Android Analytics Campaign Tracking - android

I want to know how my android users are getting to the play store link of my app.
To do this I have integrated the Google Analytics API, but the installation intent isn't called and I can't get the utm_source, utm_campaign ... parameters in the link built with the google play url builder
So i'm trying to do this with my custom intent like this :
1: The android manifest :
<receiver android:name="com.appehour.InstallReceiver" android:exported="true">
<action android:name="" android:exported="true"/>
2: the InstallReceiver class
public class InstallReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
private String
utm_compaign ,
private static String url, installTimeStamp;
public static final String PREF_TRACK_INSTALL_RECEIVER_DATAS = "datas_receiver_install",
PREF_DEVICE_ID = "pref_device_id",
PREF_COMPAIGN = "pref_compaign",
PREF_SOURCE = "pref_source",
PREF_MEDIUM = "pref_medium",
PREF_TERM = "pref_term",
PREF_CONTENT = "pref_content",
PREF_INSTALL_TIME_STAMP = "pref_install_time_stamp",
PREF_DATA_STORED = "pref_datas_stored";
protected JSONObject jsonSend , jsonObjRecv;
private boolean installParamsSend = false;
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
TimeZone timeZone = TimeZone.getDefault();
installTimeStamp = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()) ;
deviceId = Secure.getString(context.getContentResolver(),Secure.ANDROID_ID);
//****************************** Tris des datas reçus par le brodcast ********************************//
String referrer = intent.getStringExtra("referrer");
//the paramters are separated by this : %3D
// uriTokens store all the paramaters with her value
String[] uriTokens = referrer.split("%3D");
for(int i=0;i<uriTokens.length;i++){
//the parameter name and the value are separated
String[] valTokens = uriTokens[i].split("%26");
if (valTokens[0].equals("utm_compaign"))
utm_compaign = valTokens[1];
else if (valTokens[0].equals("utm_source"))
utm_source = valTokens[1];
else if (valTokens[0].equals("utm_medium"))
utm_medium = valTokens[1];
else if (valTokens[0].equals("utm_term"))
utm_term = valTokens[1];
else if (valTokens[0].equals("utm_content"))
utm_content = valTokens[1];
"utm_compaign = "+utm_compaign+
"| utm_source = "+utm_source+
"| utm_medium = "+utm_medium+
"| utm_term = "+utm_term+
"| utm_content = "+utm_content+
"| device_id = "+deviceId+
"| installTimeStamp ="+installTimeStamp);
When I simulate the app installation with adb shell:
adb shell am broadcast -a -n com.appehour.jdm/com.appehour.InstallReceiver --es "referrer" "utm_source%26testSource%3Dutm_compaign%268656"
I get my data. But when I put my app on the store, the data are not recovered.
Any idea what the issue is?


Issue with azure cognitive translation services

After getting the following code to work reliably for a month or so, it stopped working reliably a couple of days ago. About half the time it returns a properly translated string and the other half of the time it returns one of the following two messages: Unable to resolve host
"": No address associated with hostname
The timing of this problem's beginning coincided with the expiration of my free azure cognitive services account however I migrated to a pay-as-you-go account yesterday and the problem continues.
Why is this happening?
static class translateMessageX extends AsyncTask<String, Void, String>
//input string array of 3 items
//[0]is the message to be translated
//[1]is the from language i.e. "english"
//[2]is the to language i.e. "spanish"
//[3]"echo" or "received"
String retString;
String inString = null;
String messageType = null;
String URLHolder = ""; //hold the URL here while we are translating the text
protected String doInBackground(String... params)
inString = params[0];
String from = params[1];
String to = params[2];
messageType = params[3];
int urlStart = inString.indexOf("http");
if (!(urlStart == -1))
URLHolder = inString.substring(urlStart);
inString = inString.substring(0, urlStart -1);
URLHolder = "";
Integer mesChars = params[0].length();
Integer tCharsLeft = GlobalStuff.getTranslationsFromSP();
if (tCharsLeft > 0)
if (tCharsLeft < mesChars) //we charge for both 'echo' and 'received' translations
GlobalStuff.updateTranslationInventory(tCharsLeft * -1);
GlobalStuff.updateTranslationInventory(mesChars * -1);
GlobalStuff.notifyListeners(this, "#uui", "notused", "notused" );
Language fromLang = GlobalStuff.getLang(from);
Language toLang = GlobalStuff.getLang(to);
//retString = Translate.execute(inString, fromLang, toLang);
//String debugstr = "look at retStr";
String authenticationUrl = "";
HttpsURLConnection authConn = (HttpsURLConnection) new URL(authenticationUrl).openConnection();
authConn.setRequestProperty("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", GlobalStuff.translateKey);
IOUtils.write("", authConn.getOutputStream(), "UTF-8");
String token = IOUtils.toString(authConn.getInputStream(), "UTF-8");
// Using the access token to build the appid for the request url
String appId = URLEncoder.encode("Bearer "+token, "UTF-8");
String text = URLEncoder.encode(inString, "UTF-8");
String translatorTextApiUrl = String.format("", appId, text, fromLang, toLang);
HttpsURLConnection translateConn = (HttpsURLConnection) new URL(translatorTextApiUrl).openConnection();
translateConn.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/xml");
retString = IOUtils.toString(translateConn.getInputStream(), "UTF-8");
String debug = "look at retString";
catch (Exception e)
retString = e.toString();
retString = "OUT OF TRANSLATION CREDITS - " + inString;
return retString;
protected void onPostExecute(String result)
//rest of logic should be here??
String debug = "look at result";
String answer = extractTranslation(result);
.. . . .
Host not found looks like a simple connectivity error. These hosts do exist.
You can void the call to the token service by passing the key in the call to directly:
That fixes one of the host not found problems, but not the other.
I would recommend though to not embed the key in the client application. It is safer to call the translator service from your own proxy service, where the proxy is able to safely identify your client as your client.

App hangs when install from play store via referrer

I have an android application in play store. after installing it from referrer url and opens directly from play store, it hangs and apaplication crashes, something like doing to much work on UI thread,I have two broadcast receivers in my manifest for INSTALL_REFERRER one is for Analytic purpose and another is for setting some alarm. for analytic purpose I'm extracting utm source, medium, campaign id... it is very light weighted operation but still I am doing it on an IntentService,
protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {
getUtmValuesAndSave(UtmCreateService.this, intent);
private void getUtmValuesAndSave(Context context, Intent intent) {
String referrer = intent.getStringExtra(Constants.UTM_REFERRER);
String source = getSourceFromReferrer(referrer);
saveSourceInPreference(context, source);
private static String getSourceFromReferrer(String referrer) {
StringBuilder sourceBuilder = new StringBuilder();
String source = null;
try {
referrer = URLDecoder.decode(referrer, "UTF-8");
String[] utms = referrer.split("&");
String utm = getUtmValue(utms, Constants.UTM_SOURCE);
utm = getUtmValue(utms, Constants.UTM_CAMPAIGN);
utm = getUtmValue(utms, Constants.UTM_ANID);
} catch (Exception e) {
source = sourceBuilder.toString();
return source;
* read utm value for the given key
* #param utms utm string array, contains all the utm fields
* #param key key
* #return value of the key in utm
private static String getUtmValue(String[] utms, String key) {
String utm = null;
boolean foundUtm = false;
for (String utm1 : utms) {
utm = utm1;
if (utm.contains(key)) {
foundUtm = true;
utm = utm.split("=")[1];
if (!foundUtm) {
utm = "Null";
return utm;
** Manifest **
<action android:name="" />
<receiver android:name=".receiver.AlarmStartReceiver"
<action android:name=""/>
what could be the issue here ? if I install the app directly from play store (without referrer url, then it works fine). I have checked the logcat logs, and I saw the receiver calls multiple times
I have tested app with this adb command adb shell am broadcast -a --es "referrer" "utm_source%3Dgoogle%26utm_medium%3Dcpc%26utm_term%3Dtest%2520fund%26utm_content%3Dnew%2520ad%26utm_campaign%3Dtest%26anid%3Dadmob; and I found it repeatedly calls INSTALL_REFERRER receiver.
UPDATE, Log when install from play store
02-27 17:11:46.840 21946-21946/ W/logd: Dropped 2
02-27 17:11:46.840 21946-21946/ E/art: at
02-27 17:11:46.840 21946-21946/ W/logd: Dropped 3
02-27 17:11:46.840 21946-21946/ E/art: at
02-27 17:11:46.840 21946-21946/ W/logd: Dropped 2
02-27 17:11:46.840 21946-21946/ E/art: at com.appsflyer.MultipleInstallBroadcastReceiver.onReceive(
02-27 17:11:46.840 21946-21946/ W/logd: Dropped 2
02-27 17:11:46.840 21946-21946/ E/art: at
02-27 17:11:46.840 21946-21946/ W/logd: Dropped 3
this is the log when install from play store, it comes around 1000 times.

How to run a service of installed app in devices programatically

I have a function to get running services:
public ArrayList<String> getRunningServices() {
ActivityManager activityMg = (ActivityManager)context.getSystemService(context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
List<ActivityManager.RunningServiceInfo> serviceList = activityMg.getRunningServices(100);
ArrayList<String> serviceName = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i=0; i<serviceList.size(); i++) {
ActivityManager.RunningServiceInfo currentService = serviceList.get(i);
boolean serviceNam = currentService.started;
if (serviceNam == true) {
return serviceName;
Now I want to run one of these services if it is stopped.
To run an installed app I have to use intent like this code:
Intent intent = context.getPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage(nameOfPakage);
But I want to just run a service of this app or another one.
I have a String name of package of app and i want start its service.
Is it possible?
Hi there below is to start a service from another application.
Intent intent = new Intent();
String pkg = currentService.service.getPackageName();
String cls = currentService.service.getPackageName() + "." + currentService.service.getClassName();
intent.setComponent(new ComponentName(pkg, cls));

How to get Category for each App on device on Android?

I've got an Android app which scans for all Apps installed on the device and then reports this to a server (it's an MDM agent). Any suggestions on how to get the Category of the App? Everyone has a different list of Categories, but basically something like Game, Entertainment, Tools/Utilities, etc.
From what I can tell there is nothing related to Category stored on the device itself. I was thinking of using the android market API to search for the application in the market and use the Category value returned by the search. Not sure how successful this will be finding a match. Any suggestions on how best to do this?
Any suggestions on a different approach?
Thanks in advance.
I know that this is an old post, but for anyone still looking for this, API level 26 (O) has added categories to
From the docs
public int category
The category of this app. Categories are used to cluster multiple apps together into meaningful groups, such as when summarizing battery, network, or disk usage. Apps should only define this value when they fit well into one of the specific categories.
Set from the R.attr.appCategory attribute in the manifest. If the manifest doesn't define a category, this value may have been provided by the installer via PackageManager#setApplicationCategoryHint(String, int).
One can now do something like:
PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager();
ApplicationInfo applicationInfo = pm.getApplicationInfo(packageName, 0);
if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {
int appCategory = applicationInfo.category;
String categoryTitle = (String) ApplicationInfo.getCategoryTitle(context, appCategory)
// ...
if you get for each application its package name, you could ask directly to play store which category an app belongs, parsing html response page with this library:
Here's a snippet to solve your problem:
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
public final static String GOOGLE_URL = "";
public static final String ERROR = "error";
private class FetchCategoryTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> {
private final String TAG = FetchCategoryTask.class.getSimpleName();
private PackageManager pm;
private ActivityUtil mActivityUtil;
protected Void doInBackground(Void... errors) {
String category;
pm = getPackageManager();
List<ApplicationInfo> packages = pm.getInstalledApplications(PackageManager.GET_META_DATA);
Iterator<ApplicationInfo> iterator = packages.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
ApplicationInfo packageInfo =;
String query_url = GOOGLE_URL + packageInfo.packageName;
Log.i(TAG, query_url);
category = getCategory(query_url);
// store category or do something else
return null;
private String getCategory(String query_url) {
boolean network = mActivityUtil.isNetworkAvailable();
if (!network) {
//manage connectivity lost
return ERROR;
} else {
try {
Document doc = Jsoup.connect(query_url).get();
Element link ="span[itemprop=genre]").first();
return link.text();
} catch (Exception e) {
return ERROR;
You could make these queries in an AsyncTask, or in a service. Hope that you find it helpful.
I also faced the same issue. The solution for the above query is stated below.
Firstly, download the Jsoup library or download the jar file.
Add this to your build.gradle(Module: app) implementation 'org.jsoup:jsoup:1.11.3'
private class FetchCategoryTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> {
private final String TAG = FetchCategoryTask.class.getSimpleName();
private PackageManager pm;
//private ActivityUtil mActivityUtil;
protected Void doInBackground(Void... errors) {
String category;
pm = getPackageManager();
List<ApplicationInfo> packages = pm.getInstalledApplications(PackageManager.GET_META_DATA);
Iterator<ApplicationInfo> iterator = packages.iterator();
// while (iterator.hasNext()) {
// ApplicationInfo packageInfo =;
String query_url = ""; //GOOGLE_URL + packageInfo.packageName;
Log.i(TAG, query_url);
category = getCategory(query_url);
Log.e("CATEGORY", category);
// store category or do something else
return null;
private String getCategory(String query_url) {
try {
Document doc = Jsoup.connect(query_url).get();
Elements link ="a[class=\"hrTbp R8zArc\"]");
return link.text();
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e("DOc", e.toString());
In return, you will get Application Company Name and category of the application
I made a Kotlin solution based on the answer from #Ankit Kumar Singh.
This solution maps the category to an enum, in case you want to do other things than just show it.
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import org.jsoup.Jsoup
import javax.inject.Inject
import javax.inject.Singleton
class AppCategoryService {
companion object {
private const val APP_URL = ""
private const val CAT_SIZE = 9
private const val CATEGORY_STRING = "category/"
suspend fun fetchCategory(packageName: String): AppCategory {
val url = "$APP_URL$packageName&hl=en" //
val categoryRaw = parseAndExtractCategory(url) ?: return AppCategory.OTHER
return AppCategory.fromCategoryName(categoryRaw)
private suspend fun parseAndExtractCategory(url: String): String? = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
return#withContext try {
val text = Jsoup.connect(url).get()?.select("a[itemprop=genre]") ?: return#withContext null
val href = text.attr("abs:href")
if (href != null && href.length > 4 && href.contains(CATEGORY_STRING)) {
} else {
} catch (e: Throwable) {
private fun getCategoryTypeByHref(href: String) = href.substring(href.indexOf(CATEGORY_STRING) + CAT_SIZE, href.length)
And here is the enum with all the possible values at of this moment in time:
// Note: Enum name matches API value and should not be changed
enum class AppCategory {
companion object {
private val map = values().associateBy(AppCategory::name)
private const val CATEGORY_GAME_STRING = "GAME_" // All games start with this prefix
fun fromCategoryName(name: String): AppCategory {
if (name.contains(CATEGORY_GAME_STRING)) return GAMES
return map[name.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT)] ?: OTHER
private fun getCategory(){
val GOOGLE_URL = ""
lifecycleScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
val doc: Document = Jsoup.connect(GOOGLE_URL).get()
val index = doc.body().data().indexOf("applicationCategory")
val simpleString = doc.body().data().subSequence(index,index+100)
val data = simpleString.split(":")[1].split(",")[0]
You can use below AsyncTask for extract Android app category from playStore by using app package id.
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.AsyncTask;
import android.util.Log;
import org.jsoup.Jsoup;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Document;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Element;
public class GetAppCategory extends AsyncTask<String, Void, String> {
//Main URL for each app on Play Store
public static final String APP_URL = "";
//Use below String if extracting 'CATEGORY' from href tag.
private final String CATEGORY_STRING = "category/";
private final int cat_size = 9;
/*Use below String for identified 'GAME' apps, which must start with this prefix.
Here I only display 'Games' as category for all Games app instead of showing their subCategory also*/
private final String CATEGORY_GAME_STRING = "GAME_";
//Name of the app package for which you want to get category.
private String packageName = null;
private PackageManager pm = null;
//Activity or Application context as per requirement.
private Context appContext;
/* You can add default system app OR non play store app package name here as comma seprated for ignore them
and set their category directly 'Others' OR anythings you wish. */
private final String extractionApps = ",," +
",,,," +
//Class level TAG, use for Logging.
private final String TAG = "GetAppCategory";
* #param packageName: package name of the app, you want to extract category.
* #param appContext: Activity/Application level Context ap per requirement.
public GetAppCategory(String packageName, Context appContext) {
this.packageName = packageName;
this.appContext = appContext;
protected String doInBackground(String... params) {
try {
pm = appContext.getPackageManager();
if (packageName != null && packageName.length() > 1) {
if (packageName.contains("package:")) {
packageName = packageName.replace("package:", "");
* Mathod used for parse play store html page and extract category from their.
String appCategoryType = parseAndExtractCategory(packageName);
Log.i(TAG, "package :" + packageName);
Log.i(TAG, "APP_CATEGORY: " + appCategoryType);
} catch (Exception e) {
//TODO:: Handle Exception
} finally {
return null;
protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
* #param packageName
* #return
private String parseAndExtractCategory(String packageName) {
//You can pass hl={language_code} for get category in some other langauage also other than English.
//String url = APP_URL + packageName + "&hl=" + appContext.getString(R.string.app_lang);
String url = APP_URL + packageName + "&hl=en"; //{}
String appCategoryType = null;
String appName = null;
try {
if (!extractionApps.contains(packageName)) {
Document doc = null;
try {
doc = Jsoup.connect(url).get();
if (doc != null) {
//Extract category String from a <anchor> tag value directly.
//NOTE: its return sub category text, for apps with multiple sub category.
//Comment this method {METHOD_1}, if you wish to extract category by href value.
Element CATEGORY_SUB_CATEGORY ="a[itemprop=genre]").first();
appCategoryType = CATEGORY_SUB_CATEGORY.text();
// Use below code only if you wist to extract category by href value.
//Its return parent or Main Category Text for all app.
//Comment this method {METHOD_2}, If you wihs to extract category from a<anchor> value.
if (appCategoryType == null || appCategoryType.length() < 1) {
Elements text ="a[itemprop=genre]");
if (text != null) {
if (appCategoryType == null || appCategoryType.length() < 2) {
String href = text.attr("abs:href");
if (href != null && href.length() > 4 && href.contains(CATEGORY_STRING)) {
appCategoryType = getCategoryTypeByHref(href);
if (appCategoryType != null && appCategoryType.length() > 1) {
* Ger formatted category String by removing special character.
appCategoryType = replaceSpecialCharacter(appCategoryType);
} catch (IOException e) {
//appCategoryType = appContext.getString(R.string.category_others);
appCategoryType = "OTHERS";
//TODO:: Handle Exception
} else {
//appCategoryType = appContext.getString(R.string.category_others);
appCategoryType = "OTHERS";
} catch (Exception e) {
//TODO:: Handle Exception
return appCategoryType;
* #param href
* #return
private String getCategoryTypeByHref(String href) {
String appCategoryType = null;
try {
appCategoryType = href.substring((href.indexOf(CATEGORY_STRING) + cat_size), href.length());
if (appCategoryType != null && appCategoryType.length() > 1) {
if (appCategoryType.contains(CATEGORY_GAME_STRING)) {
//appCategoryType = appContext.getString(;
appCategoryType = "GAMES";
} catch (Exception e) {
//TODO:: Handle Exception
return appCategoryType;
* #param appCategoryType
* #return: formatted String
private String replaceSpecialCharacter(String appCategoryType) {
try {
//Find and Replace '&' with '&' in category Text
if (appCategoryType.contains("&")) {
appCategoryType = appCategoryType.replace("&", " & ");
//Find and Replace '_AND_' with ' & ' in category Text
if (appCategoryType.contains("_AND_")) {
appCategoryType = appCategoryType.replace("_AND_", " & ");
//Find and Replace '_' with ' ' <space> in category Text
if (appCategoryType.contains("_")) {
appCategoryType = appCategoryType.replace("_", " ");
} catch (Exception e) {
//TODO:: Handle Exception
return appCategoryType;
It's requires jsoup library for parsing the html page. you can find it here org.jsoup.jsoup1.11.1
Probably a bit late, but the problem is still here.
The OP has the advantage because of sending those results to the API (here I assume that the API is managed by the OP or his API colleagues at least).
So, for anyone with the similar problem I'd suggest following:
Collect all the package names you're interested in from device.
Send that data to the your API
API should extract package names and try to read results from its cache / db...
For those packages that do not exist in cache / db make "market API" call and extract category - save it to the db / cache for reuse in this iteration.
When all requests (to cache / db and market API) are completed do whatever you like with the results.
Things to consider:
When multiple users try to query your API for a same package name and you don't have a category for that package in your cache / db...
Do 1 request to "market API" for packagex and update packagex in your cache / db to "waiting for results" state - next request should either get a "waiting for results" or a result that "market API" returned.
One should also consider a fallback for possible "market API" fails (market API not working, not a google play app, or something similar). This decision is basically tied to your domain and the business trend that you're trying to catch will force a decision about this for you. If you're really into getting this category stuff sorted out you could pipeline this fallback to human decision and update your API db / cache for packagex accordingly.
put up a nice API that would handle these and similar scenarios gracefully then one could probably even commercialize it up to a certain extent and "market API endpoint" - AKA play store package details page. That page would lose a big part of it's fake users :)

Get Android Google Analytics referrer tag

We're planning to use Google Analytics to track ad click-through referrals, through the Android Market, to our application.
According to the Google Documentation the referrer tag comes through via an intent, and is automatically recorded by the Google Analytics library.
That's great, but we need to extract that referral tag for our own internal analytics. The documentation is shy on details about how to grab it out of the initial launch intent, and instructions on how to simulate this before going live.
Does anyone have experience with this?
I went ahead and published a dead pixel finder app to play with snooping on the intent. For some reason, when I registered two different broadcast receivers (ie and my own), I never received it on my own.
So instead, I registered only my own receiver, process the information, and pass it along to Google Analytics. Don't know how kosher this is, but it works. Code follows.
public class ZSGoogleInterceptor extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
Bundle extras = intent.getExtras();
String referrerString = extras.getString("referrer");
// Next line uses my helper function to parse a query (eg "a=b&c=d") into key-value pairs
HashMap<String, String> getParams = Utility.getHashMapFromQuery(referrerString);
String source = getParams.get("utm_campaign");
if (source != null) {
SharedPreferences preferences = context.getSharedPreferences("my_prefs", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
Editor preferencesEditor = preferences.edit();
preferencesEditor.putString("ga_campaign", source);
// Pass along to google
AnalyticsReceiver receiver = new AnalyticsReceiver();
receiver.onReceive(context, intent);
Then, when your application is actually launched, you can pull the value back out of the shared preferences and pass it along with user signup or whatever. I used the campaign tag for my purposes, but you can grab any parameters you want out of the referrer string created with this tool.
#DougW 's answer updated for Analytics SDK 4
import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* Created by dave on 15-05-05.
public class ReferrerReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public static final String REFERRER = "REF";
public static final String UTM_CAMPAIGN = "utm_campaign";
public static final String UTM_SOURCE = "utm_source";
public static final String UTM_MEDIUM = "utm_medium";
public static final String UTM_TERM = "utm_term";
public static final String UTM_CONTENT = "utm_content";
private final String[] sources = {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
Bundle extras = intent.getExtras();
String referrerString = extras.getString("referrer");
try {
Map<String, String> getParams = getHashMapFromQuery(referrerString);
SharedPreferences preferences = context
.getSharedPreferences(REFERRER, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
SharedPreferences.Editor preferencesEditor = preferences.edit();
for (String sourceType : sources) {
String source = getParams.get(sourceType);
if (source != null) {
preferencesEditor.putString(sourceType, source);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
Log.e("Referrer Error", e.getMessage());
} finally {
// Pass along to google
CampaignTrackingReceiver receiver = new CampaignTrackingReceiver();
receiver.onReceive(context, intent);
public static Map<String, String> getHashMapFromQuery(String query)
throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
Map<String, String> query_pairs = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
String[] pairs = query.split("&");
for (String pair : pairs) {
int idx = pair.indexOf("=");
query_pairs.put(URLDecoder.decode(pair.substring(0, idx), "UTF-8"),
URLDecoder.decode(pair.substring(idx + 1), "UTF-8"));
return query_pairs;
In you manifest file:
<service android:name="" />
<receiver android:name="" />
<!-- Make sure this points to the location of Referrer Receiver in your package -->
<receiver android:name=".ReferrerReceiver" android:exported="true">
<action android:name="" />
Check at:
Get referrer after installing app from Android Market
for the solutions.

