Is there any shortcut for editing properties of a widget in Android Layout editor in ADT?
I need to change gravity of TextView lots of times, but every time I have to use mouse...
You could do a search and replace on a particular string in the layout.
Highlight only the TextViews you want the search to happen in
Search > Search
Enter the string to be replaced and press the "Replace" button or "Replace
All" button.
If you post the exact xml listing of your layout, I can be more exact in which string needs to be replaced. If that solution doesn't work for your particular case, to save some time, I suppose you might also be able to create a particular custom Eclipse template for your TextView.
A third option would be to use inheritance and create a customTextView with the gravity already set a certain way.
And a fourth option still would be to set the properties of your TextViews programmatically after the fact using both XML and Java (instead of only using XML).
I am trying to make a note app and every note can include Checkboxs depending on the user's tasks. The question is how can I inject the EditText with a CheckBox once a button is clicked?. I searched for libraries on GitHub but I could not find something that satisfies me or something that can be customizable. Then I tried to make my custom editor that inherits from AppCompatEditText, and after making that class I looked at it and said how the f I am going to include that checkBox
The same as in the middle green image:
Just add a layout which contains checkbox and edittext, and use the layout when the user adds the note. Simple if statement is enough to make this workaround.
I just want a simple non-editable text label but there doesn't seem to be a widget explicitly for it. The closest thing seems to be a android.widget.TextView. But the documentation says a "TextView is a complete text editor". That seems like overkill for a simple label. I don't want to bloat my application. Is there a more appropriate widget?
Or am I approaching this the wrong way? For example, let's say I'm building a settings screen, is there a layout I should choose which gives me labels for the properties so I don't have to specify widgets for the labels?
Is there a more appropriate widget?
I don't want to bloat my application.
You won't, unless you put a ton of text in it. While TextView has a lot of code, your process will already have access to that code, whether you use TextView or not. The only "bloat" would come from the actual heap space used by the TextView object itself (and objects that it holds).
For example, let's say I'm building a settings screen, is there a layout I should choose which gives me labels for the properties so I don't have to specify widgets for the labels?
Typically, we would use a PreferenceFragment, backed by a preference XML resource, instead of having any layout or widgets.
But, if you wanted to roll your own for some reason, use TextView for the labels.
I'm developing an application and I am facing a problem using ExpandableListView. What I'm trying to do is, in GroupHeader, not only show the group name, but also an spinner with options. That's because I want to show the football second division games in the list but, also, give the option to choose the round, in case the user wants to check older/future games. SO far I have that
As you can see both, title and spinner, shows. Also you can see the arrow on the right which is supposed to expand the list. Problem is that, if I click, only spinner opens, group expand button doesn't. So, here is my question, how can I make both of them work depending on where you click (one or another)??? Is that possible?
Also I must say that if I only place the TextView with the group name works perfect. If I only place the spinner, the problem persists. So I'm guessing that's a focus problem.
Btw: grey areas are the layout backgrounds, so no, they are not hiding behind the button.
I found the solution, I just neede to add this line android:descendantFocusability="blocksDescendants" to the Main Layout of the xml where I define the GroupHeader elements.
Pretty new to android so excuse me if this is a really obvious question.
Say my application has a bunch of TextViews, each one showing the attributes of a certain product (name, price, etc). I have a button next to each of these TextViews labeled "modify".
How do I make it so that when I press the modify button next to a certain attribute, a popup window with a space to enter text into comes up so that the user can enter text into this box and then have the actual attribute listing on the original page change? Actually I just need a push in the right direction with creating this popup text field... not sure if there is already some built in functionality for this or if not, what would be the best way to create this kind of thing.
Why not have the modify button set TextEdit.setEnabled(true); and then change focus with TextEdit.setFocus? Note that both of these are inherited from view
If you really want a dialog you might want to looking into the AlertDialog.Builder. I know you can use it with buttons and radio buttons, but I'm not sure you can get it to work with a TextView.
Use a code like this for the input popup: Android dialog input text
In the positive button handler, set your edittext content programmatically like this:
As simple as that. The only difference with a standard GUI framework is that you don't retrieve the value as a result of the popup function. Instead, you must provide an action handler.
I´ve been working on a project, where the user should be able to choose an option from a spinner and depending on the selection, a specific form should be generated.
Now, I just have one standard android-xml for all the selections, and an onItemSelectedListener for the spinner.
I´m not sure how to get this going. Should I generate all the layout in plain java, or should I make a xml-layout to include in some way?
If I understand it well you want to create a short of configurable form.
To do so you can create a XML layout with all the available options of the form. Then by code, depending on the user selection add or quit elements with the View setVisibility() method and show the layout.
In case you have many forms or they are too big or complex, you can have as many XML layouts as different forms you have and then show one or another based on the user selection.