What is the fastest Android camera image format? - android

I'm grabbing images from an Android camera using onPreviewFrame(). I only really need the grayscale portion of the image, which I'm passing as a byte array to some native code.
On the newer OS versions that I'm supporting, both YV12 and NV21 preview formats are supported, with NV21 as the default.
Is one of these likely to be faster (i.e., matching the hardware format and requiring no extra processing by the OS) on most devices? Is it something entirely dependent on the device manufacturer?

The manufacturer might matter depending on camera type and hardware. The NV21 format is android default. As far as speed, Im doubting you'll notice a difference regardless of format. Personally i would use NV21 YCrCb. Here is a link on different formats - Types of Android Image Formatting

I believe any processing will be orders of magnitude longer than hardware conversion of frame formats. If it isn't, it will be completely device-dependent.


how to make mediapipe work with android yuv_420_888 format

I'm trying to do real time hand detection app . In android devices not all devices support RGB output from camera devices. Mediapipe seems to work on RGB frames by default. As Mediapipe might be trained on RGB images so I just can't give YUV frames as input without conversion.
Conversion using loops is too costly , Using library like opencv is overkill just for coversion (as it increases app size), Neon implementation is hard for me as beginner programmer .
Is there is any MediaPipe way to convert to RGB format?
(Answers on android way are also welcome)
(I'm using camera2 api , I can't use cameraX as my use case doesn't support it)
Starting from version 1.1.0-alpha08 you can safely request RGBA format.
Documentation states that:
Add setOutputImageFormat API for image analysis config. User can select ImageAnalysis.OUTPUT_IMAGE_FORMAT_YUV_420_888 or ImageAnalysis.OUTPUT_IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA_8888. By default, ImageAnalysis.OUTPUT_IMAGE_FORMAT_YUV_420_888 will be selected.

Android ImageFormat size comparison

Is there any comparison as to the size in memory or on disk of the various ImageFormat types available on Android?
I'm looking for the lowest size format (or alternatively the most compression) with little regard to image quality. I see the JPEG and HEIC formats are the only ones with the word "compressed" so I'd assume the lowest footprint would use one of these, but I'm not seeing any info that would allow me to compare these (or the potential other formats) with regard to memory size.
I was thinking to try generating one of each format and comparing, but I see no easy way to capture or convert to the vast majority of the types listed. For example, using the CameraX ImageAnalysis use case, it seems I can only get images in YUV_420_888 format. There are a few 3rd party or SO answers that could potentially convert to a few other formats, but I'm not seeing any easy way to compare these formats to compare the inherent sizes of each.

Camera2 - most efficient way to obtain a still capture Bitmap

To start with the question: what is the most efficient way to initialize and use ImageReader with the camera2 api, knowing that I am always going to convert the capture into a Bitmap?
I'm playing around with the Android camera2 samples, and everything is working quite nicely. However, for my purposes I always need to perform some post processing on captured still images, for which I require a Bitmap object. Presently I am using BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(...) using the bytes coming from the ImageReader.acquireNextImage().getPlanes()[0].getBuffer() (I'm paraphrasing). While this works acceptably, I still feel like there should be a way to improve performance. The captures are encoded in ImageFormat.Jpeg and need to be decoded again to get the Bitmap, which seems redundant. Ideally I'd obtain them in PixelFormat.RGB_888 and just copy that to a Bitmap using Bitmap.copyPixelsFromBuffer(...), but it doesn't seem like initializing an ImageReader with that format has reliable device support. YUV_420_888 could be another option, but looking around SO it seems that it requires jumping through some hoops to decode into a Bitmap. Is there a recommended way to do this?
The question is what you are optimizing for.
Jpeg is without doubt the easiest format supported by all devices. Decoding it to bitmap is not redundant as it seems because encoding the picture into jpeg he is usually performed by kind of hardware. This means that uses minimal bandwidth to transmit the image from the sensor to your application. on some devices this is the only way to get maximum resolution. BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(...) is often performed by special hardware decoder too. The major problem with this call is that may cause out of memory exception, because the output bitmap is too big. So you will find many examples the do subsampled decoding, tuned for the use case where the bitmap must be displayed on the phone screen.
If your device supports required resolution with RGB_8888, go for it: this needs minimal post-processing. But scaling such image down may be more CPU intensive then dealing with Jpeg, and memory consumption may be huge. Anyways, only few devices support this format for camera capture.
As for YUV_420_888 and other YUV formats,
the advantages over Jpeg are even smaller than for RGB.
If you need the best quality image and don't have memory limitations, you should go for RAW images which are supported on most high-end devices these days. You will need your own conversion algorithm, and probably make different adaptations for different devices, but at least you will have full command of the picture acquisition.
After a while I now sort of have an answer to my own question, albeit not a very satisfying one. After much consideration I attempted the following:
Setup a ScriptIntrinsicYuvToRGB RenderScript of the desired output size
Take the Surface of the used input allocation, and set this as the target surface for the still capture
Run this RenderScript when a new allocation is available and convert the resulting bytes to a Bitmap
This actually worked like a charm, and was super fast. Then I started noticing weird behavior from the camera, which happened on other devices as well. As it would turn out, the camera HAL doesn't really recognize this as a still capture. This means that (a) the flash / exposure routines don't fire in this case when they need to and (b) if you have initiated a precapture sequence before your capture auto-exposure will remain locked unless you manage to unlock it using AE_PRECAPTURE_TRIGGER_CANCEL (API >= 23) or some other lock / unlock magic which I couldn't get to work on either device. Unless you're fine with this only working in optimal lighting conditions where no exposure adjustment is necessary, this approach is entirely useless.
I have one more idea, which is to setup an ImageReader with a YUV_420_888 output and incorporating the conversion routine from this answer to get RGB pixels from it. However, I'm actually working with Xamarin.Android, and RenderScript user scripts are not supported there. I may be able to hack around that, but it's far from trivial.
For my particular use case I have managed to speed up JPEG decoding to acceptable levels by carefully arranging background tasks with subsampled decodes of the versions I need at multiple stages of my processing, so implementing this likely won't be worth my time any time soon. If anyone is looking for ideas on how to approach something similar though; that's what you could do.
Change the Imagereader instance using a different ImageFormat like this:
ImageReader.newInstance(width, height, ImageFormat.JPEG, 1)

Android Camera2 ImageReader Image Format YUV

I've got an Android application which does motion detection and video recording. It supports both the Camera and Camera2 APIs in order to provide backwards compatibility. I'm using an ImageReader with the Camera2 API in order to do motion detection. I'm currently requesting JPEG format images, which are very slow. I understand that requesting YUV images would be faster, but is it true that the YUV format varies depending on which device is being used? I just wanted to check before I give up on optimizing this.
All devices will support NV21 and YV12 formats for the old camera API (since API 12), and for camera2, all devices will support YUV_420_888.
YUV_420_888 is a flexible YUV format, so it can represent multiple underlying formats (including NV21 and YV12). So you'll need to check the pixel and row strides in the Images from the ImageReader to ensure you're reading through the 3 planes of data correctly.
If you need full frame rate, you need to work in YUV - JPEG has a lot of encoding overhead and generally won't run faster than 2-10fps, while YUV will run at 30fps at least at preview resolutions.
I solved this problem by using the luminance (Y) values only, the format for which doesn't vary between devices. For the purposes of motion detection, a black and white image is fine. This also gets around the problem on API Level 21 where some of the U and V data is missing when using the ImageReader.

Rendering YUV format in android?

I'm trying to stream video in android through ffmpeg,the output which i am getting after the decoding is YUV format.Is it possible to render YUV image format directly in the Android screen?
Yes and no.
The output of the camera and hardware video decoders is generally YUV. Frames from these sources are generally sent directly to the display. They may be converted by the driver, typically with a hardware scaler and format converter. This is necessary for efficiency.
There isn't an API to allow an app to pass YUV frames around the same way. The basic problem is that "YUV" covers a lot of ground. The buffer format used by the video decoder may be a proprietary internal format that the various hardware modules can process efficiently; for your app to create a surface in this format, it would have to perform a conversion, and you're right back where you were performance-wise.
You should be able to use GLES2 shaders to do the conversion for you on the way to the display, but I don't have a pointer to code that demonstrates this.
Update: an answer to this question has a link to a WebRTC source file that demonstrates doing the YUV conversion in a GLES2 shader.

