets/ or add new files to assets/ at runtime. You will need to work with files on either internal or external storage to do those things. You probably already knew that, but I thought I'd mention it.
Hope that Helps!
This is a bit unorthodox but I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to access files stored in the src tree of my applications apk in Android. I'm trying to use i-Jetty (Jetty implementation for Android) and rather than use it as a separate application and manually download my war file, I'd rather just bake i-jetty in.
However, in order to use (easily) standard html/jsp I need to be able to give it a document root, preferably within my application's apk file. I know Android specifically works to prevent you from accessing (freely) the stuff on the actual system so this may not be possible, but I'm thinking it might be possible to access something within the apk. One option to work around this would be to have all of the files stored in the res directory and then copy them to the sdcard on startup but this wouldn't allow me to automatically remove the files on uninstall.
To give you an idea of what I've tried, currently, the html files are stored in org.webtext.android
Context rootContext = new Context(server_, "/", Context.SESSIONS);
Returns a 404 error.
final URL url = this.getClassLoader().getResource("org/webtext/webapp");
Context html = new WebAppContext(url.toExternalForm(), "/");
Blows up with a NullPointerException because no URL is returned from the getResource call.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
Edit In case anybody finds this looking for a similar answer, I never found a great answer. I used a slight hack on what was suggested below. I created a war file with only html/jsp content (servlets I added to the server manually and was able to keep in the in the src tree) and stored it in the assets folder. When the app starts, I copy the war file to the sdcard. When the app closes, I delete the copy. Of course, if the app is killed rather than gracefully exiting, I don't get the chance to delete it, but that's not a huge deal.
You might consider creating a subclass of Context that supports loading files out of the assets/ directory using AssetManager.