onCreateView called two times on Fragment when I rotate the screen - android

I have an Activity with a NavigationDrawer and a Fragment which is created when I click on the NavigationDrawer. When I create the Fragment, I pass to it some arguments.
When I rotate the screen, the activity is recreated, the navigationdrawer is recreated and also the Fragment.
After this operations, the fragment is recreated, but without arguments.
I want understand who creates the Fragment the second time...
Can anyone help me?

I ran into a similar issue when trying to restore the video player state (play or pause) and position (time elapsed) after changing the screen orientation. When I rotate the screen once, I noticed that onCreateView in the fragment activity is called twice. When it is rotated twice, onCreateView is called three time - and so on. The last call somehow forgets the states I saved in onSaveInstanceState (in the fragment activity).
Upon digging around, I found the answer I was looking for. In the activity that adds the fragment, I needed to check if savedInstanceState is null. Only if it is null should you add the fragment.
For example:
if (savedInstanceState == null) {
fragmentManager = getSupportFragmentManager();
FragmentActivity fragment = new FragmentActivity();
.add(R.id.fragment_container, fragment)
More information can be found here:
Android Fragment lifecycle over orientation changes

Use this in your manifest with Fragment activity:
However, if your application targets API level 12 or lower, then your activity always handles this configuration change itself (this configuration change does not restart your activity, even when running on an Android 3.2 or higher device)


Fragment does not call lifecycle methods

I've a fragment A. I add() it with tag like this:
Then I simply add() fragment B on top of fragment A. After that, I decide to remove fragment B and go back to fragment A using:
activity.fragmentManager.popBackStackImmediate(special_tag, 0)
When I reach the fragment A, it seems that fragment doesn't re-run it's lifecycle methods: onAttach(), onResume(), onCreate() ect.
Can someone explain this behavior and maybe suggest an alternative?
(I need to "refresh" the data when I come back to fragment A second time)
What is causing this result?
Is there a clean solution/work-around?
Fragment B is GuidedStepFragment and does not have a .replace() function. I found that it has finishGuidedStepFragments(), but it behaves the same (it does not call fragment life cycle functions)
Situation (again):
Fragment A (Simple fragment) -> .add(Fragment B) (GuidedStepFragment) -> popBackStackImmediate() or finishGuidedStepFragments()
I add Fragment B like this:
GuidedStepFragment.add(activity.fragmentManager, fragmentB.createInstance())
Using fragmentTransaction.add(Fragment) doesn't remove Fragment A. What is actually happening is that Fragment A is still running behind Fragment B. Since Fragment A never stopped running, it's lifecycle has no need to retrigger.
Consider using fragmentTransaction.replace(Fragment) and replace the fragment in the container (fragment A) with fragment B. If you pop that transaction from the back stack, then Fragment A will reattach and follow your expected lifecycle.
Since you seem to be using GuidedStepFragments from the leanback library, this is a little tricky. GuidedStepFragment actually performs replace(...) under the hood, but you're adding fragment B to a different container so the original behavior I mentioned doesn't apply.
I'm not super familiar with leanback (since it's usually only used for android tv), but I do know that you can at least do the following. If you keep track of your backstack size, when all of the GuidedStepFragments have been popped, you will have returned to your original fragment. For example, let's assume your backstack starts at zero:
activity.fragmentManager.addOnBackStackChangedListener(new FragmentManager.OnBackStackChangedListener() {
public void onBackStackChanged() {
if (activity.fragmentManager.getBackStackEntryCount() == 0){
// handle your updates
// the next line of code will add an entry to the backstack
GuidedStepFragment.add(activity.fragmentManager, fragmentB.createInstance());
// eventually when back is pressed and the guided fragment is removed, the backstack listener should trigger

Android FragmentManagerImpl.dispatchResume() resuming fragments out of order

I am hitting a very strange problem in Android and I can't figure out why it's happening or how to code around it. I truly believe this to be an Android bug.
I have a MainActivity which contains a FrameLayout named main_container (its height and width are both match_parent as each fragment should be the only fragment "showing" to the user). From MainActivity, I add Fragment A like so:
.replace(R.id.main_container, frag, fragTag)
From there, Fragment A, upon a user's click of a view, will add Fragment B like so ("frag" and "fragTag" are different values than the above code snippet):
.setCustomAnimations(R.anim.slide_in_right, 0, 0, R.anim.slide_out_right)
.add(R.id.main_container, frag, fragTag)
And from here, Fragment B will add Fragment C like so (again, "frag" and "fragTag" are different values than the previous two snippets):
.setCustomAnimations(R.anim.slide_in_right, 0, 0, R.anim.slide_out_right)
.add(R.id.main_container, frag, fragTag)
So at this point, in the backstack, we should have Fragment A -> Fragment B -> Fragment C.
Fragment C invokes the MediaPicker upon the user's click of a view. Doing so calls all fragments' onPause methods and the app is put in the background. Now when the user selects an image, the application is resumed but here's where the bug happens... it resumes in this order, as proven with breakpoints in each fragments' onResume method:
Fragment A -> Fragment C -> Fragment B
This causes all sorts of issues because each of my fragments registers itself as a listener in the MainActivity to handle back button clicks. This logic relies on that ordering being correct. For some reason, it's still showing Fragment C on top, but onResume was definitely called out of order.
Perhaps even worse though... rather than clicking for MediaPicker, you can simply rotate the phone to cause a config change. This exhibits the same behavior of reordering to A -> C -> B but in this case it DOES actually show the wrong fragment on top. It SHOWS Fragment B on top.
Is it a design point that you can't rely on Android to resume fragments in the same order you added them to the backstack and I'm supposed to code around it? Or am I doing something wrong? Or is this really an Android bug? I am by far not a newbie to Android development, but this one has me stumped.
I've pinpointed what is going on and apparently it's by design. It seems pretty crazy to me and I disagree with the logic behind it. I may be able to fix this with reflection, but I don't like doing that. Anyways, on to the problem.
The problem is with the way FragmentManagerImpl keeps track of active fragments. It has an ArrayList to keep track of active fragments and when everything is paused (such as in my case where I'm starting an intent to get a photo from media gallery, thus it's leaving my app), upon resuming back into my app, it moves the fragments back to active in the same order they're in that ArrayList. Sounds great, eh?
Well here's my problem. When things are taken OUT of that ArrayList, they don't remove() the item, they just set it to null and then have logic to reuse that empty "slot" (line 1168 in the github link) when the next fragment comes along. In my case, the transient fragment that leaves a hole in the ArrayList is a DialogFragment. Putting it back into terms of my original report, Fragment A shows a DialogFragment... clicking a certain button in that DialogFragment brings up Fragment B. Clicking another view in Fragment B brings up Fragment C. But here's what happens to the ArrayList FragmentManagerImpl keeps track of after clicking the button in the DialogFragment:
{ FragA, null (used to be DialogFragment), FragB }
So apparently DialogFragment was moved out of active state after FragB was moved to active, thus leaving a hole. So now we click the view in FragB to bring up FragC and the ArrayList looks like so:
{ FragA, FragC (reused DialogFragment's slot), FragB }
We go off to the media picker, come back, and voila the fragments are resumed out of order with respect to how I instantiated them in the first place. This makes no sense to me and if you don't step into OS code with breakpoints, you never figure out why Android is not behaving the way you told it to. Seems like it would have been easier to just do an ArrayList.remove() of the fragment you removed, thus leaving no holes.
Like I said, I can probably get around this with reflection... but I'm leery of that because there is also this mIndex variable in all Fragments that corresponds to the index of it's slot in that ArrayList (mActive). So I'd have to be sure to keep those in sync... and now I have a dependency on knowing how the OS code works. :(
This is a known issue. Google "android fragment reordering" and you will get a whole page of links on the subject including some solutions.

What is the correct way to restore a fragment?

First of all I'm sorry if this explanation seems unclear, I'm new to Android.
I have a ViewPager in main activity showing fragments added dynamically by user. Fragments are created initially on activity start up and are added to ViewPager via Adapter i.e. adapter simply returns proper fragment and as I understand correctly fragment's content is created at this time when ViewPager 'retrieves' a fragment first time.
The problem is when main activity gets restored after orientation changing all fragments are resurrected as well and when Adapter tries to return newly created by user Fragment method createView() is no longer called and it fails with NullPointerException. It seems ViewPager retains fragments attached to it initially and doesn't call createView() for newly added ones for the same position.
I have a feeling I'm missing vital point on the Fragment lifecycle. I wouldn't like to change the design. My main question is what the correct way is to return a Fragment added to ViewPage after activity is restored? Is there any way to locate recently attached fragments?
If the fragment already exists, it will be re-used. However the state of the fragment will not. You should take a look at http://developer.android.com/training/basics/activity-lifecycle/recreating.html for more information.
In particular you should look at overriding onSavedInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceState as a method to repopulate the field that is generating that nullpointerexception
To determine if an instance of a fragment has already been created you can use 'findFragmentByTag' like so:
String fragmentTag = MyFramgment.getClass().getName();
MyFragment frag = getFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(fragmentTag);
if(frag == null)
frag = new MyFragment();
Whatever ends up being referenced in 'frag', show this to the user.

Android Fragment View State Loss When Using FragmentTransaction.replace()

I am having a pretty big issue and I am not quite understanding what is happening. I am developing an application that uses Fragments (from the support library) and am using FragmentTransaction.replace() to place new Fragments on to the back stack and replace the old one. The code looks as follows:
FragmentManager fm = getSupportFragmentManager();
FragmentTransaction ft = ft.beginTransaction();
// Animations in my res/anim folder
ft.setCustomAnimations(R.anim.slide_in_right, R.anim.slide_out_left, R.anim.slide_in_left, R.anim.slide_out_right);
ft.replace(R.id.fragment_container, newFragment, tag);
This is successful in replacing my fragment. My issue is the following. In one Fragment, I have a list of items that is built from user input. Now, when the user clicks next and then clicks the back button (to return to the list), the list is empty because the view is destroyed. Now, I have noted the following:
onSaveInstanceState is not called. I believe this is because that is only called when the parent Activity tells it to. Based on the docs: " There are many situations where a fragment may be mostly torn down (such as when placed on the back stack with no UI showing), but its state will not be saved until its owning activity actually needs to save its state.". Apparently, performing a replace on the FragmentTransaction is not one of those times. Does anyone have confirmation on this or a better explanation?
setOnRetainInstanceState(true) is not helpful in this situation. Again, I believe this has to do with info from the docs: "Control whether a fragment instance is retained across Activity re-creation (such as from a configuration change)". I am not performing any action in re-creating the activity so this is of no use.
So, I guess my main question is: is there a way to preserve the View state (simply retain the Fragment) when using replace? There is FragmentTransaction.add(), but there are a few issues with this as well. One being that the exit animation is not performed, thus the animation is not correct. Another is that the new Fragment that the old fragment (the one that is being put into a non-visible state) is still clickable. For example, if I have a ListFragment, and I place a content fragment on top of that by using add, I can still click the list items in the ListFragment.
Without being able to see the code of your fragments this is a bit of a guess, but in the past I've run into this same issue and I've found that resetting the adapter in your ListFragment in onViewStateRestored seems to do the trick.
public void onViewStateRestored (Bundle savedInstanceState)
super.onViewStateRestored (savedInstanceState);
setListAdapter(new ArrayAdapter(Activity, R.layout.nav_item, objects));
Which is weird considering the documentation states that this method is called after onActivityCreated but before onStart. But it seems that it is also called at other times because when the most recent fragment transaction is popped off the back stack this method is called before the previously replaced fragment is displayed. The activity that owns the fragments has not been paused or obscured in any way, so according to the docs onViewStateRestored should not be called since just the fragments were modified. But this seems to work anyway.
It sounds like you simply need to make sure you have properly implemented onCreateView and onDestroyView. The situation you are describing seems to indicate that when the list fragment is put on the back stack (as a result of the replace transaction) Android is calling onDestroyView to free up some resources. However, it apparently has not destroyed the list fragment because when you tap back you are getting back the same instance of the fragment.
Assuming this is all true then, when the user taps back Android will call onCreateView. Any state that you have stored in the fragment's instance variables should still be there and all you need to do is repopulate the view...perhaps set the adapter on the ListView or whatever.
Also make sure your onSaveInstanceState() callback actually does save any instance state that you need to rebuild the view. That way if the fragment actually does get completely destroyed the FragmentManager can restore the state when it needs to recrete the fragment later.

Android actionbar refresh when rotating and multi-pane

I have an activity the same as the following image:
FragmentA is a listview and has a SearchWidget as menu-item (which is not displayed on old devices, only API11 and above).
FragmentB is a detail view and has several menu-items.
When ActivityA runs on a tablet, the menu-items of FragmentA + FragmentB are visible in the actionbar. This is correct and works perfect.
Now on a Nexus 7 I want a mix of those:
In portrait only use the handset layout
When I rotate the device, the tablet layout is loaded
The only thing which I can't seem to get working is the actionbar. When I rotate the device from landscape mode (tablet view) back to portrait (handset view), still the actionbar shows the menu-items of FragmentA + FragmentB.
I've tried calling the invalidateOptionsMenu() from onResume() in both ActivityA as FragmentA, but without luck.
Does anyone has an idea?
I think this is due activity re-creation process.
When screen is rotated your activity is destroyed (by default).
But before it is destroyed it saves state including states of all currently active fragments.
Later, when activity is creating after orientation change it restores saved state (with both fragments). As details fragment restores it appends menu items.
You can check this by adding log statements or using debugger in onCreateView of DetailsFragment.
If it's your case then you have next solutions:
Suppress saving state (must be avoided if DetailsFragment should keep track of last displayed item or something similar) by removing this fragment before activity save its state.
Suppress any initialization of DetailsFragment if it will not be displayed. Activity should give answer about visibility.
Your variant? I think two approaches above isn't good enough...
Sorry if my answer didn't help you at all
This works for me.
In Activity A try find Fragment B and set setHasOptionsMenu(mTwoPane)
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Fragment fragment = getFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(TAG_FRAGMENT_DETAIL);
if (getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.has_detail)){
mTwoPane = true;
if (fragment != null) {

