I have this strange line wrap on Android Studio and I want to disable because it freaks me out...
It's also available under the context menu
In Android Studio 0.4.0 following should help:
Configure > Settings > Editor > Uncheck 'Use soft wraps in editor'
On Mac (Android Studio 3.0):
Preferences -> Editor -> General -> Uncheck 'Use soft wraps in editor'
I wanted to entirely disable wrapping and I found a workaround.
It doesn't seem to work for specific file extensions (Groovy, HTML, Java, etc.) but does with the general value. I set it with a significantly great number and am having no more wrapping.
I think they should give a master option for it!
In Android Studio 2.3.3+, to disable line wrapping, you need to go to:
Code Styles
[Select a Language, e.g. Java]
Set "wrap on typing" to NO.
If you're wondering how to do this for Flutter/Dart, here's how:
File -> Settings -> Code Style -> Dart
Change the Line length field to something bigger than the default (I'm using 300)
This should work for any programming language.
In Android Studio 1.0.2, there is no menu named Configure. Settings is now under File menu. Everything are as accepted answer.
Right click near the line numbers for the soft wrap option to pop up.
In Android Studio 3.5.3 you can set the soft wrap to line up with the orginal lines indent AND set an additional indent spaces. Makes it easier for me to read
Settings --> Editor --> General
I found helpful that in the current version (Android Studio 3.2) you can set the soft wrap indicators to show only in the current line in adition to using soft wraps in editor.
Check the Show soft wrap indicators for current line only in:
Editor -> General -> Soft Wraps
There is also the auto-line breaking issue, where AS will automatically add hard line returns in long lines. I found the setting for this in Preferences > Editor > Code Style > Hard wrap at [X] and []wrap on typing.
Android Studio 4.1.3:
Preferences > Code Style > uncheck wrap on typing
I want to change my code style settings in Android Studio for Windows as Shown in this Figure, So my code does not go out of device width. And show these arrows for next line as in Figure...???
I'm Using Android Studio 4.0.1 on Windows-10
Navigate to your toolbar -> View -> Active Editor -> Soft-wrap (uncheck it)
With Soft wrap (ignore gibberish text for testing):
Without Soft wrap :
Not using windows but I think view settings would be the same regardless of OS
I've just updated to Android Studio 3.5 and now when I try to refactor the file AndroidManifest.xml, all my app permissions are moved to the bottom of the file.
Has anyone else faced this issue? Is there any solution for this?
Before refactor:
After refactor:
It is applicable to my all project files.
Why it matters:
You just need to set xml layout for Android applications from the settings.
Follow this steps:
1. Go to Android Studio > Preferences. For Windows, go to File > Settings.
2. Search for xml in search bar.
3. Under code style section, select xml tab.
4. In the top right corner, click on set from... and under predefined style, select Android
5. Click on Apply and try to refactor.
Reset the appropriate Android code style as follows.
For Windows Only
Step1: Click on the file menu.
Step2: Navigate to Setting.
Step3: Find Editor in the Left Panel**.
Step4: Find Code Style in the Sub Menu of Editor.
Step5: Click on XML in the Sub Menu of Code Style.
Step6: Click on Set from in Top right corner of Right panel.
Step7: Select Predefined Style.
Step8: Select Android.
Step9: Click OK.
For macOS Only
Step1: Click on the Android Studio menu.
Step2: Navigate to Preferences.
Step3: Find Editor in the Left Panel**.
Step4: Find Code Style in the Sub Menu of Editor.
Step5: Click on XML in the Sub Menu of Code Style.
Step6: Click on Set from in Top right corner of Right panel.
Step7: Select Predefined Style.
Step8: Select Android.
Step9: Click OK.
It seems the default scheme leaves out the "attribute" property in the arrangement rules. Adding them back in works like a charm for me.
The correction can be made in: Preferences > Editor > Code Style > XML
Just adding more details .
This is a known issue with android studio from Android Studio 3.5 Canary 8 . It should get fixed in next version as this turned out to affect large number of developers .
You can see status of the bug here
Also the solution is
Broken XML code style
When editing XML code, the IDE might apply an incorrect code style when you select Code > Reformat Code from the menu bar. To fix this issue, reset the appropriate Android code style as follows:
Open the Settings window by clicking File > Settings (on macOS, Android Studio > Preferences).
In the left panel, click Editor > Code Style > XML.
Near the top-right corner of the right panel, select Set from > Predefined Style > Android
Click OK.
Which is found here -> Known issues with Android Studio and Android Gradle Plugin
Edit: This is now fixed in Android studio version 3.5.2
ctrl + alt + s
Search XML
I wanted to do the same steps as the first answer, but I just needed to change the default scheme to project.
I hope that you also solve it this way . Sorry for my English !
If you have a custom code style defined, you have to specify a type for each rule: tag or attribute.
It seems like after the update, if you do not specify a type, the rules will be applied to both. Not sure if it is a bug, but that's how i fixed.
This does not work on 3.5
After adding the attribute type to each rule, it worked
Please follow these steps for Windows version of "Android Studio 3.5"
1: Click on the File in the Menu.
2: Go to Settings.
3: Click on Editor.
4: Click on Code Style
5: Click on XML.
6: Click on "Set from..." in top-right corner.
7: Select Predefined Style.
8: Select Android.
9: Click OK.
3.5.0 known issue
When editing XML code, the IDE might apply an incorrect code style when you select Code > Reformat Code from the menu bar. To fix this issue, reset the appropriate Android code style as follows:
Open the Settings window by clicking File > Settings (on macOS,
Android Studio > Preferences).
In the left panel, click Editor > Code Style > XML.
Near the top-right corner of the right panel, select Set from >
Predefined Style > Android.
Click OK.
For anyone searching this for Android Studio 4+ :
File -> Setting -> Editor -> Code Style -> XML -> Arrangement ->
Set Force rearrange to "Never"
Set from to "Android"
I've just updated to Android Studio 3.5 and now when I try to refactor the file AndroidManifest.xml, all my app permissions are moved to the bottom of the file.
Has anyone else faced this issue? Is there any solution for this?
Before refactor:
After refactor:
It is applicable to my all project files.
Why it matters:
You just need to set xml layout for Android applications from the settings.
Follow this steps:
1. Go to Android Studio > Preferences. For Windows, go to File > Settings.
2. Search for xml in search bar.
3. Under code style section, select xml tab.
4. In the top right corner, click on set from... and under predefined style, select Android
5. Click on Apply and try to refactor.
Reset the appropriate Android code style as follows.
For Windows Only
Step1: Click on the file menu.
Step2: Navigate to Setting.
Step3: Find Editor in the Left Panel**.
Step4: Find Code Style in the Sub Menu of Editor.
Step5: Click on XML in the Sub Menu of Code Style.
Step6: Click on Set from in Top right corner of Right panel.
Step7: Select Predefined Style.
Step8: Select Android.
Step9: Click OK.
For macOS Only
Step1: Click on the Android Studio menu.
Step2: Navigate to Preferences.
Step3: Find Editor in the Left Panel**.
Step4: Find Code Style in the Sub Menu of Editor.
Step5: Click on XML in the Sub Menu of Code Style.
Step6: Click on Set from in Top right corner of Right panel.
Step7: Select Predefined Style.
Step8: Select Android.
Step9: Click OK.
It seems the default scheme leaves out the "attribute" property in the arrangement rules. Adding them back in works like a charm for me.
The correction can be made in: Preferences > Editor > Code Style > XML
Just adding more details .
This is a known issue with android studio from Android Studio 3.5 Canary 8 . It should get fixed in next version as this turned out to affect large number of developers .
You can see status of the bug here
Also the solution is
Broken XML code style
When editing XML code, the IDE might apply an incorrect code style when you select Code > Reformat Code from the menu bar. To fix this issue, reset the appropriate Android code style as follows:
Open the Settings window by clicking File > Settings (on macOS, Android Studio > Preferences).
In the left panel, click Editor > Code Style > XML.
Near the top-right corner of the right panel, select Set from > Predefined Style > Android
Click OK.
Which is found here -> Known issues with Android Studio and Android Gradle Plugin
Edit: This is now fixed in Android studio version 3.5.2
ctrl + alt + s
Search XML
I wanted to do the same steps as the first answer, but I just needed to change the default scheme to project.
I hope that you also solve it this way . Sorry for my English !
If you have a custom code style defined, you have to specify a type for each rule: tag or attribute.
It seems like after the update, if you do not specify a type, the rules will be applied to both. Not sure if it is a bug, but that's how i fixed.
This does not work on 3.5
After adding the attribute type to each rule, it worked
Please follow these steps for Windows version of "Android Studio 3.5"
1: Click on the File in the Menu.
2: Go to Settings.
3: Click on Editor.
4: Click on Code Style
5: Click on XML.
6: Click on "Set from..." in top-right corner.
7: Select Predefined Style.
8: Select Android.
9: Click OK.
3.5.0 known issue
When editing XML code, the IDE might apply an incorrect code style when you select Code > Reformat Code from the menu bar. To fix this issue, reset the appropriate Android code style as follows:
Open the Settings window by clicking File > Settings (on macOS,
Android Studio > Preferences).
In the left panel, click Editor > Code Style > XML.
Near the top-right corner of the right panel, select Set from >
Predefined Style > Android.
Click OK.
For anyone searching this for Android Studio 4+ :
File -> Setting -> Editor -> Code Style -> XML -> Arrangement ->
Set Force rearrange to "Never"
Set from to "Android"
The design tab is getting in my way as I develop. In particular the keyboard command CTRL-SHIFT-ARROW is navigating me to it when I want to do partial word selection.
The design tab isn't something that I use for a variety of reasons.
Is there a way to disable the design tab altogether or change the keyboard binding?
You can disable design tab as default to open layout files. There is a settings icon on the top right corner of design tab. It contains a switch to prefer XML editor as default.
If you don't find the settings icon in the design tab (doesn't seem to be there in Android Studio 3.1.1), you can do it through Settings:
File -> Settings -> Editor -> Layout Editor -> check the checkbox "Prefer XML Editor"
In Android Studio Chimpmunk the whole thing is located under Preferences -> Editor -> Design Tools
Big thanks to other responders, this thing was driving me nuts. Do people who use Design-only approach to XML layouts even exist?
For Mac OS Android studio 4.1 and above you go to Preferences->Editor->Layout Editor->On other resources eg layouts switch from design to split
I am only getting autocomplete in my xml layout when i type "android:" I want to get it whenever I press cmd+space. I am using a mac
Go to
Eclipse -> Preferences -> XML -> XML Files - > Editor -> Content Assist
and tick all proposals checkboxes to allow this.
EDIT : Also tick Automatically make suggestions and Insert single proposals automatically checkboxes.
Open Preferences and in the search type XML, you would find on the left pane a XML hierarchy and under editor you will have content assist. Just tick all the boxes there are in this page and you are good to go!
Window--->Preferences----->General------->Keys, find Content Assist and set attribute Binding as cmd + space, and attribute When as Editing in Structured Text Editors, if it still not work, right click on your xml file, choose open with, try to use Android Menu Editor. Good luck.
I found the solution:
I needed to unselect in my mac SystemPref --> keyboard-->shortcuts there was a command "select the previous input source"
All You want is code promption whatever you enter.
Eclipse -> Preferences -> XML -> XML Files - > Editor -> Content Assist
Then input "prompt when these characters are inserted" with