How to use LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks and CursorLoader for ORMLite? - android

Recently I started using ORMLite for my application. Before I used to use 'ContentProvider' and implement LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<Cursor>. I would create CursorLoader and show the list to user when I have data.
How can I manage that cycle with ORMLite?
I want to create Cursor and get notified when Cursor is ready.


How to refresh spinner from main activity after inserted to sqlite

I working on an aplication that uses rest to get data from mysql to sqlite database. On main activity, I have a spinner and after I synchronize data by pressing seckronize button, data inserted to sqlite but after that when I query data It can not catch result and returns empty cursor. Since cursor requery depracated which method should I use. Maybe loaders but when I try loaders I do not know how to trigger loaders if there is an update in database. I do not want to use content providers.
Can you help me?
Check this out .Its a good tutorial on how to load in background with several useful callback methods

cursor loader for each content provider uri

I'm reading about cursor loaders, and I want to use them to observe changes on my sqlite db and for future use with GCM. I want to ask a simple question, should I make a cursor loader for each URI that I use in my Content provider, or there is a way to make only one general loader that will observe and change on any URI and update the corresponding activity?
To make my question specific to my case, I'll explain what i want to do. I'm making a social media app, so I have a list of feeds list view of which each list item will contain another list view that represents the comments. so I think I'll have two cursor adapters and two loaders, is that right?

When to use a Custom CursorLoader?

In my app I want to show a list of apps that I have placed in an resource file.
I parse the XML(resource) file and then save the value in a SQLiteDatabase. I have implemented my Database inside a ContentProvider. What I want to know is do I need a Custom CursorLoader (should I extend CursorLoader?)? or will CursorLoader itself will be sufficient. I have seen an example, but in this no ContentProvider has been used.
Can someone explain when should I implement a Custom CursorLoader as against using the original one?
(A little unrelated) Also what would be the best practice, to implement a database with or without a ContentProvider?
Thanks in Advance!
There are many ways to implement it -
If using a ContentProvider there is no need to extend the CursorLoader.
If not using a ContentProvider and using a SQLiteDatabase instead, we can extend the CursorLoader with our Custom-Loader and override the loadInBackground() method of CursorLoader and instead of querying the ContentProvider we can query the SQLiteDatabase.
While using a SQLiteDatabase we can extend AsyncTaskLoader, however, this is more tedious method than one specified in 2.

Which flag to use in SimpleCursorAdapter?

I use SimpleCursorAdapter to send data which I read from database to ListView.
SimpleCursorAdapter has 2 flags and one of them is deprecated.
Should I always use FLAG_CONTENT_OBSERVER?
Or is it better to use something else instead of SimpleCursorAdapter?
Read the docs on those flags. FLAG_AUTO_REQUERY is deprecated because with it Cursor queries are performed often in UI thread. You should try to use CursorLoader instead. CursorLoader can automatically requery and deliver data in a background thread.
FLAG_REGISTER_CONTENT_OBSERVER is just registering a content observer on a cursor so you c receive notifications on new data.

Utterly confused about loading SQLite data in Honeycomb (Android)

I am new to android development and I've hit a hurdle when trying to load SQLite data to populate a ListFragment. In previous versions of android one made a new instance of the cursor class, made an SQLite query to place the cursor in the appropriate position, called startManagingCursor, made a new SimpleCursorAdapter and finally called setListAdapter. Pretty darn simple (too bad about the UI thread)!
Now almost all of these methods are deprecated and I have no idea how to populate my poor ListView. The documentation says I should use CursorLoader but here on StackOverflow people advise against using it for SQLite queries. How do I tell my cursor to populate the ListView?
Thanks a lot in advance!
You need to convert you DbAdapter into a Content Provider if you want to use CursorLoaders. and put android:exported= false as a property of your content provider so that it is private. Android team is favoring this approach as they say Content Provider is better suited to handle logic. That is why they are bent on deprecating our old ways( was hard on me too). But I have changed my dbadapters to content providers and now gleefully using cursor loaders( they are too cool not to be used). Try it, generally you will do fine with some more boilerplate code of Content Providers in adition to that of DBadapter and sqliteHelper. GO for it!

